Help with 3 of pentacles


New member

I could use some help here with my tarot reading. I had a simple past, present, future reading. I ask if my ex and I had a future together. Here are my cards:

Past - the tower. I think that speaks to the end of our relationship? Anything else?

Present - the two of swords. I guess that means I am not sure what to do? Any further interpretation?

Future - 3 of pentacles. I have no idea. I have read a lot. Could mean we work well together, we have potential but it will be a slow build up. Could mean I put her on a pedestal. Funny thing is we are co-workers (from what I understand this card could be about work). Help please

Thank you kindly


Well-known member
I think the Tower trumps the other cards. So, the Three of Pentacles could be suggesting that you will be rebuilding and/or reordering your life with finesse and skill.

In other words, it looks like the Tower blew apart and everyone left it, and at the moment you are weighing your options as to what to do (fence sitting because you don't really want to let go or admit it really is over).

Once you do decide to move forward, you do it with great skill and with admiration from others for your abilities and general good luck.

I think it is a very constructive progression that it is showing you.


Well-known member
My interpretation would be the cards are saying the past was tumultuous in some way or there was some shock to some issue. The present says you are at a cross roads. The future says there is work to do but there is progress to be made with persistence. Now I am not sure if you do reverse cards but I do since they color the story better. If the 8 of pent. was reversed it could mean a lot of work without a lot of benefit.


New member
Thanks all for your interpretation. Still a little confused on the reading though. :smile:

No reverse cards at all, all upright. 3 of pentacles for a future reconciliation is a little confusing.