Exploring Retrograde Planets and 'retrograde individuals'


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Fyi, I consider retrograde individuals to be 5 or more natal retrograde. Ime, 4 doesn't seem to have as much of an impact, but I could be very wrong. I'm exploring retrogrades in general, but I'm also interested in the impact many retrograde planets can have on an individual

Some people believe retrograde planets to not be very significant, but I disagree. Since I have 5, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune, I can feel their power. Ordinarily, outer planets aren't seen as significant, but for me, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune all form many aspects in my chart. Saturn not so much, but it makes important aspects like an aspect to my MC

The way I see them, they're more internally focused. I don't believe them to be less powerful, but to simply function in an alternative fashion, a more personal, subjective, and idiosyncratic fashion. The reason why they may seem to be less powerful than direct planets is because it may take years for a natal retrograde individual to harness the power of their retrograde planets since they don't function 'normally'

I have a theory that they can also make for a person who's more introverted or in the least maybe less socially graceful. Some celebrity examples would be Aubrey Plaza and Michael Cera. Both are heavily accepted by the masses, but both also have a bit of a name for themselves as awkward, offkilter individuals. Aubrey has 5 natal retrogrades while Michael has 6

I can relate personally to being extremely introverted, internally focused, contemplative, and awkward, not very socially graceful. Moreso than I think with other people, it's taken me a long time to find my way so to speak because I just don't function the way most people do. It's taken me many years to accept that I may not be meant to walk to beaten path,but to make my own and I do think natal retrogrades play into that

My retrograde Mercury is major player being my chart ruler and the ruler of the majority of my inner planets and not only is it rx, but it has oppositions to Neptune and Uranus. Needless to say, my communication and thinking are not exactly down to Earth and it's led to many selfesteem issues. Accepting myself hasn't been easy, but I've gotten there or at least am getting there. The way we think may seem to be slower, but I believe with natal Mercury retrograde, there's an inclination to more big picture thinking. So while it may seem someone with Mercury retrograde is taking slower to understand concepts, in all actuality they may be starting with the big picture and working to fit in all the little details, an innate intuitive grasp of the concept on an abstract level, but then it takes time for all the parts to be put together to figure out how they fit into the big picture

With Pluto retrograde, I think that intense dominating energy can be directed to the self. The advantage is the potential for intense self transformation, the disadvantage is that it may take a lot of time for the individual to find their power and it's a choice they have to make for themselves. They have to seize their power and very much walk their own selves through the journey. There is no guide because the energy is so self directed and so self referencial. But because of that, the transformative power is so much more intense and real. You embody the phoenix. That's not to say that this retrograde Pluto can't take the dark path of projecting ones feelings of lacking power onto others and trying to overpower them, in fact, that may in turn also be incredibly more intense and palpable. I've been through it. The darkness of it may be much more brooding and destructive. The way I see Pluto is that it's a planet that can either be healing or damaging. So harnessing the power of the retrograde Pluto can lead to much healing and transformation not only for the self, but through influence on others

Saturn retrograde is another dark one. I think with the retrograde, there' a desire to reject restriction, one doesn't one to be tamed. THey want to continue on with their wild ways, but time and time and time again, the universe will throw lessons at you until you accept that you do have to tame yourself. I also think that retrograde Saturn can yield an individual who's very very harsh on themselves, extremely self critical. It's because we have to be our own parent. No one else can. We're meant to be independent and no one else is ever gonna be able to teach us what we need to be taught to tame ourselves

I have to admit, I don't want to be tamed myself. I used to live in a way where I rejected any and all rules or restrictions placed on me. I think it's advantageous in that by nature we won't follow rules, but make our own, but earlier on this can lead to much immaturity and possible clashes with laws and academia. I still detest rules and restrictions and will only accept them if I see the value in them, but I have realized as I've matured that I can't live life like a wild child. I have to grow up and that's been a journey I've taken myself on by my own accord. I still refuse to follow rules if they feel to me to remove the spirit and passion

