Hyleg and Alcocoden


Well-known member
This is Princess Diana's chart. In whole house her Asc is the Hyleg (i think). Alcocoden is Jupiter ( i think again). Any thoughts?

I will try to give a shoot, even though I've never used WH for determining the H & A.

Day chart.
Sun in 8th but in feminine sign, it can not be Hyleg.
Moon in cadent house and in masculine sign, it can not be Hyleg.
Chart is Preventional, PoF (in your chart it is missing) is in 3Leo in 9th house.
Dispositors of the degree of PoF:
Sun (domicile and triplicity) and Saturn (term and face).
PoF is aspecting neither of both.

Now we look at the Syzygy degree.
It is a day chart so we look for the last new moon degree.
The last new moon lunation occurs on 21 Gemini.
The Almuten of that degree are Mercury and Saturn (they both hold 5 points).
Because Mercury is combust and in 8th I would take Saturn in 2nd being the Hyleg, though he is Retrograde but in its own sign.

So, Saturn at 27 Capricorn (in 2nd house) is Hyleg.
Venus, the triplicity ruler is Alcocoden because it is the only dispositor of Saturn which makes an aspect with him.

Venus cadent in 6th house but in its own sign would give her middle years (45).
But this is far from the real number. As I said I've never use this technique with whole sign houses.


Premium Member

After looking at my notes on this subject, I see that I decided on either the Part of Fortune or Part of Hyleg (asc + Moon - PreNatal Lunation) for use as hyleg in my chart. Both are close together in the first house. Mercury then has the most essential dignity, and it is in the 10th house. The greater years apply and this would be 76 years. The Sun in my chart is conjunct fixed star Scheat. I think the combination could be called anareta. Certainly not hyleg.

My chart can be found here: http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/album.php?albumid=25&pictureid=4321

I worked out the hyleg and alcocoden for various celebrities, politicians, ordinary people and royalty. There was a rather close correlation with the alcocoden years and the actual length of life. Empirical experimentation indicates that the hyleg can be in the eighth house. The hyleg and alcocoden need not aspect or behold each other at least for politicians and royalty.

The following two examples died violent deaths:

John F. Kennedy, 29 May 1917, 15:00, Brookline, Massachusetts. In Kennedy's chart the Sun is hyleg and in the 9th house in at 7 degrees Gemini. Mercury is alcocoden in the 8th house. Mercury is close between Jupiter and Mars. The Mercury years for a succeedant house is 48. Add the least years of Jupiter 12 and it becomes 60, and subtract the least years of Mars 15 and it becomes 45. JFK was 46 when he died.

Princess Diana of Wales, 1 July 1961, 19:45, Sandringham, England. Diana's Sun is in the 8th house at at 9 degrees Cancer. I have used it for the hyleg. The Moon has the most essential dignity and is in the 3rd house with Jupiter. The least years of the Moon are 25. Add the least years of Jupiter 12 and it becomes 37 for total years. Diana was 36 when she died.

Whole Sign Houses used.


Well-known member
Omnisphericus, some years ago I encountered an interesting method which involves a little maths, described as "Ptolemy's Method" by Astrologer Alessandro Barone:smile:

Ptolemy's method

When the apheta or Hyleg is occidental, the anaretic point is the western horizon i.e. : the man/woman dies when his/her apheta sets.

After computing the apheta's setting time, correct it by adding or subtracting the horary parts of the aspects the apheta encounters during its journey towards its setting.

The horary parts are, in modern terms, the meridian distance of the aspecting planet/s divided by its semiarc. These horary parts are subtracted from the years of the Hyleg in full, if the aspecting planet is on the ascendant, and proportionally decreased the closer it gets to the descendant.

Princess Diana's case illustrated the method:

Hyleg setting time +42d25m
opp Saturn -15d43m
sext Mars -06d58m
sext Venus +01d26m
conj Mercury +01d33m
conj Sun +02d22m
trine Moon +11d27m
Total 36d32m

The time of death should then be 36.53 years (according to Ptolemy)

Interesting that the result is consistent with the date of the event, although if the ascendant were rectified by no more than a couple of minutes, it would have given the exact date.



Well-known member
I am aware however that we are discussing the Hyleg and Alcocoden so let us consider Alessandro Barone describing Princess Diana's Hyleg and Alcocoden :smile:
tsmall, I think you are right! Your rectification with Venus aspecting the Asc is great! Yes we should look at the AA charts.
I wanted to post the chart of Janis Joplin but lets first see Lady Diana's chart

Princess Diana's Hyleg and Alcocoden determination

Sun in
feminine sign and feminine quadrant: Moon below horizon, both discarded.

