dying of loneliness and insanity — my chart and my story


Unfortunately I'm on mobile so I can't directly attach a picture of my chart.

Here is a link to my chart:

And here is a link to my story:

I'm so tired. I want to die. I don't know what to do. All my security is blown out of the water. I don't really know what the rules are regarding posting charts in a state of emotional frenzy and crisis but if anyone sees this and has any kind of reply I'd be so grateful.


Staff member
You may post your chart in any state of mind, as long as you're posting the right kind of chart for the forum and question you're asking (a natal chart is perfect for a Read My Chart topic) and otherwise following the forum rules. However, we do have a policy of locking down threads in which someone talks about being suicidal. Here is the reason we give:

This is NOT a suicide counseling station, it does not pretend to be, it does not have the right people, it is not staffed appropriately, it simply doesn't have the ability to give you the help you need. For that reason, the sooner you look AWAY from this forum, the sooner you can look for help in an area where people are going to give you the help you need.

But it CAN point you in the right direction. Our Forum members suggest going to these sites:

When you say, "I want to die," is that a suicidal expression, or just strong emotion? If you are thinking about suicide, this isn't the place, try one of those others. If it's really just an expression of emotion, that's another thing, but please choose different words so you don't come across as suicidal.


Well-known member
bottle8, I am sorry that you are going through such a rough patch.

I couldn't get your story on reddit to open, and it's not a site I care to patronize, so could you copy or summarize it here?

But basically you have what I would consider to be a tough chart, yet surprising inner strength.

One thing that pops out to me is your close square between Pluto and your sun-Mars. Another is your close moon-Neptune square. I am guessing that you have strongly idealistic feelings about how life should be, but the gritty grim reality of life constantly dashes your idealism to the ground.

People with sun square Pluto were often bullied as children, so they grow up without learning to trust anyone very much. With Saturn in the 7th house, you may even feel that you don't deserve to have a committed, loving relationship.

Of course you do, and this placement can indicate a committed relationship later in life.

But if you are willing to work on your sun-Pluto square, I would say that one of the strongest, most delightful older women I know has sun square Pluto. She's surmounted enormous difficulties in her life, but used that deep Plutonian determination to be a force for good in her world. She's quite the fighter for what she sees as good and important, and became active in local politics as a result. (Hillary Clinton has sun square Pluto, as well incidentally.)

Among your current or potential strengths are an ability to see the dark side of life and not run away from it. Yes, I see you as an idealist, but you also know that you can face the bottom of life with courage and independence. (Moon in Aries in the 8th house, moon biquintile Pluto, Mars trine Jupiter.)

Can you say more about what's up in your life now? It would be more efficient for us to get more of your story than to attempt more of a blind chart reading.

Stay strong. You know how.


The story

The story in full:
I had a very karmic life purpose and I'm not sure what to do as I feel I failed in a disastrous way. First things first I have a very good third eye and good psychic powers-- I've always seen things and had premonitions. I was specifically warned in a dream NOT to abuse this. I did. The following ensued.

Dark illogical and all over the place, everything I aspired to never be, caused by repetitive misuse of third eye power gaining secret knowledge I could not translate into real life.

I have repeatedly in my life sold out my integrity to look good. I don't know how to proceed from here. I learned I might have aspergers which I've always been profoundly embarrassed from I feel, like I always felt like I needed to prove myself. That said however it was never debilitating. Always been extremely narcissistic, possessive and easily embarrassed. That said it was never ever something that I couldn't control, always had many friends and fleetingly managed even to be popular despite being a little weird, it just made me a lot more intellectually mature than emotionally. I never even found out until I was 20. But god gave me beautiful dreams to help me understand myself:

Dream of being in family cabin. I look outside the window and see my aunt and my deceased dad talking in the middle of the street. It's overcast outside and my cousin is inside with me. I ask her if I can go outside and see my dad. She says no, but I can show you this. She brings me downstairs to a door with a pentagram on it that simultaneously spells Astel which is apparently Hebrew for lazy. Inside the dark room is my father with a stripper on a pole. He signals for me to shh. --->my dad reaped benefits for being "****** up" without necessarily being ****** up and used his words to make himself look good like I do. My aunt actually told me that he used to go to counsellors and say he raised everyone in his family by himself when really they raised him. I relate to that. My cousin Sarah is bisexual and perhaps represented sexuality/ambivalence. The pentagram spelling lazy represented me being too lazy to care for myself/becoming dependent on tarot etc.

