The Final Count Down Is Here


No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.


well there have been constant riots protesting trumps election and it seems that this could led to a race war in this country as demonstrators on both sides are turning violent and talking about more violence.

in recent days more proof and visually sightings are being shown on youtube about the approach of planet X/nibiru as main stream media has picked up the subject.

interestingly, there are reports trump is going to make public what world governments have censored fro years....nibiru will cause catastrophic change on earth and it is near arrival within months
President-Elect Donald Trump To Announce Nibiru Cover Up

Trump Confirms Nibiru!!!!! World news Confirms! Nibiru! Breaking News**

check this thread for more on nibiru



No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.


971:756 wikileaksi/VUsDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu) 18:38:35
I’m one of the 15 WikiLeaks personnel that were raided at the sarne time Julian’s intemet was cut at the Ecuadorian embassy. I was issued a national security letter and a gag order, and all my computer equipment was seized. We had several contingency communication plans in place, and I have been unable to contact Julian or any WikiLeaks personnel except for one through our alternative communication channels.

Julian is rnissing as are rnost of the WikiLeaks personnel that I had regular communications with. WikiLeaks personnel are NOT in control of the official Tvvitter account. The WikiLeaks IAMA on Reddit was NOT conducted by WikiLeaks personnel.
TthreeciDuproesSpaititya:ilzrtahveerialCoonastt prevented the deadman’s switch from being activated. There is a contingency plan, but
There has been an incredible charade to keep up the appearance that Julain is fine. Several trusted people are obviously under duress as I cannot imagine any reason why they would promote the charade.
•wittileakst/VUsDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu) 18:44:44
i Of our infrastructure. Do NOT submit leaks, you WILL be identified.
I will attempt to activate the deadrnan’s switch using the final contingency plan. You vvill have your proof if I succeed.
•Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 184458 ID: 000000 No.8281681 I want proofs. You’re not using tor for example which raises questions.
(this guy is a clown…Tor is US govt funded and all the exit nodes are controlled by security agencies)
• vvikileaks,NUsDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu), exit nodes are owned by intelligence agencies.
•wikileaksINUsDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu) 190147
Ifs very technical and complicated, but long story short, they exploited a loophole we did not consider.
• vvikileaksiNi_isDxRzwY 11/17/16 (Thu)loet that seized rny computer equipment and interrogated me claimed to be CIA and had CIA documentation. I suspect work with the CIA, but the GHCQ will.
I am breaking rny gag order by posting here, and they will try to track me down. I know I am forfeiting rny life by doing this, but I have to warn potential leakers.
• wikileaks1/ViJsDxR,,, 11/17/16 (Thu) 19:32:13
We have hundreds of thousands of emails and documents from secret think tanks. We have proof of child exploitation of children in Haiti and the U.K. by the Clinton Foundation. Child exploitation in EVERY COUNTRY is run by the same people at the top. We have proof that the drug rnarket is controlled by intelligence agencies to fund black projects. We received these leaks from several sources including the NSA, FBI. NYPD, France’s DGSI, Interpol. Scotland Yard, and Switzerlands MND. Our Podesta leaks were automated and they decided to let them continue because they knew the contents and did not deem them a threat to national security, and they wanted to keep up the charade that WikiLeaks was still operational. Phase 3, the Clinton Foundation mails, were also automated, however, they shut these leaks down due to national security (U.S.) security.
The destruction of WikiLeaks was an unprecedented global effort.
• wikileaks,UsENR,, 11/17/16 (Thu)
due to public outrage. The CIA is at war with the NSA due to an exponential rise in technology and surveillance capabilities. The NSA became aware of the CIA’s global governrnent manipulation, especially the manipulation of the U.S. and U.K. governments, and their global child exploitation and blackmail network. The CIA and the people they protect are the old power structure. Phase 3, the Clinton Foundation email, would have dealt a huge blow to the old power structure which is why they prevented the release of the emails at all costs. If there was a, question about Julian’s safety, he would immediately appear at the balcony window to the public. He would not want the reputation and credibility of WikiLeaks to be in question.
Be careful out there.
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No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.


Red Alert: The War on Alternative Media Has Begun

Reports about Facebook’s and Google’s nascent battle against purported “fake news” must be considered in solemn gravity — not because there are bogus articles circulating — but because, in actuality, it constitutes a war on legitimate, factual information and dissenting opinion.

