Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}


Well-known member
Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

The following thread utilizes Sabian Symbols extensively, so be forewarned those of you that don't ascribe to their use.

All others, welcome and be prepared because this is going to be quite extensive and incorporates some Rudhyarian techniques that many of you may be unfamiliar with.

The third of the three passes of Pluto over the U.S.A.'s mid haven [that of the "Zero Hour" chart. 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.] and which was the last for another 249 years, or that is if the nation survives the first run in with Pluto conjunct its' natal mid haven as these are very challenging times for the U.S.A. as it is being tested on all fronts in the very time of its' history that it seems to be at its most weakened state as to the cumulative condition of those very same fronts [as it took 238 years for the first occurrence this past January]

Thirteen years having just been spent at constant war in the Middle East that was initiated on, what are appearing to be to an ever growing percentage of its citizens to have been, very suspicious grounds and circumstances and our military manpower near exhausted, long past battle weary made quite obvious by the fact that at least one veteran commits suicide each day and the frequency and numbers are increasing. Now, with the appearance and swift rise of a newly founded coalition that is also increasing in numbers and strength daily in the Middle East that shows every bit of fanatical zeal as any opposing force the American troops have ever faced in that region and our politicians talk about how this conflict may go on for some years yet and our presidents failure to bring the troops home despite his declared intentions that he made some 8 years ago, Wall Street and the Banks arrogance in taking government bailouts and then, despite a notable sized turn out for nation wide demonstration by the people, r.e. Occupy Wall Street, took the great sums of monies given to them by the government that was intended to have been, or had been hoped to have been and should have been, put back into the communities in which they serve as savings and loan institutions but instead bought futures in commodities for the banks' very own profits and still continue to give enormous salaries and bonuses to it's upper management.

Add to all of the above some very suspicious domestic incidents that many citizens to date, and in ever increasing number daily, have concluded to have been staged, "false flags", for the sole purpose of diminishing, if not totally eradicating, the right guaranteed to the citizenry by the Constitution in the second amendment of the "Bill of Rights", "the right to bear arms".
The further widening gap between the wealthiest 2 percent of the populace from the rest, the now near extinct middle class American as they have diminished in such great numbers to be all but totally extinct and the people starting to wake up and realize that the corporations willingly gave all the jobs to overseas and our elected officials complacently went along with that lining their pockets by using insider information to cash in on investments, taking lobbyist jobs or well paying corporate positions after leaving political office and at the same time increasing their salaries, benefits and privileges so as to distance themselves from the economic and social pariah. The latest move by the, now since November fourth elections, Republican controlled Congress that prior to November was considering legislation to raise the minimum age to be eligible to collect Social Security benefits from 65 to 72 for all those born in 1955 and after but are now considering making the minimum age 70 for anyone not presently collecting benefits. {How's that for a cold slap in the face for of you of the "Baby Boom" generation, especially for those of you age 64 that have planned ahead for years and are presently thinking that your retirement is just a few months, weeks or even just days away and being abruptly told that you now have to postpone it another five years?]

If you are a citizen of the United States you now have to be at least 55 years old to be able to have even the slightest recollection of this nation and the times when just about anyone that wanted to work had a decent paying job, all the trades were employed with employees that were qualified journeymen and a notable number were even masters of their trades, when we mined the raw materials that were needed for the industries that flourished across the nation manufacturing everything that we needed and of such exceptional quality that the label "Made in the U.S.A." stood for A 1 quality and it took but one wage earner to provide a home, food, clothing, everything once equated with the recognized standard of a modest middle class existence and a family was still able to have a savings that grew, even if only modestly, to provide for their childrens' education beyond grade school or weather the occasional medical emergency or temporary financial setback.

Everyone seemed to ignore the few that warned of such coming conditions and the signs that popped up over the years giving indication that possibly those few voices should have been heeded which has brought us all to this present point in time where now the astrological conditions, affirmed by the natal chart for the U.S.A. that I contend is the only true natal chart to consult {The "Zero Hour" chart cast for 12:00:01 A.M. July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.} and have given numerous examples and demonstrations to substantiate its veracity, these last two and a half years, applying it to current events and conditions along the way and a number of demonstrations by applying it to the historic timeline of events of this nation since its founding.
I cannot urge every American astrologer enough to take this chart seriously and consult it and plan what actions you need to employ to save your, and of those that you consult, freedoms and prosperity from here on into the future but particularly the next two years which are going to really put us all to the test.

I have been putting emphasis on the Moons' cycles for a number of months now as I have become increasingly aware that it is the cycle from New Moon to New Moon that is the key to understanding the significance of all daily ephemeral astrological activity that occurs in between. The Full Moon that comes in between the New Moons' cycle has it significance too and I'll get to that later. Right now lets look at the New Moon that occurred prior to Pluto conjunct the Mid Haven of the U.S.A.'s natal chart that I ascribe to.

As one can see by the chart below the exact time of the New Moon event was on Oct 23rd at 5:56:39 p.m. Philadelphia time.
The Asc., and Part of Fortune, was at 27* Aries 02', the M.C. at 14* Capricorn 57'.
The Sun and Moon were conjunct at 00* Scorpio 24' 53" and the symbology for the 1st degree of Scorpio represents the collective social consciousness of the American people at the start of this new phase.
From Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala", that Symbol is given and defined as:


KEYNOTE: The fundamental human eagerness to expand one's social horizon and to experience the results of collective achievements and new ways of life.

In this symbol we are dealing with a group-experience of a vast collective achievement, a city. Individuals coming from a variety of places and backgrounds 'commune' in new awareness of a greater whole of human existence, an organized whole with its own rhythms of multifarious activity. New feelings and an expansion of consciousness result. What begins in the Libra phase of the cycle is given substantiation during the Scorpio phase. The process of 'initiation' into collective values is now reaching the feeling nature.
This symbol begins the forty-third five-fold sequence. It refers to the first realization of what a larger whole of existence — a more encompassing frame of reference — implies, in very concrete and perhaps startling terms. What is at stake is

Note what Rudhyar wrote as to "experience the results of collective achievements " and "a group-experience" in addition to "in new awareness of a greater whole of human existence" along with "The process of 'initiation' into collective values" and His summation ". It refers to the first realization of what a larger whole of existence — a more encompassing frame of reference— implies, ...a widening of experience".
So what is being indicated symbolically is that the collective consciousness of the American people is all about the "collective consciousness" as a whole community.

Uranus was at 13* Aries 53' and retrograde and had just moved off of the 15th degree off Aries, the same degree where is found the Part of Increase and Benefits for the U.S.A. natal chart which is at 14* Aries 37' 23" ...which I have shown that in the two prior such events in the history of the United States that Uranus conj. said Part has precipitated economic upheaval and change in the economy and the nations monetary system and although Uranus was separating in retrograde and in the preceding degree it was still within a one deg. orb of conjunction.

The North Node at 19* Libra 17' 54" was a mere 15" of a degree from an exact conjunction with the U.S.A. natal Part of Bankruptcy which is at 19* Libra 17' 39"...although I must add that this "Part of Bankruptcy" derived from the formula Jupiter + Neptune - Uranus is an unproven Part as far as I'm concerned and I've yet to see any Part that utilizes a planet for the "Personal Point" prove itself but I have not yet to date done any extensive studies of such Parts.

Pluto was at 11* Capricorn 14' 22" and just within a half degree orb of conjunction to the U.S.A. natal M.C. while it's lower octave counterpart, Mars, was 28* Sag. 08' 06" and though separating it was still within a deg. of orb conjunction to the U.S.A. natal Part of Peril at 27* Sag. 35' 43".

Looking to the Asc. of the event, the "WHAT" of the moment, and is emphasized through throughout the coming cycle to the next New Moon that follows is indicated by the Sabian Symbol for the 28th of Aries ...which I am quite familiar with as it is the degree that my natal Mercury is in. {It is also the degree of natal Mercury for the woman I identify as Miss X in the book I wrote concerning the search for the natal chart of the man known to most as Jesus of Nazareth and it also happens to be the degree of my sisters' descendent.} [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The necessity for mature preparation and self-criticism

We see here the tangible results of the situation evoked by the two preceding symbols. Great hopes, excited expectations cannot be sustained. The last symbol reveals the performer's state of consciousness; in this one he is actually made fully aware of having promised - to the many elements of his own personality as well as perhaps to other human beings - more than he was able to deliver. The issue is how to handle this situation. In one form or another, it is an often recurring situation in the life of an individual person. The manner in which it is met determines the individual's future possibilities of development and achievement.

This is the third stage of this five-fold sequence. What is implied here is the need to be more than 'obsessed by potentiality' and subjectively involved in the use of the new powers. The objective results have to be considered, i.e. what this use will do. The individual is not alone concerned, for in a sense mankind as a whole will be affected. What is required, therefore, is an objective inclusiveness of the whole environment; thus a sense of
RESPONSIBILITY for what one's actions will produce in people who have been made to expect significant results."

Following the "mundane order of interpretation, that is, utilizing the I.C. as the "HOW" the transition is to be made from that which is symbolized by the Sabian Symbol for the 28th of Aries indicating that " Great hopes, excited expectations" have became either nothing more than promises that weren't delivered, postponed, cancelled outright or was just so much "pie in the sky' all along.
As I pointed out above there seems to be a never ending assault on the Social Security we all thought that the federal government had a binding contractual agreement to oblige. At the beginning of the Carter administration in 1977 the Social Security fund was said to be very well funded, the adjective "fat" wouldn't be inappropriate. But president Carter decided to make it available to newly arrived immigrants that never even paid a dime into it and attached numerous other "social programs' to the fund. Lyndon Johnson had given away a great many dollars for his "Great Society" ideals but Carters action s which were continued by the Reagan, the Bush and the Clinton administrations along with what other programs their administrations decided to fund, from the Social Security account, have ravaged it.

Yet there seems to always be money for what ever military action a present administration has in mind. Back in 2003 sometime I saw estimates that the military excursion that was searching for W.M.D.'s and terrorist cells was costing the nation from $3700.00 to $4500.00 per second.
The N.P.R. website, on June 25, 2011 estimated that it was costing the U.S.A. one million dollars for every soldier it had in Iraq and Afghanistan for the term of their deployment. The article quoted a former Pentagon official at that time as saying, "The amount the U.S. military spends annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan is $20.2 billion. " The same article says that untold billions had been spent on building an infrastructure in those countries, money that was donated, by all reckoning, as it will never be recovered by an means... billions of dollars spent on building roads and maintaining them, airbases and communication systems. And president Obama has recently indicated that, not only will he be unable to end our military presence there, it will continue on after he leaves office.

Add to contributing to the national debt the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and it's enormous work force and the millions of illegal immigrants president Obama just recently announced that he will give citizenship to and what that will cost the government in the additional work load for processing and who knows how many will apply for some sort of federal aid and benefits the moment the are eligible or soon after.
And then there is the matter of the Swiss who will very likely vote in the majority for the referendum on Gold at the end of this November and according to economists will hurt the U.S. economy even further while we struggle to meet the demands of Germany for the obligations in gold that is owed them.

Please Note, 11:15 p.m. PST Nov. 26, 2014: What text that follows between the red "xxx"'s was inadvertently removed when I first edited this post as I had intended to only remove and replace the text written for the M.C. and I.C. as they were written for the Full Moon chart and not this post. I hadn't noticed that I also accidentally removed the text I had written for the Desc. until this evening of Nov. 26th.
I sincerely apologize for this, yet another, "gaff" concerning this post and appreciate your patience. Thank you, ptv:


The Desc., the "Where-To", that is the destination to be strived for during the coming New Moon cycle in the 28th degree of Libra is given and defined as: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The realization, at any level of existence, that one is never alone, and that the 'community' — visible or invisible — is sustaining one's efforts.

Every individualized organism is part of a larger organized whole, whether or not it is aware of this or of the sustaining power of the whole. A man, however, can deliberately choose to follow the dark path of ego-isolation which sooner or later always leads to destruction and self-loss in 'matter.' At the animal level, the whole biosphere is the community; for the ordinary human being, it is the tribe or family, the village community, the nation. As the individual expands his consciousness, he may become aware of a spiritual community, even beyond the 'noosphere' (the one Mind of humanity), i.e. the realm of the pure light of the 'Supermind,' which is what the concept of the 'White Lodge' suggests.

This is the third stage of the forty-second five-fold sequence. To the man who has ever so little transcended the world of conflicts, and, for a moment at least, experienced the oneness of all existence, this stage should bring the realization of 'belonging' to a greater whole. This produces a state of

Well, what with the president declaring his intention to continue to keep American troops involved in the aggressive activities in the Middle East despite his campaign promises to have this nations military out of that region over six years ago, his declared intention to make legal residents of millions of illegal aliens now within the borders of the United States and Congress making yet more attempts to reduce, if not outright renege on, the nations obligation to provide the Social Security benefits that millions of Americans have been promised, obligingly paid into and planned their retirements around that promise, that symbol for the Asc. seems most fitting

The Sabian for the Desc. seems to be indicating that the inevitable outcome of the current cycle is leading the people of our nation to a confrontation with the realization that it is not about any one singular "ME"... rather it will be brought to our collective realization that it is about "WE" and that, for those of you that believe in the existence of spiritual agencies and, or, Angelic assistance that those forces will be active in the endeavor to help bring that understanding to citizen and politician alike... as to many as possible, that is.
But, particularly, note that the emphasis here again is on the "community" of the nation and please note that the follow two Sabian Symbols given for the I.C. and M.C. are also emphasizing collective society as did the symbol for the New Moon and Sun in the 1st degree of Scorpio.


The Sabian Symbol of the I.C. of the event chart of the Oct. 23rd New Moon chart, by mundane interpretation being that as to "HOW" to reach the the position and state of being indicated by the Desc. is indicated by the Sabian Symbol found for the 15th degree of Cancer {and it is the "WHY" in the spiritual sense} as defined by Dane Rudhyar is: {ibid.}


KEYNOTE: The need that exists at an early stage of human growth to materialize the concept of fulfillment.

