To advanced Astrologers -Advice & Recommendations?

Piscean Pixie

Well-known member

I just wanted to ask all the advanced astrologers or professional astrologers how they got where they are. Everyone starts as a beginner and I wanted to know out of curiousity how you got to be so good!
Did you do a course? Or did you teach yourself, If so what books or websites helped you the most?

I have noticed online that you don't have to do a course to become qualified but as long as you can pass the examination at the Astrologers Federation you can become qualified/professional.. I am still quite young and have such a strong interest that I want to become advanced, I have been reading books and on forums and believe the more charts I do the more I'll learn but not sure if this will be enough to eventually pass the exam. What do you think? Do you think its beneficial to do a course?


Well-known member
It sounds like you need to enrol for a course. Look in your area (online and at new age stores) if there is anyone around who gives astrology courses. If not, an online course would be good too. I am a beginner too and although I enjoy online reading and learning, studying in a group is a lot of fun and actually learning all the details from scratch is very beneficial. You can miss a lot of details if you study on your own, take it from me. Perhaps you could give us a hint where you live and someone might have a reference for you.

all the best
a fellow Piscean
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