should I kill myself now or wait?

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Well-known member
Anything good gonna happen to me anytime soon?
Iv'e decided to hold on untill September and if my life still ***** by then i'm gonna get it over with. I'm not depressed or sad, I've actually been pretty cheerful lately. I just can't find one good reason to keep going through this nothingness. I'm pretty much a liability to everyone I know, can't find a job, can't get any money, everyone I know either hates me or laughs at me, my love life has been in ruins for ages and generally nothing good ever happens to me and sober life is so boring it hurts, but I can't even stand alchohol and drugs anymore. All I have is my good looks but that doesnt really matter when you don't get out of the house (I live in a hole in the middle of nowhere and can't even afford bus money). Does anyone see a pending miracle in my chart? please help me.



Staff member
Get help off the forum, to oscar


This is NOT a suicide counseling station, it does not pretend to be, it does not have the right people, it is not staffed appropriately, it simply doesn't have the ability to give you the help you need. For that reason, the sooner you look AWAY from this forum, the sooner you can look for help in an area where people are going to give you the help they need.

But it CAN point people in the right direction. Our Forum members suggest these links:

Get help and get well,


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