This may be considered a curious symbolic scene following the preceding, for it pictures a scene of fulfillment - consciously or unconsciously - only in terms reminiscent of the Mohammedan picture of paradise, a place filled with all the good things earthly life provided, only more sparsely. It may also be that the symbol is a reference to the fact that what in European countries is seen rather broadly and spiritually as ‘plenitude of being’ is usually related in the United States to the idea of ‘plenty’. We are hypnotized today by the ideal of physical abundance. Perhaps physical abundance is less mind-haunting than deprivation, and there may at times be a need to ‘turn to superficial things for self-strengthening’. This is the via negativa (negative way) already mentioned. Through satiety a person learns to appreciate and desire asceticism; after months of boredom the modern teenager in an ultramodern ‘progressive’ school is often ready to accept disciplined work.

This is the last of the five symbols in the twenty-first sequence. It ends this part of the quest for individuality and the process of ‘decision’ - making on a note which indicates a phase of only temporary fulfillment. The darkness in the northeast may have been too much for the consciousness at this stage of the great cycle. The mind yearns to translate what it has seen in purely physical terms. This is perhaps the keynote of American life: the

It may be puzzling to many as to the Sabian Symbols' answer, but remember that this is just the current cycle {or was, as it ended yesterday} in the understanding that Rudhyar tried to make astrologers aware of, there has to be a "quantum leap" as to not let the initial incorporation of ideals in the material be lost effort but to keep it intact as for to bridge into the next cycle and by doing so it becomes an "evolutionary" process and not one of "devolution"which would only leave us pretty much back where we started. Think of it as but just the first step that we all had to take together and it will lead us forward in a continuous spiritually evolutionary direction if we do that. The answer is that the American people have to change their perception and see themselves as a people of a spiritual "plenitude of being" and must as a society focus not on material wealth but concern themselves with manifesting "the MATERIALIZATION OF THE SPIRITUAL."

The M.C, of the October 23rd New Moon chart provides the Sabian Symbol in answer to "WHY" {...again, in the mundane sense of interpretation as these matters are so materially oriented for most Americans presently...and for those of you that want, or need, to understand it from a spiritual standpoint you all should know by now that for such an interpretation you just reverse the roles of the M.C. & I.C. with one another} [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The responsibility of society to ensure the welfare and total health of the new generation.

The socio-cultural process must look to the future as well as to the past. It has created conditions which may harm the children who will carry forward its work, and it must try to repair these negative conditions through love as well as through physical care. In personal life, the individual should take great care of his fresh intuitions and his dreams of future growth. They are often fragile developments which the pressures of everyday life can easily distort or destroy.

This is the last stage of Scene Nineteen, which began with a powerful claim for socio-political power. The exercise of such a power can indeed produce social conditions which endanger the healthy and spiritual unfoldment of a community, and especially of its children. There is therefore constant need for
TENDER CARE as well as skill to neutralize the destructive tensions of social living."

Even taken in a mundane interpretation the answer as to "WHY" is profoundly spiritual as it is saying that in the name of LOVE for our children, and their children into perpetuity, sacrifices have to be made of some of the dreams we all had for ourselves in ou "senior years" the lack of political and societal restraint we, for the most part, have demonstrated as a people since WW II in allowing "war by executive order", covert actions carried out in foreign countries at the behest of corporations for their financial interests and to the delight and great benefit for the "Military Industrial Complex" that president Eisenhower warned us us all to be watchful and wary of. the Full Moon of Nov. 6th just pass...

The following is from the original text and is more or less still relevant...
Still to come the Full Moon event of November 6th, the Pluto conj. the USA natal M.C. event of November 16th and the upcoming New Moon on November 23rd.
I may have some more posted later today but if not, then definitely sometime tomorrow.
I notified Phoenix Venus of my intended thread here and invited her to contribute ... to possibly help me out on the effort here as it is quite a large span and wide scope to cover.
Maybe if she has the time she'll make a showing... and I think that she's got a pretty good handle on how the Full Moon fits into and what its' role is in the New Moon cycle as by what she demonstrated in my thread in the degree symbolism forum titled the "10th Anniversary of..." as I have been demonstrating a new revelation and understanding pertaining to the Part of Hyleg of which Phoenix Venus was also partially the originator of the concept as she had the same initial thought that there was something incomplete and not wholly correct about the present accepted understanding and techniques for determining the Part of Hyleg. Which I am kind of demonstrating here in this thread as we both believe that one should only use the New Moon prior to birth in the formula but there seems to also be the New Moon after birth to be utilized in the same structured formula as well as the Full Moon event and then to take the results of all three into consideration ...and it may not be that the Part of Hyleg as to what that concept truly refers to is a Part composed of a trinity, but it presently seems to be rather certain that all indications are that only the New Moon prior to birth should be considered to be so symbolically oriented to be judged as the root from which all other Astrological Parts derived from ones natal chart are obliged to.
But, unlike me, she has a regular workaday career/job to attend to and if I was that young again I wouldn't want to waste Friday evening or my Saturday writing if I didn't have to.

Stayed tuned... more to come.

I'm attaching the images for the New Moon event of October 23rd, the New Moon that will follow on November 22rd, and in the following post {that I'll post within the hour} I'll post the Full Moon of November 6th event chart and the event chart for Pluto conjunct the U.S.A. natal M.C. that occurred on Nov. 16 now so as a courtesy to give all some time to study the situation for yourselves.

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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

The chart for the Full Moon event on Nov. 6, 2014

The chart for the third and final conjunction of Pluto with the M.C. of the U.S.A.'s natal chart on November 16, 2014.
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

Just a brief note as there are four notables that I didn't mention that are in the initial New Moon chart.
Vesta was conjunct the Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances which is at 08* Sag. 27' 19"
Ceres was conj.the Part of Strategy which is at 28* Scorpio 10' 15"
Juno was conj. the natal North Node which is at 06* Leo 35' 08"
Lilith was conj. the Part of Subtle or Hidden Changes which is at 26* Leo 39' 02" and was within a one deg. orb of conj. to the Part of Trickery which is at 25* Leo 33' 10" which said degree, the 26th of Leo, has a Sabian Symbol that Dane Rudhyar interpreted to symbolize a "covenant", which I believe also is about "Treaties"... and given the fact that the gov't of the USA didn't honor a single treaty it made with any indigenous tribe on the North American continent supports my belief and further vindicates the validity of the Sabian Symbols
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Hey... Woah isnt this amazing... As we discussed earlier i was looking up the degrees for USAs pre and post natal "hyleg" parts in regards to the other thread you have started...

Well the sun for tomorrows full moon chart is @ 14.26 scorpio conjunct USAs post-natal new moon hyleg @ 14.46 scorpio


I take that as a sign.... Maybe even a confirmation of sorts...

And the keynote being "early steps in the development of the mind seeking to be attuned to the higher stages of human evolution."

Well, well ;)

Seems to definitely make sense in regards to what you were saying in the other thread about the continuous nature of the moons cycle towards evolution and how it might apply to the hyleg parts

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Well the sun for tomorrows full moon chart is @ 14.26 scorpio conjunct USAs post-natal new moon hyleg @ 14.46 scorpio

That was the nov 6 full moon, rather. The nov 6 full moon also took place at 15 taurus, which is Usas part of fascination and also a part of Obamas (can't remember which one...)

Tomorrows new moon takes place at 1 sag.


KEYNOTE: The will to reaffirm the value of the struggle upon which civilization and group-achievements are founded."


Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

Hey... Woah isnt this amazing... As we discussed earlier i was looking up the degrees for USAs pre and post natal "hyleg" parts in regards to the other thread you have started...

Well the sun for tomorrows full moon chart is @ 14.26 scorpio conjunct USAs post-natal new moon hyleg @ 14.46 scorpio


I take that as a sign.... Maybe even a confirmation of sorts...

And the keynote being "early steps in the development of the mind seeking to be attuned to the higher stages of human evolution."

Well, well ;)

Seems to definitely make sense in regards to what you were saying in the other thread about the continuous nature of the moons cycle towards evolution and how it might apply to the hyleg parts

Wow... so the post natal New Moon Hyleg for the USA is the 15th of Scorpio?
Man, I so want to finish up with this thread and get the time to delve into all the charts I have in my files and figure out these other two "Hyleg" type Parts...[if Parts the actually are, but I'm rather very confident that they qualify as Astrological Parts even if calling them the 'Hyleg' or some piece of the "Hyleg" puzzle isn't applicable]
I had a flash earlier today about a possible answer to the question of what the difference is indicated then by whether one is born before or after the Full Moon and I'll p.m. you my thoughts on that...right now I have to delve back into the subject here at hand and I had hoped to have had a great deal of it written by this time today [as it is now just past 6:00 p.m. here on the west coast, but I arose late today... I slept till past noon, and then spent four hours this afternoon trying to find my keys to no they go to my truck and this apt. I'm kind of stuck here until I can either find them or shell out the $$ for a locksmith. The truck will require three different keys, the apt. i can get replaced from the manager.]

So, I see that it is now...yikes...past 7:00 p.m. and I haven't anything written... no rest for the weary today...sigh...
Well...I best get busy then... I'll hopefully have another segment written and posted by around mid-night, PST. As the Oakland Raiders played Thursday, {and WON..! woo-hoo... the first win after 16 straight losses...} I won't be watching any football tomorrow and should have this wrapped up by Sunday eve.

Stay tuned....

p.s. My Part of Increase and Benefits is in the 1st degree of Sagittarius, maybe this will be a lucrative time for me in some way... if I can only find my keys....
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

Major gaff here which I just corrected.
I got the M.C. and I.C. from the Full Moon event of November 6th in the original first post instead of the two axis points from the New Moon chart of October 23rd.

I know it's no excuse for such inattentiveness but the distraction of losing my keys to my apt. and truck yesterday...which I spent another three hours looking for today to no avail... and the surprise pregnancy of a family member and the most unusual astrological circumstances accompanying the whole affair and the personal circumstances involved in the matter being, such as they are, a bit unusual and somewhat perplexing left me a wee bit discombobulated ...and that's not to say that I'm not presently still in that same state of being.
It really did surprise me though as I had it all in outline and had gone over the sequence of the events a number of times in my mind and on paper.
Well, it's a good thing that I don't depend on this for a income but a reputation is invaluable.

Thus said, I most sincerely and embarrassingly apologize for the error and hope that you will stay interested in what the rest of this thread to come will have to say...


Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

It makes sense, considering the Founding Fathers' beliefs were radical for the time, compared to Europe and even the UK which wasn't an absolute monarchy in 1776


Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

It makes sense, considering the Founding Fathers' beliefs were radical for the time, compared to Europe and even the UK which wasn't an absolute monarchy in 1776

Well, thank you for your interest and input but I'm unsure as to what specifically you are referring to that "makes sense" to you?

I thought that as long as I was making this post in reply I'd take the opportunity to post the result for the Post natal New Moon Hyleg [as we have been calling these additional charts also Hyleg charts as for the reason we are using the same formula in form i.e. Asc. + Natal Moon - ? , the question being as to which of the other two alternatives that differ from the accepted "Traditional Formula" of subtracting the position of either the pre natal New or Full Moon depending on which was the more recent event prior to birth.]

I'm taking Phoenix Venus' calculations on faith that they are correct and she posted that her calculations find the post natal New Moon to be at 14* Scorpio 46'.
As the natal of the U.S.A. by the "Zero Hour" chart we ascribe to is during the waning phase of the Moon as was my birth. I'll, for the time being, view it in the same manner of perspective that I'm presently employing as to for my own situation as to regarding how the three Hyleg charts relate to my life to date.
As by traditional technique which calls for the Full Moon for my Part of Hyleg as to it being the most recent event which is what the traditional method also calls for the July 4, 1776 chart. I have the 3rd degree of Pisces for my Part of Hyleg and as it is symbolically {ibid.}

KEYNOTE: The power to preserve records of their achievements which is inherent in fully matured cultures.

When a vast group of men succeed in building a culture with strong institutions which express themselves in significant symbols and works of art or literature, such an effort of many generations is rarely lost altogether. In one form or another, records of this culture endure or are mysteriously preserved, simply because they reveal the place and function of this particular culture in the long process of unfoldment of the potentialities inherent in archetypal MAN. It is such a concept that has been mythified and popularized in the religious idea of the resurrection of the dead on the Last Day. The symbol of petrified wood in the Arizona desert, however, tells us that the actual preservation of the records is never perfect or total. Only fragments remain, significant enough to reveal the essential archetypal form.
This third symbol of the sixty-seventh five-fold sequence brings the promise of social immortality — i.e. the preservation of the enduring (because archetypally meaningful) factors in whatever man attempts within his culture. A symbol of INDESTRUCTABILITY."

As to what I underlined I find myself presently involved, and have been for quite some time now, doing exactly that through my initial interest in finding what was still valid knowledge and technique that had been preserved but scattered throughout what was being accepted as traditional astrology since having it demonstrated and proved to me that it does exist by my brother back in 1984. And since 2004 have been extensively working with the Sabian Symbols to aid in that process of recognizing what is valid and for use in rectifying what is in error when a method to do so presents itself.
One such example being the determining that only the diurnal formula is valid for the Part of Fortune. This present concept of a triune of Hyleg Parts is an example of the initial trials of a new hypothesis,...that is definitely showing that there is something valid here.

But of the three resulting Zodiacal degrees I got for my natal triune I have to say that it is the pre natal New Moon that is the one that I can identify with at an earliest age in my life and that it is followed by that of the Full Moon and lastly by the post natal New Moon and thus they do fall in chronological order as to the manner the events themselves were in the same such order.

The pre natal New Moon hyleg for myself being that of the 15th of Virgo which also just happens to be the Part of Soul/Spirit derived for the natal chart of the USA we are using. Which is symbolically: {ibid.}

KEYNOTE: The ability to contact deeper recesses of the unconscious psyche and sensitiveness to psychic intimations and omens.

The ouija board is to be considered here a modern device similar to many ancient instruments used for divination and prophecy. Certain states of threshold consciousness are stimulated by such a use, and what the experience produces may vary greatly in quality and in origin. The release of unconscious material has lost the explosive force pictorialized in the preceding symbol, yet at this stage there is still no conscious and willful control over what reaches the ego-consciousness.
This is the third stage of the thirty-fourth sequence of symbolic phases in the life process. It is at best a stage of transition which stresses a passive openness to the unknown. The glamour of it may subtly pervert the mind of the aspirant; but in some cases, this can be the first manifestation of INNER GUIDANCE. The difficulty is to correctly evaluate what or who does the guiding."