One story analogous to this journey... I'm a writer and for a long time, I outright refused to follow any of the rules. I rejected formal education in writing. I even refused to revise my writing because I felt if I did that, it would make it impure. My writing arises from something incredibly raw in the moment, something that can't be forced, it's almost Shamanic, connection to my spirit, trancelike state. So I felt that if I revised what I wrote, it would be removing that rawness that was so sacred to me. However, I decided to take a chance and take a creative writing course and Jesus... I learned so much. What I realized was that I was inhibiting my own growth with my stubborn immaturity. It's not about rules, but about tools. My writing grew exponentially after that. It gave me a whole host of new tools to use to help myself tap into those Shamanic, trancelike states rather than just waiting for them to happen and tools to help me use that connection with my subconscious, my spirit, in much more profound ways

With retrograde Uranus, I have a definite rebellious streak and Uranus also forms significant aspects to inner planets including oppositions to my Sun and Mercury. I haven't found it easy to find my place in this world by any means. I'm quite visionary, but the challenege has been finding ways to bring my visions into reality. With retrograde Neptune in close conjunction, I can be so engrossed in my mind, in my idealistic thinking, simultaneous presence in the past and the future as well as my own made up universe, that I find it hard to be in the moment. I may have beautiful visions and ideals for myself and for the world, but I can also easily lose touch with the physical world to the point I may be doing absolutely nothing but not even realize it because I'm existing solely in my feelings, thoughts, ideas, and in that made up universe of mine. This is an extremely destructive habit and for a very long time, it led me to stagnation and inaction. I still struggle with this sometimes, but I feel very appreciative I was able to find astrology to understand these aspects of myself

I find that I can also be quite offputting to people. Ordinarily, rebels tend to be glorified, but with the retrograde, this rebellion is even more selfreferencial so finding a place in the world really is not easy. Maybe I feel that more powerfully because of my Uranus oppositions

So to summarize, my theory is that retrograde planets are just self referencial, but they're also more intense energies because they're so subjective and so engrained in our innate selves. People with many retrogrades may find it a bit tougher to get on in this world and in the first parts of their lives, they may be very timid people because they have to learn for themselves how to use these energies. So if one doesn't seize their power and walk that path, they risk life trampling over them and making them into a place of pâté. But that's also the reason they can actually be advantageous and more powerful than direct planets because once the individual does find their way, they may be extremely sure of themselves in using those energies

That's just a start. There's so much more I could say but I'd love to hear other peoples' experiences even if they're not 'retrograde individuals'. Particularly, I'd love to hear about the rarer Venus and Mare retrogrades

I know this wasn't very well written. It's very late where I am, but hopefully the ideas are there

This was so interesting to read! It made me kind of happy because I don't meet people who have a lot of natal rx like me. I have 5 retrogrades as well but I'm not an introverted person as you described in your post. I'm very out there in the world, I love talking to people and strangers because I love discovering how different people think and talk. The thing that I noticed is that, the planets that I have retrograde, their influence on me is different. For example, my mercury rx pushes me to think about the bigger picture, and think of all the 23974343 possibilities of things (which is exhausting sometimes lol), and also it makes me think about how I express myself, idk how to explain it but, as much as I notice and analyze how people talk/think, as much as I try to analyze how Ido it myself. And whenever I feel like something might be negative about something I do, I try to understand why I've done it and how i can change it. As you said, it becomes more internally focused.
My venus is retrograde as well (in gemini, you can see the chart in the attached files), well here where it gets difficult and weird. Because I could never understand how I "function" in love. It just drives me crazy. But when it came to rs or love matters, I would always be scared of feelings if that makes sense? As much as i long to be in a rs I've always been afraid that the other person would cheat on me or be lying about his feelings or or or. Becos I find love to be rare that I can not risk to be in love with someone that would break my heart, becos I would be totally devastated. Also I've always thought of love as not just a normal feeling, its more sacred that and I find that people take it for granted a lot.
Lately I have been more focused on selflove. I'm trying to love myself more so that I can attract people with the same energy, if that makes sense.
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Only two Retrograde.
Rx Uranus Conjunct Dsc and Rx Neptune Conjunct 8th house Cusp but both inside 7th House.
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Well-known member
Let's not run in circles, a person with a retro-aura on their chart would be exhibiting characteristics similar to the ones we have earlier mentioned.
lol, I'd really actually love to study this in depth
Like make a profile of the typical retrograde individual, even writing it based on the planets involved, but that could go into infinite depth...Like houses and aspects

