Mercury Stationary Direct in Natal Chart?


Well-known member
Arian Maverick said:
I can answer this! :D

Assuming you are using Astrodienst to create your natal chart, look at the pretty pictures under Astrodienst free Horoscopes and click the arrow to the left to change the pictures. Now click on the picture to the extreme right that reads Extended Chart Selection when you hover your mouse over it.

Now select your name in the drop-down menu next to Horoscope for: , if you have already created your natal chart. If you have not, click on Add a New Person to the right of that drop-down menu and enter your natal data. Click the blue button that says Click here to show the chart.

This page should be familiar to you if you've used Astrodiesnt before. At the top-left corner of the page, you'll see a link you may not have noticed before that reads View the additional tables (PDF)--it's under the link that reads View the PDF drawing (for subscribers). A window should pop up in your browser; if not, you may have to disable your pop-up blocker.

You'll see a bunch of charts on this page. You're looking at the first one labeled Planet positions, specifically under the column labeled Longitude. Go down that column for the planet you're looking for; the planets are listed to the right. If a planet is direct, it will not have any symbol after the longitude degree. If a planet is retrograde, it will have the familar Rx after the degree. What you're looking for is a different symbol--either Sd for stationary direct or Sr for stationary retrograde. If these symbols are not in the chart, then you do not have any natal planets which are stationary retrograde.

...and I feel the same way regarding afflictions to Mercury, especially those regarding Saturn, as being indicative of a low IQ.

Perhaps due to this aspect, which I possess natally, I have difficulty understanding why the words "slow" or "mentally plodding" seem to be associated with stupidity. A quick thinker is not necessarily a careful thinker...

Going back to the topic at hand, didn't one of the United States presidents have stationary Mercury--perhaps John F. Kennedy? I'll have to check this out.

EDIT: Ah, I knew it! Scroll down to the section titled The Birth of JFK in this article: JFK, Chiron and The Wound That Never Heals: America's Turning Point of the 20th Century. Supposedly, JFK had both Mercury and Uranus stationary retrograde on the day of his birth; I must have discovered this while researching my own natal Uranus.

Arian Maverick

Thank you Arian! Doing what you told me, I see an R on Saturn,Neptune and Uranus...but I don't see any X or is that very very VERY small one a little under the letter?:rolleyes: :p


Well-known member
I don't know a whole lot on the subject, but what little I do know - I will share with you.

I know that when a planet is stationing - particular on the exact day of stationing - it's energies and lessons are stronger than usual.

For instance, I know a guy who was born on the day his Mercury stationed direct in Cancer. He has had very strong issues/ lessons regarding Mercury in Cancer. He stuttered and talked with a lisp throughout his formative years - and was teased and rejected by others because of it. (Rejection is a very big Cancer thing - which causes them to tend to withdraw and go into their shell.) He also has major issues in communicating with his mother - would rather go into his shell than tell her how he really feels about the way she acts.


Interesting. I had similar issues growing up. I had speech problems in my early years and was picked on a lot.

My Mercury is stationary direct in Pisces in the 6th House, is the apex of a t-square and all three planets are within the 3 Degree orb for critical degrees in Mutable Signs.


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New member
Interesting. I had similar issues growing up. I had speech problems in my early years and was picked on a lot.

My Mercury is stationary direct in Pisces in the 6th House, is the apex of a t-square and all three planets are within the 3 Degree orb for critical degrees in Mutable Signs.

I have mercury stationed direct in libra in my seventh house. My speech impediments developed after 18 seemingly. I stutter now and really struggle to speak loud and clearly. It’s seldom that these problems don’t occur. When I was younger I was inquisitive but didn’t talk much outside of home. I didn’t have many friends but I got along with people and conversations have never been a strong point for me. I usually need someone else to initiate them or ask me hella questions before I can connect my feelings to my words. Saturn is on my ascendant so that plays into my shyness but I fumble words and have to take things back frequently. It’s like once I say it out loud I realize how wrong it is.

Mercury semisextile Venus
Trine Uranus
Square Lilith
& conjunct Chiron