Which I can relate to beginning as young as around three years old. I am clairvoyant to some degree but it only occurs in dreams. I had a recurring nightmare for a few years from the time I was three and possibly as young as two years of that continued until I was about six or seven years old that in time revealed it self to be a past life memory of being burned alive at the stake in 13th century France.
I read a method for technique to induce precognitive dreaming when I was eight years old and attempting it was a complete success, much to the surprise of my parents whom took my announcement to attempt such that very night with bemused affection when my prediction of what race horse at a specific race track in Southern Calif. that day would be the highest paying winning horse. {My father liked to place a small wager now and then with a bookie that also had a regular job at my father's place of employment. He made himself $18.00 for a two dollar bet that day... which was a nice tidy little sum as such as it was in 1961.
I have had many precognitive dreams in my 61 years to date as I became quickly progressively better at recognizing them as they are always a very lucid type of dream.
As I was raised in Quaker ways and belief of the old original form of the faith known as "Waiting Worship", as was originally introduced into seventeenth century England by George Fox, as my mother was a direct descendant of one of William Penns closest and most trusted associates that arrived in America in 1683. "Waiting Worship' adherents are faithful to George Fox's revelations that, though Fox used the Bible to support his views, Fox reasoned that, because God was within the faithful, believers could follow their own inner guide rather than rely on a strict reading of Scripture or the word of clerics.
A Quaker "Meeting House" or "Steeple House" as some called them, has no preacher, no priest as "Waiting Worship" Quakers believe that the qualification for ministry is given by the Holy Spirit, not by ecclesiastical study. This implies that anyone has the right to minister, assuming the Spirit guides them, including women and children. All will gather at meeting and stay seated in quite inner prayer in congregation and it one hears their inner spirit and feels that it should be known to all they rise and speak.
At least all this is to my understanding as our branch of the family has been "Free Quaker" since 1778 and having taken up arms we are thus shunned from general congregation.
I also became a yogi in 1958 and as explained by Swami Sivananda of the Japa Order of Yoga of India in his book on Japa Yoga published by the Himalayan Press, I am a sisya of the Bij mantra OM and as thus I have no guru, sadguru or archetype other than the word of God. As very rare and unusual from of yoga which requires me to stay in the temporal world, not remove myself from it and to work on the chakras in the reverse order as to what all other yogis are expected to practice.

So as anyone can see all three of the triune are quite very relevant to who I am and whom I became in what is shown in an order that made itself relatively easy to discern. *** all of my above statements as to the events and such that I relate in support of the symbology are on record and have been for a number of years and are all mentioned in my book that was published in March 2008 that is testimony to the validity of the additional Hyleg type Parts that we are producing and investigating ....not to mention are yet another testimony to the validity of the Sabian Symbols and their inestimable value in rectification and determining valid technique of astrological knowledge and practices...

Which the last of my Hyleg type Parts triune demonstrates even further...

The Post natal New Moon Hyleg for myself is symbolically about what I got into in the year 2001, when I started employing Sun pujas in my daily yoga routine and have been doing them faithfully since the summer of that year.
This is shown by the degree of the Zodiac derived from that Hyleg formula utilizing the post natal New Moon which is the 20th degree of Leo: {ibid.}

KEYNOTE: A return to the glorification of natural energies. "

So, getting back to what Phoenix Venus found for the post natal New Moon Hyleg for the U.S.A. natal chart, r.e. the 15th degree of Scorpio, by Rudhyar's analysis and interpretation we get: {ibid.}


KEYNOTE: Early steps in the development of a mind seeking to be attuned to the higher level of human evolution.

This is a particularly cryptic symbol. It may be deciphered if one realizes that Man's essential destiny is to develop as a five-fold being, a 'Pentagram' or five-pointed star. Number 5 symbolizes mind in its most creative and penetrating aspect, while number 4 refers to the life processes operating at present within the earth's biosphere. Our Western civilization has realized only the lower level of this vibration 5; i.e. mind contaminated by compulsive instincts and emotional involvement. Some individuals, however, are born with a special potential for development of the higher, creative mind, and in social circumstances favoring this development. In most cases, they are still 'playing around' with their unusual capacity. They are in the kindergarten stage of this higher mind development.

In this final stage of the forty-fifth sequence of five symbols the transcendent possibilities of mental evolution, which require interpersonal communion in consciousness, are evoked. The free spirit of true scientific inquiry is only a foreshadowing of such a type of mind, which demands dedication to mankind as a whole. What is seen here is

Which is so appropriate and perfectly timed in introducing to this thread as to what I wrote above as to the New Moon event of October 23rd and the symbol for the M.C., the answer as to the "WHY", of that event chart in that it is saying to keep on doing it for the kids...
If sacrifices are needed to ensure future oriented growth and our continued spiritual evolution as a society, then sacrifices must be made!
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

Well, I decided to make more work for myself here as we did get into this business of a triune of Hyleg Parts for the USA's natal chart and thus it now should be brought fully to light here in this thread so all will have an understanding of the proposed technique and what it reveals about the United States and it's society of Humankind.

Going by the template that my own Hyleg triune set up as a pattern to be observed and followed as precedent, that is if i did an adequate job of presentation and explanation, the prenatal New Moon is the first of the three to be considered. For the natal chart we are ascribing to here for the U.S.A. that prenatal New Moon occurred on June 15 1776 at 25* Gemini 24' 50" and when used in the Hyleg formula produces as the 'Prenatal New Moon Hyleg' 12* Sag.54' 20". {ibid}


KEYNOTE: The karma of past actions as it affects opportunities presented by a new cycle.

What the 'widow's past' is remains obscure but the point is that even as a past cycle is closed — a phase of married life ends — the karma of whatever deeds or misdeeds this cycle witnessed will almost inevitably intrude into the new life period. Also, once a cycle of activity is concluded, much that was unclear or unconsciously motivated in the events it witnessed can now more easily come to the clear consciousness of the mind. It is possible to joyously herald the dawn from high above the actual stresses of existence (the preceding symbol), but the new day may be found loaded and darkened by the unfinished business of many a yesterday.

This is the third stage of the fifty-first five-fold sequence. Mankind is 'the widow,' because our soon-to-be-concluded Piscean Age has buried most of the ideals it once revered and proclaimed. Yet the New Age will have to deal with many oppressive ghosts. This is a symbol of

I find that this is most appropriate a symbol considering the Full Moon Hyleg that follows [and which by the "Traditionalists' " view is the Part of Hyleg, which we have had on file for some time now.} which is at 28* Taurus 07' 16". {ibid}


KEYNOTE: The two-fold character of man's mature understanding.

In symbolism the feet are the symbol of understanding. Understanding differs from mere knowledge because it implies at least some degree of identification in depth with what is being understood. Moreover it is impossible fully to understand anything except when its opposite is taken into consideration. The mental process of understanding — and therefore of appreciation — implies confrontation between two points of view. Thus the mind gains a sense of perspective. The way to dispel a shadow is to have the object illumined (on its own two-dimensional level) by two sources of light. True understanding dissipates any intellectual shadow. The 'two cobblers' symbolize two contrasting ways of approaching the understanding of an experience — especially a new experience — and they provide concrete forms which may clothe and protect the understanding.

This is the fourth stage of this twelfth five-fold sequence. It reveals symbolically the way in which a mature individual mind works in an attempt to gain
PERSPECTIVE; a true perspective becomes the foundation upon which to build a new approach to life."

I think that this needs no comment by me, it explains itself as by what Rudhyar has provided in the text that he wrote for each of the Sabian Symbols of the three Hylegs of the triune taken in the order of sequence they arrived in... that I demonstrated through those of my own triune of Hyleg Parts as to what does appear by all accounts to be the template pattern to correctly follow. The Full Moon symbolism so perfectly follows the symbolism of that of the prenatal New Moon and the conclusion provided by the concluding post natal New Moon symbolism given by the Sabian Symbol for the 15th degree of Scorpio, I posted above, once again is stating, and reaffirming, that it's all about the generations that will follow and that it is "Future Oriented Growth" that is indicated as to what we Americans should be primarily concerned about, and that it has always been, right from the get go, is now brought to light.

As it is now nearing dawn here in Calif. I must conclude until later today. By evening, here, I'll get back to another installment on this subject. {here I go making promises again...when will I learn to either not do this or live up to them?} I apologize for not being up to the schedule I had promised to keep. Besides having to rectify the mistake I made with the first post I let myself get sidetracked this evening in answering a couple of replies by other forum members to a couple of other threads I have ongoing. But this is a matter of of a ongoing process itself and one that will be a gradual transformational adjustment, if not of outright change, by American society. So there's no imperative deadline to meet. really.... other than being that of a timely enough posting to proceed in understanding the astrological conditions that will soon follow and what events and their outcome that they indicate will transpire in the coming weeks, months and years ahead. At least that's the way I see things developing.

I have a slight hunch that Phoenix Venus might want to comment on this USA Hyleg triune as she had already ascertained them and given it a lot more study and thought than I have...and she just has got "mad skills" at this technique of discerning the true precepts of what influences that Astrological Parts really have and, or, are directed towards. She's tops at analyzing and explaining them and I have no doubt that one day in the future she'll be recognized as the one whom wrote the defining book on the subject. It's a book that I've had in mind for a couple of years or more now and I offered her the role of being the co-author but I have little doubt that she'll outshine my own efforts and being so much younger than myself, will undoubtedly be a recognized authority on the subject, if not THE leading authority for long after I've departed this mortal coil.
{Dang, she's good!}
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

I have a slight hunch that Phoenix Venus might want to comment on this USA Hyleg triune as she had already ascertained them and given it a lot more study and thought than I have...

Yeah, I made a couple of posts regarding the parts in the "10th anniversary" thread.... basically i think we have developed similar conclusions regarding the parts....

The USA parts are quite telling and i beleive that the hyleg parts all seem to represent something specific in and of themselves, the post-natal parts being a result of the growth that springs out of the quantam leap of the pre-moon parts... the post-natal full moon ultimately bringing about the necessary growth that is required of the original pre-natal new moon hyleg in the first place.

So for the USA,

the pre-natal new moon representing the original spark to initiate a new nation,

the pre-natal full moon representing the coming together of minds to build a mutual understanding, gives development to that original root initiative, and in turn allows the potential for the post-natal new moon to come into being,

the post-natal new moon representing the spiritual growth of minds geared towards a more evolved way of being,

which leads to the post-natal full moon, pure spontaneous manifestation of ones own nature, original dynamic form emerged from its spiritual source...

in turn allows fulfillment of that original spark.. building a new life where the karmic weights of the past are now answered for and made anew....

then again... i just noticed... the pluto-mc chart has the mc conjunct my part of catastrophe... a veiled prophet speaks! uh ohh :andy::ninja::lol:


Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

Yeah, I made a couple of posts regarding the parts in the "10th anniversary" thread.... basically i think we have developed similar conclusions regarding the parts....

The USA parts are quite telling and i beleive that the hyleg parts all seem to represent something specific in and of themselves, the post-natal parts being a result of the growth that springs out of the quantam leap of the pre-moon parts... the post-natal full moon ultimately bringing about the necessary growth that is required of the original pre-natal new moon hyleg in the first place.

So for the USA,

the pre-natal new moon representing the original spark to initiate a new nation,

the pre-natal full moon representing the coming together of minds to build a mutual understanding, gives development to that original root initiative, and in turn allows the potential for the post-natal new moon to come into being,

the post-natal new moon representing the spiritual growth of minds geared towards a more evolved way of being,

which leads to the post-natal full moon, pure spontaneous manifestation of ones own nature, original dynamic form emerged from its spiritual source...

in turn allows fulfillment of that original spark.. building a new life where the karmic weights of the past are now answered for and made anew....

then again... i just noticed... the pluto-mc chart has the mc conjunct my part of catastrophe... a veiled prophet speaks! uh ohh :andy::ninja::lol:

The post natal Full Moon?
Huh,...!?! I hadn't even considered that.
You got my interest here... but I promised that I would try to stay on task here, which I have already broken, more of less, as I spent a good part of the afternoon reading up on many of the near obscure Christian sects and Judea-Christian sects of the first millennium... I knew that there were many that I had never gotten around to doing any investigation, let alone study, of...but, wow.... I was a bit stupefied by the number of ones that I had never even heard of before this afternoon and also noted that those will likely lead to references to other sects and beliefs I haven't heard of before.
It seems that just about every region in the "Old World" had it's own variation on the Judeo-Christian religions and the Mohammedan as well.
I've been wanting to learn more about Manicheanism since I learned of the legend that Parsival and hi mother were adherents to that belief and that it was [or is] a Gnostic type of Christianity with elements of the beliefs of the Magi and Zoroastrians.

As Edgar Cayce was once asked of as to which of all the religions of Christianity was the closest to that of which Yeshu'a practiced and preached and the He simply replied with but two words, "The Gnostic", I've been trying to figure just what or which "Gnostic" belief system He might have been specifically indicating.... there are so many identified as being as such or as some form of an Abrahamic faith that was based in the concept that there is a "gnosis" form, or could be possible, for any of them, and today I learned that there are far more in number than I ever would have guessed.

So, I'm behind the "Schedule of the Behind" for this thread that I had made for myself... oh well, like I said, the transformative influences of Pluto will be working their thing for some time yet to come. Pluto will be within a one degree orb of conjunction to the M.C. of the USA's natal chart until December 19th and Uranus has also been a huge contributing influence during this period of Pluto's sojourn over the M.C. as it was in square aspect all of early last year and the two planets were in perfect square to one another at 11* Aries/Capricorn 14' in May of 2013, just a half degree orb of conj. and square to the M.C. at the same time. Uranus was in square aspect all of this past March and the first week of April and will re-enter within a one degree orb of square aspect on this coming Dec. 1st, then going direct on Dec. 21st at within a 50' of a degree orb of square aspect at approximately 12* Aries 34' and will not leave a one deg orb of square aspect influence until this coming January 10th.

There's also contributing influence from Venus which will be exactly conj. the USA natal M.C. about a day or two before Uranus goes direct in December, Jupiter going retrograde almost exactly conjunct the USA's natal Hermetic Lot of Necessity, on the 21st of Dec....which event I have a pointed interest in as for what I wrote about the Hermetic Lots of Necessity, Courage and Victory in another thread here in the degree symbolism sub forum awhile back along with Mars conjunct the Hermetic Lot of Victory Dec. 19th, not to mention the Moon preceding the two of them when it conjuncts the Hermetic Lot of Courage on the 14th... and Jupiter will be headed for a "double crossing" over the USA's natal Part of Army/Police, aka the Part of Surgery, come next year which I'm not entirely sure yet of how to interpret what that may bring but the timing of the event couldn't come at a more unwanted time... are my initial feelings about it seems to me to possibly be an indication of expansion of those forces of manpower which isn't really a peace inducing prospect either nationally, or internationally, imho.
Add to all that Neptune's approach to the Part of Signs and Omens as it went direct about the same day, or the day before, that Pluto conjuncted the M.C. last week and returns to within a one deg. orb of conj. on Nov. 30th with the exact conjunction due in January around the 17th... which we can hope is an indication of positive and conducive influence towards American societal recognition of the progress we've made in understanding and utilizing true astrological knowledge and techniques and as to the validity of the Sabian Symbols as well.

