Does he miss me??

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This is an horary about a friend of mine. We have been friends since childhood. He had always had strong feelings for me in the past, but we never dated. We both ended up being with other people and having our own family. We still kept in touch almost daily throughout the years online.

A month ago I wished him a happy birthday and he ignored me, so I got upset and just blocked him on every page. So, we haven't talked for a little over a month. I'm not planning on unblocking him any time soon because now I'm single. And I do feel attracted to him, but I know we can't be together so now I feel it's best if we don't talk at all. Plus, I'm still hurt that he didn't acknowledge my birthday wishes for him. I don't know if he forgot, or just deliberately ignored me.

I'm the Sun in the 5th house and he's Uranus/Saturn (Don't know which one I should pick here. Most traditionalists tend to use Saturn instead). Saturn is applying to the Sun by a sextile of 5, and Uranus applying to Sun by a square of 1. I think that's a yes that he does miss me, but the planets that represent him don't seem too friendly towards the sun. Maybe he's upset?? I also want to know since these are applying..what can you see happening if anything? Will he try to contact me somehow? We live in the same neighborhood, but we don't really visit each other...


dr. farr

Well-known member
(Following is not in accordance with standard horary practice and uses whole sign house format)

-querent = 1st house = Leo = Sun
-quesited = 11th house (friends) = Gemini = Mercury
-Mercury flows toward Sun
Answer to this question (does he miss me) is yes...
Is he upset about the matter? Querent's significator is in his 8th whole sign house = a yes answer to that question as well...


Well-known member
Thanks Dr Farr for your timely response :). Do you think he will try to contact me some way, or nothing will unfold?


Well-known member
No he doesnt

your friend is Merc 11th house
you are sun
if there was an attraction from him to you .. we should have seen merc in your 1st house strong reception from merc to sun. Depending on a time when you asked the question, Sun is in triplicity in Merc (sag) that tells me it is YOU who is attracted to him.. not him to you cause Sun just came from Sag where Merc is hated/disliked. In Cap, there is no Merc anywhere in reception. I just dont see any attraction from him to you .. plus see jupiter is his 1st house /11th house. he is going through somekind of separation on his own with whoever because merc and jupiter are opposing each other in MR.

Plus sun is running away from merc
Dont expect anything to change.

Think about it. You have been friends with him since childhood. If he really cared or missed you, he would have found a way to get hold of you. He hasn't done that. When someone wants to clear a situation or restore a relationship whatever it is , a person usually goes out of his/her way to explain or simply find another.

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Well-known member
That's weird just a month ago he told me he was in love with me. Thank you for your reply :). Yes, we've been online friends since HS. He's really shy and even as younger ones I didn't initially think he was as attracted to me as he told me. His whole family even knows how obsessed he was/is with me. Lol, his own gf knows as well. A few years ago I was walking and I know they were together, but he hid from me and she said hi to me (first time us meeting). He then sent me a msg a few minutes after I spoke to her. That's why I used the 7th because he's not just a "friend", but a love interest. I'm sure he still likes me. But thanks for your reply :).

No he doesnt

your friend is Merc 11th house
you are sun
if there was an attraction from him to you .. we should have seen merc in your 1st house strong reception from merc to sun. Depending on a time when you asked the question, Sun is in triplicity in Merc (sag) that tells me it is YOU who is attracted to him.. not him to you cause Sun just came from Sag where Merc is hated/disliked. In Cap, there is no Merc anywhere in reception. I just dont see any attraction from him to you .. plus see jupiter is his 1st house /11th house. he is going through somekind of separation on his own with whoever because merc and jupiter are opposing each other in MR.

Plus sun is running away from merc
Dont expect anything to change.

Think about it. You have been friends with him since childhood. If he really cared or missed you, he would have found a way to get hold of you. He hasn't done that. When someone wants to clear a situation or restore a relationship whatever it is , a person usually goes out of his/her way to explain or simply find another.



Well-known member
I gathered it was a 1/7 question as well, especially since your sig is in h5 and his in h4. Yes is what I get. But, I also get that you're into him much more than he, he's also confused and upset I think (neptune and the claws).


Well-known member
I'm not sure since I was the one who didn't want to be with him in the past. Oops and I meant Junior HS, not HS. We just met online and talked all the time, every day..etc. We finally met when we were around 17 for the first time. He was really, really into me and I was attracted to him (I thought he was cute), but I did not consider him the bf type, so just stood as friends..but he really liked me.

