

Well-known member
On an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, an astrologer compared the charts of known serial killers (sociopaths) and found significant astrological similarities in all their charts. Can someone tell me where one would look in a person's chart for signs of sociopathy? And--if an astrologer was not looking specifically for these tendencies, but read his/her chart, would they see it in there? I mean, if one was not looking for it, would they automatically see these traits?


Active member
Astrologer Robert Marks did some statistical research on killers' charts (serial killers, mass killers and single incident killers). He got some preliminary results that should be tested further to rule out chance.

Here you can read about his research:
It's the featured article on the left: "Who is a murderer?"

However, there's no way an astrologer can predict from a chart that someone is going to be a sociopath or a killer - there are many people born with similar constellations and most of them are not killers or sociopaths or act out violent tendencies.


Well-known member
Here's another thread that cold shed some light on your question:

I think it was in a book I read earlier this year, but I read the story of an astrologer who, in preparing an upcoming client reading, became very worried about multiple clues pointing to sociapathic behavior. She was pleasantly surprised to learn that her client actually turned those troubling placements into a career in criminal justice. Just goes to show that there is an element of choice that we all have.


Well-known member
If you're not looking specifically at killers but people with anti-social tendencies you might find that the social planets Jupiter and Saturn and their signs dealing with social norms are harshly aspected.



Well-known member
mars-saturn-pluto is about death and is represented in charts of killers, saturn-urnaus is antisocial although many with this like to join the military too because of their affinity to authority and rebellion. Midpoints are a useful way to determine possible psychological attributes however how one utilises their potential planetary configurations has much to do with upbringing. That is not easy to determine in astrology. I think we have to be realistic about the limitations of astrology here and that its not possible to know everything like the 'gods' might know.



Well-known member
perhaps the soldier-killer has progressed indicators or transitting pluto/saturn indicators and they are tenth house? These sorts of indicators and 12th-8th house rulers in the tenth are better than 10th house rulers in the 12th or 8th. I am ok to test the limits of what astrology can determine, plenty of good research goes on where sampling and identifying configurations to realities. I like working with what I can say for sure and assessing potential personality tendencies for the purpose of a damned good reading rather than trying to ascertain sociopathic tendencies. There are other indicators quite readily recognisable for diagnosing abnormal psychology.



Well-known member
You raise a good point about polarities Wayne. Humans can go either way it seems, depending on viewpoint. Interesting how the tide can turn for a war hero by another countries ethics. There is a lot to be said about fanatical polarities Wayne. I think these human traits can also be interpreted by astrology charts incorrectly depending on the astrologers view point and whom he or she is working for.


Sag Moon

Well-known member
It is strange that most generals have strong 12th placements. Do not ask me why that is,but they need to be secretive and plan strategy.

Mars is another placement that you wil find that is strong along with Jupiter as they need to have a certain type of fortune to survive battles that would kill others arounf them.
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