Please help? Natal Chart Interpretation


Hi everyone, I'm going I've been going through an existential crisis for a while now and have some sort of block when it comes to making connections with my own natal chart when I try to relate it as if I am thinking of myself.

Can someone please help me out and bring some guidance as to what my life purpose is or what I am meant to be doing? Maybe some of talents and skills I have which would be beneficial for me to be utilizing? I am feeling very confused right now.

Thanks :)


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Your north node is in the 6th house. You are more comfortable alone, in your own mind. But it in this life time you need to share your mind and get out in the world and serve. You need to do 6th house things to grow. My 9 year old daughter has her north node in 6th house and her sun in 12th house like you. She once told me she was afraid of being alone for the rest of her life. That was definitely a 12th house thing to say. And to say it aloude means she will try not to be alone by making many freinds and always jumping at oppertunity. So bring back that child feeling and go out and budget your time make plans, get healthy because you have a life time of service here on earth a lot if work to be done. Your past life was focused on seclusion and your own spirituality. Now you have to focus on serving others its hard and uncomfortable but rewarding. Also neptune transiting your fist house will confuse everything. So its a cycle and it will be over and you will be fine and able to connect again. I am no professional so take this interpretation lightly and go study north node in 6th house thank you