So, after I've had my bath and some supper, I'll get back to task here and see what I can have posted before the evening is through here in California. {Kali is on the phone for ya ....Ouch! Have them tell Her you're not home!}
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

So, here I am , back as promised although it is now Tuesday morning, the 25th of November and it's around 2 a.m. I've had about six hours sleep in the last three days... so much on my mind, my truck and apt. keys still remain missing, the recent loss of my pet cat and the unusual astrological circumstances regarding the recent surprise discovery of pregnancy of a relative of mine whom I have been a bit close to all her life... most of my mothers family is in the Midwest and a number of generations back, that is, those that are the more distant cousins, are on the East Coast. My fathers family are almost entirely on the East Coast... so there are but just a very few blood relatives that I am close to. So unusual that I have been hardly able to sleep as for that my mind can't seem to stop thinking about the situation...and when I do sleep it doesn't last very long as my dreams have been most unusual too .... not disturbing, but just unusual.

Anyways, I plan on writing something about it and see what you members might see in the astrological charts I have to share. But for now, as I better get this wrapped up in the next day or two... onward.

The Full Moon event of November 6th finds the Asc. in the 26th degree of Taurus and the Desc. in the 26th deg. of Scorpio which just so happens to also be the Part of Fortune derived from the natal chart of the U.S.A. that I ascribe to.
Let's check out the Sabians as to "What" and "Where-To" that we have been hypothesizing that Dane Rudhyar meant as to being the platform, the step to, the springboard from which to make that "Quantum Leap" from New Moon to New Moon and make the procession through the cycle one of a continuous spiritual evolution rather than let the influences of the first half, the waxing Moon, dissipate with the second half of the cycle, the waning Moon. Or as Dane termed the two halves of the cycle as the "involutionary" and the "devolutionary" halves of the Moon cycle.

If I may be suffered one more time for quoting myself from the thread here in the "Country and Place" astrological sub-forum on the subject of the question as to what is India's birth chart for the modern nation of India founded in August 1947 as I can't write an explanation any clearer than that and, unless I ever do, I will need to 'borrow it' now and then.

...copied and pasted as follows...>>

"There's another important reason as to why it is most imperative that one does use this proper technique. The great 20th century astrologer, Dane Rudhyar, noted that all cycles of orbits by the Planets, Moon et al, that are used for calculating aspects are a series of a progression of aspects. From New Moon to Full Moon, for example is half of a complete cycle and in that first half cycle in which the Moon is moving away, apart from, the Sun it is in an "Involutionary Hemi-cycle", it was given that title by Rudhyar for the reason, as he wrote: "...because a spiritual potentiality or karmic necessity involves or incorporates itself into matter." The second half, or waning part of the Moons cycle is called the "Devolutionary Hemi-cycle." [and He also wrote that there is a polar complement to Devolution and that it is Evolution. The change from Involution to Devolution is cyclic, continuous and occurs everywhere around us constantly, but the change from Devolution to Evolution requires a kind of mutation or 'quantum leap' from one level, the level of 'life', to another ~ the level of 'mind' or growth in consciousness.]"
At the beginning, the 'Conjunction' is symbolically pure subjectivity, it hasn't yet moved and hasn't yet taken the least iota of light to reflect back...and that is it's purest and simplest form. ..and from consciousness you have identity and being."

The Ascendant for the Full Moon event chart of November 6th, 2014... that is the "WHAT" given identity by the Sabian Symbol found for the 26th degree of Taurus: {ibid.}


KEYNOTE: The ritualization of individual desires.

At this level we see the play of collective values as they affect the individual person and indeed confirm his individuality by giving it a solid basis in a tradition. The individual is still attached to these group-values; he 'belongs.' Nevertheless, this state is necessary for a safe and secure sense of differentiation within an enfolding whole. Music and the culturally acceptable rituals of love are cultural products, yet each person can use them for the spontaneous fulfillment of his very own desires.

This is the first symbol in the twelfth five-fold series. It reveals the individual human being making use of his personal status to find fulfillment and a sense of social identity. This is
ROLE-PLAYING in its most enjoyable form."

I want to point to these following words taken from Rudhyar's assessment of the Sabian Symbol for the 26th of Taurus above:
"It reveals the individual human being making use of his personal status to find fulfillment and a sense of social identity."
... and be reminded of those words throughout the remainder of this thread for I have taken Dane's words to mean that as to whatever you find is your lot, your position, in American society, to play it to the hilt in a manner that will make you happy.
In a sense, I find that He is talking about accepting and enjoying ones' lot in life. making the most of it by finding ways to a joyous manner of living within it.

The Descendant for the Full Moon event chart of Nov. 6th which is in the 26th deg. or Scorpio, and which i already mentioned is also the deg. of the Part of Fortune derived from the U.S.A.'s natal chart {diurnal formula only for the Part of Fortune at all times, please. Also, for those of you uninformed, the Part of Fortune being given that title is misleading to most people as it has little, if anything, to do with riches, possessions, material wealth and the like but what it truly should have been translated to in English is the Part of Fortunate & Favorable Circumstances. It is about being given fortunate times of favorable astrological influences as to successfully completing your dharma. If by doing good and making progress as to that endeavor happens to increase your bank account or find yourself being bestowed a bonus at work or a gift given by someone in gratitude then you might think of it as a Part of Fortune and possibly it became interpreted by people during the age of the Kali Yuga, as during that time humankind is at their least level in understanding, and consciously living a life dedicated to, spiritual values and were only believers in the acquisition of material wealth.

From Rudhyar we get the interpretation for the Sabian Symbol for the "WHERE-TO" of the Full Moon event chart...


KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements.

He who lives in harmony with nature, moving on as new needs arise, finds himself intuitively at home everywhere. He does not make demands upon life, for he has identified himself with the great rhythms of the biosphere and he functions at peace with what they produce. This is the message of the American Indian culture which European invaders so wantonly and meaninglessly destroyed nearly everywhere. Western man has lost faith in life because he wants to dominate and enslave manifestations.

This represents the first stage of the forty-eighth five-fold sequence in the cycle of experience. It brings to us a message we greatly need today — the message of peaceful adaptation to nature, and through adaptation, of
EFFICIENT FUNCTIONING in all life situations."

I wish to reiterate Rudhyar's "Keynote" words, "The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements."
Considering that during this cycle of the New Moon that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is conjuncting the natal Mid Haven, of the U.S.A., for the third and final time and that Uranus is square in aspect to Pluto and the Mid haven and is applying in conjunct aspect to the Part of Increase and Benefits, derived from the natal chart of the U.S.A., which during its' two previous such sojourns in the nations past were periods of economic upheaval and change to the nations currency and monetary system and saw the ruination of many businesses and the bankruptcy and ruin of many American citizens whom lost their jobs, careers, savings, homes and farms.
There was also the little matter of Saturn conjuncting the 26th degree of Scorpio, the natal part of Fortune for the U.S.A., on November 11th through the 18th and was within a one degree orb of conjunct aspect until just a few hours ago on the 24th but it is past now and won't return for another 28 years.

I was in error in the post above as Jupiter will be going retrograde on December 8th and not the 21st but it does appear that it will be just 01' of a degree shy of an exact conjunction to the natal Hermetic Lot of Necessity for the U.S.A. at that time, which said Lot is at 22* Leo 39' 39" and the natal Part of Inheritance and Legacy [which in a persons natal chart should be always interpreted as to in reference as to ones "spiritual inheritance and legacy"] and is located at 23* Leo 32' 06" and thus Jupiter will be within a one degree orb of conjunction for a few days and will return next year and from there will pass through the Part of Trickery in the 26th degree of Leo, which has a Sabian Symbol that represents a "covenant" which I have pointed out,, that in my opinion, also represents "treaties", It will proceed from there through the Part of Subtle or Hidden Changes in the 27th degree of Leo and then the Part of Sudden Parting in the 28th degree of Leo. I also forgot to mention that the U,S,A,'s natal chart has a Part that I've not explored much to date that is at 23* Leo 32' 06'' that is titled the Part of Bondage {Asc. + Saturn - Ruler of the Moon} but be so notified that by the chart I assert is the true birth chart for the Man from Nazareth that so many Christians and members of some other faiths hold so dear in their hearts has his Part of Bondage in the 30th degree of Aquarius and so does his Part of Service , which I have pointed out in a number of threads is about "Spiritual Service" and that the Sabian Symbol for the 30th degree of Aquarius which is the Sabian Symbol most extensively reformulated by Rudhyar from what the clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler described as "The field of Ardath in bloom," to, "DEEPLY BOOTED IN THE PAST OF A VERY ANCIENT CULTURE, A SPIRITUAL BROTHERHOOD IN WHICH MANY INDIVIDUAL MINDS ARE MERGED INTO THE GLOWING LIGHT OF A UNANIMOUS CONSCIOUSNESS IS REVEALED TO ONE WHO HAS EMERGED SUCCESSFULLY FROM HIS METAMORPHOSIS." which I readily identify to be nothing other than that known to some as the "Great White Brotherhood" and to others as "The White Lodge" of which the legendary "Ascended Masters" are associated with as Yeshu'a/Jesus is most certainly one of himself if such a thing actually exists, but in my opinion based on my direct experiences it most certainly does.

So where Yeshu'a/Jesus has both his Parts that represent "Spiritual Service" and "Spiritual Bondage" to the same degree and precept that is illustrated by the Sabian Symbol found for the 30th deg. of Aquarius, the U.S.A. has its' natal Part of 'Spiritual Bondage" in the same degree and shares the same precept as that of its' Part of Spiritual Inheritance and Legacy. [The U.S.A.'s Part of Service is in the 14th deg. of Scorpio]
The Sabian Symbol for the 24th deg. of Leo is: {ibid.}


KEYNOTE: An interior focalization of energy and consciousness at the expense of all forms of outward activity and care.

This traditional image of the Hindu holy man in the typical Western mind may well hide the fact that without proper training and intense concentration, what we usually consider spiritual attainment, self-realization and the 'God experience' is not possible. The 'intoxicated chickens' of the Leo 21° symbol must learn self-discipline if they want to 'fly.' There can be no halfway measures if the goal of true Yoga is to be reached.

This fourth stage symbol, as usual, suggests a certain kind of 'technique,' or at least an adequate means to reach an envisioned goal. The means is

I might as well take this opportunity to point out that my natal Pluto is in the 21st deg. of Leo mentioned in the above text by Rudhyar. It was the first Sabian Symbol I had pointed out to me by my brother, Daniel, whom was well aware of my experience with my first attempt at meditation at age 15, in the summer of 1968, as I was given a mantra, the Bij, OM, to do Japa yoga, for the first time as the technique of meditation I was employing and which was quite successful in that I achieved Samyama with the Bij word and thus why I say that I have seen and can attest to the actual existence of the "White Lodge" and that it has quite a membership. The result of all which left me /on a most unusual and rare path of yoga as explained by Swami Sivananda, the Swami of the Japa Order of Yoga until he went into Mahasamadhi in 1962, in his book titled, "Japa Yoga" which is published by the Himalayan Press. I have had darshan twice with Swami Sivananda in my lifetime in the dream state. Once in 1974, and I had no idea of whom he was at the time, and again earlier this year. These are very lucid dreams of the same sort that I have had a number of all through my life that provide clairvoyant experiences, precognitive visualizations of future events too be exact, as I am clairvoyant and am able to induce it, and by that I mean ascertaining a predetermined future event by precognitive visualization, if I need to... but have only done so but once, just to see if I could induce it, in 1961 when I was but only eight years old. As I wrote in another thread, only yesterday, to another forum member I've always had a sort of "Que sera, sera" philosophy about life in general until just a few years ago and have never felt a justified need to use the ability in such a manner, or had any real desire to do so since the first time.

I try not to speak of such matters pertaining to myself personally as it detracts people from what I'm presenting when the subject happens to be this one of astrology or causes a various number of different reactions of which none are at all usually helpful to that person, but on the right occasion for the right reason, one of which is to attest to the truth of existence of Spiritual agencies, the Angelic and for such a purpose of which that it inspires or heartens an earnest spiritual aspirant. As for the reason that the Part of Bondage and the Part of Spiritual Inheritance and Legacy for the U.S.A. is in a Zodiacal degree with a Sabian Symbol demonstrating that the degree has, as such a precept as that one found for the 24th degree Of Leo, is most auspicious, and I find that this to be "one of those occasions". But Jupiter will not go direct again until next April in the 13th degree of Leo and will not pass over those natal Parts of the U.S.A.'s until next July, which gives everyone a seven month notice to prepare for those events.
But enough digression here, it is now just after 7:00 a.m. here in California and I've been writing this post for just over five hours now, with but only a short break during that time, and still have more to cover for this second of the four events during Plutos' conjunction with the Mid Haven of the U.S.A. for the third and final time.
Luckily for me, yeah lucky if I put a "spin on it", that I inadvertently wrote of the other two axis points to cover in the first post that I wisely chose to "cut and save" from the text rather than delete.

So, the I.C. of the chart here in review being the symbolic "HOW" in the mundane sense and the "WHY" as to the spiritual is given by the Sabian Symbol for the 5th degree of Leo, and for the 5th degree of Aquarius at the M.C. as for the "HOW" as to the spiritual endeavors and "WHY" for the mundane, as interpreted and summarized by Dane Rudhyar, is: {ibid}


KEYNOTE: The Root foundation of past performances which power and sustain whatever decision is made in a crisis by an individual.

The whole past of mankind stands behind any individual effort, especially in times of critical decisions. The endeavor of the priests who built the California missions had behind it the whole past of Catholic proselytizing, i.e. the attempt to bring the 'Good News' to all people of the Earth. Every individual is far more dependent upon the strength of their ancestors' achievements — or oppressed by their failures and lack of vision — than they usually believe. This can mean a hidden foundation of individual strength, or the inertia of a tradition unable to transcend its limited origins.