Dream of the most beautiful dazzling blue sapphire in the whole entirety of existence swinging from the heavens, stars fly towards me and a beautiful, beautiful godly voice says "the fruit of a blue sapphire yields a strong will to go on". (Self evident: wisdom about the situation will inspire me to continue and clear bad karma. Morality and justice. Mental clarity. Being in charge of ones own thoughts and therefore ones life)

Town elders are talking to me in the desert as I drag a body in a wagon down to the sea. They say "should we let her live or drown her alive? The choice is yours." I wake up. (A few months later from this dream I had a choice to either stay living with my mom or to choose to listen to the advice of my friend heather/teachers just to impress them and go to live with my aunt. I chose impressing my friend/going to social services instead of living with my mom who had briefly relapsed into her codeine addiction in a very minor way after her brother and father both died in the same year.)

I go into my household basement and see my mother and brother having sex on the couch. The both signal for me to shh. (My brother really did end up marrying a girl 10+ years older than him.)

Dream of being alone in desert wearing white robe, I swallow a lizard whole. (Unsure, maybe how using tarot cards was a way for me to kind of subjugate sexuality into a false spirituality, the lizard representing vital impulses. Also possibly the ability to regenerate when everything is lost. Also possibly my use of coverups to hide what I'm really feeling/thinking.)

In high school I developed close bonds with my teachers after my friend kind of shunned me because I was overly dependent on her. She told me that I had to seek help about the problems I was facing at home instead of bothering her and advised me to consult a teacher I trusted. The thing is, my problems at home were a little fake. My mom had previously suffered an addiction to codeine and I was alarmed to find a bottle of codeine by her bedside after her father and brother both died the same year later. I still sought out an emotional connection with this teacher I admired because I was troubled by the situation and lonely and unsure how to proceed with making friends, I felt my friend who abandoned me would bad mouth me to the school and ruin my chances of having other friends. So I literally chose my ego over staying with my mom so she could heal.

I am too socially conscious to make many other friends in high school and befriend another teacher who I guess sees hanging out with me as a kind of charity. I don't see it this way at the time though and just go with it. I am a bit snobby so being alone doesn't bother me because I just assume upon moving out I will make new friends. I eventually make friends with this girl named Kyndra who has an eating disorder which I'm naive to. When I find out I follow an ed recovery account on instagram just out of curiosity one day. She notices and stops talking to me and I become ashamed and employ the greatest cover up scheme of my life and decide I too would have an eating disorder. Just want to assert that I had some dignity before doing this. It was just very hard for me because it felt like my first good friendship in years and now she was gone, too, because of my immature recklessness.

That summer in between high school and my extra year is the best summer of my life, I spend it by myself and meditating and running and doing yoga. I'm really inspired by my vision of me being a teacher and helping students be their best selves and healing from issues that were holding me back. I forgive my mom, I forgive myself, and I develop a little bit of a sense of humour about the situation as a whole.

I move away and I see a guidance counsellor just for some paperwork and she tells me her brother died and he shared the same first and middle name as my dad which I take as some kind of sign from god that I should confide in her. Instead of telling her "hey I'm faking an eating disorder to look good in case people say I tried to have one and didn't respect the validity of real live eating disorders", I tell her I have an eating disorder and talk to her most every day expecting it to be ok since apparently there was a sign from my dad signalling me to. Eventually it ends up that her husband thinks I'm gay for her because I have poor boundaries and suddenly all the dreams I had come rushing back. I decide to move away. I am kind of obsessed with weight/eating but not in the way someone with a real ED is but as a distraction, not a coping mechanism. Also I really did used to have an ED kind of but I think I was actually just misinformed about nutrition. When I was 14 I used to only ever eat 1200 calories a day and cry if I went over but by this point I was 18 and had new feminist, left wing values which I showed off with pride. I definitely flaunted my morals. I had gained like 25lb in the years after, which obviously I lost after I pulled this "let's redevelop an eating disorder" stunt. The guilt is eating me alive inside at this point and combined with the sexuality accusation (ps I've always identified as bi but never came out because I was afraid ppl would think I was in love with my teachers-- clearly hinting at my subconscious acknowledgement of the underlying Oedipal complex thing.

