2018 Chinese Five Element Astrology - Year of Brown Dog

Master Tsai

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2018 is Year of the Dog and it starts on February 4, 2018 in China time zone.
This day is different from Chinese Lunar New Year Day, which is February 16, 2018. 2018 is the Year of Male Earth Dog. The color of Earth in Five Elements system is related to Brown. Therefore 2018 is a Brown Dog year.

Before predicting your fortune using Chinese Five Element theory, you have to know what Type of Element you are in the Chinese Astrology birth chart. The element presenting you is called "Day Master". Also, you have to know which elements bring you luck. We call that element "Lucky Element".

You can find your "Day Master" and "Lucky Element" from your birthday and birth time by using our Chinese Astrology application at
The following is the brief 2018 Five Element prediction for your Day Master.

When Your Day Master is Metal

2018 is the Male Earth Dog year. Earth is the Mother Element of Metal. Therefore, Male Earth of 2018 stands for your parents, elders, protection, knowledge, education or medicine.*During the Dog year, you will often contact elders or persons who care you. Or you will spend more time in learning knowledge. Or you will pay attention to your health. Or you will think about your housing investment. Or you feel lots of advice and helps at work.

The Dog is Male Earth too. Male Earth is dry soil, mound, tall wall or mountains. If too much Earth covers the Metal, people cannot see your existence. That also implies you are over-protected. You will become lazy to do the social activities and outdoor sports.

Earth also represents your reputation. Basically, many people protecting you will give you good reputation. Those people might take care lots of your responsible business. You will lose the opportunity to train yourself to be a more skillful person. For example, you will have less job pressure with someone's help in the office. But you will lose the opportunity for a promotion. Or you have a making money opportunity, but they took away that opportunity from you.

The major events of 2018 will involve your reputation, housing, education, health and long-term investment.

When Your Day Master is Water

The Dog is Male Earth. 2018 is a very strong Male Earth year. Since Water is afraid of Earth, 2018 will bring you lots of pressure. Earth represents your career. You will be very busy in the office during 2018. Either you will encounter the problem from the undergoing project or you might feel the stress from work overload.

The Dog is connected to the mountain. When river water flows toward the mountain, Water needs to change its course to bypass the mountain, to find the way out*and see the new world. In Chinese astrology, Water is related to wisdom. That implies you need to use your wisdom to solve the problem when something troubling you during the cycle of Dog.

Too much Earth can completely absorb Water and make Water disappear. 2018 have very strong dry earth; it could impact your health. To protect your health, you have to look for the help from Metal. This is because that Metal is the Mother Element of Water (you) and is the Child Element of Earth. Earth will pass its energy to Metal, and Metal will pass its energy to you. When Metal is around you, you are fully protected. What's the Metal? The answer is at http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/metal1.htm

If you are female, you will meet more opposite sex in the 2018 Dog year. If you are a business woman, then you will need to contact male customers, partners or coworkers often. If you are a single woman, then you have more chance to find your relationship.

The major events coming toward you will be related to job, health, law or training or police.

When Your Day Master is Wood

Earth is afraid of Wood. Earth stands for money to Wood. You will deal with money, finance and property in 2008, year of Earth Dog. 2018 is a strong Earth year. That means the money opportunity coming very strong and last for entire year. However, money opportunity doesn't always bring a good fortune to you.

Too much Earth will bring you pressure regarding to money. If Earth money is stronger than Wood (you), then you work for money. You will work hard to make a living. Your Wood must be stronger than Earth, and then you have the real opportunity to earn a big money home. Therefore, you have to*check for your Day Master in the Chinese astrology birth chart is strong or weak from finding your Luck Element page.

Earth is related to money. If your Day Master is strong, then you will have good money luck and enjoy spending money. If your Day Master is too weak, then you might have to spend money or make donation on your friends, siblings or relatives. That's a sign of debt.

If you are male, you will have more chances to meet girls in 2018, the year of the Dog. If you are a single man and working at a financial institution, then you have very good chance to find a girl you like.

The major event is related to money, wealth and luxury life.

When Your Day Master is Fire

Earth is the Child Element of Fire. Earth is related to your outlook, performance, speech and behavior. 2018 is a strong Earth year. You will try to consume all your energy out for the Earth. You will quite enjoy your daily life because you often feel freedom without restriction.

You might inadvertently show the impolite attitude to offend people around. You are losing your reputation without notice. Therefore, if your inappropriate words and acts in the working environment could jeopardize your job.

In most cases, you will be exhausted for spending energy on the Earth. However, if you Fire is stronger than Earth, then you have unlimited energy to show people your talent. People will impress your outstanding performance and give you good reputation. So you might win a suddenly success in fame. This could bring you a good income.

The major events in 2008 are your fame, performance, behavior, life style and health.

When Your Day Master is Earth

2018 is Male Earth Dog Year. Male Earth is the mountain. The Dog is also the Male Earth. 2018 is a mountain over mountain. Your Day Master is Earth. That means you are surrounding with mountains. Earth represents your siblings, friends, coworkers, partners or same generation relatives. Therefore, you will meet with your friends or siblings very often in 2018.

Your social activities and expense will increase. You might need to take care siblings or friends and give them financial supports. That's a sign of spending money. Water represents your money. If you don't have too much Water in your birth chart, then the mountain Dog of 2018 is coming to look for the Water. Those Dogs will try to steal your money.

However, if you have too much Water and you have trouble to earn good income, then your siblings and friends will appear to help and guide you to how to increase your wealth. It's same that if you have too much workload at work, your friends or coworkers will help and show you a better way to finish your assignment faster.

In general, the major events coming toward you will be related to money, love and friendship.

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You can have your simple and quick 2018 prediction from

Another 2018 Chinese Zodiac Sign prediction for Dog Year is at
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