Lot of Fortune is Hyleg - Venus same rising time/declination - Ptolemy describes this situation as "equivalent signs", where length of day/night are equal . Their longitudinal difference from the solstice lies exactly in the same degree: Venus 35°36' and Hyleg 35°2'

This condition overcomes all others for eligibility as Alchochoden.
Venus is Alchochoden.

Venus is not cadent, so gives maximum years = 82.

These years must be diminished by 1/5 for any of the following 5 conditions, if missing:

House: Venus not cadent.
Dignity: Venus in domicile .
Oriental to the Sun : Venus oriental
direct in motion: Venus direct
in Haiz: Venus is not, being below the horizon.

Venus offers 82*4/5 = 65.6 years. BUT Venus afflicted by trine Saturn, from sign of short ascension, cutting Venus' years by the minor years of Saturn, i.e. 30.

65.6 - 30 = 35.6 = age Alchochoden gives for Princess Diana's death.

Very close: but we currently are unable to evaluate quantitatively:

1. Additional time offered by even a negative aspect with a benefic planet - square with the Moon in this case: measured in months or days, but no reliable tradition re: how many months or days granted.

2. Nodes influence: some say they add or diminish, others say they neither add nor diminish & in this case Venus is in aspect with the Nodes. So, due to these uncertainties, the result of this traditional method is reasonable.:smile:


Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
I have an interesting note to share. I've sort of been a bad kid and have been going through the charts of people I know to calculate their hylegs and alcocodens. I have one friend who is 24 whose alcocoden gives her roughly 22 years. She's obviously alive and well, but the interesting thing is last year she was sent to the ER for chest pains and was diagnosed with heart palpitations, she's on medicine for it now.


Well-known member
So the system could work for people who die in accidents or homicides. But we need more examples to confirm how Hyleg and Alcoccoden work.

JUPITERASC, can you please shows as the method you use? I mean the math.
hi Omnisphericus and others...I've been quite concerned about my longevity. I found 38-42 for myself. Depending On Mercury's situation, it can change. Can I ask you guys to analyze my longevity. I know many people don't like to do that but I've already done it for myself. I found my ascendant as hyleg and Mars as alcocoden. What do you guys think?


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Well-known member

After looking at my notes on this subject, I see that I decided on either the Part of Fortune or Part of Hyleg (asc + Moon - PreNatal Lunation) for use as hyleg in my chart. Both are close together in the first house. Mercury then has the most essential dignity, and it is in the 10th house. The greater years apply and this would be 76 years. The Sun in my chart is conjunct fixed star Scheat. I think the combination could be called anareta. Certainly not hyleg.

My chart can be found here: http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/album.php?albumid=25&pictureid=4321

I worked out the hyleg and alcocoden for various celebrities, politicians, ordinary people and royalty. There was a rather close correlation with the alcocoden years and the actual length of life. Empirical experimentation indicates that the hyleg can be in the eighth house. The hyleg and alcocoden need not aspect or behold each other at least for politicians and royalty.

The following two examples died violent deaths:

John F. Kennedy, 29 May 1917, 15:00, Brookline, Massachusetts. In Kennedy's chart the Sun is hyleg and in the 9th house in at 7 degrees Gemini. Mercury is alcocoden in the 8th house. Mercury is close between Jupiter and Mars. The Mercury years for a succeedant house is 48. Add the least years of Jupiter 12 and it becomes 60, and subtract the least years of Mars 15 and it becomes 45. JFK was 46 when he died.

Princess Diana of Wales, 1 July 1961, 19:45, Sandringham, England. Diana's Sun is in the 8th house at at 9 degrees Cancer. I have used it for the hyleg. The Moon has the most essential dignity and is in the 3rd house with Jupiter. The least years of the Moon are 25. Add the least years of Jupiter 12 and it becomes 37 for total years. Diana was 36 when she died.

Whole Sign Houses used.

Hi Culpeper,
Your work though out of tradition is very impressive. It seems that your method of not (necessarily) having aspect between H & A obviously works. Many of the medieval authors does not accept Sun as Hyleg in 8th, and those who are accepting it, are accepting the Sun in 8th only if in masculine sign (while Diana's Sun is in feminine sign).

