Please explain


Well-known member
second marriage is seen from 11th house and lord mars is in 4th house with venus and moon. Jup is seeing 11th house and lord mars also seeing it and strengthening.

Can anyone explain what the above statement means.
Does it mean that the second marriage will see positive results?
I am not sure how to interpret this statement


Well-known member
There is no truth in this.IF someone is going to be married more than once,there should be logic in defining the scenario.

There can not be a single reason for multiple marriages.If jupitor is in libra sign,this may lead to multiple marriages,delay in marriage etc.Next if Venus and mars are situated together in a sign or in same navamasa,this indicates something when more than one planet is placed in second house.There are more indicators for multiple marriage but i described simple rules for more than one marriage as per krushana ashtakvarga system.

Hope its clear now



Well-known member
I’m sorry I should have explained my situation. This is my second marriage and my question is will it last. The response above was the answer which I didn’t understand. Maybe you can provide input


Well-known member
2nd house denotes second marriage and for female saturn is karaga for second husband .

debilitated sukra and rahu jupiter in 7th aspected by saturn is the reason for failure in marriage . venus is karaga for marriage and marital happiness if that loses power then married life will be tasteless . atleast venus placed house lord should be strong for minimum happiness in marriage , that too is missing in this chart . generally dula sign lagna has problematic married life . that when 7th lord comes as jupiter , he does worst than others . jupiter aspects is good and jupiter posited house gets affected . also 5th and 9th house are major pillars in chart if that affected person life is like a hell . for you 5th lord venus debil and 9th lord saturn retro . thats not good . both poorva puniya and bhagiya got affected .

current saturn dasa gives you health problems , financial problems and seperation from family . theres a chance for second marriage since mars is with 2nd lord moon .

you have one chance in 2024 after that no chance .