Venus in Aquarius


Well-known member
Being born in certain (unfortunate) circumstances also has to do with the native's own karma in one of the past incarnations. They seem like victims and we feel sad for them, and it indeed is said, but it all is one's own web of karma. We cannot remember our past lives, so we feel life is so unfair to some and too kind to others, but that is not the way it works.

I strongly, strongly suggest reading The Gita if one really wants to understand the whole concept in its entirety. There are no victims.

Even if this may be so, I don't like seeing ppl suffer at all. I understand it could very well be karma but only because it was part of destiny. Everyone has a role to play as given to them and every time we incarnate we change roles which means we get to play each character.


Well-known member
I consider Saturn as a perpetrator under current and past Age -conditions. But, it's nothing personal. Some are able to avoid being too badly victimized, some aren't. But painting a smily on Saturn, and believing this is just the way "it is, and is meant to be" doesn't work for me.
Not sure if I am not doing a good job at explaining it, or if it is simply the unwillingness to accept it (to each their own), but for those here that want to understand it, I will have another go at it!
David, you keep saying, you are not ready to accept if "that is the way it is meant to be". Who said it is simply meant to be that way? The concept is: you yourself are creating your very own destiny with your very own karma/deeds!!! THAT is the formula!!! This has been always happening and will continue to happen until you attain moksha! Again, you yourself picked your very own parents, situations, etc. We do not remember our past incarnations so when things are not going well, we like to call ourselves victims, blame life for being unfair to us (but fair to others) and often forget our dharma/duty, which is usually the tougher option. In doing so itself we have done karma and again written our own destiny further. Every living moment you are authoring your own book. No one but you yourself!

david starling

Well-known member
I'm saying the karmic system as it currently works, which you've so excellently described, is both Saturnian-ruled AND Saturn-created.
Nice racket--first, create a situation in which mistakes are bound to occur, and then punish those who make them. And, you're telling me this will never change, just accept it as a given. The Aquarian Age is all about changing this very thing. In the meantime, you've given excellent advice in how to best function in the karmic system as it is now.


Well-known member
I'm saying the karmic system as it currently works, which you've so excellently described, is both Saturnian-ruled AND Saturn-created.
Nice racket--first, create a situation in which mistakes are bound to occur, and then punish those who make them. And, you're telling me this will never change, just accept it as a given. The Aquarian Age is all about changing this very thing. In the meantime, you've given excellent advice in how to best function in the karmic system as it is now.
Who creates the situation in which mistakes are bound to happen?? What I am trying to explain here, as I did on the karma thread even, is that you are put in a particular situation because of your past karmas! You get an alcoholic spouse not so you can shout back st him and divorce him and then say I was put in that situation, play victim, and so I slapped him in a fit of anger one day! You get that spouse because you have some unfinished business with him from a previous life! Perhaps you are supposed to show patience and get him treatment and help him thru his rehab in this life! Perhaps he took care of you in a previous life but you left him for another! Now you've accrued debt.
That is also the very reason why patterns repeat in one's life unless they learn their lessons! It is typical victim mentality to say: first put in a bad situation! So you haven't read the book l and perhaps you should enlighten your mind first ! No offence intended, but you are refuting things without being able to explain the contrary. Simply saying, "I don't buy into it", doesn't help.
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Well-known member
Even if this may be so, I don't like seeing ppl suffer at all. I understand it could very well be karma but only because it was part of destiny. Everyone has a role to play as given to them and every time we incarnate we change roles which means we get to play each character.
I have two personal planets in Pisces, neither do I like to see people, or animals suffer. Another reason to straighten up and keep your karma right.

david starling

Well-known member
Who creates the situation in which mistakes are bound to happen?? What I am trying to explain here, as I did on the karma thread even, is that you are put in a particular situation because of your past karmas! You get an alcoholic spouse not so you can shout back st him and divorce him and then say I was put in that situation, play victim, and so I slapped him in a fit of anger one day! You get that spouse because you have some unfinished business with him from a previous life! Perhaps you are supposed to show patience and get him treatment and help him thru his rehab in this life! Perhaps he took care of you in a previous life but you left him for another! Now you've accrued debt.
That is also the very reason why patterns repeat in one's life unless they learn their lessons! It is typical victim mentality to say: first put in a bad situation! So you haven't read the book l and perhaps you should enlighten your mind first ! No offence intended, but you are refuting things without being able to explain the contrary. Simply saying, "I don't buy into it", doesn't help.