Certainly, many of us grumble when an article about aliens invading New York City passes through our newsfeeds only to be taken seriously — but the so-called “problem” of “fake” news Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is referring to isn’t targeting such vapid content.

What Facebook will target, however, should concern all of us.

After the absurdity that was the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton supporters and establishment Democrats excoriated Zuckerberg for dereliction of duty in failing to remove sham news articles and sites from his wildly popular platform — because, in their eyes, this putative “fake” news literally swung the election toward Donald Trump.

But this seemingly hapless campaign of finger-pointing — the Clinton camp also railed against FBI Director James Comey, among many others, in their search to blame anyone but themselves — has nothing at all to do with inane articles of no worth.

Rather, the new war on “fake” news is simply a poorly-disguised attempt to quash legitimate information unfavorable to the liberal establishment’s agenda — for good.

This perilous course of blanketing, State-sponsored censorship marks what might be the most overarching effort to kill dissenting opinion in decades — perhaps approaching or exceeding the height of the Red Scare and McCarthyism.

Here’s why:

Mark Zuckerberg, a known proponent of establishment narrative and supporter of liberal goals, originally responded to this criticism somewhat rationally, saying the actual percentage of imposter news items is so miniscule, it could not possibly have affected the outcome of the election.

He’s right. Or at least, he was.

“Of all the content on Facebook, more than 99 percent of what people see is authentic. Only a very small amount is fake news and hoaxes,” the Facebook head wrote in a post to his site on Saturday.

“The hoaxes that do exist are not limited to one partisan view, or even to politics. Overall, this makes it extremely unlikely hoaxes changed the outcome of this election in one direction or the other.”​
After the failed Clinton campaign turned and targeted Zuckerberg and Facebook with its bitter wrath of loss, he abruptly switched his tune — and a plan is now underway for how to “cope” with this “fake” news [non] “problem.”

It’s imperative to consider several points concerning Facebook’s burgeoning war — with over one billion users worldwide, no staff would be large enough to combat reports of fraudulent news that will undoubtedly be rolling in soon.

So, the plan? Artificial intelligence — a self-teaching algorithm to identify and remove the supposedly counterfeit news items, and likely relegate the source as a Scarlet Letter verboten site.

But an issue of grave concern has already arisen before the war on fake news even gets off the ground.

Business Insider boasted in a headline “It took only 36 hours for these students to solve Facebook’s fake-news problem” — but there’s a serious problem. Their algorithm failed. Miserably.

In fact, one of the two items touted by Business Insider as proof of the success of the spurious news-slaying algorithm can be proven factually true — nearly verbatim — on the government’s own website.

According to Business Insider, the four students from various top universities participated in a recent hack-a-thon at Princeton University — which Facebook co-sponsored.

In a mere 36 hours, they created an extension for the Chrome browser to ostensibly identify and parse out whether suspicious items constitute legitimate, truthful news, called “FiB: Stop living a lie.”

“It classifies every post, be it pictures (Twitter snapshots), adult content pictures, fake links, malware links, fake news links as verified or non-verified using artificial intelligence,” one of the students told the outlet.

“For links, we take into account the website’s reputation, also query it against malware and phishing websites database and also take the content, search it on Google/Bing, retrieve searches with high confidence and summarize that link and show to the user.

“For pictures like Twitter snapshots, we convert the image to text, use the usernames mentioned in the tweet, to get all tweets of the user and check if current tweet was ever posted by the user.”​
Appearing smug in the article’s lead picture, Nabanita De, a second-year master’s student in computer science student at UMass Amherst; Anant Goel a freshmen in Purdue University; Mark Craft, a sophomore at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and Catherine Craft, a sophomore also at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, all believe they’ve discovered the quick fix to Zuckerberg’s [now] problem.

As an example, the extension identified and marked an article “not verified”; but the article, a report touting findings from the National Cancer Institute which appeared on the government’s National Institute on Drug Abuse site — “Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute” — isn’t fake at all.

From the government’s site, with emphasis added:

“NIH-funded and other researchers are continuing to explore the possible uses of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids for medical treatment.

“For instance, recent animal studies have shown that marijuana extracts may help kill certain cancer cells and reduce the size of others.

“Evidence from one cell culture study suggests that purified extracts from whole-plant marijuana can slow the growth of cancer cells from one of the most serious types of brain tumors.

