Intercepted Sun in Relocation Chart - Los Angeles


Hello :)

I am planning to move across the country to Los Angeles from New York, where I have lived for 10 years. New York is very close to where I was born, so my natal chart remains the same here.

I have a 6 planet 12th house stellium in Capricorn natally, which moves to my first and second house when I do a relocation chart for LA. My north node and conjunct Mercury, which are intercepted natally in the first house, move out of interception to the second house.

However, in the relocation chart, my Pisces Sun becomes intercepted in house 3. I've read that moving to a place where your Sun or personal planets are intercepted can be a bad idea.

I work in film and have struggled to feel successful and fulfilled in New York for a long time, but am finishing an acting program which I really love in May and am planning to move at that point.

It is a time of major transition in my life as I near my first Saturn Return and I want to be as clearheaded as possible about my decisions. These two cities are my only real options for living and working sustainably. I have posted both my natal chart and relocation chart for LA.

Wondering if anyone has any insight on this?

Much appreciated!
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New member
Hi! I'm going through basically the same thing—planning a move where my Cap stellium moves from my 12th to 1st house (good, right?) but my they enter my first house interception... Jupiter also moves into my 7th, which should be good, but it's also intercepted there in the relocation chart. How did it turn out for you? Or did you ever get any astrological answers?