I end up moving home with my mom again. My mom at this point is taking care of a girl named Dorothy who has Down syndrome. this girl is in love with my mom romantically. I remember looking into her eyes which are very unique and wide and thinking immediately about Oedipus the king. Around this time my sister reveals she thinks I could have aspergers. This is true but it has never stopped me from having a pretty good social life except for being a bit sexually inhibited. Anyway this is definitely my WAKE UP CALL to what I've made of my life through competition and rivalry and moral ambiguity. Feeling like I could use a new start I move to another province. It's around this time I become obsessed with the cards bc I get obsessed with how other ppl perceive me. I use the cards to try and read people's minds. Of course, if we read one another's minds all the time, we'd find ourselves alienated from our friends and family. That is exactly what began to happen.

So I move out and I begin to use aspergers as an excuse and I've become a bit morally ambivalent after dabbling with restrictive eating practices that went against my original diehard feminist mindset. By the way, this was originally a cover up for the fact that I tried to copy a friends eating disorder and I feared the social stigma of doing so. As I become more ambivalent I care less about the integrity behind what I do. This becomes evident as I have a dream after coming to a new workplace that my boss (whose name is Barbara which is my moms middle name) tells me I stole a bagel. The background is black. I say "but I have aspergers." I keep repeating as she continues to deny my excuse, "but I have aspergers."

I have a dream a blue being of light approaches me and informs me that my third eye is too open. I continue to have dreams like these throughout this year, reflecting situations around me that I have choices in and whether I'm making one for the better or worse. I repeatedly warned about the eating disorder thing because it's a useless distraction I'm just using to feel better about having lied and to take some stress off tarot.

It gets to the point where my obsession with cards leads me to confuse reality with intuition. I start to notice things happening at work. I admit I have a crush on my boss. I know right away this is the same pattern as before. Instead of listening to my rationality or morals, I consult the cards over and over compulsively to rid myself of feeling bad about my obsession. Kind of like hiding a vice through false virtue. (The lizard dream.) I don't realize this is translating to real life and I act kind of shy and bumbling around her and other people pick up on this and it becomes a workplace joke behind my back.

Meanwhile as I use aspergers as an excuse with my boss, I am also missing shifts and being late for work because I'm drained from being obsessed with these cards. Like I'm doing it on my phone and I'm just constantly refreshing all these different oracles. I feel empowered by all the information I'm receiving and I'm literally inundating myself with it. Which is why this story is so chaotic because I seriously misused my powers. It wasn't about forging connections with others, my journey with tarot, it was about narcissism/needing the security of knowing what other people thought of me and what was going to happen next. Basic root chakra things.

My boss talks to my sister about my erratic behaviour and also because I'm starving myself at work. They want to figure out why I'm doing this because they think it's "for" somebody else when really I'm just trying to find something focus on besides tarot cards.

As my dependence on these cards grows so does my obsession with my boss. Day staff says I shouldn't work with her because I guess I get flustered and can't work as good and I guess my boss also avoids me because, well, that's creepy. And even the cards tell me this. But I keep pushing because I only believe in the cards when they tell me what I want to hear. My dreams are seriously so predictive at this point I will see situations unfold the next day as I dream the night before. This goes on for a year. There are signs. Pans and pots fly out at me at work from nowhere. There's also a gravestone I pass every day on my way to work that says "Astel" just like in my dream.

