daily program based on astrology


i was wondering how can i make an optimum daily program based on astrology houses? something like when to sleep, when to eat...
i found something in an romanian astrology book (by Alexandru Nicolici) but i would like more information on that subject


Staff member

I would suggest the following:

- get up before sunrise = Sun in the 1st house and NOT after sunrise = Sun in the 12th house - it's a big difference
- take a short nap (as children do) while the Sun is in the 8th house
- eat a main meal just after sunset - I think Arabs do this during Ramadhan - Sun in the 6th house
- go to sleep while the Sun is in the 4th house

Get a program like Canopus which allows you to identify easily the moment when the Sun enters each astrological house (for your location and timezone) and then set your daily schedule accordingly.

Get back to us and tell us the results :)



Thanks for the reply.

I have tryed that program. Go to bed on the begining of 4th house, eat on 9th and 6th house an take a short nap on 8th house (intrestingly in th 8th house i feel sleepy anyway). I coudnt wake up before the 12th house. It is a good expirienge since before i had an haotic program.

If i wake up after the 12th house it's the same as waking up before? (12th house beeing a house of accidents it good to avoid it)

Why go to bed when the house is in the 4th house?

And also when it will be the best time for sports and studiing?



Staff member
Everybody feels sleepy while the Sun is in the 8th house, it's a rule.

Best moments for study - I have a very extensive experience observing these moments for many years and I wrote these observations in an article titled "Ciclurile intelectuale" (Intellectual Cycles) for Astrele (nr.7). The image below is taken from that article, it is not perfectly accurate to describe what I had in mind as I intended to represent the astrological houses containing the Sun and not actual zodiacal signs, but one can easily understand it using the house-sign association.
Also, the hours are just raw approximation, as the timezone, the location and the daily variations will change the exact moment when the Sun enters the next astrological house.

But one can get a pretty good understanding of the best time intervals for study from the graphic below, as from my observations:

Best moments to study new subjects: "air" houses (11, 7, 3); best moments to get a better grasp on subjects already studied, to review knowledge - "earth" houses (10, 6, 2); best moments to get the bigger picture, to draw synthetic graphics, sketches - "fire" houses; best moments to go for a nap - 'water" houses - 12, 8, 4

I also wonder why the examination sessions of college students usually take place while the Sun transits the intellectual signs: Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo - this is no coincidence.

As for sports, I think the Sun in the 7th house is perfect for team sports against an opponent (soccer or any other), while the Sun in the 5th house is perfect for fun sports (including venereal sports).