2001 Space Odyssey


Well-known member
Love the hammock! Makes me think of Summer Breeze, makes me feel fine...

Er...um...sorry...don't wanna get a song stuck in other people's minds. :wink:

I have not read the article yet, but I do have the final monolith sequence dancing through my head. The end is only the beginning and the star child has much of the old man to ponder. What needs to be kept and what needs to be released. Are we our genetics or are we more?

Think of it this way, the monolith is the Scorpio transmutational force in action. Dave goes from being a relatively young man through old age to death and birth as the star child. We see the path through the twilight bridge of instinct awakening to consciousness (Scorpio) through the Piscean total consciousness of death as a release to come into the world anew (Aries), hopefully with higher wisdom of the vulnerability of all life. The pod where Dave and Frank discuss HAL is the beginning of Dave's transformation, for the monolith is in the hidden depths of HAL.

And remember that Kubrick was famous for wanting everyone to take their own meaning from the movie, a very Aquarian stance. I think Clarke might have wanted to show the downfall of technology through the HAL 9000 computer, but that is not the message I get from the movie. The main message, I think, is that any technology is there for our use and it is in our choice of how we use it that either devolves us or evolves us. And, in the end, it is our own vulnerable humanness that will tranmute us the most and allow us to travel in all dimensions, universes, timelines, etc.

BTW, if HAL 9000 was working, it would tell Clarke: you may be a skeptic therefore you do not believe in astrology, but since you are a figment of my imagination, your nonbelief has no effect on me. :lol: :lol:


Well-known member
Star Wars as well! My uncle is an Aquarius and he loves star wars and space odissey! This is trully a strong aquarian influence, most aquarians I know enjoy that kind of spacial fiction!


Well-known member
Funny you should mention that the computer could evolve us or devolve us Elianah. Here's some fun..add one letter to each of the letter in Hal and what do you get?


Well-known member
The theme music to this film is the only piece of music I will tolerate playing loud. And I mean loud! Walls and floors vibrtaing here! :roll:

I read the books- both the Clarke ones and the film, long before i ever saw the film. The books enhanced the film, but I still didn't understand the film! :oops:


Love the hammock! Makes me think of Summer Breeze, makes me feel fine...

Er...um...sorry...don't wanna get a song stuck in other people's minds.

C'mon finish the job! :wink: At least tell me what's now buzzing around at the back of my head! It's still a little to feint to bring into focus to know what it is. At least I'll know whats driving me mad! :D

I keep seeing the opening eclipse. Are we at a dawning of something? something BIG?

And, in the end, it is our own vulnerable humanness that will tranmute us the most and allow us to travel in all dimensions, universes, timelines, etc.

Has anyone read the Otherworld series by Tad Williams? Very Aquarian, I think now. The computers in there are wired directly into our brains, the net becomes a complete alternate reality - difficult to discerne which is which. Frightening and fascinating at the same time. It's only now, after discovering this website, that I am beginning to understand the books properly: the search for the golden city, the bushman's shamanic journeys, the silver river. Well worth reading.

Now, where did I put it? This time, it will be with fresh eyes and a whole new perspective, I think.

Take care



Well-known member

Thanks for the links to Jay Weidner and his very insightful overview of the movie. What a pleasure to read.....both this essay and the other one you left a link to on another thread. I really enjoyed them both and yes the movie does tell our story today, and tomorrow!

I remember when I saw the first Star Wars movie in, was it 1977 it was released???, there was one sceen of flying under a huge planet super fast and then out past it. I got chills and then cried. I knew that this movie too carried a lot of old archetypal characters, polarity issues, and would likely help trigger some people's past/future life memories also. 2001 Space Odyssey and Star Wars of course are coming from very different levels but both of them carried ancient esoteric wisdoms. To bad these types of movies are so few and far between.

LOVED the pure nerve of Kubrick doing Eyes Wide Shut.


Well-known member
For Hel

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine
Blowing through the jasmine in my mind

Hmm...sounds like a perfect song for this forum, or at least the chorus. :wink:

Anyway, I don't think Star Wars had the same impact on me as 2001. Perhaps it was because I was 10 and sitting in a Cinerama theatre watching 2001 where as I was 19 and with a large group of college students watching Star Wars in a regular theatre.

I suppose if I had seen Star Wars on Cinerama it might have been different...

But I think there was also a bit of eyes wide squint on my part at 19 whereas I was mind wide open at 10. Even now there is a very mystical connection with 2001 that I just didn't have with Star Wars. Not that I didn't enjoy the original Star Wars trilogy because I did. They just did not have the lasting impact on me that 2001 did.

And I really still haven't figured out Eyes Wide Shut. I think I have to rent it, watch it and digest it over again.

It's also too bad that George Lucas kind of lost his way in the latest trilogy. Life does laugh at itself occasionally, and George seems to have forgotten that. And Jar Jar does not count for comedic relief.


New member
why do all people think those are eclipses? why not only new / full moons?

I'm in no way an expert in astronomy, but I still fail to recognize the clues which demonstrate they are eclipses.

Can someone bring some light about this?
(I re-saw the movie in the past few days)