For me, I have my Mercury rX tightly opposing Rx Neptune-Uranus(practically joined at the hip so I often write them as one body almost), and trining rX Pluto
And Mercury is a very prominent planet for me. Rules my moon, Mars, and Venus as well as my AC and MC


Well-known member
This was so interesting to read! It made me kind of happy because I don't meet people who have a lot of natal rx like me. I have 5 retrogrades as well but I'm not an introverted person as you described in your post. I'm very out there in the world, I love talking to people and strangers because I love discovering how different people think and talk. The thing that I noticed is that, the planets that I have retrograde, their influence on me is different. For example, my mercury rx pushes me to think about the bigger picture, and think of all the 23974343 possibilities of things (which is exhausting sometimes lol), and also it makes me think about how I express myself, idk how to explain it but, as much as I notice and analyze how people talk/think, as much as I try to analyze how Ido it myself. And whenever I feel like something might be negative about something I do, I try to understand why I've done it and how i can change it. As you said, it becomes more internally focused.
My venus is retrograde as well (in gemini, you can see the chart in the attached files), well here where it gets difficult and weird. Because I could never understand how I "function" in love. It just drives me crazy. But when it came to rs or love matters, I would always be scared of feelings if that makes sense? As much as i long to be in a rs I've always been afraid that the other person would cheat on me or be lying about his feelings or or or. Becos I find love to be rare that I can not risk to be in love with someone that would break my heart, becos I would be totally devastated. Also I've always thought of love as not just a normal feeling, its more sacred that and I find that people take it for granted a lot.
Lately I have been more focused on selflove. I'm trying to love myself more so that I can attract people with the same energy, if that makes sense.
I get you.. Maybe we're not all introverts, but I feel like our approach to the energies of these planets is still very independent and self referencial. 'Not operating normally' is definitely a common descriptor

For Mercury rx, I relate to you with big picture thinking. I believe we start with an intuitive understanding of the big picture or like personal impressions and conceptions, so it's more subjective than objective. That's why it may seem like we're slow even tho we're just trying to pull things into the bigger picture, mesh our subjective interpretations with the more objective picture others may be operating from. I don't know if that makes any sense. I'm so damned tired...'Big picture' is definitely a keyword I hold for Mercury rx

I really want to learn more about Venus rx, tho. Can you relate to your coming into Venusian energy in a more subjective or selfreferencial manner?


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You have got a cradle - your reference is refrencing a inner child that lies within the 1H - 3H. Your inner child is intense because of the Pluto-Mars sextile - they are complimentary energies, even by location - Mars in Virgo directs that pure desire of mars to a analytical self-perfecting image this comes from pluto in scorpio this is a kind of energy that comes forth in your everyday life - and it's regenerating - it's like everyday one is going through gradual but sure changes. Shout out to your moon right there, suggests an unconsciousness that Pluto surely awakens at some point. I guess you would know how the moon conj mars affects you ( please state it, i have it by wide conjunction). Is your lunar phase - waxing ? I checked out your lunar mansion. Please read : http://johnsandbach.net/astrology-lunar-mansions/#degree_frequencies<br />
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Additionally, both Mars and Pluto form squares against Venus and Saturn respectively. Squares symbolize activity, damned energy that needs to be expressed. You need to look at H10 and H6, is that where your inner child wants to express. My cradle has oppositions to itself instead ( i think we should compare notes on this after - i.e the inner child zone)<br />
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Finally you have oppositons between the 11H and 5H (Sun - Merc oppossing Uranus Neptune). How does that work for you? One side is involved in a wide conjunction, the other is almost too tight.

We actually have similar cradle patterns. I shall post my chart shortly.
Yeah I haven't gotten into chart patterns yet, but I know I have the cradle. When you say 'inner child', do you mean true self, a true self possibly suppressed by trauma or learned behavior?