“Research in mice showed that treatment with purified extracts of THC and CBD, when used with radiation, increased the cancer-killing effects of the radiation.”​

Beyond this one example, and much further to the point, the Democratic establishment is leading the call to abolish “fake” news — a blaring alarm bell for anyone paying attention this election cycle.

A trove of published leaked emails and documents by Wikileaks concerning the Democratic National Committee, campaign chair John Podesta, and Hillary Clinton, proved a staggering degree of corruption and collusion undertaken for years by establishment insiders and corporate media, which, for all intents and purposes, amounted to an attempt to throw the election in their favor.

As the campaign came under heavy fire from all sides, Clintonites were quick to shift blame and try to discredit the mountainous evidence of wrongdoing — first by blaming Wikileaks for trying to throw the election, then by claiming the information being published was fake.

Except it wasn’t.

For nearly the entire duration of its existence, Wikileaks has offered a prize of several hundred thousand dollars for anyone who can prove even a single document it published isn’t authentic.

And that bounty, though challenged from time to time, remains unclaimed.

And now the outgoing Democratic party wants to initiate a war on fake news? Nothing to see here, folks.

“Everyone has the right to say what they want, have access to sites that they want, share what they want,” Obama and Democrat Party insider, Teddy Goff, told Politico — which, incidentally, starred in several damning emails for colluding with the Clinton campaign.

“But a publisher with a record of making stuff up is not likely to rank that highly on Google, and the equivalent ought to be the case on Facebook. […]

“Two, three weeks ago, many of us are beginning to talk about what a big problem this is, both from the campaign and from the administration, and just sort of broader Obama orbit, and are talking about, this is one of the things we would like to take on post-election.

“This is something we were very aware of, saw zero percent chance Facebook was going to be compliant or work with us during the election, but wanted to take on post-election.”​
Recall the aforementioned and justifiable doubt Zuckerberg originally expressed about the nonexistent “problem” of “fake” news — and consider Goff told Politico these ostensibly false news items posted to Facebook painted ‘Clinton as corrupt, criminal or otherwise beyond the political pale.’

In fact, evidence of corruption, media collusion, and highly questionable, if not explicitly criminal, activity now mar Hillary Clinton’s legacy as Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic nominee — not because of bogus reporting.

There was no need for fake items, and — although a few websites certainly blew points out of proportion — the emails, themselves damned Clinton’s campaign.

Thus, the liberal establishment’s war on fake news — for which the head of the largest social media platform has now been roped in — amounts to little more than a witch hunt to silence truthful, but damaging, information.

Information vital to the American public, imperative for making informed choices, and indispensable if this nation is still to be characterized as maintaining even a shred of freedom.

Employing failed algorithms — or even people — is a hopelessly flawed solution to a problem that simply doesn’t exist.

And what will result is a war on alternative, independent media and opposing thought — in all forms.

Considering the insidious, wholly one-sided nature of this plan, it would be errant not to draw parallels to a new McCarthyism.

Indeed, independent media websites likely did help turn the election away from Hillary Clinton — not by posting inane, false garbage, or slanted reporting — but by having the integrity to post the truth about her dealings behind the scenes.

And, where corporate media failed in journalistic integrity and due diligence, alternative sources — led by Wikileaks — excelled.

Had the same vault of information surfaced about Trump, alternative media would have had the same field day — and that’s where the Clintonites have it all wrong.

Fake news — dissenting opinion, opposing viewpoints, a free press — none of that tilted the election.

Unless, of course, by fake news they are referring to corporate media’s submitting articles to the Clinton campaign prior to editors, or Hillary insiders collaborating on articles so ensure the ‘right’ angle was employed — or any of the examples proven in leaked documents.

Nominating Hillary when a veritable revolution erupted behind Bernie Sanders, however, did.

It would behoove them to turn tail, learn the lesson, and walk away, instead of imposing a blanketing and unnecessary campaign of censorship against “fake” news when the truth is a bitter pill to swallow.

