Sun conjunct Venus (for any sign)-- I have a question.


Well-known member
I keep reading that people with this aspect are usually charming, graceful, are good in social events, magnetic (?), lovers-not-fighters, diplomatic, vain, egoistical, lovers of art, music, poetry, or anything aesthetic, famous and well liked socially, attractive (physically and personality-wise), could attract anything they want or who they want....

Tell me, how true is that?

I understand this could play out differently with different signs and also with different aspects. But in terms of general influence, how much of that is true? Do you feel like you're charming? Do people usually like you? Do you tend to get "lucky" by being charming and attractive? By being poised and graceful? How tied are you to your relationships? Do you think your ego depends on what OTHER PEOPLE think of you? Or how well -loved you are?

I,myself, have this conjunction in just 16 minutes wide of an orb. It's in Scorpio. I'm guessing Sun is considered stronger here than in Venus, but I can still resonate with some of the things I've said above. I can (at least) turn the charm on, but I'm not really dependent or even confident with it either. I don't know if I'm considered physically attractive (because it always depends) but personality wise, yeah maybe. Or maybe not. I tend to be a "people-pleaser" sometimes, so I find myself adjusting to other people's needs just so that they can feel appreciated. I'm very diplomatic, because I hate conflict. I despise it. But this can be very bad for me as well, as I also have the tendency to gloss over things and not resolve them anymore.

But as for love life, do these people have it easy? I... don't. I think I can attract some guys with just my usual eye contact/staring, or by playing hard to get, but my love life is not very active. I've only had 2 significant relationships, but it makes sense because I'm a scorpio and I'll only get myself involved if its the real thing. But other than that, I'm not the kind of girl that makes the guys have "heart eyes" over me, or recieve some flowers and stuff. I sometimes get eye contact with other guys when I walk by or when I'm in the same room. But that's also just natural. Maybe other factors can support this instead of Sun-Venus though.

But generally, how would this play out?


Well-known member
I keep reading that people with this aspect are usually charming, graceful, are good in social events, magnetic (?), lovers-not-fighters, diplomatic, vain, egoistical, lovers of art, music, poetry, or anything aesthetic, famous and well liked socially, attractive (physically and personality-wise), could attract anything they want or who they want....

Tell me, how true is that?

I understand this could play out differently with different signs and also with different aspects. But in terms of general influence, how much of that is true? Do you feel like you're charming? Do people usually like you? Do you tend to get "lucky" by being charming and attractive? By being poised and graceful? How tied are you to your relationships? Do you think your ego depends on what OTHER PEOPLE think of you? Or how well -loved you are?

I,myself, have this conjunction in just 16 minutes wide of an orb. It's in Scorpio. I'm guessing Sun is considered stronger here than in Venus, but I can still resonate with some of the things I've said above. I can (at least) turn the charm on, but I'm not really dependent or even confident with it either. I don't know if I'm considered physically attractive (because it always depends) but personality wise, yeah maybe. Or maybe not. I tend to be a "people-pleaser" sometimes, so I find myself adjusting to other people's needs just so that they can feel appreciated. I'm very diplomatic, because I hate conflict. I despise it. But this can be very bad for me as well, as I also have the tendency to gloss over things and not resolve them anymore.

But as for love life, do these people have it easy? I... don't. I think I can attract some guys with just my usual eye contact/staring, or by playing hard to get, but my love life is not very active. I've only had 2 significant relationships, but it makes sense because I'm a scorpio and I'll only get myself involved if its the real thing. But other than that, I'm not the kind of girl that makes the guys have "heart eyes" over me, or recieve some flowers and stuff. I sometimes get eye contact with other guys when I walk by or when I'm in the same room. But that's also just natural. Maybe other factors can support this instead of Sun-Venus though.

But generally, how would this play out?

I know a young girl with this aspect, conjunction in Cancer, 8th house. She is very popular and charming (without any particular effort), beautiful, all the guys are in love with her, but she is also tender and vulnerable. She does have an artistic talent. She also has some other placements in the chart, that indicate charm and beauty.

This all I can say about this aspect.


Well-known member
I know a young girl with this aspect, conjunction in Cancer, 8th house. She is very popular and charming (without any particular effort), beautiful, all the guys are in love with her, but she is also tender and vulnerable. She does have an artistic talent. She also has some other placements in the chart, that indicate charm and beauty.