I can attest that I am a perfectionist... I'm so harsh with myself. Something I'm exploring in another thread of mine. My Mars is quite bestial and wild, tho, rather than perfectionistic. It can be analytical and perfectionistic, but I relate to having this 'beast within'

My moon conjunct Mars is definitely intense. I suppose Pluto adds some intensity with that quintile and sextile. I read once that in a conjunct, the planet trailing behind is like cold for the fire, it's the fuel. So my Mars is aided by the emotional, shifting tides of the moon giving me lots of ambition and passion. Everything I do is personal and drenched in my emotions and desire. Sexuality is STRONG and intense and lasting for hours. I can be a huge *****, tho. I also have impulse control issues. Spontaneous and impulsive, that's me. It can really really get me into trouble. I believe since my 8th house has Aries, its probably connected to my 1st house since Mars is there

I am a bit confused here tho since Pluto doesn't square my Venus or Saturn and Mars doesn't square my Saturn. But that Venus sq Mars is definitely well felt in me ;)

So my inner child(that authentic self possible suppressed) wants to express itself in my 10th and 6th houses?

That Sun and Mercury opp Uranus-Neptune....Starting with the sun, I am incredibly rebellious but also very unpredictable, my moods, my self, what I do. I've been described by my family as having multiple personalities(not the disorder of course) so there's this sense of chaos, chaos that I'm comfortable with. I've been described as a ship at sea with no land in sight with the compass wildly turning, unsettled. With Neptune I can be very dreamy, lost, making myself believe I'm taking action meanwhile I'm living completely in my head. The oppositions to Mercury are much tighter, so yeah... My mind is a place you probably wouldn't wanna visit. It's chaotic, it's wild, it seems delusional and yet I don't believe in 'objective reality'. I HATE restrictions and will not stand for them. I despise empirical thinking and reject objective thought shamelessly. I'm quite fantastical and idealistic and sometimes I get so lost that my whole conception of reality breaks apart and I may become paranoid or manic. I don't believe that's a negative thing. I think it's because my mind is so damned fast and intense that it has these moments where it takes on the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes type of thing. Everything is destroyed in a fiery blaze, yet enough pieces and ashes remain that I can rebuild it. Everyshifting, me and my mind. At my least healthy I'll lose myself in distractions from reality. At my most healthy, I'm almost shamanic in my ability to lose myself in art and music and access otherworldly states. But that may be my Mars and moon influencing Neptune-Uranus as well

My mind is a place where there are no boundaries, no limits. Anything is possible to me and I can imagine things and place myself in situations i've never experienced before. Chaos is my normalcy


Well-known member
I'm new to this, but I did a calculator thing and it gave me lunar mansion 13, ruled by Aries

"Lunar Mansion 13: (Ruler: Aries): This person has a passion for expressing himself, and with no motive other than the joy of doing so. This person loves his powerful feelings, and loves giving voice to them. At his best he manifests his potential with no thought of reward for it. Without arrogance and egotism, the person senses his own beauty and has a strong impulse to share it with others. Through projecting this beautiful harmony out into the world he can heal others of their emotional problems. If, though, he refuses to expand out into the world he will be denying his true energy, which has the immediate and outward impulsiveness of Aries. This passionate energy will then get stuck inside him and go bad, making him tend toward morbid veins of thought as he takes ideas apart, in an attempt to analyze each sensation. This isolating himself from the world is just what he needs to avoid. It’s very positive for him to be always seeking connections with the outside world as a field for his own expansion.
If he blocks his own self expression the frustration of doing so could cause him to become totally involved in sensation, possibly taking the form of indulgence in sensual stimulation. He might even manipulate others as a means of feeding his appetites which are addictive and never-satisfied.
This person does not tend to get good feedback from his environment, and so to compensate for this he has to be very truthful with himself. He needs to focus on the ongoing challenge of defining his problems to himself."

What's the significance of lunar mansions?


Well-known member
In my words, lunar mansions deal with the relationship between the Sun and the Moon - specifically the lunar phase in which one's born in. So it's more of the in-built energy present in the owner of the chart.