Meanwhile, the Mainstream Media has been caught faking news countless times, which had serious consequences worldwide:
. CNN caught producing fake news during the Gulf War
2. CNN caught producing fake news during the Syrian conflict
3. CNN caught producing fake news during Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon "Bombing"
4. Former CNN journalist: "CNN is paid by foreign and domestic government agencies for specific content"
5. FOX News - and all other news agencies - are 'corporate persons' and can LEGALLY LIE their viewers
6. New York Times openly admits MSM stories are scripted by the White House
7. MSM censored/ignored a shocking admission of highest level Turkish false flag against Syria, which would have triggered a war between the two nations
8. 4 Examples of Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War
9. BBC Journalist Comes Clean: 'Believe Nothing You Read Or Watch'


well there have been constant riots protesting trumps election and it seems that this could led to a race war in this country as demonstrators on both sides are turning violent and talking about more violence.

in recent days more proof and visually sightings are being shown on youtube about the approach of planet X/nibiru as main stream media has picked up the subject.

interestingly, there are reports trump is going to make public what world governments have censored fro years....nibiru will cause catastrophic change on earth and it is near arrival within months
President-Elect Donald Trump To Announce Nibiru Cover Up

Trump Confirms Nibiru!!!!! World news Confirms! Nibiru! Breaking News**

check this thread for more on nibiru


Nov 18 ��.Something Very Scary is Happening WORLDWIDE! Anti Trump Protests Are Sweeping The Globe!



I have had a post deleted on this thread already
the deleted post simply said have I correlated the 8-9th virgo/pisces xis with Jewish friends and with political fortunes of Israel.

the south node is a power point.

true to form israel has indeed take a forceful stand.

NEO – Netanyahu Scuttles Trump’s Russian Rapprochement

Ex-CIA chief: Trump will usher in new age in US-Israel relations
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I have had a post deleted on this thread already
the deleted post simply said have I correlated the 8-9th virgo/pisces axis with Jewish friends and with political fortunes of Israel.
and when Neptune transitted the south node, isreal should trake alarger role in world faffairs

the south node is a power point.

true to form israel has indeed take a forceful stand.

NEO – Netanyahu Scuttles Trump’s Russian Rapprochement

Ex-CIA chief: Trump will usher in new age in US-Israel relations



John McCain to Donald Trump: 'Don’t You Dare Make Peace with Russia!'

We reported yesterday on the telephone call between US president-elect Trump and Russian president Putin, where the current and future presidents discussed the need to set aside differences and look to more constructive future relations.

With serious observers of this past year's increasing tensions between US and Russia openly worrying about a nuclear war breaking out, with some 300,000 NATO troops placed on Russia's border, with sanctions hurting average businesspersons on both sides, a normal person might look at the slight thaw in Cold War 2.0 as an early positive indicator of the end of the Obama Era.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) begs to differ.

Anti-Drug Sen. John McCain’s Fundraiser Caught Operating Meth Lab, Dealing Heroin & Cocaine

United States Senator John McCain is conducting damage control after a staff member of his re-election fundraising campaign was arrested Tuesday.

by Matt Agorist

Emily Pitha, 34 was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of drug charges after Maricopa County sheriff’s deputies raided her home and found an active meth lab along with other illicit drugs.

Immediately following the bust, McCain’s campaign fired Pitha and issued a statement decrying her actions.


the south node is can be source of the energy or black magic and with Neptune conjunct the node, the black magic of illusions, racisms and perversion have great strength. we are witnessing society fall under the boots of magician controlled fascism and depravity.




I have had a post deleted on this thread already
the deleted post simply said have I correlated the 8-9th virgo/pisces axis with Jewish friends and with political fortunes of Israel.

the south node is a power point.

true to form israel has indeed take a forceful stand.

NEO – Netanyahu Scuttles Trump’s Russian Rapprochement

Ex-CIA chief: Trump will usher in new age in US-Israel relations

as I have posted historically the sign of pisces has been connected to Judaism.
since the souith node was conjunct Neptune,pisces rukler ,it seemed only coherent that netayahu and the likuf kabballist would strengthen under thisi transit.
and so it is.
under the cover off the ridiculous perverse presidential election, netayahu has moved the capital of Israel from tel aviv to Jerusalem. not one opposition has come from The Donald, obama ben Kenya or Loosey Hillary .
the question of making Jerusalem the capital of Israel, a disturbingly lawless move, has simply been ignored. so the true purpose of the psychotic presidential campaigns is now clear. after all The Donald's foundation has given money to Zionist organizations that continue to establish illegal settlements on Palestinian land. of course this will all become moot when their are not more Palestinians as Netanyahu has in mind.

Israel Made 2016 Deadliest Year for Palestine in a Decade
Israeli forces killed more than 100 people, including 33 children, in 2016, marking the highest numbers of deaths in Palestine in a decade.

