Why is everything so difficult? Is there a breakthrough coming?


Active member
Wow Gabriel...your chart intrigues me. I guess as astrologers, every chart should be fascinating to us. The Pluto on the Ascendant in Scorpio...good grief!!!
It's no wonder you sympathized with me so easily.
I see high intelligence in your chart and teaching, writing.
Are you teaching and writing?
If not, you should.
I recommend writing a book on Pluto. I hope you will consider. I'm available to you to be your "study case" since I am going through the Plutonian stuff now..


Thank you very much for your observations. Doing my best to not infringe the rules of the forum, you can find me on fb by my full name. You will see that i have something that i work on that follows the writing lines.

Definitely, i don't close the door to the possibility of becoming a teacher at some point, or writing a book. It is an appealing idea to me. And for sure, if you want to discuss the Plutonian themes, happy to help.


Active member
Any ideas what I should be doing with my life based on my natal chart Gabriel? I have ideas but I would like to know what you'd see..

I have a very strong feeling about your configuration of Mercury in the 2nd, Moon on the 5th and Uranus on the 10th. Definitely something that's your own "baby", that has an unique take, perspective, or content all together. Something that opens the doors for you to be of service to others. Not just take, but give back. And something that definitely is spiritual at root. Something that can be used to help to transform other people.

I'm not familiar with your spiritual path as a whole. But if you are into Astrology and / or Meditation, Reiki, Tarot, or other practices, i would be considering the idea of building a project around that. Meditate on the idea. And see how it resonates with you.

Tremendous potential on counseling too. Here's where that wisdom can really come alive.

Looking at the configurations, 2nd and 8th house axis are intercepted. So, this is one of the reasons where it might have been a little bit on your blindspot. But, 2nd house ruler (Jupiter) is on Scorpio on the 1st, the whole 30 degrees of Capricorn have its ruler (Saturn) on the 6th house of service. 3rd house ruler is the especially eccentric (in your chart) Uranus on the 10th. 8th house (subconscious, hidden themes) ruler (Moon) is in the 5th (self endeavors). So, until here, clear indications that your knowledge and vision can help others.

But, here's the special twist. If you just want to take Mars as a ruler of Scorpio... It is in the 12th house of Meditation, the collective unconscious, and Dream Work (as the symbolism of dreams). And Not only is in the 12th house looking at your Saturn on the 6th, It is the 1st house ruler located 12th from itself. Which further reinforces the Spiritual inclinations already bosoming here.

If Pluto is the choice... It's the 1st house ruler located 10th from itself. A.K.A. What is the biggest impact you can make in society. Your "legacy" if you want to call it like that.

I always believed that Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces have Co-rulers. So, in this case, i consider both Pluto and Mars placements.

In other words, being in a Spiritual perspective, a psychological / psychiatric approach, or the mix of Astrology (or other Spiritual practice) and Psychology, i believe you should consider implementing this potential for wisdom in an active way, through a project of your own making.


Active member
Hi KShantaram!
I haven't studied Vedic so I'm not clear on some of your interpretations! I'm sorry. It's also in point form which is a bit hard to read as well.
I do appreciate the interpretations!


Premium Member
Appreciate your kind ack.

One need not study vedic or chinese astrology to understand the traits-talents reflected
by the planets mentioned in the reading.

It is all about planets-houses-aspects and what they mean,
one need to simply check whether one agrees with the interpretations mentioned in one's own experience,
and whether the reading offers some insights, whether western-eastern-chinese-tarot reading-palmistry etc etc

It has become fashionable to say cannot share feedbacks because do not understand vedic etc,
not relating to one's experiences to the details of the reading.

Because rahu-ketu the nodes are mentioned,
say it is vedic and dispose off the reading effort without comments/feedbacks.

Could also disagree with certain aspects of the reading, which could be true whether vedic, western etc.

The feedbacks are not expected on the technical validity of the reading;
the validity rather lies in how true the interpretation/reading is for yourself,
and how helpful, any ideas generated for reflections-consideration, etc etc

do share salient feedbacks pointwise how the reading resonates with your own experiences
about your self, plans, ideas, etc etc, which could be interesting to learn of.

Astrological reading is about each planet and house, aspects, transits etc
and what they mean for the chart, whether in sentence form or point form.

regret in case the reading effort is not felt relevant at all, not a single word or sentence to resonate with,
inspite of the reading effort.

Could seek clarification on something critical to understand on this discussion forum,

Just clarifying a point of view in case helps reviewing the reading further,
technicalities apart,

Wishing well again, kshantaram
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Premium Member
hope planetary-chart interpretations help adapt-integrate as relevant,
do share-discuss salient pointwise feedbacks how true-insightful etc :

currently the nodes rahu-ketu overlapping transits over 3/9 axis,
life-style reversals tending to foreign travels, pilgrimage;

ketu separative SNode transit acq 3rd,
detachment from siblings, seeking change/.transfer,

pain-injury-surgery arms-shoulders-ears-legs-sciatica etc to watch/care;
natal ketu leo 9th, high self-pride, detachment from father, distant lands;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers at the alter at home sun mornings;

sat now 2.5yr transit sun-cap 2nd, earnings in distant lands;

sat retro these 4-5m reviewing things;
natal sat taurus 6th retrograde, denying-delaying employment prospects,
sat taurus, aptitude for dentistry, food technology, etc

natal retro sat debilated towards moon-aries 5th,
aptitude for social work;
elevated aspect towards libra 11th for gains;
transit sat cap too elevated aspect libra 11th;

cancer-moon inimical-malefic for scorpio asc,
inimical moon over impulsive aries 5th,
stress-delays in luck-edu-romance-children-position;
prone to heart-stomach health issues;

sun-sat cap 2nd, aptitude for event management,
ambitious, hardworking, plodding one's way;

jup now transit mars-venus scorpio asc,
research-occult-forensic chemistry-metal music aptitudes;

jup-sat opp misjudgments-missed opportunities
in matters of health-employment;

jup year end come 2019 moves to natal jup own sag first,
growth-riches through advisory-consultancy-teaching roles;
aptitude for law-justice, optimistic;

jup sag trine moon aries 5th,
supportive of luck-edu-romance-children-position;
trine leo 9th supportive of luck-edu-father-travels;
wear yellow sapphire over jup finger;

do share-discuss pointwise reflections on experiential ground feedbacks,
how true-false-inightful-helpful, traits-talents-health-events-prospects-plans etc etc,

wishing well, kshataram
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Premium Member
appreciate sharing some feedback.

any other feedbacks on the various other interpretations,
agreements-disagreements with the reading.

wishing well,
