Debilitated Mercury?


Well-known member
@JupiterAsc Thanks for the links--you're awesome!! :)

Well, my personal foray into traditional astrology didn't start with any one book. It started out of a sense of deep dissatisfaction with the way Modern astrology was conducted. It seemed that everything hinged on the 3 outers (especially Pluto) and it seemed as if the other 7 planets were de-emphasized. Other things that turned me of was the over glamourizing of certain signs, the overly vague delineations and just the ineffectual nature of the people I was seeing/reading/researching. There were very few modern astrologers that I found to be very good e.g. Greybeard but that calibre wasn't the norm.

Lol, similarly, the way modern astrology was done left me displeased. I participated on LL some months ago, and was baffled to come across delineations of saturn hard aspects in synastry being positive, great things to have. Obviously, they were saying that to make money but I was still quite shocked, bewildered and deeply saddened that people could say such irresponsible things for money (I don't value paper bills over people, and I'm completely naive, it seems). Anyways, I kept asserting that Saturn's a malefic planet, and Jupiter's a benefic, (mostly from my own life experience, but obviously, some great soul somewhere had told me this while I was studying) and they said I was a dour traditionalist. I told them I was a realist and I didn't know about traditional astrology, and so I ended up here, because I figured it was more in line with my thinking.

Well that was longer than expected. TL;DR, the modernists tried to sell me forever sunshine and rainbows and I knew life didn't always appear as such.

Then, I used the myriad amount of resources that were scattered across the web. Blogs, books, pdfs; anything I could squueeeze out the information from (unfortunately I didn't bookmark anything) . As well, knowing the philosophy behind the signs and planets and why astrology is structured in the way it is, is pretty important and key to a deeper and more organic understanding of the craft as a whole.

Good thing that you've highlighted the roots of astrology. I will have to go back to the basics since my modern understanding is very likely skewed in a traditional sense.

So with all of that, I would recommend:

-The skyscript forums. The main site has a lot of articles for beginners. I also recommend you read about the planets and what they signify in the world and even the mythology surrounding them.
-Learning about the thema mundi (chart of the world):
- Tertrabiblos by Ptoemy is also online
- There are a bunch of books online that focus on ancient astrology. Two such are Carmen astrologicum (I think that's its name) by Dorotheus and the Anthologies by Valens. Bare in mind that these are thick so may be hard to go through if you aren't aware of certain terms already.
- is a good site that you can look through to get a grip on certain techniques.

If you have cash to fork out I'd suggest you get a hold of Traditional Astrology - An Introduction by Benjamin Dykes. He lays out everything in a simple and straightforward way.

I forgot to mention I frequent skyscript as well, but mostly for horary. I'll start looking more into depth at their other works . At the risk of sounding like a broken record, thank you, since I sincerely appreciate alternatives because of how difficult it is for me to own physical copies. Though, I'll have to find a way to get a hold of Dykes.

Thanks for the compliment and it's no problem at all. There are a lot of other things that make my Mercury work well for me but I won't bog down the thread with that.

Your welcome. *glomps* I'm really happy and excited to be learning something new and it is to your complete credit since you took your time out here.

When I get good enough, I'll PM you and ask to give you a reading. Don't decline! :)


Well-known member
It is more related to thought process, rather than actual IQ. Rational and critical thinking, deductive reasoning, etc. are expressed in different ways in every individual.

Also in every chart, a planet can have a huge variation of dignities
and debilities.
As CT mentioned, sect and sign
are just a few among many.

You should also note that for "personality" type of analysis, the concept of "weak or strong" isn't applied methodically as such.
In many senses, it has more to do with sign qualities and how they affect the planet.
A person with, for example, Mercury in detriment in Sagittarius opposing the Moon, could result in a person being very anxious.
published 10 May 2018

Essential Dignities and Debilities in Traditional Astrology

The video recording of episode 156 of The Astrology Podcast
Charles Obert discusses the concept of essential dignities and debilities
and how they are used to determine the condition of a planet in an astrological chart.


Well-known member
Is that a nativity chart?

Wouldn't 7th house for native's marital partner? Saturn besides Mercury? = perhaps the native's partner could be a lot older than the native?

Is Mercury only for intellect? Would it not also represent Wisdom?

Mercury Saturn and Moon in conjunction? Could it not be someone who might be emotional smart and wise?
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Premium Member
Debilated mer emotional, intellectually confused, irrational;

pisces inimical-malefic for virgo asc,
stress-delays in marriage-vocation-business;

asc lord mer over inimical pisces 7th,
moon-sat-mer-venus pisces, the stellium,
detached attitude towards marriage-relationships,
artistic aptitudes-dance, behavioural economics, etc
abdominal-skin-circulatory-feet-head-intestinal health issues;

sat lord 6th for health-challenges over 7th
affecting marriage-health etc ,
mars aspect pisces impacting 7th house matters and inflammations;

venus elevated pisces 6th, selfless-attitude,
influencing others through power of personal charm;
7th lord jup own sag 4th, debilation of mer cancelled,
gradual growth-improvements in marriage-vocation-business;
venus lord 9th elevated 6th, luck with extra efforts;

venus significator for relationship negating to 6th
tending to negate relationship?
sat 7th delayed marriage;