No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.

truly Neptune conjunct the south node has brought out the perversity of pedophilia among the elite and the politicians as well has entering into an age when genocide will be accepted policy.



Well-known member
as I have posted historically the sign of pisces has been connected to Judaism.
since the souith node was conjunct Neptune,pisces rukler ,it seemed only coherent that netayahu and the likuf kabballist would strengthen under thisi transit.
and so it is.
under the cover off the ridiculous perverse presidential election, netayahu has moved the capital of Israel from tel aviv to Jerusalem. not one opposition has come from The Donald, obama ben Kenya or Loosey Hillary .
the question of making Jerusalem the capital of Israel, a disturbingly lawless move, has simply been ignored. so the true purpose of the psychotic presidential campaigns is now clear. after all The Donald's foundation has given money to Zionist organizations that continue to establish illegal settlements on Palestinian land. of course this will all become moot when their are not more Palestinians as Netanyahu has in mind.

Israel Made 2016 Deadliest Year for Palestine in a Decade
Israeli forces killed more than 100 people, including 33 children, in 2016, marking the highest numbers of deaths in Palestine in a decade.

No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.

truly Neptune conjunct the south node has brought out the perversity of pedophilia among the elite and the politicians as well has entering into an age when genocide will be accepted policy.


What about the Israeli's killed by Palestinians ? Are they not to be included in your count?

World Report 2016: Israel/Palestine | Human Rights Watch
Overall, Palestinians killed at least 17 Israeli civilians and 3 Israeli soldiers, and .... appeared to shoot multiple times suspected attackers who were lying on the ...


What about the Israeli's killed by Palestinians ? Are they not to be included in your count?

World Report 2016: Israel/Palestine | Human Rights Watch
Overall, Palestinians killed at least 17 Israeli civilians and 3 Israeli soldiers, and .... appeared to shoot multiple times suspected attackers who were lying on the ...

somehow when Israel employs the newest weapons(stealth jet fighters) and takes Palestinian lands that every agreement since the Belfour declaration in 1917 says should be a palestianian state... it is not quite the same thing. throwing rocks at uzis to protect what little land they still have is a ridiculous comparison on your part.
no legal agreement has ever given Israel the right to take Jerusalem as its capital. Netanyahu is breaking every treaty and accord that has ever been signed. well, since the united states government signed 257 treaties with native Americans.... and broke every one of those treaty... Netanyahu has a precedent to commit genocide too.



No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.

since this post a few incidents have occurred reinforcing this view.
of course the first is the pedophiia scandal and coverup going on. this is classic Neptune south node energy. perversion decadence and lies.

then we have the appearance of ther fake news concept. this is a function of the pizzagate coverup because the main stream media can not deny the facts of the case, so now the MSM has created doubt to all revelations that have tried to censor by calling these issues fake news. fake news and therefore they do not have to talk about these issues any more. it is very ironic that the Rothschild controlled media has created a "fake news" issues, when the establishment media has for years provided fake news as real.
the clearest example is they fact that all wars since at least the Spanish American war were started by false flag incidents. that is the media/government created incidents to force the acceptance of war or escalation of war.

and now the Donald ,Prez of the US is using the new found concept of fake news to dismiss anything that he disagrees about.
these concept deception and falsity all fall under the provenance of Neptune conjunct the south node.

then thereis Netanyahu and the Rothschild likud front. as I have posted here, pisces has traditionaly rule judiasm and with Neptune in pisces conjunct the south node, Netanyahu is turning the Mideast history upside down. all the flak of the election campaign between Hillary and trump has just been a cover to proceed with establishing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and essentially committing cultural genocide on the Palestinians. there will be no Palestinian state, even though every negotiation since the Balfour declaration in 1917 has mandated a Palestinian states along side an jewish state. but as Neptune conjuncts the south node in pisces, these good intentions are now just lies perpetrated so the rothschilds can have a fiefdom from which to control the middles east if not the world.

in addition genetically altered diseases will continue to be released into the population. The hidden agenda by pharmaceutical corporations to make profits on death.

it is al timing and with Neptune in pisces the time has come to reveal the deceptions.

expect the near historical period to be a litany of past history just being a continuum of false flags.

