Read my chart? 6 Planet Stellium(?)


Well-known member
Please delete, posted in wrong section, sorry!!

EDIT: Oops! I meant to post this in the "Read My Chart" section, I'm sorry. I will repost in the correct section, this thread can be deleted.
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Well-known member
My chart is attached, feel free to pass along any insights that come to mind even if unrelated to the title of the thread. Any one who would like to read the chart in entirety is welcome. Your perspective and time is much appreciated!

Here is my curiosity though: I have ready varying definitions on stelliums, some requiring that planets fall in same houses, some in same signs, and others that the chain of conjunctions itself defines a stellium. Some sources say 3 planets, some 4 or more. First, what is your take on what defines a stellium? Secondly, what is your interpretation of mine?

I understand that at a basic level, a stellium shows focus in a particular area of the chart.
If I go with 4 planets conjunct in same house, we have Sun, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury in the 8th.
If 4 planets by sign, I have Moon, Mars, Sun, and Venus in Aquarius.
If by chain of conjunctions I have Mars conj Moon conj Sun conj Venus conj Saturn conj Mercury

Thanks in advance for your insight. I'm happy to look at charts in return, feel free to post yours on this thread if you're interested in that. :)


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This is certainly complicated as any large stellium is. Some astrologers are sticklers for traditional rules when it comes to planetary configurations. For instance, some rather dogmatic astrologers insist that a T-square can't involve the MC, Asc, or Node (I'm ignoring the opposite end of an axis in this special case). Well, if it is not a T-square, what is it? It's an opposition squared at both ends to a common planet.

If you work with midpoint pictures, you come to see that configurations are just a way to combine more than two planets into a formation that is meaningful for all the participants. The same is true of what cosmobiologists call a "midpoint picture". A midpoint picture always involves at least 3 factors.

When you learn astrology, you learn the essence of each factor early on. You learn Moon is nature and background. You learn Mercury is logic and communication. You learn Venus is attraction and appeal. And so forth. It is a big step to then graduate to pairs. What does Mercury/Venus mean? What does Sun/Jupiter mean? Many students never master even the planetary pair stage. It is quite difficult, but it is very rewarding.

Each stage after that is exponentially more complicated and challenging. What does the combination of three factors mean? It is exponentially more complicated.

A stellium with 6 planets is extraodinarily complicated but it is not impossible. The fact that a stellium spans more than one sign does not disqualify it as a stellium, not at all.

The problem comes when people use mystical sounding names for configurations, like "The Finger of God". That is one name for the Yod configuration, but it is overly dramatic and ultimately misleading. People have come to believe that the Yod has mystical significance. That is hocus pocus. The Yod is a combination of three factors that is challenging because it calls for interpretating a three-planet picture.

Many conventional astrologers get snagged on the component aspects when they should be concentrating on the three-way chemistry. Now the fact that a Yod contains a sextile and two quincunxes is helpful, but much more definitive is the fact that you are required to interpret the three-factor chemistry which is the more defining challenge. A Yod with Sun/Venus/Jupiter has a great deal in common with a T-square with Sun/Venus/Jupiter. Start first with the planetary composition, and then refine a little with the actual aspects involve.

I am going to pause, but I will continue.
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You may notice that there are other combinations of multiple aspects that seem to link more than 2 factors. You may have a planet that squares one planet and trines another. This qualifies as a three-planet picture. It doesn't have an official configuration name, but your intuition is telling you that there is something meaningful in the extended combination.

When you interpret the situation of one planet alone in the chart, you speak in very general terms using a few keywords. When you interpret the situation of two planets together, you must get much more specific in the message. The chart you are reading has thrown you a curve. It has something specific to say. If you interpret the situation where three factors are combined by a meaningful connection, whether it is a T-square, a Yod, or a case where one planet aspects the midpoint of the other two, it is monumentally specific and very challenging.

It is a blessing that you have a way to be more specific when you interpret a chart. If you can interpret 3-way combinations or 4-way combinations, you can accomplish some amazing interpretations. Of course, you begin by breaking down the larger picture into component pairs. That is how beginners begin. If you have a stellium with Sun/Jupiter/Venus, a beginner can come to interpret fairly well by combining the meaning of Sun/Jupiter with Jupiter/Venus and Sun/Venus, but in time you will recognize the special and specific message that lies with Sun/Jupiter/Venus.

I see a stellium as a combination of conjunctions. Three or more factors combined. I don't care if some of the factors are points like node, MC, or vertex. You already know that Venus/Node has a meaning. Venus/MC has a meaning,etc. Others may have their stickler rules. I don't care because I have so much experience interpreting stellia.

I will pause here, but I will continue.


Shirley MacLaine has a stellium in the Eighth House, Sun/Mars/Uranus. The planets alone tell us she is very assertive, she is quite impatient, she is probably very ingenious with a high IQ. She is eccentric. She is a freedom fighter. She has unusual pursuits. She is controversial.

Because Sun is involved, this stellium would be more important than a stellium that did not contain any of the following, Moon, MC, Asc, IC, Desc. Sun gives much greater significance. It will define her identity in very personal way. The addition of Sun to the stellium is a clue that this is one of the most important clues you will find in her chart.