Go back to one's first life. Do we start out with a clean "karmic slate"?


Well-known member
Good point. Even if it's just a parable, what's your take on it, Aquarius 7000? Doesn't make sense to me, except as an excuse to blame all our problems on a woman. Like the Pandora's Box story.
Do I hear Satan talking there?:devil: Blame it on a woman?:sick::w00t:

I don't know where my start was or when my end will be, but I sure am working towards my end, i.e. moksha, my release from this misery of birth and rebirth. I take responsibility for all my actions and also my actions from the past, which leads me to challenges in this life. I have to accept them and make the best call per what I understand to be my dharma/duty. That determines my action/karma. And, best to do that without expectations. The rest shall all unfold on its own. Those are the 2-3 sentences that are the essence of The Bhagavad Gita.:):)

david starling

Well-known member
Do I hear Satan talking there?:devil: Blame it on a woman?:sick::w00t:

I don't know where my start was or when my end will be, but I sure am working towards my end, i.e. moksha, my release from this misery of birth and rebirth. I take responsibility for all my actions and also my actions from the past, which leads me to challenges in this life. I have to accept them and make the best call per what I understand to be my dharma/duty. That determines my action/karma. And, best to do that without expectations. The rest shall all unfold on its own. Those are the 2-3 sentences that are the essence of The Bhagavad Gita.:):)

Some blame it on Satan, as the serpent, some blame it God for putting them in that situation in the first place, knowing they would mess up and that He could punish them for it. But, patriarchal religion blames the woman for being disobedient. I think it's a made up story, myself.
At some point, you must have been free of bad karma. Now, if you had free will, why would you choose to act in such a way as to be punished for it? Applies to everyone. I agree with you that we have to accept things as they are now, and act as best we can without expectation of being rewarded for it. I call it "a Blessing", when I'm able to do something good for someone. Makes me feel more worthwhile.


Well-known member
Some people need a structured belief system to navigate their lives. There isn't anything wrong with that... to each his own. It just starts to taste bad for me when a belief system begins to criticize other belief systems or justify harm for other people.

It's fine if conceptualizing a system of debts/credits (karma) helps some people find meaning in their lives. But the focus should be on your own life rather than investing so much energy into casting judgments upon others. Focusing on whether or not others have any karma due according to a school of spirituality seems like an act of bad karma in itself. Nobody has the right to act like a supreme authority or god, worthy of making such judgments upon others.

Whatever people want to believe is fine with me. But I think it's rather simple. The universe is amazing. It's more powerful and vast than any human could ever comprehend due to our limited brain capacities. So just try your best to not be a b1tch. Follow the light. Simple.

david starling

Well-known member
Disobedient women? Finally. An interesting topic.

What about it? :biggrin:

I equate Pallas Athena with the Sign Virgo. She was the premier Virgin goddess. Story goes, she stepped fully grown, and armed, from the "brow of Zeus", ready to fight beside him. She was the only one he trusted with his shield and thunderbolts. As a goddess, she was worshipped in all the Greek city-states, but Athens was her personal domicile, and the Parthenon (from Greek for "Virgin") was built in her honor. Goddess of practical wisdom, crafts, agriculture, war in defense of the city-state, and victory (Nike was her winged messenger, announcing her choice of victor). If I'm right, Virgo is a vastly underrated Sign.
Anyhow, she was a frequently disobedient daughter to Zeus, but, he doted on her, and this made the other gods (and goddesses) jealous.
Here's an anecdotal occurrence that happened soon after I made the Virgo/Athena connection: The Chart I was reading was for a young woman with Sun in Virgo, and a LOT of Jupiter influence, with Jupiter (Zeus) as her Chart-ruler. So, I told her, no offense but according to this, you're a "daddy's girl". She rolled up her sleeve and there was a tattoo, in stylish lettering, "Daddy's Girl". Of course I considered that an affirmation. :biggrin:


Well-known member
I equate Pallas Athena with the Sign Virgo. She was the premier Virgin goddess. Story goes, she stepped fully grown, and armed, from the "brow of Zeus", ready to fight beside him. She was the only one he trusted with his shield and thunderbolts. As a goddess, she was worshipped in all the Greek city-states, but Athens was her personal domicile, and the Parthenon (from Greek for "Virgin") was built in her honor. Goddess of practical wisdom, crafts, agriculture, war in defense of the city-state, and victory (Nike was her winged messenger, announcing her choice of victor). If I'm right, Virgo is a vastly underrated Sign.
Anyhow, she was a frequently disobedient daughter to Zeus, but, he doted on her, and this made the other gods (and goddesses) jealous.
Here's an anecdotal occurrence that happened soon after I made the Virgo/Athena connection: The Chart I was reading was for a young woman with Sun in Virgo, and a LOT of Jupiter influence, with Jupiter (Zeus) as her Chart-ruler. So, I told her, no offense but according to this, you're a "daddy's girl". She rolled up her sleeve and there was a tattoo, in stylish lettering, "Daddy's Girl". Of course I considered that an affirmation. :biggrin:

I loved this story so much that I read it three times. :)

Then I created a thread for Gem NNs so that all of you will have a special place to rant, tell stories, or do whatever you want Hermes to do.... and let it be a special treat for everyone else.
Dated three men with Venus Aquarius:

Pisces Sun had Mars in Cap, was very attentive and affectionate.

Cap Sun with Mars Aqua, was detached.

Aqua Sun with Mars Sadge was detached.

I tend to be wary of men with Venus in Aquarius in general.


Well-known member
Attachment and detachment- two sides of an emotion and we are not even considering the moon? Can't be correct...

Dated three men with Venus Aquarius:

Pisces Sun had Mars in Cap, was very attentive and affectionate.

Cap Sun with Mars Aqua, was detached.

Aqua Sun with Mars Sadge was detached.

I tend to be wary of men with Venus in Aquarius in general.


Well-known member
One interesting tidbit in my life experience thus far is that I had never before met a mean, condescending, or defensive Aquarian until I participated in this forum. Ever. I honestly didn't know such Aquarians existed. All of the ones who are a part of my personal life have been some of the most loving and fun people, with shared visions of a better world. In retrospect, in reality they were not as tolerant of differences among others as the abstract ideals they cherished in their souls. But I never before had encountered a nasty one. Some generations are hella cool. The universe has been working behind the scenes. :)


Well-known member
One interesting tidbit in my life experience thus far is that I had never before met a mean, condescending, or defensive Aquarian until I participated in this forum. Ever. I honestly didn't know such Aquarians existed. All of the ones who are a part of my personal life have been some of the most loving and fun people, with shared visions of a better world. In retrospect, in reality they were not as tolerant of differences among others as the abstract ideals they cherished in their souls. But I never before had encountered a nasty one. Some generations are hella cool. The universe has been working behind the scenes. :)

And every Aquarian I ever met we're sluts 😃.
Oops, I'm raising this thread from the dead. I'm happy to see here an emphasis on Aqua in Venus and all the myriad of ways it has shown up for people.

Ok so my story is---I generally hate my Aqua Venus. It has gotten me in so much heartache, especially in the relationship realm, and I'm learning now, in career. Before I even realized my temperament could be explained by this placement, I hated it. So when I realized my Aqua Venus was the culprit, per se, I intentionally and immediately began to demonize the placement. Which is a little self-hatred-y. I hated it so badly, I dabbled in Sidereal to see if it would move back into Capricorn (but is that really better? actually--nothing is "better" or "worse" in Astrology, I should stop that thinking), so that I could define a new reality for myself. But no. It just fell back into a lesser degree of Aqua. LOL. IT WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE.

Here's the deal with me:

I am also an Aqua Sun. So my need to detach and remain independent is RAMPANT. But growing up, and even now, I placed such value in relationships, especially romantic ones. I have a romantic Taurus Moon in the 12th squaring my Aqua Venus in the 9th, and I suffer when it comes it getting my needs met. SUFFER.