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the Neptune south node conjunction has brought the concept of fake news to the fore... and guess what the Prez Donald in now engaging in this new for of entertainment of false news to declare Obama be Kenya wired tapped his phones....yet there is absolutely no evidence other than the Donald bombastic twitter posts.
we are truly in the end of times or sane times at least



Well-known member
Lee Camp explains how scientists are gearing up to geoengineer the Earth’s atmosphere.
When scientists consider a serious alternative to taking emissions and climate change seriously
what could go wrong after we pump aerosol injections 20 kilometers into the sky?
Nothing, right? RIGHT?

Companies have started inserting microchips into the hands of their employees :smile:
Little will remain of privacy after the company can track your every movement
and after the government and hackers take advantage of this new technology.
John F. O’Donnell joins Lee at the desk to reveals what’s behind the new North Carolina anti-LGBTQ law HB2
known as the "bathroom bill."
Did North Carolina finally agree to more tolerance or will there be extra security on the bathroom line?
Naomi Karavani covers the recent disappearance of the drone tracking app “Metadata Plus” from the Apple App store
and how new technology might be used to enlighten Americans or keep us in the dark.


Originally Posted by rahu
since this post a few incidents have occurred reinforcing this view.
of course the first is the pedophiia scandal and coverup going on. this is classic Neptune south node energy. perversion decadence and lies.

then we have the appearance of ther fake news concept. this is a function of the pizzagate coverup because the main stream media can not deny the facts of the case, so now the MSM has created doubt to all revelations that have tried to censor by calling these issues fake news. fake news and therefore they do not have to talk about these issues any more. it is very ironic that the Rothschild controlled media has created a "fake news" issues, when the establishment media has for years provided fake news as real.
the clearest example is they fact that all wars since at least the Spanish American war were started by false flag incidents. that is the media/government created incidents to force the acceptance of war or escalation of war.

and now the Donald ,Prez of the US is using the new found concept of fake news to dismiss anything that he disagrees about.
these concept deception and falsity all fall under the provenance of Neptune conjunct the south node.

then thereis Netanyahu and the Rothschild likud front. as I have posted here, pisces has traditionaly rule judiasm and with Neptune in pisces conjunct the south node, Netanyahu is turning the Mideast history upside down. all the flak of the election campaign between Hillary and trump has just been a cover to proceed with establishing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and essentially committing cultural genocide on the Palestinians. there will be no Palestinian state, even though every negotiation since the Balfour declaration in 1917 has mandated a Palestinian states along side an jewish state. but as Neptune conjuncts the south node in pisces, these good intentions are now just lies perpetrated so the rothschilds can have a fiefdom from which to control the middles east if not the world.

in addition genetically altered diseases will continue to be released into the population. The hidden agenda by pharmaceutical corporations to make profits on death.

it is al timing and with Neptune in pisces the time has come to reveal the deceptions.

expect the near historical period to be a litany of past history just being a continuum of false flags.

amid all the saber rattling and chemical attacks and missle attacks...the Rothschild main stream media has ignored the fact that putin and russia now acknowledge Jerusalem the capital of Israel. and still the USA and russia pretend they are on oppsoite sides.
A British dictionary publisher has named “fake news” as its “word of the year” in honor of President Trump’s frequently used words to attack the media.
“The Word of the Year campaign is a chance to reflect on the words that have defined the last 12 months and we can reveal that the 2017 winner is….FAKE NEWS,” Collins Dictionary on its site to announce the new word.
It said the term “fake news” saw an “unprecedented usage increase 365% since 2016.”
“It has been derided by the leader of the free world and accused of influencing elections, but ‘fake news’ is today legitimate news as it is named Collins’ Word of the Year 2017,” the U.K.-based publisher said in a statement.
The dictionary defined “fake news” as “false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting.”
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(scientist want to continue chemtrail spraying to save the coral from too much sunlight. now that Rothschild corporations have coated the world with nano aluminum oxide and as now all the chemtrails conspiracy theorist have been proven correct once again, the demonic corporations want to finish killing of the ocean life by covering the oceans with aluminum oxide. aluminum oxide has already raise the rate Alzheimer's disease and the autism rate over 10,000 % in Humboldt country.
this was made known a a county commissionaires meeting in Humboldt county3 years ago.
the Rothschild population decimation is going on world wide . rahu)
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No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.


from the newly released kennedy assassination papers, we know that the CIA and the joint chiefs of staff had a plan to blowup a plane with civilians and blame it on the Cubans.

