What would pluto rule in regards to the 4th house


Well-known member
I am trying to figure this out I have pluto in 8th house Scorpio inconjunct the IC of my chart. According to astrology.com it is my most powerful planet. Anyways so growing up I wasn't taught to express it and my parents suppressed it leading to a lot of anger on my part. However I secretly expressed pluto things growing up and always was interested in those things. Its just a part of me true but I feel boom my power is gone to be my authentic self around family. I express it great on my own though along with Jupiter and the moon. I just feel this aspect means that expression is not understood by my family and hated


Active member
Thought I would take a shot at this :) just an suggestion - a must read book is Judy Hall's the Hades moon. Awesome, and the most intense book ever. All about Pluto, and plutonian/moon themes. My daughter was born with pluto right on the IC, a few degrees of separation. Pluto in the 4th rules family karma, Old patterns of domination & manipulation, usually intense power strugles with the mother, dark secrets along the mother's ancestral line. And transits to this aspect, would shed light on hidden family secrets. And in my daughter's case, she lost her father at a very young age of 1, so it might also suggest death of a parent near the IC, or the absence of a parent. Repairs to the home, especially plumbing issues, and mainly in the bathrooms. On a positive note, Pluto in the 4th suggests no matter what, we/family will survive and get through it, due to deep strong roots, and survival instinct....hope this helps :) some of this info is from Judy's book, and the rest is due to experience :).

Currently transiting pluto in my 4th.
And my daughter born with pluto conjunt her IC, (2 degs orb separating)