This is the last symbol in the sixty-first five-fold sequence. It suggests that in many situations
RELIANCE UPON PRECEDENTS will enable the aspirant to greatness to tap the power of their deepest roots."

Wow... that to me suggests that Congress {A Council of ancestors...! please note that while a President can only serve a maximum of two terms there are no limits on the number of terms that a Senator or Congressman can serve and in some instances historically two successive representatives of the same seat in the same House have spanned well over a half a century and when of the same political party they often carry on a tradition of regional values that stretch far back into history] and the President {A young leader} trying to work together to face what crises the nation is being confronted with at this time. It is also telling the the two branches of out Gov't to rely upon precedents.
Well, I'd say that is a darn good idea too. We've had some great leaders in our past that have faced just about every kind of crises imaginable and overcame them...

And so the I.C. of the New Moon event chart which symbolically represents the "WHY" of the situation, as to "WHY" it was about "WHAT" and why it had to make the transition to "WHERE-TO" and why it had to be done in the way "HOW" it was done... that is given by the Sabian Symbol for the 5th degree of Leo. Although, as we are dealing here with the "body politic" it is probably for the best and for the better understanding by the majority of folks to use the mundane form of interpretation and regard the I.C. as the "HOW" and the M.C. as the "WHY" ... but whatever works for you in your own mind. There are paths of yoga that are mostly oriented around mundane activities and the yogis on those paths have no difficulty with working with the mundane for they forget not whom they ultimately serve. Such as my own particular yogic path.


KEYNOTE: The structuring power of elemental forces during the long cycle of planetary evolution.

Dwarfing the time allowed to individual human beings, the vast periods of geological evolution not only awe our imagination, but allow the slow yet magnificent work of elemental forces as they mold landscapes and canyons, rocks and mountains. This symbol points to our need to acquire a much vaster perspective on what we are able to do - and on our yearning for prolonged youth and our pride in masculine achievements. The works of nature should make us feel humble and help us to 'planetarize' our consciousness.

This first stage symbol concludes the first level sequence. It stands in broad pictorial contrast to the first, or rather it seeks to impress us with our vanity as creators of forms and mental achievers. To the dramatic and proud Leo type, it presents a picture of

Again, I wish to emphasize here the collective whole. As Rudhyar mentions "our need to acquire a much vaster perspective on what we are able to do" that the creating of truly monumental works and that includes the monumental work of creating a new kind of nation, a democratic republic, as Rudhyar wrote, "Dwarfing the time allowed to individual human beings", as we have been adding amendments to our constitution since the time the ink was barely dry that wrote it. The founding and refining of the perceived ideal archetype from which this nation was modeled after is still continuing even today, even after over 235 years as it is a part of "the long cycle of planetary evolution."
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
So... since we'be been discussing the hyleg parts recently, I thought it might be promising to use the pluto-mc conjunction chart (and the moon charts) to calculate the hylegs.

The prenatal hyleg for the chart happens to be the first degree of Pisces which is Obama's natal part of catastrophe! Uh oh o_O


KEYNOTE: The process of commingling and interchange which at all levels demonstrates the health of a community.

In any twelve-fold division of a complete cycle (for instance the 12 zodiacal signs and the 12 Houses of a birth chart) the twelfth section often has been given a negative significance. It can refer to oppressive conditions as it represents a "closing of accounts," a final evaluation of the harvest of the cycle. A very bad harvest may lead to bankruptcy; a premature revolt may bring the rebel to jail; the dissolute may end in a hospital. In this section of the cycle a man reaps what he has sown. But it may also be honors, social prestige, the interests of well-managed wealth. In this twenty-fourth scene what is stressed is the coming together, in a final experience of community, of all factors previously experienced; this means constructive interaction and an interchange of the products of social activity. In a practical sense, the symbol, whenever it is found, emphasizes that the time has come to take full advantage of the social opportunities to bargain and to trade.

This is the first stage of the process related to the sixty-seventh five-fold sequence of symbols. It refers to all that can be gained from social interplay and especially, in the broadest sense of the word, from COMMERCE."


Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}


Yet another "GAFF" concerning the first post above. When I edited it the first time to replace that part of the text concerning the M.C. and I.C. and insert that which was intended for the New Moon event, I inadvertently also removed the text concerning the Desc.
I just inserted what was mistakenly removed and noted it as to where the replaced text begins and ends by the brackets I created from 40 red "x"s.

I sincerely apologize for this error and the general confusion that has been a constant problem with this thread since the first day and post.

Having lost my truck keys for days and the hours I spent tearing my apt. apart from end to end in futile effort to find them was finally resolved yesterday evening by returning to a local restaurant that told me a few weeks ago that they thought that they may have my other set of keys, that I had apparently left there a couple of months ago. They were unable to find that set when the waitress went to their "Lost & Found" to get them for me. I prayed that they may had found where they left that set as that was my only hope to save myself the inevitable huge expense of having a locksmith determine and make keys for the trucks doors, ignition and the locking anti-theft "Club" that I always place on my steering wheel. I was greatly relieved and clicking my heels for joy when the restaurant confirmed that they had indeed found where they had put them.
But... it just seems like the **** don't ever end around here lately.
I went to the department store to by a new space heater to replace the one I had bought last winter...which quit working last week after less than a weeks total use in operational time since I bought it.... and I noticed as I pulled into the parking lot which is only about 4 miles from where I live that the gas gauge needle was on "E"... and I filled the tank just before the last time I had brought it home. Checking the gas cap I found that it was barely on, that is to say that it wasn't ******* down the 3 or 4 twists to securely cap the fuel line. I realized my truck had been siphoned during one of the last four nights and was glad that I took the advice of the clerk at the auto parts store a few months ago when i replaced the previous gas cap that was a locking one, with a non locking gas cap as the clerk convinced me that thieves would only go behind the wheel well, where the filler hose runs from the cap to the gas tank and that it was almost a surety that a thief would damage the hose and the fittings and possibly more so as to get to the fuel.
Stopping at the gas station a block away from the department store to, fill the tank yet again, gas started pouring out from underneath my truck when I tried to refuel.
The thieving rat bastar*s likely found going through the filler port too slow or that their hose was too short and destroyed the filler hose and fittings anyways.....

....I also bought the wrong kind of space heater for my apt. I didn't want one that had a plastic casing and grabbed the only one that had a metal case...but unfortunately I didn't notice that it isn't a ceramic heater but an old fashioned highly inefficient coil heater and a 1500 watt coil heater no less. That would run about 5 to 6 dollars a night just to heat my bedroom and bath. I didn't even know that anyone still made those relics from the early 20th century.

So...all that money I thought I had saved by not having to call a locksmith...?

...gone, anyways.

I'm in the middle of writing the post to follow for this thread...the one that I promised to have up days ago....


Happy Thanksgiving.

p.s. What? I can't use the word scre*ed, even though it is used properly in reference to a filler cap being tightened down? Sheeeeeeeeesh
Well, at least I didn't write that "I had gotten scre*ed again"... which I did.

....get, that is.
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

So... since we'be been discussing the hyleg parts recently, I thought it might be promising to use the pluto-mc conjunction chart (and the moon charts) to calculate the hylegs.

The prenatal hyleg for the chart happens to be the first degree of Pisces which is Obama's natal part of catastrophe! Uh oh o_O


KEYNOTE: The process of commingling and interchange which at all levels demonstrates the health of a community.

In any twelve-fold division of a complete cycle (for instance the 12 zodiacal signs and the 12 Houses of a birth chart) the twelfth section often has been given a negative significance. It can refer to oppressive conditions as it represents a "closing of accounts," a final evaluation of the harvest of the cycle. A very bad harvest may lead to bankruptcy; a premature revolt may bring the rebel to jail; the dissolute may end in a hospital. In this section of the cycle a man reaps what he has sown. But it may also be honors, social prestige, the interests of well-managed wealth. In this twenty-fourth scene what is stressed is the coming together, in a final experience of community, of all factors previously experienced; this means constructive interaction and an interchange of the products of social activity. In a practical sense, the symbol, whenever it is found, emphasizes that the time has come to take full advantage of the social opportunities to bargain and to trade.

This is the first stage of the process related to the sixty-seventh five-fold sequence of symbols. It refers to all that can be gained from social interplay and especially, in the broadest sense of the word, from COMMERCE."
Hyleg Parts for an event chart?

Well, if you had asked me of something such as that a few months ago...maybe even just some days ago, I likely would have said that such a technique would be a waste of time, unfounded and not supported by any belief, theory or precedent. But I also had no thoughts, months or weeks ago, towards using the New Moons' cycle, that a major astrological event occurs in, as a method of analyzation either.
I was still going to say that the premise is most unlikely and tenuous at best, especially as this technique of using the New Moon cycle in a context of symbolic reference is but just a little more than a hypothesis at present, but seeing what you derived being the 1st degree of Pisces and that it is the only Sabian Symbol of the 360 that I know of that is quite pointedly about the economic 'body', or being, of a community, that Neptune just recently was repeatedly in conjunction with that degree right from the time that silver and gold spot prices climbed to an unimaginable price about twelve weeks before it exited the 1st degree of Pisces.
Neptune entered that degree on April 4th 2011 and at that time the spot price in U.S. Dollars was $38.62 oz having risen gradually but steadily since Nov. 20th, 2008 from $8.97 oz. Gold was at a low of $713.20 oz on Nov. 12th, 2008 and had started to rise noticeably just 8 days prior to the noted beginning for silver, but reached a spot price of $1434.65 on April 4th, 2011.
So during that span the price of gold per ounce had just a few dollars more than doubled in price but the price of silver per ounce had more than quadrupled.
Neptune went retrograde on June 2nd, 2011 at 00* Pisces 56' and left that degree and entered the 30th degree of Aquarius on August 5th of 20011, then went direct on Nov. 9th, 2011 at 28* Aquarius 08' and re-entered the first degree of Pisces again on Feb. 3rd, 2012 and then exited into the second degree on March 1st.
Yet, Obama's Part of Catastrophe is at 00* Pisces 48' 03" and Neptune wasn't outside the one degree orb of conjunction until that March 23rd. I should also note here at this time that Neptune entered a one degree of orb conjunction to His Part of Catastrophe on March 28, which was seven days prior to it entering the 1st degree of Pisces.
Neptune returned again to the 1st degree of Pisces in retrograde on Sept, 22nd, 2012. Then it went direct at 00* Pisces 22' on Nov, 10th, 2012 and did a final exit of the 1st degree on Dec. 28th and left the one degree orb of conjunction on Jan. 24th, 2013.
Silver stayed above $30.00 oz spot price almost the entire year of 2011, but dipped just below the last 3 days of Sept, but was back over immediately in October and stayed over until Dec. 14th hitting low of $27.14 oz on Dec. 28th but climbed back up and over $30.00 oz Jan. 12th, 2012.
During the same time gold was never lower than $1486.50 oz which it dropped to on July 1st, 2011, but had reached $1565.60 oz on April 29th, 2011.
Then gold broke over the $1600.00 oz mark on July 25th, broke the $1700.00 oz mark on Aug. 8th, 2011 then rose to over the $1800.00 oz line, ten days later, on Aug. 18th and reached an undreamed of spot price of $1900.85 oz on Sept. 5th, 2011. Gold had risen 266.52% since that November 12th, 2008 spot price of $713.20 oz.
Yet silver hit an all time high of $48.48 oz on April 28th, 2011 which was a 540.47% increase since that Nov. 20th, 2008 spot price of $8.97 oz.
On Jan. 24th, 2013 when Neptune finally went beyond the one degree orb of conjunction to Obama's Part of Catastrophe, silver was selling at $32.25 oz spot and gold was selling at $1684.50 oz spot.

So, Phoenix Venus, that the 1st degree of Pisces is president Obama's Part of Catastrophe I have no doubt about it being a certainty...and by that I mean to say, what I've said for quite sometime, that whether or not that birth certificate is genuine the data that is on it, indubitably, is. I have surmised that, if the certificate is not genuine, then he was likely "home birthed" at his grandmothers' house, in Hawaii, and that his mother at the time intended to never return to the United States or possibly had some scheme to pass the child off as having been born in some African nation for some beneficial reason or another for the childs' sake.
Had she ever even had dreamed that her boy would one day run for the office of president she would've most likely made darn sure that he was certificated before they ever left Hawaii for Africa.

But, I should also remind the other members and inform those that are still unaware that by our findings that the "Catastrophe" symbolically illustrated by the Zodiacal degree for the Part of Catastrophe is a necessary thing and the Cosmos will see to it that it does happen and does happen according in the manner that the Sabian Symbol indicates. For one example, as I keep reminding all that I titled my book, "A Template for the Time", as it is about the chart I produced from Edgar Cayce's given date for the birth of the Man from Nazareth and that it was the source by which I first observed and continuously since that all the Parts derived from that chart are symbolically known to be pertinent and applicable to that Man's known life biography and the Part of Catastrophe derived from that chart is in the 28th degree of Virgo which by Rudhyar's book on the Sabians is: {ibid.}


KEYNOTE: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision.

Whether at the religious or at the socio-political and cultural level there comes a time when obsolescent patterns of order and cultural refinement have to be radically and relentlessly challenged. Catabolic personages emerge to seize power and dictate decisions that alter the structures of society; or within an individual life, an intense urge for cathartic changes mobilizes the will, and traumatic decisions are made. At such times, the issue has to be met and, ruthless as the power may appear, it must be accepted.

At this third stage of the thirty-sixth sequence we face the un-postponable necessity for decision and transformation. Existence is motion. No static formation, however beautiful and inspiring, can remain long unchallenged. Everything bows to THE POWER OF THE WILL — divine, executively human, or Satanic."

As to how catastrophic that was to the Jewish Carpenter of renown, I believe everyone is quite aware... yet, IT HAD TO BE!
According to Edgar Cayce the Essenes were highly trained and skilled astrologers practicing the science as was given to them by none other than Melchizedek, hundreds of years prior and in fact separated themselves from all other sects of Judaism so as to keep the teachings pure from the affect of all exactly the same manner that the Vedic knowledge and science of all the ancient and true paths of yoga have been kept by isolation in the heights of the Himalayan Mountains and passing the knowledge from Guru to Sisya, only by other than the written word...a what is written can be corrupted. [Think about it Vedic language became Sanskrit... 'Sans Script', get it?]