Well-known member
In my words, lunar mansions deal with the relationship between the Sun and the Moon - specifically the lunar phase in which one's born in. So it's more of the in-built energy present in the owner of the chart.
I feel very Arisian, like more than might be implied by having Mars in its own house, so maybe I can vouch for that. What are the origins of the concept of lunar mansions?


Well-known member
I feel very Arisian, like more than might be implied by having Mars in its own house, so maybe I can vouch for that. What are the origins of the concept of lunar mansions?

William Yeats wrote about it, though I think it goes as far back as the old islamic astrologers - i don't dwell on theirs much - old astrology seems to fatalistic and specific for my liking. If you want to research on lunar mansions, you could start from there - that's as early as i have found yet.


Well-known member
Guys, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm looking into something here on the retrogrades:

Primitive energy - Venus Rx, Jupiter Rx
Productive energy - Mercury Rx

Productive energy - Mercury Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx
Passive energy - Pluto Rx, Saturn Rx

Primitive energy - Jupiter Rx
Productive energy - Mercury Rx
Passive Energy - Pluto Rx, Neptune Rx, Uranus Rx

I am basing this on the degree decans, where;
Primitive (1 -10 ) - similar to cardinal spirit - like a young seedling you are watering, when aware of it - you realize it's usefulness and potential - so you water it in the hope it will grow.
Productive (11-20) - similar to fixed energy, this is a tree that is already producing fruits, it's a blessing - you continue tending it cause it's what it is -productive.
Passive (21-30) - this is like an elder tree passing away, it has seen alot - historical - now it's being tended not for it productivity- The elder tree is likely to lose more branches, leaves and what nots.
Mutable energy

Does it work? It's a theory.


Well-known member
Hmm... It's interesting and perhaps some theories could be based off of it, but it doesn't really work for me. I've never been a decans girl in the first place


Well-known member
Guys, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm looking into something here on the retrogrades:

Primitive energy - Venus Rx, Jupiter Rx
Productive energy - Mercury Rx

Productive energy - Mercury Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx
Passive energy - Pluto Rx, Saturn Rx

Primitive energy - Jupiter Rx
Productive energy - Mercury Rx
Passive Energy - Pluto Rx, Neptune Rx, Uranus Rx

I am basing this on the degree decans, where;
Primitive (1 -10 ) - similar to cardinal spirit - like a young seedling you are watering, when aware of it - you realize it's usefulness and potential - so you water it in the hope it will grow.
Productive (11-20) - similar to fixed energy, this is a tree that is already producing fruits, it's a blessing - you continue tending it cause it's what it is -productive.
Passive (21-30) - this is like an elder tree passing away, it has seen alot - historical - now it's being tended not for it productivity- The elder tree is likely to lose more branches, leaves and what nots.
Mutable energy

Does it work? It's a theory.

works for me- seems very on point


Well-known member
I don't understand the logic tbh, like I don't understand why the last decan would be passive. Tho I don't understand the logic of decans either lol
For me, my Pluto's also at an anaretic degree so I don't think that's passive. Some may consider my Saturn anaretic toi


Well-known member
Interesting. My baby sister has 4 retrograde planets and my younger sister has only 1, but it's Venus, so each of us is a retrograde rarity, I suppose. My sister with only the 1 retrograde, I definitely wouldn't refer to her as not being very introspective, but she does get on better with reality than I do and is more able to follow the beaten path so to speak


Well-known member
Hi guys, i want to share a little something i am toying with respect to retrograde planets behavior in progressions / progressed chart. I seem to think that whenever a retrograde planet is posited close to a angle but not conjunct it that over time- by rate of progression the retrograde will start exerting an influence on the said angle.
One reason i associate with this is, in progressions angular points are movibg forward, retrograde planets are moving backwards by progression, if one looks at a coming together or re-uniting is happening. I am going to quote y'all charts with observations. Expecting your inputs. Zen


Well-known member
I have 3 retrograde planets in my chart- and interestingly enough they are all the personal planets and all benefics- Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.