Anyway eventually I get suspended for a week because of being late etc and I feel very strongly in my heart this is my time to rectify myself and grow up and I'm so grateful for the opportunity. I also get deadly sick with a fever so bad that I can't move or do anything and I feel like this is cleansing and I'm desperately trying not to use the tarot again. I go back to work ready to act like a sane adult. I remember the degree of integrity called upon me by the blue sapphire dream and try to live up to it. I'm not getting a lot of shifts because of the rumours and I'm pretty sure my boss is involved with my family now because of my laziness and someone probably mentions something about why I'm not getting many shifts. It's because of my obsession with my boss that we aren't meant to work together and they try to "prove" this by cornering me into situations where I have to admit things.

Meanwhile my dreams are desperately trying to warn me to ground myself in reality and that all this will pass if I stop what I'm doing now and move on. I don't listen and forge ahead.

(SCARY PART) I go to sleep one night and dream I'm half human half cat and wake up with my eyes and ears burning. I consult the tarot and it tells me "pig" etc. Being half cat represents abusing intuition. I'm repeating to myself mentally "satan satan satan lucifer lucifer lucifer" and I manage to break free and think "sandalphon" which is apparently an angel on the tree of life who helps you ground yourself. I'm terrified and sweating and I try to close my eyes and envision Jesus. I hear a voice inside my mind laugh and say "not right now, you raped Barb. And now you must pay. Going to the gym was for her. You can look but you can't do anything about it." (Which was how I felt the further I got into using tarot to "see" what was happening around me.) it said "tomorrow you will see." And an image flashed in my mind of birds flying in a certain formation in a certain tree. I'm super upset and I say "I'll make any sacrifice not to have to pay in the afterlife". I'm starting to become aware people are thinking I'm crazy. I think to myself I can always move far away where people will know I'm normal. I feel horns grow from my forehead in my half sleep half awakened state. I think no, and I try to push them back in but the grow out longer and into tentacles. I push them back in again.

Walking to work the next day I see those exact birds in that exact tree that exact way. I get a bad feeling.

I mention having gone to the gym that day at work and this guy who is trying to coax an answer out of me says "she's saying that because I'm here" to see how I react. Then there's these two gay girls kissing outside and I ask about them and this guy says "maybe youre into that." I make the mistake of saying "what the ****" and he goes "that proves it. That is what it is. I'm going to the head manager. All of day staff was here too so everybody knows". I hear in my head my deceased father start to cry and say "no, how can I tell you this is The Devil Reversed". He calls the head manager in and tells her about my behaviour. I overhear my sister on the phone later discussing it and apparently they want to bring it to court. Commence meltdown. My suspicions are confirmed by this happening and I find it hard to not act resentfully to this boy after this happens making it all the more evident he struck a chord.

I had no idea about reality hardly because I was so obsessed on reading people's minds with tarot to try to spy on them and make sure they weren't treating me like a child. Obsession led me to this point. I had virtue that turned to sin. I could have been a good person. I hurt my family by acting out. I reversed the worlds-- I paid for mentally "raping" my boss by being punished in the physical world. I feel like the pentagram in that dream I had is upside down. There's no way I can turn that allows me to be honest with either others or myself anymore and least of all be taken seriously.

I dream that a family of demon aliens tells me I wasn't from this planet and that I was going back with them now and to ease into it. I have restless sleep the next few nights.

Other dreams I've had as a child: 1. I'm pacing the ledges of a well. Inside the well are dozens of babies shoes. I ask my mom who is standing on the ground alongside why so many shoes are in the well. She says those are the shoes of children who have fell in and died there. I say oh, ok. I fall in and wake up in Misty's Pokemon training gym. (Perhaps my obsession with understanding my subconscious leading me into falling into the well so to speak and drowning in it and waking up and having to learn how to swim again guided by childhood figures.)

I am painting and I go to drink a cup of water and instead I drink the dirty paint water I put my brushes in. (Allowing negative media to influence me... eg listening to Lana del Rey thinking it's normal to fantasize about old people.)
I feel like I was supposed to heal my mom in this life by going on to make something of myself after realizing I had this Oedipal complex, not sink further into it by misusing the same occult powers that could have guided me for good to try to gain personal power. (Represented in the dream in my family cabin where I look outside and see my aunt and deceased dad talking but I'm told I can't go out there, and then the pentagram separating my dad and I and simultaneously spelling Lazy--> becoming dependent on tarot cards.)