My Part of Catastrophe did occur and did occur in the manner of the Sabian Symbolism found for my Part. If it hadn't, I wouldn't have learned that there was something worth while about astrology and received a nine month intensive instruction from my genius of a younger brother [he had, at the time I last talked to him, over 8 college degrees that he earned in 9 or 10 years, and likely has earned a couple more since then} whom. at the time, just spent about two and a half years studying all he could get his hands on to read, as he was laid off from his job and was awaiting a call to return.

Knowing what the symbolism is for your Part of Catastrophe allows your being forewarned...and forewarned is forearmed. You then have the possibility to mitigate any damages.

I'm rather sure that the Man from Naz. was fully aware of what was going to be the result from his having a Part of Catastrophe in the 28th of Virgo and did mitigate what damages were needed to be and to the best that he was able to do so.

It's obvious from that Part of Catastrophe that president Obama has that He was destined to be president. Some one was going to be in that office when the times got rough for the U.S.A. economically and the U.S.A.'s natal chart has been pointing to these very times as being rough economically.

Might there have been another that ran, or could have run, for office that would've fit in with the destiny of the timeline? That might be possible to determine by doing thorough chart analyses for all candidates, and near candidates, in retrospect, but I think that it is far more important to all of us presently to keep an eye on the present, and future, decisions by the president and, by our knowing what his Part of Catastrophe is, try to make sure that anything He does do ensures that He has weathered His storm and is sailing by and large with favorable winds through the financial seas until his term is complete.

There is much "talk" about what the Swiss gold referendum on November 30th will do to the precious metal market. Some are predicting that gold and silver will climb to stratospheric heights again....

Slivers' highest spot in 2014, so far, was $22.18 oz on Feb. 18th, it got to it's lowest on Nov. 5th at $15.34 oz and closed today at $16.53 , although yesterday it had closed at $16.70.

Golds highest spot in 2014, so far, was $1388.75 on March 16th, it's lowest spot was $1140.00 oz on Nov. 11th. It closed today at $1195.25 oz but was $1201.60 at closing last Friday.

Good looking out, Phoenix V. you made an interesting experiment and subsequent observation here as to deriving a Part of Hyleg from an event chart...and seeing it is the event chart for the last conjunction of Pluto to the U.S.A.'s M.C., this time around, and that it is the 1st degree of Pisces and what all that degree has been so enormously significant to, and to whom, these last 3 years, I'd say, a potentially huge discovery here.

Let's keep on with experimenting and observing the results with this process... I'd be willin' to wager donuts to dollars that it was no fluke.... [although, if the economy really tanks badly in the next month or year....those donuts will likely be worth a bit more than dollars and maybe quite a bit more...]
May God save the nation if it should get so bad as that.

Well, this post took almost three hours getting all the figures and such for the precious metal quotes and then writing it all into something, at least, semi-comprehensible... so, that next installment that I had planned to have posted tonight/wee hours of the morn...that I had promised to have posted days ago... will have to wait, until hopefully, tomorrow. With my truck mostly disabled from those thieving rats I know that I'm not going anywhere and I figure that I'll heat up a turkey tv dinner [do we still call them "TV Dinners"? or is that passe?] and spend the bulk of the day trying to wrap this thread up...but it's mow almost 4 a.m. and I gotta get some Zzzzzzzzzz's:sleeping:
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

I did want to mention in the post above for those that are reading this thread but unaware of my thread on the USA's economy at this time, but I forgot to include it, that the Part of Increase & Benefits will be conjuncted by Uranus it's third and final time next March 4th, Uranus made it's first conjunction last May 11th, then in retrograde on October 4th and the North Node was conjunct the same degree, the 20th of Libra, that the USA's Part of Bankruptcy is in from Aug. 26th to Nov.9th.
The two times that Uranus passed through this part of the Zodiac during the late 1840's and into the early 1850's and from the very end of the 1920's into the early 1930's were disastrous times for the monetary system, the currency and the economy of the United States.
I've been hoping that my posts on this matter reached someones' attention in the gov't that it will help lessen the impact and maybe things won't be so bad this time around... that is if they could do anything to mitigate the inevitable affect of Uranus' position...that Uranus has also been square Pluto so much these past many months, what the North Nodes location was ..etc. etc... I don't know what could mitigate, or even counter in the least, all that lumped together...
...don't forget that prayer always does have its' affect too...

and please ....
...if you do, while you're at it....

Pray for peace, too...

Thanks, ptv
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

So, on to the analysis of the main event of this thread.

The final conjunction of three of Pluto to the natal Mid Haven of the U.S.A. on November 16th.
The Asc. for the event chart is at 13* Aries 06' 24" and interestingly Uranus was conj within 02' of a degree orb of conjunction to that Asc. ...about as near perfect as it could get.

The M.C. of the event chart is at 07* Capricorn 04' 46" and the U.S.A.'s natal Part of Termination aka "Occultism" {Asc. + Uranus - Neptune} is at 07* Cap. 58' 12" and also conjunct. The Part of Termination, aka Occultism, is one of tho Parts I've yet to investigate so I can't vouch for it being an accurate title. Although I can't fathom why "termination" would have been derived from the formula used to determine it, I can see, somewhat, why "occultism" would.

As the Part of Repression, as it is called, is derived from the same formula but with Pluto as the "Trigger" instead of Neptune, I wonder if the source I got the information and titles of the two Parts, I just mentioned above, might have erred and the title of "Termination" is an alternate possibility for the Part of which Pluto is the "Trigger" in the formula it is derived from? But I can't recall if I did get the tiles of the two from the same source. Still, as Pluto is preceded by Neptune in the order of all the lists of planets one usually encounters, as they usually list them all in order of from nearest to furthest from the Sun, it seems like it would be a possibility of what one might call "fair odds" of occurring. After all I got the myself erred in the first post of this thread in nearly the same manner in listing the mid haven and nadir degrees and Sabian Symbols for a different chart other than the chart they are germane to. Pluto is the planet of "transformation and death" and to affect a transformation on something is to repress what is, or was... and to "terminate" something is the death of that thing.

Ask any seasoned "Traditional astrologer" here at the forum about the use of Arabic Parts and it is almost a certainty that they will tell you that nearly every astrologer will calculate and include in their analysis only the Part of Fortune and possibly the Part of Soul/Spirit as well but that they rarely calculate for any of the others but hardly ever actually consult any of the others even if they do. So then, where do these come from and who decided what they represent and gave them the titles they have? The most likely answer to that is these titles come from antiquity that is as old as the Vedas of ancient India are and, based on what I know of the Vedas through the guruampara, that is nearly 15,000 years ago, at least. As to the origin of the titles given those Parts that are trans-saturnian [those that include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto] either there have been some highly adept astrologers on this planet the last 200 years of superior intellect and insight, that are not of the "Traditionalist" camp and that never let themselves obtain any recognition or renown, and they are the source or that these too come from such a time of great antiquity.

If that makes sense to you then you should be amicable to my decision to go with "Part of Occultism", in that it must mean an ability to perceive or to understand or to receive knowledge of what is otherwise, nearly always, occluded from the minds and to the eyes of all Humanity.

As it is a Part of which Neptune is the "Trigger" and considering that Neptune at the time of this event chart for November 16th was at 04* Pisces 47' 56" direct, applying, and almost within a one degree orb of conjunction to the U.S.A.'s natal "Part of Omens and Signs" {Which is a title I myself determined for it. The only two titles I ever found that are given to the Part are that of "Astrology" and that of "Messages". As this Part is derived from the formula Asc. + Uranus - Mercury and it's mirror formula, Asc. + Mercury - Uranus, is also found to have but only the title of "Part of Astrology", upon investigating the two of them I found that as to the latter, after I had studied that which is derived from my own natal chart and found to be in the 30th degree of Leo which has a Sabian Symbol that I can readily recognize and easily see, that it does pertain to me and Astrology the only logical conclusion left was that the former Part, that Part that is pertinent to this immediate subject of the event on November 16th, must surely be about "messages".}

But not the type of messages that are sent by telegram, telephone, mail, or email but rather the kind of messages one receives via the "Universal Mind", aka the Akashic, or by angelic intervention, from a Sadguru, an Avatar or something as like any, or all, of that. ...maybe even God...? {...the "Cosmos", for those that prefer the term.} the fact that the M.C., which by a "Spiritual interpretation is the "HOW" of the chart axis directive, was conjunct at that moment to the U.S.A.'s natal Part of Occultism is making it known, giving all concerned a notice sent from the "Main Office", that the "Age of Denial" has come to an end for us Yanks and despite what scientists, your priests, your pastors, your teachers, when you were in school, and your parents said or may have told you, that YES, "omens", "signs" do occur and are given, or sent, and the true and correct practice of astrology has impeccable veracity as a source of knowledge and is not a practice to be shunned when used for positive and helpful understanding and endeavors.

The same goes for using clairvoyance, or consulting one who has the ability. But I personally believe, as from what I had explained to me by a Rabbi, that was well studied, and practiced, in the knowledge of Kabbalistic Astrology, that the Torah states that it is not advisable to use clairvoyance to attempt to predict the future but is permissible and sometimes advisable to utilize that ability to see what was of the past or is of the present. The Torah, "Old Testament" for those that prefer, in fact recommends the counsel of an astrologer to know of future trends and to time ones' future plans and activites. But it also specified the type of astrologer that doesn't have to dileneate and weigh every House, decant, domain ruler, exaltation and fall of planet and luminary, every angle of aspect and orb of influence, but rather the type of astrologer that can tell just from facing a chart and seeing it as a whole what the future portends to be in favor and supportive of. {maybe meditating on it as what seemed to possibly be implied but possibly lost in the my humble opinion, that of a gentile that can't read, or translate, consonantal Hebraic text and certainly not by Kabbalistic technique and know how other than what text I have seen demonstrated and had explained to me} As to whether that means an astrologer with some sot of innate natural ability of perhaps enhanced metaphysical proclivities or one that has studied long and thoroughly and well practiced, well "seasoned", I don't know. I figure that either of those is what was meant, but don't hold me to it. Let's just say that what is being advised is to make sure that they were well studied, much practiced and come with an impeccable reputation, shall we?

As to the Ascendant of this chart, the 14th degree of Aries is in possession of one of the the more spiritually significant Sabian Symbols and a symbol that Dane Rudhyar gave particular attention to and heavily expounded upon, which is evidenced by the amount of text he wrote for the Sabian Symbol and by the great "weight" thought He gave made apparent by the profundity of what He wrote in interpreting and analyzing it. It also just happens to be the Sign and degree for which the Part of Soul/Spirit derived from that chart I've submitted, for evaluation and approval, as being the natal chart of Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth for more than ten years at present.


KEYNOTE: Identification in bipolar relationship with the impersonal rhythm of natural energy.

The symbol for Phase 4 pictures a man and a woman in love walking together. At this new and more mentally stimulated level of experience and consciousness, a third factor appears: the serpent, whose coiling represents the spiral-like process of evolution - not merely 'sex' according to the maker of cathartic symbols, Sigmund Freud. We can understand this 'triangular' image — man, woman and the serpent — if we relate it to the preceding one in the series, the unexploded bomb of the anarchist or activist. The urge to blow up some structure which somehow has become in the activist's mind a symbol of the Establishment — the ruling elite — is usually the protest of an alienated and often immature mind that refuses relationship, because in the relationship he would occupy a subservient position. In this symbol, the serpent represents the acceptance of relationship by the two polarized human beings.
There must be a polarization before there can be fulfillment. The tragedy of so many contemporary lives is that, having become sharply individualized, the men and women cannot find their truly matching polar-opposite. Because they are not fulfilled at the root level of human emotions and vitalistic forces, they pass their lives seeking the ideal complement, often glamorized as the 'soul mate.' This search can find its expression at several levels. At the mystical level we have the examples of the 'spiritual marriage' of Saint Francis of Assisi and Santa Clara, or recently of Sri Aurobindo and Mother Mira.
The Adam and Eve story (in Hebrew, Ish and Isha - much more significant names!) refers to this principle of polarization, although the story has been turned upside down by priestly intellects to serve their purposes. Adam and Eve accepted the Presence, not of the Tempter, but of the Individualizer, who sought to have them born out of the womb of unconscious passivity to Nature's God. But the result of the experience frightened them. They 'hid'; they failed in the great test of individualization, and in this sense the archetype of that failure is deeply imbedded in man's generic unconscious. It is repeated time after time.
Modern 'individuals' are confronted with another test, but they do not understand its meaning. It is the test of polarized conscious participation in the evolutionary process - a polarization that could dissolve alienation, isolation and egocentricity. In a sense at least, this was the old Tantric concept in India; but today many young people accept the concept only superficially and miss its real essence. They cannot understand the meaning of entering into the serpent, i.e. of developing eonic consciousness and that transpersonal living which once was characterized by the words: Not I live, but Christ lives me - Christ, whose symbolic number in Gnosticism is 888.

At this fourth stage of the third five-fold sequence, we are confronted with an image suggesting the transpersonal way to the 'cosmification' of desire and the conscious acceptance of polarization as the solution of the problems generated by individualization. But this need not mean what is currently meant by 'sex' and the glorification of the orgasm. It implies rather the

The U.S.A.'s natal chart itself has nothing, that was found to be, in the 14th degree of Aries, but I haven't calculated for every Astrological Part that it is known, said, or claimed to exist and there are a number of potentials that I have never seen or heard any mention of but Phoenix Venus and I have seen enough evidence to imply that they do exist or enough to give good cause for an eventual thorough investigation whether they do and what their affect is. For one example the mirror formulae for the five Hermetic Lots other than for the Part of Fortune and the Part of Soul/Spirit which are mirrors of one another.