Why did you eliminate the Moon as your Hyleg?


Well-known member
So the system could work for people who die in accidents or homicides. But we need more examples to confirm how Hyleg and Alcoccoden work.

JUPITERASC, can you please shows as the method you use? I mean the math.

Yes, JupiterAsc it would be great to give more insights on your math, I'm too a little bit confused. Because Venus IS cadent. Can you give more details of your method of calculation?
I suppose you are talking about the Right and Oblique Ascension?!


Well-known member
I have an interesting note to share. I've sort of been a bad kid and have been going through the charts of people I know to calculate their hylegs and alcocodens. I have one friend who is 24 whose alcocoden gives her roughly 22 years. She's obviously alive and well, but the interesting thing is last year she was sent to the ER for chest pains and was diagnosed with heart palpitations, she's on medicine for it now.

This is another example how the modern medicine is giving years to the length of life of men.


Well-known member

Thank you DreamingTheSeas, I'm reading it at the moment.
It is very informative but in the same time very confusing because it seems out that there are so many different interpretations of Ptolomy and his work.
I'm trying to follow the calculations which Bob makes about finding the direction between the Hyleg and Dc. Bob says that Ptolomy didn't use Alcocoden. I've not read Ptolomy but the author on the Angelicus Merlin group who has made a summary on H & A from different authors and which I'm quoting often here on this thread is saying this (under the section of finding the Alcocoden according to Ptolomy):

Take the planet that has the most dignities in the place of the Hyleg.
His method of ascertaining the number of years given is based on directing the
Alcochoden to the degrees of the malefics. The method requires a study book of its own.
He does, however, make an interesting comment:

“For in general we must not admit any planet, either to destroy or to aid,
that is under the rays of the Sun, except that when the Moon is prorogator
the place of the Sun itself is destructive when it is changed about by the
presence of a maleficent planet and is not released by any of the
beneficent ones.”

Which seems to imply that an aspecting planet which is USB neither adds nor subtracts
years and that if the Sun is with or aspected by a malefic and not aspected by a benefic
nor in the terms of a benefic it becomes malefic.
hi Omnisphericus. I've been quite concerned about my longevity. I found 38-42 for myself. Can you view my chart and tell me which planets you think are hyleg and alcocoden I found my ascendant as hyleg and Mars as alcocoden. What do you think?


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Well-known member
hi Omnisphericus. I've been quite concerned about my longevity. I found 38-42 for myself. Can you view my chart and tell me which planets you think are hyleg and alcocoden I found my ascendant as hyleg and Mars as alcocoden. What do you think?

Maybe you can take Jupiter in 1st as Alcocoden of the Asc.
It is angular and in exaltation, so it can give its major years.

Don't panic about the years you have calculate. As you can see we empirically try to investigate what from the older texts is functioning and what is not functioning. I would suggest to you to take these judgments as play and do not take it seriously, it is not a matter of proven fact and non-changeability at this point. We are still searching for the most accurate method, till then be relaxed.


Well-known member
Hyleg Acording to Ptolomy

Because the discussion led to Ptomlomy's method maybe its time to give attention to this method of finding the H & A.
It seems out that his method is more complicated than the rest.

I will first quote some summaries of the method of Ptolomy and than we can talk about it as well about the method of determining the length of life through the directions of the Hyleg.

Ptolemy Book III, Chapter 10

Gives five hylegical places:
1. MC
2. 1st (5 deg before Asc and 25 degrees below)
3. 11th
4. 7th
5. 9th
The regions of greatest importance are the Sun, Moon, Asc, PoF and their rulers.

In a day chart, examine

Almuten of the Sun, new Moon prior to birth, Ascendant

In a night chart, examine

Almuten of Moon, full moon prior to birth, Part of Fortune
if the chart is conjunctional, the Asc, otherwise the Part of Fortune
[Note that if a day chart is preventional you still look for the last conjunction prior to the
birth; if the night chart is conjunctional you look to the last full moon.]
If both the luminaries or sect rulers are in hylegical places, take the one that is in the
place of greatest authority; the almuten is preferred only when it is in a position of
greater authority and has dignity with both the lights (Sun and Moon).