and CIAs/mossad involvement with middle eastern drug cartel are revealed in the book, Gideons Spys the Secret History of the Mossad ,that on board a pan am 103 that blew up on dec 21,1988 over lockerie scotland were 8 US intelligence officers.4 CIA operatives and 4 US Army operatives,lead by army major Charles McKee. McKee was in the middle east to sounding out a arm for hostage exchange with iran . what he found was that a rogue CIA group called COREA was protecting middle east drug dealers and facilitating the transfer of drugs into the US. mossad at this time was clandestinely selling weapons they had got from the US, to the Iranians ,the scenario given about the Libyan connection is total fabrication just as the lone shooter in las vegas is a fraud. both incidents were covering up the CIA/mossad dealing weapons and drugs to the "terrorist".(

major McKee had documentation about all these illegal activities and was on his way back to Washington to expose the cia/mossad. McKee had two suitcases, one was never found and is assumed to be the suitcase with the bomb. his other suitcase was recovered amazingly unscathed. and the cia took this suitcase for inspection. they returned it to the Scottish investigators and it was found empty. why did McKee travel with a empty suitcase. obviously the documentation he had was in this suit case. it is assumed that terrorist/mossad/cia had a operative switch luggage when the passengers changed planes.
the mossad tipped off the German secret service,BKA ,that a bomb might have been placed on the airplane.
during the investigation when mossad was asked to explain how they knew there was a bomb.... the entire inquiry was squashed under the pretext of "national security". the mossad had to help plant the bomb to erase any possibility of a disclosure or their selling jets to iran.

this is exactly the dynamics that caused the coverup of the las vegas shootings. the cia/and mossad were selling arms to ISIS and laundering the money through the las vegas mafia.

no conspiracy to murder innocent people is too far fetched in light of the existence of this mindset for decades among the fascist intelligence agencies.

it seems all evil is shining in the same direction.


Originally Posted by rahu
No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.


No matter whether you see an abyss or a peak,
whether you are as decadent as the devil, or you hear God speak,
Whether you are fated to fall, or become divine,
All suspense is strung when the Dragon's tail and Neptune entwine,
So wait for the stars on the 17th of November,
This night; this year - you will surely remember.

As the release of the Kennedy assassination confirms the probability of more than one assassin , the conspiracy theorist have won the primal “Conspiracy” about kennedy’s death.for so ,many years the elitist propaganda has inculcate the acceptance of overt lies to the populus through the press. It seems the conditioning has proved so effective that the modern populus gives no thought to the lesser deaths of those surrounding the current political thespians in Washington. The deaths surrounding Obama and his fraudulent birth certificate, some 60 odd death lying by besides hillary’s trail,the ad hoc lies of trump hostility, to the 95%population reduction that Rothschilds, gates and the UN are implementing.



I have had a post deleted on this thread already
the deleted post simply said have I correlated the 8-9th virgo/pisces xis with Jewish friends and with political fortunes of Israel.

the south node is a power point.

true to form israel has indeed take a forceful stand.

No matter whether you see a abyss or peak,
whether you see decadence or divinity, god or the devil, the suspense will be over when the Dragon's Tail joins with Neptune on November 17 th 2016.

The Israelification of Dickinson, Texas
Max Blumenthal, author of the New York Times bestseller Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel and former writer for the Daily Beast, wrote that the “Israelification of American Domestic Policy[/URL]” was in full bloom in 2011. In 2012, Gordon Duff declared almost the same thing:
Slowly, every police department in the United States[/URL], at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], is being trained by Israeli groups. As part of this training, there is an increased move to use of military uniforms, armored vehicles, heavy weapons, illegal surveillance, lying to the people, press and courts and systematic interference in the electoral system…”
This has thoroughly been documented. But if you think that this diabolical process is over, if you think that decent Americans are no longer being manipulated by a Talmudic entity known as Israel, then think again. Dickinson may change your mind.
Dickinson is located in Texas, which was recently devastated by Hurricane Harvey. The city has about 18,000 people, and “Ninety percent of the city was flooded during the storm and 50% was destroyed by flooding.”
People are still suffering. Now here is the rub: in order to get aid from the government, the people living in the city have to fill out an application which specifically says that they are not going to boycott Israel! The application can be found online, and here is what it says under agreement number 11:
Verification not to Boycott Israel.[/URL] By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement.”
How did we get here? Well, this is what the Dallas News reported:
The law, which is similiar to laws in at least[/URL] a dozen other states, took effect Sept. 1. In January 2016, Gov. Greg Abbott met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem and said that he wanted legislators to work to approve such a ban. When he signed the bill into law in May he said that “any anti-Israel policy is an ‘anti-Texas policy.’”