In a relationship with a needy Cancer man, with Leo firing up his Venus, I was constantly made to feel cold, robotic, mean and disinterested. Even his friends tacked on by calling me weird. And I could understand that because that is really how I appear. But deep down, I'm extremely sensitive and emotional and caring, a true lover of people. Hello, Aquarius the humanitarian!
So I would find myself often asking "Why am I like this? Why can't I be a better girlfriend? Why is this so difficult? I thought I wanted romance and company, but now I really feel suffocated. Why can't I be more like my friend? She's an awesome girlfriend. Why can't I be more like my roommate? I hate this."

It played out like that for a year. And tbh, I thought there was something wrong with me. I even entered therapy, and dabbled with thoughts of being a sociopath. In retrospect, I think his moodiness and sensitivity was a real bad match with my detachment and intellectualism. The way romance has been sold to me, and even to society, is as this warm, all-encompassing thing. Never to leave his side, always to be warm and receptive, lovey-dovey. And in theory, that's so delicious. So my Taurus moon really globbed onto that. But as soon as I get close to someone in a *real* way, I FEEL CRAMPED. I feel like "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I don't even like cuddling or PDA. But I swear, I *deeply* love people. Just never in that affectionate way. It's not for me.

And that really upset my Cancer ex. I tried so hard to change, but Aqua Venus, Aqua Sun, freedom loving and detached, is bedrock to my soul. I couldn't change. So the relationship ended and I blamed myself, and carried around a lot of shame.

Even before I knew the language of astrology, my mom and brother told me "You will have to find someone who respects your independence." Welp, I guess so. I know it is possible, but it seems like Aqua Venus is an extra challenging placement, especially for women--who are "supposed" to be feminine, caring, and overtly nurturing at all times. Yuck.
That is why I see Aqua Venus as an impediment to love.

I fell into a community on Twitter that talks about astrology, and I see people bemoaning Cancer men as a whole as being moody and wack--at worst. A Cancer man also messed around with my mom. So I was able to find relief in that. That I wasn't a monster, and that perhaps Cancer men are difficult to reconcile with.

As far as Aqua in Venus for career? Well I am a singer/songwriter, very much in Venus's domain. I'm very hard on myself that at 26 I haven't hit it big. I find much jealousy and resentment when I see peers my age or younger really skyrocketing into success, meanwhile I'm here dampening my soul at a 9-5. I also have this narrative that women in the entertainment industry MUST succeed young or else they won't be as revered or respected. And then society as a whole has an obsession with prodigal musicians (re: Lorde). At my worst, this is how I think, even though I'm equal parts optimism and cynicism.

So I take my chart and my frustrations to an Astrologer who specializes in artist readings. He basically says that my Venus in Aqua in the 9th means my path to success will be wayward, unpredictable, and unconventional. It was an AHA moment as well as a "srsly? AGAIN with this Aqua in Venus BS? Always messing me up."
I have been studying other artists, looking at what they have done, and then doing ALL those things. I work very hard (Capricorn stellium and north node), I have a manager, video on MTV, write ups in respected publications, I perform everywhere, and I still feel so stunted and watch in awe as people with half the talent and half the work ethic zoom right on past.
Turns out my Aqua Venus is none too impressed with these conventional, tried and true was of achieving success in music, and that my success will lie in doing some out-of-the-ordinary thing and idk what that even is. *SCREAMS*

So, yes, this. This is why I bemoan that placement. I am learning to like it, maybe even love it, but it plays tug of war with so many other aspects of my personality and my chart, so it just rubs me the wrong way. I feel relief in knowing why I am this way, and in knowing what the secret to my success may be (in music and in love), but I'm honestly pissed that it's so much more difficult for me.



david starling

Well-known member
Moon Square Venus would be a problem with any Sign combination. That said, I consider Taurus and Aquarius to be what I call "companion-signs", with Aquarius helping Taurus to lighten up. With Moon Conjunct Venus in Aquarius in H12, I have a better situation in that regard. Thanks for sharing your experiences!