the most interesting one of these is of course, venus retrograde.
i have always felt like i was unloveable- from early childhood there was this feeling inside me that i wasnt like everyone else and that i couldnt be loved..it did not help that my mother was a very cold and distant person- and my father, although perhaps more affectionate then my mother- unfortunately was abusive towards her and we left him at age 13- never saw him again and to be honest i dont regret that..anyways- as you can see by my sun-saturn conjunction- my mother has had years of coldheartedly shattering any ego i had..and that didnt help with the venus retrograde innate unlovability...BUT as soon as i cut off my mother entirely and starting living alone..started to care for myself and loving MYSELF more...this all changed! i not only transformed from the outside- but from the inside as well...after i learned to understand myself and uncovered all those limiting beliefs i had- life and my venus turned around for me!

jupiter retrograde- never believed in god, never believed in anything other than this earth and have you have told me 3 years ago i would be here on an astrology forum of all places- i would have not only never believed you- i would seriously question your sanity lol...i was determined and convinced everything was coincidental- including my life and this earth and there was no such thing as god or anything anything else! but then...again- some hard things happened and i was forced to say- ok...so this happened. and no logical explanation i have is giving me the answer as to why- nothing i know can explain this- and i started my search and it eventually led me to spirituality and astrology and now i have started this spiritual quest and it has led me to understand things i could never imagine i would be fortunate enough to understand...i am deeply spiritual, deeply religious and very much in touch with my higher self...my jupiter didnt do anything until that happened- but when circumstances triggered it- it truly is one of the strongest planets i have

mercury retrograde- although i have mercury retrograde i never experienced anything of an effect with it- and i still dont understand how or why- my mercury is conjunct the sun AND saturn and i have never had any speech disfunction- i began speaking at an extremely young age- and a lot as i can tell you from cassettes of me reciting long poems by heart and my grandmother taping it- i speak multiple languages, am an organizational freak and lover! i love to write, i love public speaking and have entered multiple speaker-forums and was the head of my schools debate team and in university i was representative for two boards- and to add- during my school/college years i always had jobs that had to do with selling- like always- and i loved it and i was actually not bad at it as well. so why i dont have the effects of mercury retrograde i have no idea?

Hi Jan, by virtue of progressions, your Jupiter is now conjunct your descendant in cancer. I wonder if the triggers you mentioned had anything to do with 7th house matters. Plus do your relationships this days or anything 7th house have a higher Jupiter vibe to it than it was before since it was triggered ? I wana ask too if that leads you into having a special relationship with God/Jupiter in


Well-known member
I get you.. Maybe we're not all introverts, but I feel like our approach to the energies of these planets is still very independent and self referencial. 'Not operating normally' is definitely a common descriptor

For Mercury rx, I relate to you with big picture thinking. I believe we start with an intuitive understanding of the big picture or like personal impressions and conceptions, so it's more subjective than objective. That's why it may seem like we're slow even tho we're just trying to pull things into the bigger picture, mesh our subjective interpretations with the more objective picture others may be operating from. I don't know if that makes any sense. I'm so damned tired...'Big picture' is definitely a keyword I hold for Mercury rx

I really want to learn more about Venus rx, tho. Can you relate to your coming into Venusian energy in a more subjective or selfreferencial manner?

Hmm... I don't know if it's because of my gemini influence, but I would say both actually. But more selfreferencial though.

I would love to help you understanding more about it, but my knowledge regarding astrology is not very large yet. But you can ask me any question you want and I'll be happy to share my personal experience on it.


