Does he want to be with me?


Well-known member
Hi there if someone could possibly help with my horary chart. Looks like I am saturn( aquarius) and he sun(leo) our significators are both in the 11th and conjunct each other but are very close to one another and I remember reading it would mean combust and plus moon in the fifth but in its home sign cancer opposite both our siginificators I am just trying to determine if this would a yes or no thank you :)

google images phone


Well-known member
Is this a long-distance relationship? Just tryna figure out why venus either 4th/9th ruler is right on the ascendant?

A bit of background?


Well-known member
We use to live in the same state 13 miles from each other then almost 4 years ago I moved to another country and if I believe he still lives in the city he lived in when we were together


Well-known member
Look this is why you get diluted answers with situations like this, you're going on like 4 years ago etc. Regarding situations slike this with lengths of time and distance you at least need to give some background info too. We look at charts astrologically not psychically.


Well-known member
Right okay so that's why venus L9 is on your Asc, now that makes more sense.

You're asking if he wants to be with you, can I ask when you last seen or spoke to him?


Well-known member
Well astrologically, moons opposing Saturn and sun at the same time and all angles are on fixed signs, so to me this is a No. Venus on the ascendant would be the culprit which would be the distance.