8th house stellium in natal and SR chart


New member
Hello! I would like to get some insight of my next solar return! I don’t really understand much but the 8th house stellium caught my attention because I also have one in my natal chart. I was wondering if this is something significant and if so how would it manifest in my life? Also what should I focus on in the next year? Do you think it’s a good time to start a relationship?

natal chart: https://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi...gw&sday=5&smon=1&syr=2020&prmth=0&rs=3&add=18
SR: https://www.astro.com/cgi/showgif.cgi?lang=e&gif=astro_32gw_nia_202015.40993.8429.png&res=63
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Well-known member
There me hidden things you uncover or thie year you go into your psyche a bit more. Maybe you will have deep experiences.