Serious thing or fling?


Well-known member

Is he serious with me or is he after only a fling? I’m Mars and he is Venus..there is no aspect between us. But moon will conjunct with 7 house ruler Venus next. And will conjunct Sun after that. So is this a yes? And that it will happen? It’s been slow process :/


Well-known member
All three of those planets, moon Venus and sun, will be squaring Uranus, so expect the unexpected, not routine here.
Chiron in 5th will teach you what could be an important lesson.


Well-known member
With the moon/sun and venus, all in an applying trine to fun loving jupiter L5, id say its a fling. Saturns in aversion to all significator planets involved.

When you/mars move into virgo of jups detriment, will probably be when things start do go then sun/venus follow.