Intense synastry chart help


New member
okay so i just started a new job and one of the bartenders there has taken a liking to me (someone told me) and we've been talking very casually here and there but i could just feel the feelings reciprocated when we would talk. Then the next time we worked he kind of lingered around after his shift for a while until im assuming he worked up the courage to ask me out for drinks. So naturally I went and I think we hit it off well from my perspective.

He didn't ask me for my number or anything but I didnt take offense to it because i knew i would see him at work and maybe he just wants to take things slow? Either way i was fond of the fact he didnt ask me it makes it more thrilling for the next time i see him i guess....but i went home after the drinks and i could not get this man off my mind like he was consuming my thoughts completely I felt like i was 10 years old with a school crush again. I managed to get his birthday and drew up a synastry chart based on my ascendant and holy **** it is intense. LOTS of pain themes present. moon-pluto, venus-pluto, and the victim and abuser asteroids (nessus & dejanira) are closely conjunct personal planets.

Should I avoid this relationship? It looks so painful but i reaaalllyyyy like him

note- his moon is likely incorrect but it should be either late scorpio or super early sag