I want to make it clear my intentions with my boss were never sexual. I admired her and wanted to be her favourite and I imagined we had an intimate bond but I never ever consciously pursued it, it was the rejection of it from my conscious that crept up on in me in the form of telling me I was a mental "rapist" that threw me off. I guess going to the gym might have been for me to "prove" to her I had an eating disorder which I knew she doubted. I have always just been obsessed with social strata. I think obsessing over the dream that was meant to give clarity to this situation accidentally made the subconscious overtly conscious and made me feel more strongly sexually than I would have otherwise if that made sense. Like literally I would never actually have wanted to have sex with her it was just a metaphor for the emotional/mental intimacy I desired

I was trying to reestablish the connection with my mom that I felt divinely guided to make this year. I wanted to and felt guided to reunite my family. Instead I fell down this wormhole and ended up making myself into some sort of special needs character that I could have avoided. It was lust greed and laziness that got me here.

The blue sapphire was supposed to inspire my integrity and logic to avoid this. I did not listen. Is it possible I really went too far into the dark side. I feel like every time I go to sleep and wake up I actually lose some knowledge I had originally gained. I pray for salvation for myself and my family.

I realize how disjointed this all sounds and I feel like I can't make this make better sense right now. I'm just saying things were supposed to be one way and by disobeying god I made myself into a retard and hurt my family instead of mending it. I see that my father went down this same path in some ways. It was his inheritance that I should learn from his mistakes and correct them.

My family knows I faked an eating disorder before because I had felt very very guilty about it and wrote it in a journal that my mom read. but I felt like it was a "sign" I was supposed to talk to the guidance counsellor that time and I was trying to cover up my social insecurity. My family also knows I did it again up here but it was seriously just because I was experimenting with different things and not taking anything too seriously. I did want to look good to others but. I don't know I'm so confused. I feel like I used to have perfect clarity and now everything's a mess
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You may post your chart in any state of mind, as long as you're posting the right kind of chart for the forum and question you're asking (a natal chart is perfect for a Read My Chart topic) and otherwise following the forum rules. However, we do have a policy of locking down threads in which someone talks about being suicidal. Here is the reason we give:

This is NOT a suicide counseling station, it does not pretend to be, it does not have the right people, it is not staffed appropriately, it simply doesn't have the ability to give you the help you need. For that reason, the sooner you look AWAY from this forum, the sooner you can look for help in an area where people are going to give you the help you need.

But it CAN point you in the right direction. Our Forum members suggest going to these sites:

When you say, "I want to die," is that a suicidal expression, or just strong emotion? If you are thinking about suicide, this isn't the place, try one of those others. If it's really just an expression of emotion, that's another thing, but please choose different words so you don't come across as suicidal.
Thank you for the resources, for now I am referring to a feeling, not an action.


bottle8, I am sorry that you are going through such a rough patch.

I couldn't get your story on reddit to open, and it's not a site I care to patronize, so could you copy or summarize it here?

But basically you have what I would consider to be a tough chart, yet surprising inner strength.

One thing that pops out to me is your close square between Pluto and your sun-Mars. Another is your close moon-Neptune square. I am guessing that you have strongly idealistic feelings about how life should be, but the gritty grim reality of life constantly dashes your idealism to the ground.

People with sun square Pluto were often bullied as children, so they grow up without learning to trust anyone very much. With Saturn in the 7th house, you may even feel that you don't deserve to have a committed, loving relationship.

Of course you do, and this placement can indicate a committed relationship later in life.

But if you are willing to work on your sun-Pluto square, I would say that one of the strongest, most delightful older women I know has sun square Pluto. She's surmounted enormous difficulties in her life, but used that deep Plutonian determination to be a force for good in her world. She's quite the fighter for what she sees as good and important, and became active in local politics as a result. (Hillary Clinton has sun square Pluto, as well incidentally.)