This all I can say about this aspect.

Well she does have it in 8th house... probably quite magnetic as well.


Well-known member
I have this conjunction in Leo. I like physical beauty and am generally regarded as physically attractive and refined. Can I get what I want? I've learned in the past few years that this may be possible. I used to draw as a child (I was not good at it) and I enjoy music but am no connoisseur of the arts.

As far as personality, I'll say this: I can get men to cherish me by being fun and flirtatious. Women see only my reserved demeanor. We do not connect.

Does my ego depend on whether others like me? Yes, to a degree. I don't desire to be well-liked in general (too exhausting/intrusive), just in specific ways.

I've never had long-lasting serious relationships, but I'm not comfortable sharing why.


Well-known member
I have this conjunction in Leo. I like physical beauty and am generally regarded as physically attractive and refined. Can I get what I want? I've learned in the past few years that this may be possible. I used to draw as a child (I was not good at it) and I enjoy music but am no connoisseur of the arts.

As far as personality, I'll say this: I can get men to cherish me by being fun and flirtatious. Women see only my reserved demeanor. We do not connect.

Does my ego depend on whether others like me? Yes, to a degree. I don't desire to be well-liked in general (too exhausting/intrusive), just in specific ways.

I've never had long-lasting serious relationships, but I'm not comfortable sharing why.

Ahhh I see. This was insightful.

Despite my generally awkward social skills at first, when I warm up and embrace a more cheerful attitude, I sort of "turn on" the charm like a switch. But only if I'm having fun and it doesn't feel forced. One time I forced it out, it came out too aggressive and weird haha.

I like yours, in Leo. I actually want at least one Leo placement in my personal planets but instead I have Moon in Aquarius conjunct Uranus. Leo is my north node, I'm usually drawn to leo people. I like how fun, warm and playful you guys can be, and also expressive in a good way. You're more guided by the heart and what makes you happy rather than being guided by the mind and rationalize... like the Aquarius. Leos have this regal and dignified charm too. It's amazing.

I have it in Scorpio, so this plays out differently and darker in comparison. They say Scorpio is supposedly a magnetic sign, but I'm not even sure how magnetic I can be. All I know is that I can do the charm and flirt very subtly and it usually makes people smile so all is good.


Active member
So I have this conjunction in Sag in the 10th and I don't think it's been to my advantage at all. People like me initially, but over time only a select few become close friends.

My rising sign is Aquarius and my moon is in Leo, it's not an easy thing having the moon screaming "Pay attention to MEEEE" when you are trying your best not to be the weirdo.


Well-known member
So I have this conjunction in Sag in the 10th and I don't think it's been to my advantage at all. People like me initially, but over time only a select few become close friends.

My rising sign is Aquarius and my moon is in Leo, it's not an easy thing having the moon screaming "Pay attention to MEEEE" when you are trying your best not to be the weirdo.

The dilemma sounds really cute tbh haha! I've got my moon opposing yours and its in my 1st house. I also have that "pay attention to me" thing going on but I'm not sure where it's coming from... but it's a faint influence. The Aquarian overrides this one. I also have 3 planets in my 1st house, nep-ura-moon, and it makes me sort of electric and explosive with my expressions... so I unintentionally gain attention even when i don't want to- may it be good or bad kind. *sighs* also prolly because I'm a weirdo too.

You have it Sag though, you must be really energetic and social still. Usually Saggittarians have a very nice warm and jovial energy about them, so i'm pretty sure most of the people/ all that you meet like you. But of course, it all depends on the person if they choose to have a tight circle of good friends no matter how good they are with socializing.

All the Leo Moons I know in my life are very fun and generous people. They become my close friends easily too (same with other Leo placements). But they don't really ask for attention, they seem to attract it without effort just by being warm and generous and fun.


Well-known member
Sun conjunctions/parallels merge the basic vitality with the the planet's traits.

Sun Venus conjunction in Scorpio would indicate the need for harmony and asthetics, this can apply to many areas of your life including how you interact.
But the sun is not your ascendant, the accurate ascendant will explain personality variances from your planet positions and aspects.