moon lord 11th over 7th,
gains through spouse/marriage, but under stress-delay;

mer elevated aspect virgo asc, overall protective of health/life;
mer 10th lord over inimical pisces,
career under stress-delay;
spouse supportive but dominating;

jup 7th lord inimical over own sag 4th,
growth-riches through teaching-advisory-consultancy-law/justice roles,
however mother-domestic comforts-property under stress-delay,
prone to lung issues/inflammations probably;

mer debilated but debilation cancelled, gradual growth;
jup square aspec own pisces 7th, protective;
pisces inimical hence growth under stress-delay;
may wear green emerald over pendant touching heart;

hope this helps, wishing well, share ground feedbacks,

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Well-known member
Is that a nativity chart?
Wouldn't 7th house for native's marital partner?
Saturn besides Mercury? = perhaps the native's partner could be a lot older than the native?

Is Mercury only for intellect?

Would it not also represent Wisdom?

Mercury Saturn and Moon in conjunction?
Could it not be someone who might be emotional smart and wise?
Traditionally Mercury indicates education, letters, disputation

reasoning :smile:

brotherhood, interpretation, embassies
number, accounts, geometry, markets, youth, games, theft, association, communication
service, gain, discoveries, obedience, sport, wrestling, declamation
certification, supervision, weighing and measuring
the testing of coinage, hearing, versatility.
MERCURY is the bestower of forethought and intelligence
MERCURY is the lord of brothers and of younger children
and the creator of all marketing and banking.
MERCURYS effects go in many directions
depending on the changes of the zodiac
and the interactions of the stars

and yields quite varied results :smile:
As for the end result
Mercury will make everything capricious in outcome and quite disturbed


Well-known member
Thanks a ton, kshantaram! I do apologize for responding late.

Debilated mer emotional, intellectually confused, irrational;

pisces inimical-malefic for virgo asc,
stress-delays in marriage-vocation-business;

asc lord mer over inimical pisces 7th,
moon-sat-mer-venus pisces, the stellium,
detached attitude towards marriage-relationships,
artistic aptitudes-dance, behavioural economics, etc

I am a bit detached, don't really dance. Not too familiar with behavioural economics, as of now.

[/QUOTE=kshantaram]abdominal-skin-circulatory-feet-head-intestinal health issues;[/QUOTE]

Thank you for confirming this.

kshantaram said:
venus significator for relationship negating to 6th
tending to negate relationship?

sat 7th delayed marriage;

Venus or myself? Not married currently.

kshantaram said:
mer elevated aspect virgo asc, overall protective of health/life;
mer 10th lord over inimical pisces,
career under stress-delay;
spouse supportive but dominating;

Career is delayed, a lot of "I don't know what to do" happening.

kshantaram said:
jup 7th lord inimical over own sag 4th,
growth-riches through teaching-advisory-consultancy-law/justice roles,
however mother-domestic comforts-property under stress-delay,
prone to lung issues/inflammations probably;

I am going to become a teacher (hopefully)! I am an okay advisor, according to friends, with an interest in pursuing a role law. No lung issues, nor does my mother; to my knowledge.

mer debilated but debilation cancelled, gradual growth;
jup square aspec own pisces 7th, protective;
pisces inimical hence growth under stress-delay;

Thank you for everything. Your entire post was a huge sigh of relief to read; I truly appreciate it.

kshantaram said:
may wear green emerald over pendant touching heart;

You may have inspired something here :wink:

And your thoughtful post was very helpful, thank you :)

All the best,



Well-known member
Thanks a ton, kshantaram! I do apologize for responding late.

Debilated mer emotional, intellectually confused, irrational;

pisces inimical-malefic for virgo asc,
stress-delays in marriage-vocation-business;

asc lord mer over inimical pisces 7th,
moon-sat-mer-venus pisces, the stellium,
detached attitude towards marriage-relationships,
artistic aptitudes-dance, behavioural economics, etc

I am a bit detached, don't really dance. Not too familiar with behavioural economics, as of now.

kshantaram said:
abdominal-skin-circulatory-feet-head-intestinal health issues;

Thank you for confirming this.

kshantaram said:
venus significator for relationship negating to 6th
tending to negate relationship?

sat 7th delayed marriage;

Venus or myself? Not married currently.

kshantaram said:
mer elevated aspect virgo asc, overall protective of health/life;
mer 10th lord over inimical pisces,
career under stress-delay;
spouse supportive but dominating;

Career is delayed, a lot of "I don't know what to do" happening.

kshantaram said:
jup 7th lord inimical over own sag 4th,
growth-riches through teaching-advisory-consultancy-law/justice roles,
however mother-domestic comforts-property under stress-delay,
prone to lung issues/inflammations probably;

I am going to become a teacher (hopefully)! I am an okay advisor, according to friends, with an interest in pursuing a role law. No lung issues, nor does my mother; to my knowledge.

mer debilated but debilation cancelled, gradual growth;
jup square aspec own pisces 7th, protective;
pisces inimical hence growth under stress-delay;

Thank you for everything. Your entire post was a huge sigh of relief to read; I truly appreciate it.

kshantaram said:
may wear green emerald over pendant touching heart;

You may have inspired something here :wink:

And your thoughtful post was very helpful, thank you! :)

All the best,