Well-known member
Fyi, I consider retrograde individuals to be 5 or more natal retrograde. Ime, 4 doesn't seem to have as much of an impact, but I could be very wrong. I'm exploring retrogrades in general, but I'm also interested in the impact many retrograde planets can have on an individual

Some people believe retrograde planets to not be very significant, but I disagree. Since I have 5, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune, I can feel their power. Ordinarily, outer planets aren't seen as significant, but for me, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune all form many aspects in my chart. Saturn not so much, but it makes important aspects like an aspect to my MC

The way I see them, they're more internally focused. I don't believe them to be less powerful, but to simply function in an alternative fashion, a more personal, subjective, and idiosyncratic fashion. The reason why they may seem to be less powerful than direct planets is because it may take years for a natal retrograde individual to harness the power of their retrograde planets since they don't function 'normally'

I have a theory that they can also make for a person who's more introverted or in the least maybe less socially graceful. Some celebrity examples would be Aubrey Plaza and Michael Cera. Both are heavily accepted by the masses, but both also have a bit of a name for themselves as awkward, offkilter individuals. Aubrey has 5 natal retrogrades while Michael has 6

I can relate personally to being extremely introverted, internally focused, contemplative, and awkward, not very socially graceful. Moreso than I think with other people, it's taken me a long time to find my way so to speak because I just don't function the way most people do. It's taken me many years to accept that I may not be meant to walk to beaten path,but to make my own and I do think natal retrogrades play into that

My retrograde Mercury is major player being my chart ruler and the ruler of the majority of my inner planets and not only is it rx, but it has oppositions to Neptune and Uranus. Needless to say, my communication and thinking are not exactly down to Earth and it's led to many selfesteem issues. Accepting myself hasn't been easy, but I've gotten there or at least am getting there. The way we think may seem to be slower, but I believe with natal Mercury retrograde, there's an inclination to more big picture thinking. So while it may seem someone with Mercury retrograde is taking slower to understand concepts, in all actuality they may be starting with the big picture and working to fit in all the little details, an innate intuitive grasp of the concept on an abstract level, but then it takes time for all the parts to be put together to figure out how they fit into the big picture

With Pluto retrograde, I think that intense dominating energy can be directed to the self. The advantage is the potential for intense self transformation, the disadvantage is that it may take a lot of time for the individual to find their power and it's a choice they have to make for themselves. They have to seize their power and very much walk their own selves through the journey. There is no guide because the energy is so self directed and so self referencial. But because of that, the transformative power is so much more intense and real. You embody the phoenix. That's not to say that this retrograde Pluto can't take the dark path of projecting ones feelings of lacking power onto others and trying to overpower them, in fact, that may in turn also be incredibly more intense and palpable. I've been through it. The darkness of it may be much more brooding and destructive. The way I see Pluto is that it's a planet that can either be healing or damaging. So harnessing the power of the retrograde Pluto can lead to much healing and transformation not only for the self, but through influence on others

Saturn retrograde is another dark one. I think with the retrograde, there' a desire to reject restriction, one doesn't one to be tamed. THey want to continue on with their wild ways, but time and time and time again, the universe will throw lessons at you until you accept that you do have to tame yourself. I also think that retrograde Saturn can yield an individual who's very very harsh on themselves, extremely self critical. It's because we have to be our own parent. No one else can. We're meant to be independent and no one else is ever gonna be able to teach us what we need to be taught to tame ourselves

I have to admit, I don't want to be tamed myself. I used to live in a way where I rejected any and all rules or restrictions placed on me. I think it's advantageous in that by nature we won't follow rules, but make our own, but earlier on this can lead to much immaturity and possible clashes with laws and academia. I still detest rules and restrictions and will only accept them if I see the value in them, but I have realized as I've matured that I can't live life like a wild child. I have to grow up and that's been a journey I've taken myself on by my own accord. I still refuse to follow rules if they feel to me to remove the spirit and passion

One story analogous to this journey... I'm a writer and for a long time, I outright refused to follow any of the rules. I rejected formal education in writing. I even refused to revise my writing because I felt if I did that, it would make it impure. My writing arises from something incredibly raw in the moment, something that can't be forced, it's almost Shamanic, connection to my spirit, trancelike state. So I felt that if I revised what I wrote, it would be removing that rawness that was so sacred to me. However, I decided to take a chance and take a creative writing course and Jesus... I learned so much. What I realized was that I was inhibiting my own growth with my stubborn immaturity. It's not about rules, but about tools. My writing grew exponentially after that. It gave me a whole host of new tools to use to help myself tap into those Shamanic, trancelike states rather than just waiting for them to happen and tools to help me use that connection with my subconscious, my spirit, in much more profound ways

