does 7th house in saturn mean no marriage?!


New member
hi all, I'm posting for the first time on here after getting an in depth birth chart on a website which told me things like:
1. ill either marry late or never at all,
2. ill probably cheat on my partner
3. conventional marriage isn't for me, if i do get married ill live to regret it
4. it said something about these things coming true if my house in saturn is afflicted/conflicted??? no idea what this means

these things all couldn't be further from the truth as one of the things i want most in life is to find someone that i have a true connection with and build a long lasting happy, passionate marriage and family life with them. I've attached my birth chart, is there anyone who can provide me with a bit more insight on what it says about my love life? id really appreciate any info as i have no idea how to read it!


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In regard to your topic:

YOU are Venus in your chart. Completely and totally. She is in rulership and has a partile conjunction to the ascendant. You can’t get a more powerful position than this in terms of activity — the first house always gives things in it the most ability to act (with the 10th house coming in second). In addition, the NN is 7 degrees away from Venus and the ascendant. The NN tends to increase things the closer it is to stuff. With it being decently close to the ascendant and, pretty much you, I imagine without a doubt you’re sincere about wanting a partner and marriage and all that venereal stuff.

You’re probably very attractive too. Like VERY attractive. Typically if you have an air sign on the ascendant — “human” signs (also Virgo) there is a good chance you’ll have attractive features. I mean this isn’t always, because you have other stuff to take into consideration, but...well, you know, I read it. So yeah.

Now the rough part...

Your seventh house is ruled by a malefic (Mars) with Saturn in it, within a degree of the descendant. Unfortunately, Saturn falls in Aries, making him essentially lose power and being unable to act. Plus he’s in the seventh house so...this gives him a lot of action to be powerless.

I guess the ok thing is that the seventh house ruler isn’t TOO horrible, as Mars is in the 11th (I think, trying to eyeball it, could be in 12), and is conjunct the fixed star Regulus (again, I THINK, might be a little too far away from it still)...well I mean it’s still not good for Saturn but Mars doesn’t look too bad. Either way you probably have some pretty loud male friends.

Point is, no, you don’t look like a lecherous person. However...I don’t think I can say the same about the people you get involved with.

I feel like I say this too often on here, but BE CAREFUL IN RELATIONSHIPS. Don’t let your adoration for someone keep you in an abusive relationship.

And of course I could be wrong, I usually am. But you look like a good person and your partners...not so much. That’s my takeaway.


New member
thank you for this, do you know if it says anything about when ill get married or if it'll last? I'm 21 and single right now but the people I've been involved with in the past weren't really good people so you're right.

is there any hope for my future?


Staff member
hi all, I'm posting for the first time on here after getting an in depth birth chart on a website which told me things like:
1. ill either marry late or never at all,
2. ill probably cheat on my partner
3. conventional marriage isn't for me, if i do get married ill live to regret it
4. it said something about these things coming true if my house in saturn is afflicted/conflicted??? no idea what this means

Computer generated interpretations are the farthest from the truth. They don't take into account the nuances of the birth chart, they don't take into account that there's no way every interpretation of every placement could be true for everyone who has it, and they don't take into account your own experience. It takes a human astrologer to do that. Look around this board, and you'll see that "Saturn in the 7th means no marriage" is an extremely popular misconception.

The most reliable interpretation of Saturn in the 7th--most reliable because it's always true for people who have it, unless they have other chart factors overriding it (therefore, not always true, but almost)--is that they don't jump into relationships, they take their time getting involved, but once they do, they're committed. This is the person least likely to have a lot of relationship drama in their life. Saturn is the area of your chart where you're most mature and feel responsibility the most keenly. When it's right on your descendant, this is how you relate to others, draw people in your life, and how you do couple relationships.

Because your natural inclination is to take it slowly and not get involved until you're ready for it to be all the way, an early marriage isn't likely, unless it's for security (another Saturn indicator). People with that inclination usually do wait longer to marry, and sometimes choose not to marry at all. It's still a choice, though, not fate.

Saturn is committed. On the descendant, that usually means monogamous and committed. You're one of the last people who would ever cheat on their partner. More likely, a partner might cheat on you (simply because cheating on partners is such a common thing to do that almost everyone is either the cheater or the cheated on or the other man/woman at some time in their life).

I do think there's something unconventional about the way you live and go about relationships, which might mean you would choose a marriage that's unconventional in some way. Uranus, the planet of new ideas and doing things differently, trines your Venus/AC and sextiles your Saturn/DC. Those are helpful aspects, and when Uranus is helping another planet, it's helping that other planet be unconventional.

Finally, Saturn afflicted: when a planet is afflicted (a term used mainly by traditional astrologers), that means one or more of the following are true: it's in a sign that doesn't mesh well with its energies (detriment or fall), it has hard aspects to it (square and/or opposition), and/or it's in one of the "weaker" houses. If it's on an angle, which your Saturn is, that give it a lot of strength. However, its sign placement, Aries, is considered Saturn's fall, because Aries energy is very different from Saturn energy. Aries is impulsive, wants to charge ahead, while Saturn is slow and wants to think everything through before acting. That's a very difficult working relationship.

Your Saturn does have a close opposition with Venus, which is considered a hard aspect, and by sign, Venus is the stronger planet (it's at home, or in domicile in astrology speak, in Libra. Libra is perfect for Venus). It's also sextiled by Uranus, and since Uranus also trines Venus, it serves as a mediator between Venus and Saturn. Both of them work if they're working well with Uranus.

So, you could make a case for your Saturn being afflicted, but really, it's a mixed bag. And even then, it doesn't necessarily mean any cookbook interpretations are true.