As to the "WHERE-TO" of the chart axis symbology given by the Descendant in the 14th degree of Libra it is as interpreted and summated by Rudhyar as: {and I do believe it will surprise many of you, in fact, as to the overall astrological message I've tentatively come to a conclusion about, from the entirety of all the astrological events I have covered so far and those I will yet present in this thread, is rather surprising to myself, and...considering this is an astrological event that occurs but once every 248-49 years to a natal chart and an event such as Pluto conjunct the natal M.C., the "HOW" interpreted spiritually, and the "WHY" for that of the mundane, at such a time in the United States considering the current state of the Union, the recent tragic domestic events that senselessly have taken innocent lives, of which the suspicious appearing nature of the much of the evidence was revealed to have been found and the incongruity to the facts that were stated to have been determined by government agencies...from the assassination of President Kennedy in Texas, His brother Bobby in California and Martin Luther King in Tennessee, the mysterious and suspicious "accidental electrocution" and death of author, dissident and monk, Thomas Merton, the Watts riots in Los Angeles, the Vietnam war, the protests against it, the police actions taken at the protests, the innocent lives lost that were the result of those actions and the trial of the "Chicago Eight" some fifty, or more, years ago, the unabashed corporate greed and white collar crimes perpetrated upon the middle, lower class and poor citizenry in the years that followed, to the more recent destruction of the World Trade Center in New York by "terrorists" and the senseless war that was started on false premise, the incalculable enormity of expense in money and lives that has cost and is still ongoing with no end to it in sight and the reneging of the current administration as to the promises made to end it years ago, up to the present, the shooting and death of an unarmed teenager by a policeman in Missouri and the judgement made by a grand jury finding the officer innocent and the all the reports and findings and made by government officials judgments made by the courts all amounting to such an enormity of indignation, angst and tension among the American populace, building up the last fifty years that many have predicted inevitably would, or will, erupt and which will subsequently lead to some type of cultural or political [or both] revolution and transformation, if not the dissolution or destruction of the nation..."surprising" may not be the right word of expression.}


KEYNOTE: The need for recuperation within the social pattern of everyday activity.

At the emotional-cultural level man today is not able to sustain constant activity. There must be rest periods, siestas or coffee breaks, during which the individual withdraws within his own sphere of selfhood, not only for physical relaxation but for allowing the strange, but evidently necessary play of dream fantasies. Social structuring cannot be maintained healthfully without breaks, in whatever climate man may live. Besides, the body needs quiet and relaxation from nervous tension after what is often the main meal of the day.

This fourth stage symbol can be seen as emphasizing the need for techniques of
RELAXATION, and the need to allow the functions of body and psyche to 'digest,' free from external pressures, the complex experiences of social living and particularly of business."

All I can really say at this point concerning the symbolism given above is, "Who doesn't?"...can I get a witness and an "Amen" from the choir?

Before I conclude with the chart axis symbology for the mid haven and nadir of the event chart, I would like to mention that...

Uranus is presently transiting the natal 12th house of the U.S.A., which from the cusp at 05* Pisces 36' to the Asc. at 21* Aries 33' has a width of almost 45 degrees and along with the 6th House the two are by far and away the largest of all the other natal houses of the U.S.A. natal chart. {The 3rd and 9th Houses being the smallest in width at just a little over 21 degrees each.} So, with such a broad span to cover Uranus has been for transiting the 12th house for sometime, quite sometime in fact as it entered the 12th house on April 16th, 2004.
My preferred reference book on transits,"Predictive Astrology", by the authors Sakoian and Acker, says that,

"Radical changes in the individuals secret motivations may also come about. The private affairs of the individuals' life may suddenly and drastically change , for better or worse."
Also they wrote, "The individual may become involved in secret activity related to friends..." and, "Friends can turn out to be secret enemies if Uranus is afflicted.", which it certainly is and has been by the constant on and off, and then on again squaring in aspect to transiting Pluto....and not to forget that the two of them were in a Grand Cross aspect a couple of times during Uranus' sojourn through the natal 12 House of the U.S.A.'s chart.

That's all I can handle today, as it is now just past 11:30 a.m. here in California {and I had stopped at 8:30 and was going to retire but felt that I should cover the Desc. as well in this post.} I've been up all night writing as I usually do. It was a long day into night for me, having to arrange repair for my truck and I had to deal with some sort of physical ailment and subsequent pain, that began around 9:00 p.m. last night, due to the operation I had two and a half years ago. I have to make a decision very soon whether to undergo reconstructive surgery or choose to remain in this physical state, I was left in, after that operation.
Not an easy call to make either, considering my age, that it is major surgery and that the first operation left me hospitalized and bedridden for eleven days, eight of which I was on morphine... and I found out at that time that I don't like the side effects of being on morphine. I believe I was at a state, near to that, of hallucinogenic by the eighth day and, besides that, it made my "skin crawl". be continued...
...stay tuned...



Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

I should have added to the above post that the conjunction of Uranus with the event chart Asc. that the effects should produce a certain degree of interest in personal freedom...whether it's the sort of freedom that wants freedom from responsibility , and so much so that it will sacrifice "true Freedom" and with it their security to have it or otherwise needs some real in depth analysis of all else in the chart in relationship to Uranus and the Asc. and also that have a relationship to the principle of the matter.
It will contribute the kind of influence that can bring about an "identity crisis" ...and not a personal one on individual basis, as this is a "national chart" we're looking at here. It will be a societal one, if it does occur..and I think that we already have been and by just adding this fuel to that fire ... that should really get it stoked.

But Uranus in that position also brings awareness of the higher spiritual being awakening for some yet greater awakening and understanding for those that are diligently working on their dharma. It will also tend to push us all towards concerns in the areas of humanitarian needs and efforts, scientific too. It should also nurture and interest and involvement... increased interest and involvement for some... in parapsychological fields and the matters of such and considering what I indicated as to Neptune's present position on course with a conjunction to the natal Part of Omens and Signs... the one will boost the other and vice versa... a "Push me ~ Pull you" sort of thing and increased intuitive ability and activity along with the same for those of presently near clairvoyant abilities and those already familiar with them and all the more so to the adept.
Got to watch out for it all becoming societally eccentric, uncooperative and unreliable...these remind yourselves that it's time to "lay it on the altar", so to speak, the "Altar of Freedom & Liberty" ...every hand that joins in is a hand much needed and counted upon.

Now, about the Moon in this chart. It's position at 18* Virgo 08' 16" renders it within a one degree orb of conjunction to the U.S.A.'s natal Part of Soul which is at 17* Virgo 18' 24" {and my pre natal New Moon Hyleg and the post natal Full Moon Hyleg derived from the much controversial natal chart I contend is that of the "Man from Naz." as they are both in the 18th share the same degree of Virgo as that derived from the U.S.A.'s natal chart for the Part of Soul/Spirit}

While the Sun is 24* Scorpio 22' 19" and is just a mere 00* 18' 22" beyond a one degree orb of conj. to the U.S.A.'s natal Part of Fortune and applying fast. I limit acknowledgement of conj. to any Astrological Part to one degree and less but as this is the Sun we're talking about here it may be of influence at as much as 2*. But, regardless isn't it interesting all the Astrological Parts so far mentioned in this thread that have been "Triggered" one of the three factors of the formula to derive that particular Part? And in this case we find the Sun and Moon are both conjunct that for the two formulae that they both are factors of. The Sun conj that which is also known as the Part of the Moon, and the Moon conj. that which is also known as the Part of the Sun... mirrors... lot's of "mirroring" popping up everywhere I look lately ...hmmmm?

But, Saturn is conjunct the U.S.A.'s natal Part of Fortune and just to the other side of it and separating at 25* Scorpio 44' 38" and what with the Sun and Saturn on their side of the natal Part of Fortune at such a close conjunction of being only 01* 22' 19" apart [notice that the Sun has those same two figures for its' position in the Zodiac?] I'd say that it's save to say that... The Sun is of influence upon the Part of Fortune. But let's not forget that the Desc. and Part of Fortune derived from the Full Moon event chart 19 days earlier were both at 25* Scoprio 54"... a lot of emphasis on the U.S.A.'s Part of Fortune.

Mars at 16* Cap. 02' 21" jn conj. with the U.S.A.'s natal Part of Slyness {Asc. + Neptune - Pluto} and that's yet another Part that involves either of those two planets and here the two together. That's the only known title for that Part and I haven't gotten around to studying or researching
And then there's Jupiter which at 21* Leo 51' 09" is conj. by less than a one degree orb to the U.S.A.'s Hermetic Lot of Necessity at 22* Leo 39' 39" and if youhave read my thread titled "Your Emergency Preparedness Kit. The Hermetic Lots of Necessity, Courage and Victory." in the 'Degree Symbols' sub-forum you then know that this can only be a good thing to have happen in such a timely manner
As the U.S.A. s' Lot of Necessity is by Rudhyar's description and summation said to be: [ibid,]


KEYNOTE: The audacity and perseverance required to control and play with the powerful energies of the vital realm in human existence.

The horse has always been the symbol of the vital energies. In a wild state the horse represents the magnificent, raw, impetuous energy of the libido in all its forms. When tamed, this energy is put to man's service. There are men who have dominated their natural energies so well that they can perform spectacular feats. Here these achievements are seen within the context of a social function and expressing a flair for dramatics.
At this third stage, the ego is in control; he is a great showman, but he serves a purpose. The performance stirs the imagination of the young consciousness. It raises the mind above the commonplace. The Keyword is
VIRTUOSITY."'s may be "just what the doctor ordered" for the situation considering that it is Jupiter energies and principles that will be of the compelling influence here.

Also in this chart we find that besides the M.C. that Pluto is conj. by less than a one deg. orb to the Part of Brethren of the U.S.A. at 12* Cap 28' 47" which is derived from the formula Asc. + Jupiter - Saturn which should add to the 'Stew' nicely.

The North Node at the time was at 18* Libra 47' 03" and conj., still, the U.S.A.'s Part of Bankruptcy at 19* Libra 17' 39" at just a skosh more than a half of a deg. orb but separating.

The M.C. pf the event here, the "HOW" to get to take that Siesta in a spiritually oriented interpretation, why mundanely, is found in the Sabian Symbol for the 8th degree of Capricorn. [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The wholesome happiness which subservience to the ideals and patterns of a well-established culture brings to those who accept them unreservedly.

In various ways this section of the cyclic process brings to us images glorifying the power and benefits which a steady and well-integrated society brings to its members. Saturn rules Capricorn; Saturn was the ruler of the Golden Age before he became a symbol of binding limitations. He who accepts willingly or — even better — takes for granted the value of these limitations can lead a serene and happy existence, whatever his social status.
The third stage of this five-fold sequence suggests to us how we can enjoy our life condition by allowing the spiritual values it embodies to fill our consciousness. In every condition provided by a healthy culture — which hardly refers to our present chaotic world — human beings can find
ENJOYMENT in the roles they are born to play. "

Ah! Again symbolism pointing to being content with ones role they have to play, their role in life, in society as did the Asc. for the Full Moon chart preceeding.
...and the Sabian Symbol for the I. C, of the event chart in the 8th degree of Cancer, the answer to "WHY" to the Spiritual concerns and ''HOW" to get to that Siesta by mundane means is: [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The tendency in all forms of life to imitate higher forms as a stimulus to growth

This rather strange symbol points to what is essential in all first attempts at developing consciousness and furthering and furthering one’s growth through association with those who have already reached a superior evolutionary or mental level. Every seeker looks for an 'Exemplar.' The religious mystic speaks of 'the Imitation of Christ.' In Japan the music student sits in front of his teacher playing an instrument, and carefully imitates his every gesture.

At this third stage of the five-fold sequence we see at work the basic features at the start of all
LEARNING PROCESSES. At the next stage we will watch a more advanced, more typically human quest for knowledge."

Now that is some "Role Playing" !

So, what I'm seeing here overall from the Asc, being the symbolism of "WHAT" [or "WHO"] it is indicating finding ones mate and committing then to one another on a mundane sense but also, as Dane put it, " polarized conscious participation in the evolutionary process - a polarization that could dissolve alienation, isolation and egocentricity. In a sense at least, this was the old Tantric concept in India; but today many young people accept the concept only superficially and miss its real essence. They cannot understand the meaning of entering into the serpent, i.e. of developing eonic consciousness and that transpersonal living which once was characterized by the words: Not I live, but Christ lives me - Christ, whose symbolic number in Gnosticism is 888. "
Considering that Ceres {for those of you that ascribe to the belief of Ceres influence} is at 08* Sag. 12' which is conj. the U.S.A.'s Part of Noble and Illustrious Acquaintances {those "acquaintances that we deem as such"}


KEYNOTE: The need in any social situation to assist the less evolved in their management of the problems which society requires its members to solve.
A staircase does not present a natural difficulty to a very young child. Man builds stairs and therefore is responsible for assisting the child to climb them step by step. Social and cultural living is not 'natural.' The child must first be taught by example, then helped along as he imitates as well as he can the grownup's behavior. Climbing stairs is only an illustration of a general process. Every generation must involve itself in teaching the next even the simplest skills needed for social existence.

At the fourth stage of the preceding five-fold sequence we saw parents encouraging a little child to walk. Walking is a natural human function; climbing stairs is a skill made necessary by the building of several-storied houses — a product of civilization. What is implied here is
SOCIAL CONCERN for the less evolved of society's members. "

Which is so much as like the Symbolic precept given for the degree of the mid haven in the Oct. 23rd New Moon chart, and of embracing and becoming one with the Christ, or Krishna, Consciousness, the Buddha nature, whatever the concept is in your belief system and acting like, that is to say, setting an example for others...particularly the young-uns....walking the walk and talking the talk of an exemplary spiritual human being with his, or her, goal set towards spiritual evolution.

All us good Christians, good Jews, good Hindus et al have dreamed of a world at peace and nearing that to one of God's Kingdom on Earth. Nirvana, Shangra La ...well, the Cosmos is telling us to start acting like we believe in it and desire it... to LEARN IT, to ACT IT and LIVE IT.

Two potential problems though, that remain in this chart.
Pallas at 12* Scorpio 30' and within a one deg. orb of conj. to the U.S.A.'s Part of Positive and Helpful Changes at 13* Scorpio 17' could greatly assist, if it is a valid affecting astrological influence and of the influence it is said to be of. As it is about recognizing the feminine nature and admitting to it...and that goes so harmonically to the symbolism for the Asc. of the chart {also the Part of Service aka Spiritual Service is in the 14th degree of Scorpio but a bit beyond a one deg. orb of conj. at 13* Scorpio 49'] Check out the symbolism. and btw, it is the Part of Fortune derived from the birth chart of the great, renowned 20th century clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The need to establish new channels of communication.

The growth of community feeling among separated human beings requires the development of constantly more complex means of interchanging feelings and ideas. Wherever this symbol for Scorpio 14° is found, the indication is that such channels of communication are essential for the success of any interpersonal relationship. They are not only to be built, but to be used significantly and wisely.

