Will he ever ask me to marry him?


Well-known member
Haven't done one of these in a while, got really itchy on the subject after realizing that my bf of three years ended his last lt relationship because the girl wanted for them to marry. So now I kind of wonder is this going to be our future too, and I am thinking it is quite possible option.

I know questions shouldn't be phrased with 'ever' or similar indefinite time concepts, but let's give it a go anyway.

I am Venus in 8th house of worry, somehow my significator always falls in the 8th house. I am also Moon in 6th about to switch signs. Moon is technically VOC, but it changes signs soon and will aspect Mars(him in 4 somethings)
He is Mars in 12th, is state is not good, in his detriment and his 6th house, meaning preoccupation with work, obligations and health. But he is in my house, liking me. Venus doesn't receive Mars, but there is an applying trine in 7 degrees.
What does Saturn in the first mean?
If we go past VOC Moon and check for further aspects, I see many obstacles, as Moon oppose Mars(him) sextile Jupiter(?) and then sextile Venus(me, so it does not translate light from him to me. Would Jupiter here traditionally represent money matters, or ruling 3rd and 6th house of this chart, symbolize those, perhaps communications or daily obligations. Jupiter is obviously obstacle as Mars will also first trine Jupiter before reaching Venus.
How would you interpret this chart overall? Many thanks in advance.


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dr. farr

Well-known member
(Following is not in accordance with standard horary practice and uses whole sign house format)

-querent = 1st house = Libra = Venus
-quesited 1 = 7th house = Aries = Mars
-quesited 2 = his house of communications (ie his "asking") = 3rd from 7th = Gemini = Mercury
-SN posits his house of communications = - testimony
-querent Venus is in his house of communications (+) afflicted by being sign-conjunct the disruptive SN (-) = net neutral testimony
-Mercury flows away from Venus = - testimony
-querent co-significator Moon flows toward Mercury (+) but away from Mars (-) = net neutral testimony
-Mars posited in querent's signfying house (+), in detriment (-), Mercury and Venus both flow toward Mars (+) = net + testimony

Positive = +1 testimony
Negative = -2 testimonies
Net = -1
...with a net -1 indications are slightly unfavorable for him to propose marriage over the next couple of months (net -1 is a very weak indication, almost a maybe)
This horary (in my opinion) only covers 2 (maybe 3) months, after which time circumstances and indications might well change, and (in my book) the question could be asked again.