My second astrology experiment

I am presenting the report of my second astrology experiment.
English is not my native language, so sorry for strange phrasal constructs.
In the first experiment, Venus or Moon SQUARE Lilith was a postfact analysis with a one-tailed Fisher Test p-value of 0.0128 for more LGBT (25-7 vs 98-6).
In this second experiment, Venus or Moon SQUARE Lilith was a previous expectation that resulted in a one-tailed Fisher Test p-value of 0.2293 for more LGBT (32-5 vs 168-15)
Analyzing only males in the first experiment would be 7-4 vs 44-4, 57,14% vs 9,09%, p-value: 0.0328 (one-tailed, Fisher Test, more LGBT for Ven,Moo.SQR.Lilith).
Analyzing only males in the second experiment would be 8-3 vs 30-4, 37,5% vs 13,33%, p-value: 0.2182 (one-tailed, Fisher Test, more LGBT for Ven,Moo.SQR.Lilith).
The results at a total population of 200 didn't reach significance, but the direction (tail) is right and the result is interesting.
For more results and information, check the report. Three pages, two pages of explanation and one page with a results table.
Two interesting postfact analysis (one-tailed Fisher Test):
More LGBT for Mars Conjunction Lilith: 13-4 vs 187-16. p-value: 0.0546
More LGBT for Sun SQR or OPP Neptune: 37-8 vs 163 - 12. p-value: 0.0294