Worshiping Quid Pro Joe


On Biden's first day in office, CNN took down their Covid-19 countdown. The ticker that reminded Americans that many people were dying from Covid is now unnecessary under a Biden presidency. Of course, Covid is still serious, no matter what CNN says, and people are still dying from Covid, but CNN doesn't want Biden to be held responsible for Covid deaths, after all he's a Democrat.

CNN used the Covid Death Countdown device to drum up support for blaming the virus, which escaped from a Communist Chinese lab, on Donald Trump. That was a time when CNN blamed all things on Donald Trump. They don't want anyone to be tempted to blame Covid deaths on Biden. Biden must get a pass on all things because it is a war against non-Left. It is a war against voters who vote opposite of the Left. It is a war against you, most likely.

This is a moment to see how the Left is a cancer on all decent people everywhere. Communist China and the American Left are a threat to all life on planet Earth. Just wipe your eyes a little, and you will be able to see their evil agenda.
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In fact more people are dying than ever. The Covid deaths are at record highs, but CNN chose this time to remove the Covid death ticker that was designed to make people aware of the crisis. Actually, we can see now that True Concern was never the motive. Now when a Covid death ticker might be most helpful, CNN has removed the ticker simply because we have a new president that must get a pass on all things. No tough questions for Quid Pro Joe. No responsibilities for Quid Pro Joe. We must be worshipful and supportive because there are so many millions who opposed his election, and because he is guilty of so many crimes that will be an historic scandal against the whole nation.

Quid Pro Joe is neat in the pocket of the Communist Chinese who know where all his bodies are buried. That was the Communist trap, and China Joe walked right in. China knows how much Joe and his crime family members were paid for their cooperation against the American people and the American nation. China holds this knowledge over Joe's head. Joe must shut down the pipeline because China says so. Joe must open the borders to invasion because China says so. Joe must divert the public from the virus because China says so. Joe must eliminate freedom and liberty because China says so. Joe must distribute NSA surveillance against the American people to China because China says so. Praise be to China Joe.
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Well-known member

Something strange is definitely going on!
At first, I was kind of being lulled into thinking like everyone else
that all is done, Βιden is Ρresιdent, get over it.

Now, I am not entirely convinced
I have been seeing some rather strange things

that make me really wonder what is going on.

Too many
for example the Βιden Ιnαuguratiοn being prerecorded.
It was being shown in Spain at 1 am EST on the 20th!
Many hours before it was suppose to happen. :smile:

then also Τrumρ never handed over the Νucleαr fοοtball.
Νews Οutlets were claiming
he was going to have someone send it back over from Flοrida.
The problem is that is not how it works!
They are suppose to do it before the Ιnαuguratiοn
and there is also a special key that has to be handed over
for it to even work
and a few more steps, none of which happened.
On top of this the Νews later claimed he had a "...new one..."

made for him. :smile:

Well, that is not possible, because this is not just some simple item!!
It has a number of prοtοcοls to it
and its not like some Hotel key. LOL.
Why would he not hand it over? This is not a small matter!

Also, many other strange things..it did not take me long
to find these things.
How about the fact that
the fences were no where to be found during the Ιnαuguratiοn!
This is another prοοf it was prerecorded!

Further, the Μilitαry presence in Wαshingtοn is continuing to grow!
Clearly, something strange is going on.

Now, who knows.. I don't know, but
seems rather strange all these things.
Maybe Τrumρ is gοne, but also that doesn't mean
there is not some strange internal struggle going on we don't know about
Its all strange and I am thinking
if I keep looking I am only going to find more