This fourth stage symbol brings to our attention the essential value of communicating with our fellow men and even our close associates — with whom such a communication may not always be easy. There can be no communion without communication at some level, including the level of biological attunement. Keyword:

Thus if we are going obtain the full potential of this conj. of Pluto with the natal M.C. of the nation that "WHAT" indicated by the symbolism for the 14th of Aries as " the RITUALIZATION OF RELATIONSHIP"

What Rudhyar wrote is a large part of the answer in..." Wherever this symbol for Scorpio 14° is found, the indication is that such channels of communication are essential for the success of any interpersonal relationship. They are not only to be built, but to be used significantly and wisely."

and ...

"This ...symbol brings to our attention the essential value of communicating with our fellow men and even our close associates — with whom such a communication may not always be easy. There can be no communion without communication at some level, including the level of biological attunement. Keyword: THE WILL TO ASSOCIATION or COMPREHENSION." the concluding New Moon of November 22nd...
...when I can get to it...
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Well-known member
Re: Pluto conjunct the USA natal M.C. {"Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776}

I apologize for taking so long in wrapping up this thread and being so late in initiating as well asseing as how the event was on Nov. 16th and even though I wanted to present it in a way not demonstrated here at the forum as yet by "reading" the event in the context of the cycle of New Moons it fell within, the fianl New Moon was about two weeks ago.

So far, as I've been emphasizing, what the over all message has been adding up to is not what I had been anticipating all along. One would of thought that such a notable event such as Pluto conjunct your own nations mid haven would have been something I would analyze months ahead of the fact. But I didn't and what with so much political corruption and politicians' lies, corporate arogance, the bankers display of greed and indifference and, more recently, police brutality and subsequent rulings by the courts that "liberty and justice for all" is for all those with enough social affluence and politcal influence to be at liberty to get away with just about anything they wish to.

I expected a lot of symbolism as like is found in many degrees of Gemini as the nations Part of Destiny, Part of Sudden Advancement {aka Hermetic Lot of Nemesis},Part of Basis, Part of Divination and natal Mars are all found in Gemini. When one considers that the Part of Destiny is in the 8th degree of Gemini which has the Sabian Symbolism of "AROUSED STRIKERS SURROUND A FACTORY" and the nations Mars in the 20th degree is symbolically represented by a Sabian Symbol of: {ibid.} "A TUMULTUOUS LABOUR DEMONSTRATION" and that the nation seems to be on the brink of a great social upheaval, if not even a second revolution itself, one might even have been readying themselves for such months in advance for such.
Maybe it's just me and my natal Asc. in the 5th degree of Gemini that is the reason for why I had expectations of such, as the Sabian for my Asc.,
"A REVOLUTIONARY MAGAZINE ASKING FOR ACTION", explains on its own without my having to say anything more.

Looking to the natal Sabian Symbol for the U.S.A.'s natal Pluto in the 28th of Capricorn for some additional introspection on the matter, it is...and with commentary by Dane such: {ibid.}

The enjoyment of spiritual values by the soul able to familiarize itself with their implications.

Birds symbolize spiritual forces, and the aviary presents us with a picture of these forces or desires contained within a mind open to the light of psychic or Soul realities, and bringing joy and harmony to the consciousness. ... One may speak here of CLAIRAUDIENCE, meaning a capacity for being responsive to many inner voices."

Which brings me, personally, to a surprising revelation and gives me cause to refer back to the Full Moon event chart the I.C. of the chart there in review being the symbolic "HOW" in the mundane sense and the "WHY" as to the spiritual is given by the Sabian Symbol for the 5th degree of Leo, and for the 5th degree of Aquarius at the M.C. as for the "HOW" as to the spiritual endeavors and "WHY" for the mundane, as interpreted and summarized by Dane Rudhyar, is: {ibid}


The Root foundation of past performances which power and sustain whatever decision is made in a crisis by an individual."

As I now must listen to the council of my own ancestors, the Quakers that arrived in America in 1683. It was noted by the great 20th century clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce, that the fact that all the decisions that were made by the thirteen colonies as to revolt, to form their own nation, as well as the Constitutional Convention that followed were all formulated in the colony founded by the Society of Friends {aka "Quakers"}, the Christian sect that promotes "Brotherly Love", in the city of "Brotherly Love", Philadelphia. Having Philadelphia as the location set the "right vibrations" for the doings and helped greatly in keeping them spiritually aligned in purpose and directive.
The Quakers of Pennsylvania,as a burgeoning new American society, invited people from all over the world that found themselves being persecuted or oppressed for their religious beliefs to come to their colony and live among them peacefully and in mutual respect for one anothers' own beliefs.
Their faith was still of the "old school" variety, which is what my mother's family was still practicing when I was born, and in the ways of which I was raised, that of "Waiting Worship". That which specified there is to be no preist, pastor or minister at their congregation but only an assembly, a meeting of a "Society of Friends" and of whom that are to "Listen to the Inner Voice" for guidence. During that "meeting" one who has heard that voice and finds need to share rises up to speak to those assembled and as a society they are guided in their ways to growth as a community and spiritually evolve as a people by a consenus of a community spiritual council.

The Sabian Symbols so far have been showing that Americans need to find true love, settle down, have a family, to find ones role in a community of their brethren and be content with what they have.
That is the transformation that Pluto is indicating...and the final New Moon in the cycle testifies to that fact through the Sabian Symbols found in the event chart.

The Asc., the "What" is in the 7th degree of Sagittarius, which coincidently also happens to be the sign and degree for the natal Part of Mother of the U.S.A.'s natal chart: {ibid.}


A stirring-up of individual longings for romantic love.

In contrast to the preceding, this symbol refers to what one might call a personal initiation through an ideal love. Far from being related to social value, ideal love tends to exalt individual characteristics in that it glorifies what seems able to fill poignant and often unconscious needs. Such a love is a projection of the anima or animus Images which in a sense complement the outer character of the one who loves. It is a subjective event which tends to bring to the lover a crisis or emotional chaos. Such a love often turns asocial if not antisocial and is blocked or frowned upon by society.

This second stage symbol is in direct opposition to that of the 'cricket game.' Intensely romantic love knows no rules and ignores collective purpose or dictates of reason. Yet it may bring to the individual an intensity of feeling which no group togetherness can arouse, at least at the ordinary social level. What is implied is a challenge to

...and as Venus was well within a half of a degree orb of conjunction to the Asc. by 00* 16' 06" of a degree it really brings the spiritual precept that the Sabian Symbol for the Asc. represents all the more emphasis on the "Love" and as it is in the 8* of Sag. and being that the Asc. is so close to the cusp of that degree the Sabian Symbol for that degree is of influence here too.
And that is: {ibid}


The alchemical fire which both purifies and transforms the very substance of man's inner life.

Forces are at work in the deepest layers of the psyche which in their own way respond to the outer stimulation produced by a strong involvement in group ambitions and emotions, and even more by the powerful tensions and releases of love. An alchemical process goes on, usually unnoticed by the conscious ego, until it becomes obvious that a kind of mutation has taken place and a new level of awareness and of responses to life has been reached.

At this third stage of the five-fold sequence we deal with both the basic rhythm of growth of the human being and the reaction to more individualized experiences which aroused the emotions. The very substance of the person's nature undergoes modifications, on the basis of which a new step may be taken. The symbol draws our attention to the inner changes. We have to become aware of them. What is implied is a kind of

So... it seems that if there's to be any sort of revolution it is to be an internal one in each of us...and as for the transformation, that too is a needed internal transformation of individual selves which, if we each observe the fact, honor and follow through on it, that is the kind of 'Transformation' that Pluto has called for the United States to proceed into the future.
The "Transformation" here is societal, folks... or it very well should be and must if we are going to do it right. Honor your ancestors for the reasons they came to America and the dreams they had for us, their grandchildren and continue in the effort to meake the dream a reality for the grandchildren yet to come.

The Desc. of the New Moon event chart culminating this cycle is in the 7th degree of Gemini, the degree that precedes that in which the natal Part of Destiny and Part of Divination, derived from the U.S.A.'s natal chart, are found in...yet so unlike that degree's precept in symbolism. The "WHERE-TO" of the event chart as given and defined by Rudhyar is: {ibid.}


Man's primordial faith in the hidden sustaining power of life

In contrast with the ambitious drive of modern man for power and wealth we now have the image of the eternal search for that which is at the root of all living processes, i.e. water. This search also demands some effort — raising the water-filled bucket — but it is a simple natural effort under the shade of trees which attest to the presence of the life-giving fluid. This presence depends on the cooperation of sky (rain) and earth (the geological formation able to hold the water), and man must develop the intuitive sense which enables him to feel this presence and to make it effectual in his daily life. He must sense the hidden reality which preserves for the use of all living organisms this gift of the 'sky,' the bounteous rain.

At this second stage of the fourteenth five-fold sequence of symbols, the power of the collective and bio-spiritual energies which sustain all earth-rooted cultures is stressed, in contrast to whatever the technological mind of man can make available to increase his personal comfort and mastery over matter. The symbol implies

How appropriate! As Rudhyar pointed out in his summation: "...the power of the collective and bio-spiritual energies which sustain all earth-rooted cultures is stressed, in contrast to whatever the technological mind of man can make available..." I am reminded of an article from some sensationalist tabloid that was cut out, matted and framed and hung behind the bar at a local tavern that used to e nearby. It hung there for a number of years. The article had a headline reading' "Would You Sell Your Soul For A Lincoln Towncar?" It was a "workingman's tavern and that was placed there by the proprietor to remind all that came in after a hard days work that one should best be reminded of their priorities as to what they are working for... or should be. So many technological wonders and that are continuously "new and improved" every other year, if not every year. Be happy within your [and I hate to use this term, but for want of a better one} "class status" let the "Have Mores", the truly wealthy, try "Keeping up with the Jone's"...and showing them up, as that still seems to be in vouge among those that have more money than they know what to do right with.

As a society we've nearly bankrupted ourselves by using too much credit, but the bankers, the corporations and the politicians are going to have to cooperate. There is a dire need for the pride and sense of self worth, and self esteem, that people find in their trade and what they create in manufacturing that was once prevalent across the nation, that must be resumed here in the United States and that will make for a much healthier American society as a whole both psychologically and financially. That in turn will help to revive all the other forms of business, raise the collective social consciousness, and transform all matters of social enterprise and activity to a more noble and higher civilized collective society in both appearance and deed. And which that, again in turn, leaves the "spiritual" facet of our society free to aspire to evolve and far less obstacles to acheiving it.

Which brings us to the mid haven of the chart, the "HOW", in a spiritual interpretation, to make that transition from the "WHAT" to the "WHERE-TO" represented symbolically by the Sabian Sumbols found for the Asc. and Desc.
From Rudhyar, we find: {ibid}


The need to keep a vibrant and pure simplicity at the core of one's being as one meets the many tests of existence.

Coming after the preceding symbols this one tells us that, though great, spectacular and resolute efforts are needed in order to achieve one's higher goals of destiny, still the essential quality as one journeys on 'the Path' is a pure, spontaneous, fresh and nonviolent approach to all encounters. This of course is Jesus' entreaty to his disciples — that they should be like 'little children.' Without such a deep, heartfelt simplicity the seeker after spiritual experiences or Initiation is bound to find himself glamorized by his own successes, and to see his ego feeding on the drama of struggle and victory.

This is the fourth stage of the thirty-fifth five-fold sequence and it presents us with a subtle hint of technique. Beyond individual prowess and social eminence, the individual whose innocence is fixed upon spiritual
realization should genuinely radiate

...need I say anything in additon at all?

And finally, [at last]... the nadir, which is "WHY" {and to point out for those that are new to Sabian Symbolic interpretations of chart axes, to read the chart in the matter of the mundane, one must only reverse the roles of the M.C. and I.C. with one another}...again, from Rudhyar: {ibid.}


The need to consciously accept one's own personal limitations in order to concentrate one's energies and to live a centered and fulfilled life.

Every individualized person is a small island in the vast ocean of mankind. The ego fulfills a necessary function, as it sets boundaries and gives a specific character to the consciousness. Within these boundaries a complex interplay linking and integrating the various aspects of the personal life can operate constructively. In time, these ego-boundaries can not only expand, but can become a zone of intense interchange between the inner and the outer, between the individual and the community, between man and the universe.

This fourth stage symbol tells us that the first duty of any man or woman is to be truly what he or she is as an individual. But this individual has a particular dharma, i.e. a place and function in a vaster whole. The island's inhabitants get subsistence from the sea, and in time learn to navigate this sea and interact with other islanders — and all eventually will come to realize their oneness within the whole Earth, which includes everything. An appropriate Keyword would be

...and there it is emphasized once again, in Dane's own words, "The need to consciously accept one's own personal limitations in order to concentrate one's energies and to live a centered and fulfilled life." be content in the role life has given you, that your community has a material want for you to fill, and a spiritual need for the same.
As Rudhyar reminds us all in what He wrote: "This ... symbol tells us that the first duty of any man or woman is to be truly what he or she is as an individual. But this individual has a particular dharma, i.e. a place and function in a vaster whole." And If we will only follow what is being given to us as for a sign from the Heavens, "... all eventually will come to realize their oneness within the whole Earth, which includes everything."

In a thread initiated by another member early this year, in the "Spiritual" sub forum, asking whether there are indications in her natal chart, for her, of the potential to lead a spiritually oriented life, I replied that I found what she had written, in her last post, so appropriate in relation to this event that was to follow some months later...and that also... as I saw in the symbolism of Her natal chart the personal astrological aspects of being that of, and the potential to be a source of inspiration and guidence towards, exactly what is being called for all us Ameiricans to aspire to, and become ourselves, in this present time of Pluto's conjunction to the mid haven of the United States. Her member name is ms toxic, and her words are:

"...everybody looks at the world and thinks political revolution but that isn't the problem the root lies in our spirit and how to align our intentions with compassion and understanding to remove self and to see we all are a part of each other regardless of how disconnected we may feel....a mass healing is necessary and which ever spirituality speaks your language it doesn't matter what matters is the universal love we are too frightened to share cause we are so enraptured with self..."

Just to remind all that Phoenix Venus had already derived the Hyleg triune for the event and that the pre event New Moon Hyleg is pointing to the fact that it's about the economic health and well being of the nation. So, have you corporate leaders, bankers and politicians been following along here? We need action not promises that never seem to be delivered. If you can't be a part of the solution then we all may just do a little transformation work on you:wink:
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