Can people born on/near eclipses be attracted to each other?


Well-known member
The only guy I've ever been intensely attracted to (that's lasted) was born on near a solar eclipse, I was born near a lunar eclipse (both 2-3 degrees off). Btw the signs sextile so not sure if that might have something to do with it...

So just wondered if it was a thing or if anybody's ever heard of it/has experience/has an opinion. It could also just be really good friends too, wondering what effects eclipses could have on relationships in general. Never seen anything on the internet but just wondered on a whim ^-^



Well-known member
From personal experience I'd say yes, but it's not a sexual attraction. I have male friends born under eclipses, and we're friends I think because eclipse folks sometimes 'get' each other, or possibly each other's crazy.

There really isn't any astrology to back that up, though, so take it for what it's worth.