Among your current or potential strengths are an ability to see the dark side of life and not run away from it. Yes, I see you as an idealist, but you also know that you can face the bottom of life with courage and independence. (Moon in Aries in the 8th house, moon biquintile Pluto, Mars trine Jupiter.)

Can you say more about what's up in your life now? It would be more efficient for us to get more of your story than to attempt more of a blind chart reading.

Stay strong. You know how.

Thank you very much for this analysis. I posted the story as a separate reply, but basically what I'm trying to say is I'm the town fool; I don't have any close friends or family and I feel very sad.


Premium Member
hope observations help pick as relevant and reflect,

moon-venus-south node ketu over aries 8th,
hyper-impulsive, accident prone;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers tues mornings;
rahu-ketu the nodes 2/8 axis prone to sudden events in life;

moon-venus opp rahu, need for ancestor worship,
observe fast No-moon days taking milk-fruits;
venus 9th lord for luck over 8th, negating luck factor;

currently ketu transit asc lord mer acq 5th for 1.5yr;
detachment from luck-health-edu-romance-children-position,
pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-skin-lower legs-sciatica;

natal rahu 2nd foreign financial sources in probability,
currently rahu transit leo 11th, foreign gains-foreign friends;

pisces-jup inimical-malefic for virgo asc, stress-delays in marriage-vocation;
inimical jup debilated cap 4th,
stress-delays in domestic comforts-property-mother-health, heart-lungs-knees etc;

debilated jup elevated aspect over cancer 10th, supportive of career;
wear yellow sapphire over pendant touching heart;
jup lord 9th from moon for luck debilated-very weak;

sat lord 5/6 over inimical pisces 7th,
stress-delays in marriage-vocation-luck-edu-position etc,
abdominal and feet health issues; avoid blue saphhire;
observe fast sat evenings taking milk-fruits;

sun-mars pisces 6th, power of personality,
able to cope with opponents, accident prone, prone to emotional anger;

sun lord 12th over 6th, success amidst adversity;
mars lord 8th over 6th, success amidst adversity;

jup now transit scorpio 3rd for research-occult aptitudes,
trine own pisces 7th for marriage-vocation,
and trine elevated aspect over cancer 10/11 for career-gains;

do share feedbacks on the insights,

hope jup scorpio helps now the year ahead,
while care from transit ketu over mer 5th,
while sat too transits own cap 4th for domestic comforts-property,
while sat transit debilated jup cap could impact liver-relationship etc

wishing well,


ps : wonder if have done a reading earlier for yourself? Megan?


Well-known member
bottle8, thanks for sharing your story-- I just popped in quickly for now, just to say I hope today feels a little better, but I'll be back later tonight when I have a chance to read it and get back to you.


bottle8, thanks for sharing your story-- I just popped in quickly for now, just to say I hope today feels a little better, but I'll be back later tonight when I have a chance to read it and get back to you.

I appreciate that very much. I do feel a bit better though I mistyped "bit" as "bitter" which may well have been a freudian slip. It is just very hard to keep yourself together after having suffered whether a real or imagined possession by the devil and then watching everything i value fall apart. I have a strong temptation for some reason to shave my head. I don't know why I'm including that here. I'm not being very careful about what I say or don't say anymore


hope observations help pick as relevant and reflect,

moon-venus-south node ketu over aries 8th,
hyper-impulsive, accident prone;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers tues mornings;
rahu-ketu the nodes 2/8 axis prone to sudden events in life;

moon-venus opp rahu, need for ancestor worship,
observe fast No-moon days taking milk-fruits;
venus 9th lord for luck over 8th, negating luck factor;

currently ketu transit asc lord mer acq 5th for 1.5yr;
detachment from luck-health-edu-romance-children-position,
pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-skin-lower legs-sciatica;

natal rahu 2nd foreign financial sources in probability,
currently rahu transit leo 11th, foreign gains-foreign friends;