Now, we might have switched roles and I may be the one that's more into him. But honestly I don't feel that way. I feel like I still want to be just friends despite the attraction. I guess I'm a little jealous that he doesn't pay as much attention as he did to me in the past, lol. I don't blame him though. I don't think this is a friendship/11th house issue at all.

I know my Sun is in Cap. which is Saturn's exaltation (and Uranus). I see what you may mean by me being the one that's more "attracted" now, or even miss him more in general. However, I don't usually think of him. I just got a weird feeling the last time I looked at my friend's list and I said to myself "Something is missing.."

Around October he wasn't online for 2 weeks. As soon as he came back he told me he couldn't keep on doing that. He missed talking to me on a daily basis. I thought he was silly though because we didn't talk on a daily basis, so at first I thought his gf was the one talking to me because she was jealous and not him. I thought she was pretending to be him. After that he wanted to come over and visit me since I didn't believe it was him talking to me. I didn't let him come over though :]..

So, he was usually the one being more forward with me. I didn't even notice his absence at the time. I was the one who "broke his heart" not the other way around. What really got to me is that he ignored my message that I left for his birthday. However, at the time his daughter was in the hospital, but I feel he saw it and just ignored it. I'll never know though..

If anything, then we're both confused - hehe sun is aspecting Neptune, too.

Sorry for the long reply :D

I gathered it was a 1/7 question as well, especially since your sig is in h5 and his in h4. Yes is what I get. But, I also get that you're into him much more than he, he's also confused and upset I think (neptune and the claws).


Well-known member
Yes, it's alright. I don't believe we will ever work out as a couple lol, which is why I have always chosen to just remain friends :).

dr. farr

Well-known member
As far as romance goes the chart shows querent (Sun) flowing away from the 7th house lord Saturn (using the 7th to look at romantic relationship potentials)-clearly querent does not want a romance with the quesited, a friendship yes, but not a love relationship with this person (another example is querent's 5th house of romance under Sagittarius-its lord, Jupiter, retrogrades away from quesited Saturn)


Well-known member
A month ago I wished him a happy birthday and he ignored me, so I got upset and just blocked him on every page. So, we haven't talked for a little over a month. I'm not planning on unblocking him any time soon because now I'm single. And I do feel attracted to him, but I know we can't be together so now I feel it's best if we don't talk at all. Plus, I'm still hurt that he didn't acknowledge my birthday wishes for him. I don't know if he forgot, or just deliberately ignored me.

You said that you refused his romantic interest and "broke his heart." So for Christ's sake give the guy some re-coop time and stop being so melodramatic ("blocking him on every page.")

You are more interested in his attention than his well-being. By doing this, you are putting your own love life on hold. Sorry for being harsh, but you are the confused one here, not to mention quite cruel...


Well-known member
That's weird just a month ago he told me he was in love with me. Thank you for your reply :). Yes, we've been online friends since HS. He's really shy and even as younger ones I didn't initially think he was as attracted to me as he told me. His whole family even knows how obsessed he was/is with me. Lol, his own gf knows as well. A few years ago I was walking and I know they were together, but he hid from me and she said hi to me (first time us meeting). He then sent me a msg a few minutes after I spoke to her. That's why I used the 7th because he's not just a "friend", but a love interest. I'm sure he still likes me. But thanks for your reply :).

this is why i hate mud questions. Get to the bottom. what you want to happen at the end. so lets say answer would have been a yes. THEN WHAT? That is not what you are asking. I know ppl have a tough time forming a question. You asked Does he miss me? answer is NO! you didnt ask if you will be with him
you didnt ask about romance.. you just asked Does he miss me?
Obviously we know you want him hence he said he is in love with you. You are not asking questions properly. Answer is NO. Plus u said he is your friend. so 11th house comes to mind not 7th.

you cannot dance around the fire. Horary doesn't work like that. If you posted this horary on a traditional hard core horary board or forum, you would be torn apart by horaryvoltures. I personally hate mud questions to the bone, believe me, i had my share of them in the past. I may be scolding and cold but you get the the answers to the questions you ask .... Appleberry is right to the point. Your significator changed the state ,.. you rejected him, you shot him down. You think a guy would stick around after that? i doubt it. Quite frankly, you do not even know what you want. You are saying you blocked him and you feel like you and him will never work. soo question is what is it you are trying to find out and your future plans. It sounds like a trivial horary.