Slowly, every police department in the United States[/URL], at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], is being trained by Israeli groups.
the mossad and CIA now control the worlds drug supply.
this started wwith cia/mossad the assassinations of the moscone/Italian mafia and the milk gay cartel in san Francisco in 1978 reply#5 and reply #21

in the early 2000's the CIA wanted to have a agent in evrry pooice station in the USA. this was not for internal security, it was tospread their drug dealing to all th epolice forces in the country. this has been largely accomplished. very police force in the country is rife with corruption and drug dealing.

In the late 80’s the cia decided to start controlling all drug dealing in the u.s.a
So they started in Amarillo by having gangs of armed and masked agents break into drug dealer homes . they didn’t take anything or kill anyone but simple told the dealer to stop their drug dealing. Well there was a mass outflow of drug dealers. The only drug dealers that were immune were those who had connection to the police. This trend has continued till today and now every police force in the country has drugs moving through their departments. At one point he cia proposed to have an agent in every police department in the nation, ostensibly for terrorist related activities, but to facilitate their control of the drug trade The cia also made connection with selected biker gangs to get a portions of these revenue.
In the early 2000’s , with mossad contractors the cia sent moles in to these same cities they had already compromised and had these mossad agent bust he connections that the cia had set up previously set the pampa , mossad subcontractors were sent in to infiltrate the existing cia drug affliations and bust them. Hence before the change of drug depots was made, the district attorney was busted for possession of amphetamines and weapons. The cia could not directly alter their agreements so they had”moles” enter the cities and find evidence to bust the existing dealers,whether or not they had political and police connections.
In early 2000s there were a spate of district attorney and other high official all around the texas panhandle who were busted.
The son of the sheriff of Amarillo was busted for a meth lab, in 2004. he had been tagged by the same mossad agent had sold him methamphetamine. But as the son could not conceptualize that he had been set up by his cia connection, he was given adjudicated probation for setting up another meth manufacturer. The person he set up was the one he mistakenly thought had set him up.ajudacated probation means after a grace period . all his criminal records are cleansed.
The cia/mossad also formented internal gang/mafia warfare. In Amarillo the Mexican mafia had control of heroin and coke. But the cia/mossad introduced Ice/methamphetamine to another branch of the mafia . and then stole drugs from one branch and blamed it on the other branch.
This tactic worked throughout the u.s. aasfbi statisitics showed an alarming and steep rise in violent crime,mostly in small towns, in the early 2000’s. but further analysis showed that this was inter gang warfare. All instigated by the cia/mossad to gain control over the drug the close of the first decade of 2000 ,90 % of the drug trade was under cia/mossad jurisdiction. The only glitch has been methamphetamines, as this drug can be manufactured by small groups. This is the reason the mossad/Israeli’s have moved into the production of Ice, a genetically engineered methamphetamine. They are the only ones who have ice . and Ice is always distributed by the mossad/ cia.

now that the mossad has taken control of drugs from the CIA. the mossad is actively setting up their drug distribution to the police forces in the US. this is what is behind the Zionization of our police.
US Police – Army of Zionist Occupation?
When McKinney, TX police officer David Eric Casebolt brutally took down a teenage girl at a pool party in June 2015, he was using a form of martial arts called Krav Maga in which he trained exclusively. These combat techniques were developed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
[SIZE=+0]This is a small reflection of a larger reality that exists in U.S. law enforcement, one that helps explain the brutality and militarization that now characterizes so many police forces. Since 9/11, cops have been traveling abroad to learn from one of the most repressive and dangerous State forces in the world today–the Israeli military and intelligence apparatus.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+0]Political commentator John Miranda recently stated that police brutality is directly linked to the training some officers receive in Israel.[/SIZE]
[/SIZE][SIZE=+0]“As for the increase in police brutality within the United States, I think this definitely can be pointed towards the Israeli training that the Department of Homeland Security is giving all of American police officers. [/SIZE]Some police officers are actually being flown to Israel for the training, not all of them but some, and then those that are flown to Israel, they come back home and they train the head officers in the training that they’ve gotten in Israel. All these incidents, it is not just happening to African Americans. Police are literally being brutal with all Americans.”

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