Chance we'll get together?


I have a question concerning one girl from university. We gave each other tale-telling look here and there, but then i found she has a boyfriend, so i backed out a bit. However, she's still very friendly and open and i have a feeling she might be thinking about a change in partnership. She is attractive to me, so i decided ill try approaching her and see how it goes. I think she's not the type to rush things, so i suspect if there's anything brewing up, it will take some time. Could we check what the horary will tell us?

8 september 2006 17:55 +01:00 Prague.

1st house and 7th house rulers dont have any aspects, however moon is approaching an applying trine with saturn.

Thanks, Alan

Summery Joy

Well-known member
I tried casting the chart on astrodient, but it said that Prague is GMT +2, while in your post you said it's +1. Which is it?

Summery Joy

Well-known member
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been kinda busy.

I've looked at the chart and I see that the Moon is VOC at Pisces 28:26. That means status quo; nothing changes.