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Well-known member
This was a long time ago, when we were kids. What I meant by "breaking his heart" was that I refused to go out with him because I was scared of falling in love and getting my heart broken. It's a long story and this isn't what this post is about. Just felt like sharing some background information on the issue. He has a financee and 2 kids, plus 1 on the way ;).

You said that you refused his romantic interest and "broke his heart." So for Christ's sake give the guy some re-coop time and stop being so melodramatic ("blocking him on every page.")

You are more interested in his attention than his well-being. By doing this, you are putting your own love life on hold. Sorry for being harsh, but you are the confused one here, not to mention quite cruel...


Well-known member
Very accurate as always Dr Farr! Thank you! :D

As far as romance goes the chart shows querent (Sun) flowing away from the 7th house lord Saturn (using the 7th to look at romantic relationship potentials)-clearly querent does not want a romance with the quesited, a friendship yes, but not a love relationship with this person (another example is querent's 5th house of romance under Sagittarius-its lord, Jupiter, retrogrades away from quesited Saturn)


Well-known member
Something I wanted to point out which no one has mentioned yet - Moon is right on Caput Algol, the most malefic of the fixed stars, literally meaning 'losing one's head'... This is very telling of this situation. You are getting obsessed with him, even though logically you know things can't go anywhere. He is engaged, has a young family -leave them alone. That's what logic tells you, but yet you are 'losing your head', letting obsession take over common sense and decency.
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Well-known member
I am sorry, but this isn't true at all. I was never and will never be obsessed with this guy. Please don't assume things about me. This is way off! Lol. I have done nothing to bother them. In fact, he was the one who wanted to pursue me despite him being in a relationship and I told him that was very wrong. I got into a relationship and had kids with another man before he did. I never saw him as my type, so you are voery wrong. I'm sorry. It's the other way around, HE was obsessed with ME. My new horary thread has nothing to do with this man.

Common sense and decency? Huh? You don't even know me to judge me! Clearly you're the one losing your head here. I got away from this guy. He was the one always pursuing me. What are you talking about? Please, please do not assume things. This is horrible and soo off! I never tried, nor will I ever interfere in anyone's relationship!

Wow, so this and my lost ring horary tells me I shouldn't trust either the charts, or some of the people who attempt to interpret it. My ring was found, yet someone said it wouldn't be, and now this? I am shocked! WOW. This guy was in my life for over 15 years. We were online buddies and met a couple of times in real life. That was about it..I would never be obsessed with him in that sense. His personality and his lifestyle aren't my cup of tea ("thuggish" type and no education), which is one of the many reasons why I didn't go out with him. Yet, we still remained buddies throughout all of these years. And this isn't the first time I isolate myself from him either. The guy who I was/am obsessed with is a totally diff. person who I went to elementary school with. Me and this guy never went to school together. Wow, I can't believe someone would assume I find it funny..I'm sorry.

Something I wanted to point out which no one has mentioned yet - Moon is right on Caput Algol, the most malefic of the fixed stars, literally meaning 'losing one's head'... This is very telling of this situation. You are getting obsessed with him, even though logically you know things can't go anywhere. He is engaged, has a young family -leave them alone. That's what logic tells you, but yet you are 'losing your head', letting obsession take over common sense and decency.
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Well-known member
And if you don't believe me this is our actual synastry. If it doesn't convince you, feel free to P/m so I can gladly show you a link of a different forum and also share our conversations (ones me and him had), or something. Seriously. not trying to be rude, but I dislike getting wrongly accused of something I have never done, nor felt. I did nothing wrong and didn't get in between anyone's relationship. I strongly believe in Karma and would never think twice of that. I'm not sure where you got that I was interfering from my post above, but noo.. never in a million years!

The new horary is about a guy who I can admit doesn't feel the same about me (at least not anymore) This is different..this guy has feelings for me. I have no reason to lie about this.

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Well-known member
Your reaction to my post does describe Moon conjucnt Caput Algol very well. You cannot see clearly here. I am not assuming anything, you gave us all that information freely. And you see him as 'love interest' 7th ruler rather than 11th of friends, you corrected Tikana yourself. If you are not interested in him romantically then why come here and ask if this guy misses you?

He has clearly decided to move on. Yet now you feel jealous and need his attention. With Moon conjucnt Algol, your judgement is clouded and you cannot see things in logical fashion. Let this period pass, and maybe things will be more clearer to you very soon.

I didn't mean to offend you in anyway, if I did, which clearly seems to be the case, I apologize.
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