pisces-jup inimical-malefic for virgo asc, stress-delays in marriage-vocation;
inimical jup debilated cap 4th,
stress-delays in domestic comforts-property-mother-health, heart-lungs-knees etc;

debilated jup elevated aspect over cancer 10th, supportive of career;
wear yellow sapphire over pendant touching heart;
jup lord 9th from moon for luck debilated-very weak;

sat lord 5/6 over inimical pisces 7th,
stress-delays in marriage-vocation-luck-edu-position etc,
abdominal and feet health issues; avoid blue saphhire;
observe fast sat evenings taking milk-fruits;

sun-mars pisces 6th, power of personality,
able to cope with opponents, accident prone, prone to emotional anger;

sun lord 12th over 6th, success amidst adversity;
mars lord 8th over 6th, success amidst adversity;

jup now transit scorpio 3rd for research-occult aptitudes,
trine own pisces 7th for marriage-vocation,
and trine elevated aspect over cancer 10/11 for career-gains;

do share feedbacks on the insights,

hope jup scorpio helps now the year ahead,
while care from transit ketu over mer 5th,
while sat too transits own cap 4th for domestic comforts-property,
while sat transit debilated jup cap could impact liver-relationship etc

wishing well,


ps : wonder if have done a reading earlier for yourself? Megan?

So I was always very into astrology which is why when I had the dream talking about the blue sapphire I mentioned in my story-- and then when you mentioned to avoid blue sapphire here-- i was surprised. But yes, I've certainly done my chart and had professional readings done before. I'm very keen on astrology but I'm tired of looking at myself. At this point I just want friends.

I'm going through, I guess, a bit of an identity crisis. So some things I cannot confirm. I do not feel very strong or good at all. I feel very knocked down to my knees. And I will take note of all your guidances-- offering red flowers on Tuesdays, praying to Jesus and observing fast Saturday evenings. I did pray to Jesus after reading that.

You are very right especially about being accident prone and highly impulsive. I find it extremely difficult to curb my impulses no matter how outlandish they are. I was drunk the other night and sent such a weird video to a bunch of people on Instagram-- I'm even more humiliated than I already was.

I do have bad skin, bad stomach, very Virgoan things anyway.

Thank you very much for all your thoroughness and diverse insights, they are all taken into consideration. Truly grateful at this point.


I know I have already said a lot, and if it's not too much I do request that please people read the story I commented before first before trying to address the following problems. But to be more specific, if you could help me address these things in particular:

  1. lack of emotional intimacy/close friends-- how to feel connected to anybody
  2. problems with my sexuality and how my daydreaming about this weird oedipal thing with older women led me to inadvertantly "rape" someone through my play with the occult-- i feel extremely desexualized and uncomfortable around older women now although i never set out to pursue older women. i was just looking for some kind of healing mentorship which i guess had a sexual drive behind it i didn't fully understand
  3. how i've left the relationship with my mother i've always yearned to heal and have felt divinely "called" to do so, in shambles and how to deal with that/how to deal with my ruined family because of what i've done
  4. how to repair my relationship with my spirituality
  5. how to overcome social ridicule, being treated as though i'm special ed because i dipped way too far into my own mind

like i know how insane this sounds. but i don't know where to start. every time i think about anything i start bursting into tears. i seriously never set out for my life to be like this. i don't know how to pray because i was never catholic before i launched into this "quest to repair my family", and then that came to an abrupt end when i felt i had been possessed by the devil. i have never been this insane my whole life. it's as though a superabundance of logic and rationalization of things irrational to others snowballed into this immovable force that crushed my normal life.

i literally felt like all my memories and perceptions were ripped out of me and part of my soul was lost forever and the rest of me was just dropped carelessly back down from a great height. i felt that, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

i don't know how to trust anything. i just want to curl up and sleep and be safe and sound somewhere. i don't feel capable. i feel wrong, which i am. i know there is justice in this. but i don't know how to proceed. it's as if i've had a lobotomy. there is no one i can go to with this. you can understand this is all isolating stuff


Well-known member
I read your story. You have every reason to feel extremely erratic at the moment with transiting Uranus conjunct your natal Moon. This too shall pass. Uranus is currently transiting within 10 minutes of arc from your Moon and activating your emotional and mental nature.