With retrograde Uranus, I have a definite rebellious streak and Uranus also forms significant aspects to inner planets including oppositions to my Sun and Mercury. I haven't found it easy to find my place in this world by any means. I'm quite visionary, but the challenege has been finding ways to bring my visions into reality. With retrograde Neptune in close conjunction, I can be so engrossed in my mind, in my idealistic thinking, simultaneous presence in the past and the future as well as my own made up universe, that I find it hard to be in the moment. I may have beautiful visions and ideals for myself and for the world, but I can also easily lose touch with the physical world to the point I may be doing absolutely nothing but not even realize it because I'm existing solely in my feelings, thoughts, ideas, and in that made up universe of mine. This is an extremely destructive habit and for a very long time, it led me to stagnation and inaction. I still struggle with this sometimes, but I feel very appreciative I was able to find astrology to understand these aspects of myself

I find that I can also be quite offputting to people. Ordinarily, rebels tend to be glorified, but with the retrograde, this rebellion is even more selfreferencial so finding a place in the world really is not easy. Maybe I feel that more powerfully because of my Uranus oppositions

So to summarize, my theory is that retrograde planets are just self referencial, but they're also more intense energies because they're so subjective and so engrained in our innate selves. People with many retrogrades may find it a bit tougher to get on in this world and in the first parts of their lives, they may be very timid people because they have to learn for themselves how to use these energies. So if one doesn't seize their power and walk that path, they risk life trampling over them and making them into a place of pâté. But that's also the reason they can actually be advantageous and more powerful than direct planets because once the individual does find their way, they may be extremely sure of themselves in using those energies

That's just a start. There's so much more I could say but I'd love to hear other peoples' experiences even if they're not 'retrograde individuals'. Particularly, I'd love to hear about the rarer Venus and Mare retrogrades

I know this wasn't very well written. It's very late where I am, but hopefully the ideas are there

Hi Lykan, if you look at your progressed chart is your DSC inching closer to Neptune or not yet - i don't think it's there yet - same with mercury as well. It's interesting to note however that your DSC-node will touch the vertex before Neptune - a fateful experience before it does.


Well-known member
This was so interesting to read! It made me kind of happy because I don't meet people who have a lot of natal rx like me. I have 5 retrogrades as well but I'm not an introverted person as you described in your post. I'm very out there in the world, I love talking to people and strangers because I love discovering how different people think and talk. The thing that I noticed is that, the planets that I have retrograde, their influence on me is different. For example, my mercury rx pushes me to think about the bigger picture, and think of all the 23974343 possibilities of things (which is exhausting sometimes lol), and also it makes me think about how I express myself, idk how to explain it but, as much as I notice and analyze how people talk/think, as much as I try to analyze how Ido it myself. And whenever I feel like something might be negative about something I do, I try to understand why I've done it and how i can change it. As you said, it becomes more internally focused. <br />
My venus is retrograde as well (in gemini, you can see the chart in the attached files), well here where it gets difficult and weird. Because I could never understand how I "function" in love. It just drives me crazy. But when it came to rs or love matters, I would always be scared of feelings if that makes sense? As much as i long to be in a rs I've always been afraid that the other person would cheat on me or be lying about his feelings or or or. Becos I find love to be rare that I can not risk to be in love with someone that would break my heart, becos I would be totally devastated. Also I've always thought of love as not just a normal feeling, its more sacred that and I find that people take it for granted a lot. <br />
Lately I have been more focused on selflove. I'm trying to love myself more so that I can attract people with the same energy, if that makes sense.
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Jas, perhaps yours isca rule-breaker i say this because you have a Scorpio ascendant naturally with Pluto right in with you, however do you feel there has been an intensification of pluto's energy for example since when the progressed ascendant and pluto conjunct?
Also as a curious case, natally Dsc is conjunct Neptune - Uranus, however via progression there should be a separation with your DSC moving away and Neptune - Uranus to the third house, so influence-wise how does that work for you. (PS i think this scenario started when you were much younger - i.e the separation of energies
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