[Basically, you are looking for one of the above in a hylegical place. Ptolemy does not
accept any planet in a non-hylegical place as the hyleg]

Here's another summary of the method of Ptolomy:
(From this site: http://www.greekmedicine.net/medical_astrology/Longevity_and_the_Hyleg.html)

Ptolemy's Method for Determining the Hyleg

Claudius Ptolemy, generally regarded as being the father of Western astrrology, states in his Tetrabiblios that the Hyleg is the planet with the greatest essential dignity in five important chart positions:
1) The degree of the Sun
2) The degree of the Moon
3) The degree of the Ascendant
4) The Part of Fortune
5) The Prenatal Syzygy - the degree of the New Moon or Full Moon before birth (New Moon if the natal Moon is waxing, and Full Moon if the natal Moon is waning).
When it comes to matters of essential planetary dignities, classical astrologers like Ptolemy had a much more complex and involved system for reckoning them than modern astrology. In addition to the modern dignities of rulership and exaltation, the ancients also figured in the triplicity rulers as well as the lords of the terms and faces.
In addition, they had a point system for tallying up or measuring the relative strength or debility of a planet, based on its essential dignities and debilities. Five points was given for a planet being the domicile ruler, four points for it being in exaltation, three points for it being the triplicity ruler, two points for being the term ruler, and one point for being the face ruler. The planet with the greatest essential dignity is called the Almuten.
With Ptolemy's method the Hyleg, being the planet with the greatest essential dignity over the above five key positions in the natal horoscope, functions like a Grand Almuten of the entire chart. To score and determine exactly what this Grand Almuten is, put the symbols for the seven classical planets across the top of the page. Under each, write down in a vertical column all the points each planet receives regarding each of the above five positions. At the end, tally up the total number of points for each planet; the planet with the highest score or total overall wins.
As a reference chart for scoring, especially regarding the more obscure classical dignities, I provide you with the following link. It's a chart of the essential planetary dignities according to Ptolemy, with an explanatory article of several pages that follows it:
One additional qualification remains: the planet must also be in a Hylegaical house. For purposes of selecting the Hyleg, Ptolemy considered the first five degrees above the horizon to be functionally part of the First House; a First House planet, to be Hyleg, must also be in the same sign as the Ascendant degree. If no planet can qualify to be the Hyleg, then the Ascendant itself becomes the Hyleg.
Once the Hyleg has been determined, it is analyzed according to its various accidental dignities to determine the native's potential for health and longevity. The point system for scoring these accidental dignities and debilities is also in the the Skyscript article that accompanies the chart on the above link. Accidental dignities add to the Hyleg's potential for health and vitality, whereas accidental debilities detract from it.
The 17th century English astrologer William Lilly also had his method for determining the Hyleg. It can also be found in the above Skyscript article.
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Ptolomy's Tetrabiblos

In his book Tetrabiblos in chapter 10 (book III) called "Of Length of Life" Ptolomy says:

In the first place we must consider those places prorogative (see definitions bellow) in which by all means the planet must be that is to receive the lordship of the prorogation; namely, the twelfth part of the zodiac surrounding the horoscope, from 5° ahove the actual horizon up to the 25° that remains, which is rising in succession to the horizon; the part sextile dexter to these thirty degrees, called the House of the Good Daemon; the part in quartile, the mid-heaven; the part in trine, called the House of the God; and the part opposite, the Occident.

Because the whole chapter is about 6 pages I decided to put it in a pdf file. You can download it from here:

I suggest all who are interested to study this chapter so we can fully investigate the Ptolomy's method of calculating and directing the Hyleg.

Definition of Prorogator
A term used by Ptolemy in connection with a method of direction, effected by proportion of horary times - semi-arcs. One must distinguish between the Prorogator, the body directed and the Prorogation or method by which it is directed. The Prorogator is the Apheta or Life Giver, in contrast to the Anareta. By day and in aphetical places, the Sun holds the position of Prorogator; by night the Moon. (v. "Hyleg.")
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jupiter1st, my software gives your sun as the hyleg in 2 of the 3 systems for getting it which includes ptolemys system.. the other 1 of the 3 gives part of fortune for the hyleg. i don't know the basis for solar fire software arriving at these conclusions.. maybe that will give you a few more years...


Well-known member
jupiter1st, my software gives your sun as the hyleg in 2 of the 3 systems for getting it which includes ptolemys system.. the other 1 of the 3 gives part of fortune for the hyleg. i don't know the basis for solar fire software arriving at these conclusions.. maybe that will give you a few more years...

sandstone, where in Solar Fire is the option for calculating the Hyleg?