Your story certainly fits the chart. I agree with waybread, in that you have some challenges in your chart. Don't worry, everyone has challenges in their chart. Consider spending time grounding and focusing on releasing tension as much as possible whether thru yoga or other physical exercise. This will help alleviate the erratic mental noise. Certainly stay clear of any medicating and enjoy a balanced diet.

When looking deeper, like I mentioned, your story fits the chart. The emotional rollercoaster, mom and codeine, trying to save your family, and loneliness is all related to natal Moon square Neptune. Also, this aspect likely also adds to a your dreams and sexuality since the main players occupy the 5th and 8th houses. The last part, sexuality, is also impacted by your Sun and Mars which both square Pluto and thus brings about that sexual intensity...

Armed with knowing that your chart contains these features. I would encourage you to accept their energy and begin to work with them, like waybread says, in a positive manner. There is nothing wrong with who you are, and if you embrace your nature, you can accomplish incredible things.
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Well-known member
bottle8, I think the first person you need to make friends with is yourself. I truly get that you feel lonely, but it is hard to sustain a friendship or romance with someone else when you feel messed up in inside.

I read your entire narrative, including all of your dreams. Your beautiful blue sapphire dream seems like your lodestone. "The will to go on" seems very relevant to you.

A long time ago I did a dream workshop with a qualified counselor and Jungian specialist. One thing I picked up is that you are all of the images in your dream. If you dream of a person you know, this means that whatever they represent in your life is at a conscious level. A stranger, notably someone of a different colour or ethnicity means something that you've not yet brought up to consciousness. A non-human image will symbolize something to you, if you can understand what it means to you.

The sapphire in some cultures symbolizes purity, wisdom, and good fortune. This sapphire exists within you.

With that sun so closely square Pluto, you are apt to feel obsessive, with Mars in the mix giving it extra energy-- and aggravation.

What would it take for you to stop beating yourself up all the time? Could you envision yourself having the OK life, the good-enough life? Not giving a hoot about what other people might think of you? When a negative thought or obsession comes up, could you thank it for sharing, and just focus on your innate inner stability, wisdom and goodness? There's no shame in making mistakes: we all make them.

What would it take for you not to make something karmic or occult about whatever happens to you that is uncomfortable? As Sigmund Freud supposedly said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." A misfortune is sometimes just a big bummer, not specifically something related to karma.

If you're bi-sexual and your boss is attractive to you, it's not like you're "raping" her-- people with a crush on someone will typically fantasize about sex with that person. Of course, it's best not to act on these fantasies in any way, but please don't beat yourself up over feeling something that is pretty normal. With an older woman, just ask yourself if you're more looking for a mother figure than a lover in your life.

At age 21, it would also be normal for a bi-sexual young woman to still be sorting out her own sexuality and feelings.

I'm a great believer in second chances. And third and fourth chances. Maybe just take your list of 5 items, and re-write them to make them positive affirmations, and then just do your best with them. For example, "I am learning a healthy spirituality." Or "I am becoming closer to my mother, despite occasional set-backs."

I am not suggesting that you join a particular faith, but if you believe in God at some level, then can you envision this God as far stronger and more supportive than any kind of demons that haunt you? You don't even need to pray: just relax and let yourself feel surrounded by a supportive divine presence.

Also, have you ever been in therapy with a clinical psychologist? You might find this really helpful, if not. Your family doctor can give you a referral.

Here is a favourite line from Jeremiah: Jeremiah 17:14.

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise."

I think of sun square Pluto as a really tough aspect, but if you think of the fruits of your inner sapphire, if you stay with sun square Pluto, it becomes the energy of the phoenix, rising from the ashes.

I am honestly not trying to paper over you unhappiness with happy-smiley faces. Rather, in my experience, the universe notices when we take even small steps to help ourselves. It's OK if it's not easy.

With all good wishes for your journey, W.
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