Traditional astrologers get riled-up and indignant when you recognize that one way to interpret the Eighth House is that it is often a sign of occult interests. I care a great deal more about my personal experience than about the dogmatic sermons of traditional astrologers. Shirley MacLaine became known as the kook who explores every aspect of metaphysics and the occult. I don't see the gruesome qualities in her life that the traditional astrologers would make of the Eighth House. I see metaphysics and the occult.

The trine of the stellium to the Moon/Neptune conjunction is very helpful but still more specific. A Sun/Moon trine often describes a beautiful woman. A Mars/Neptune trine is fitting for a successful actress and dancer. A Moon/Neptune conjunction shows that she was deeply affected by all her romantic disappointments and she probably dabbles in Tarot cards. The Uranus/Moon trine means she is a bit wild, in a rather harmonious way. The Uranus/Neptune trine suggests she is interested in ESP, the Afterlife, and other bizarre subject matter.

I find much in common between the Eighth House and Scorpio. People with Sun in Scorpio and Sun in Eighth often enjoy the occult and the unsavory. They are more likely than others to do dangerous or unsavory jobs. They are more likely to be detectives and undertakers and surgeons. They are often interested in death and the Afterlife.

The stellium and the other connected aspects tell us about the fantastic metaphysical activities of Shirley MacLaine and her activities as a dancing actress who is beautiful.

I will pause here, but I will continue.
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Well-known member
Here is the definition of a stellium I work with:

When 4 or more planets, at least 2 of which are not Sun, Mercury or Venus, occupy one sign, or one house, or both, there is a stellium.

A stellium by sign is stronger than one by house because Quality and Element receive emphasis.

A stellium is a SuperConjunction. To understand a stellium carefully study the meaning and operation of the conjunction.

You have a stellium by sign (Aquarius) but not by house. Both Lights are in Aquarius, highly significant of itself. A Moon who soon immolates herself in the fires of the Sun.

What is most notable is the fact that 8 of the 10 planets are found within the space of an octile (semi-square), all clustered around the western angle; and all 10 planets are in the west. Highly unusual, highly concentrated.

The chart pattern is the Bundle, itself indicative of a strongly internalized, subjective "world of your own." It implies a narrow focus and high concentration of energies.

Jupiter is the cutting planet and his energies permeate the whole chart. This planet leads you into experience and is predominant. His nature is Paternal. A careful study of Jupiter and his significance (in this, your personal chart) is suggested.

Notice that Jupiter and Pluto stand apart from the crowd. Why? What do they do? I refer you to the thread "Using planetary patterns. The bowl...." There is discussion there of a man I don't know who was a "prophet of mushrooms". And his bowl chart features a very widely separated Uranus. The discussion there may give you some clues for interpretation. These two planets, using the 10-planet rulerships, are in mutual reception. This spices up their stand-offishness; they assist each other. Notice also thst in the same 10-planet rulership system, Saturn and Neptune are also in mutual reception and rule all the other planets in the cluster. Jupiter and Pluto also stand apart by hemisphere.

Everything pointed to in this post can be, and should be, interpreted in terms of your character and destiny.
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hi LushBomb

you hve some very attractive and romantic aspects but you alos have some aspects that suggest you have emotional issues that hinder your relationships. I've added a few more symbols.

your eris is conjunct your midheaven. this gives you a out going and exuberant emotional nature.
you enjoy life and are ambitious and have plans to arrive at your dreams. psyche is square to eris which shows a very romantic nature. but these two symbols are somewhat opposites in that eris is more into immediate satisfaction while psyche is concerned with love and intimacy. so these can complement each other but they are at odds when I comes to love and intimacy... eris is concerned with physical satisfaction and not so much caring about love and intimacy in a "spiritual sense.'

you also have your venus/mars midpoint conjunct to your sun which is another very social and attractive aspect. it shows many suitors and lovers if you want them. it too shows a focus in your life toward intimate relationships. it is more well rounded that your eris impulse which is focused on the physical . this aspect shows concern for love and developing intimacy.

your ceres is conjunct to liith and opposed to juno which shows that love and committed relationships are at the center of you being. here your eris impulse is somewhat out of place, because you will attract guys that just want to get naked and aren't interested in a relationship... but you are..

your eros/psyche midpoint is conjunct your sun/Venus midpoint which is yet another very attractive loving,emotional/physical attribute. this really heightens you need for a very romantic and idealistic relationship. this is a very enchanting aspect and makes you even more alluring and desirable.

complicating this ,is that you have the node conjunct to Pluto and ixion, square to venus/Saturn.

frankly this is a difficult pattern . even though you have aspects of love and gaiety, this pattern is somewhat dark which suggest that you tend to get with guys who are a bit edgy ... selfish types that aren't as sensitive to your feeling as you deserve.this can show a insecurity that allows you to get involved with guys who 'takecharge".
Saturn square to pluto actually gives deep self esteem problems. Usually it shows in childhood ,you had a unresponsive or cold father who did not give you the affection you need. you are very affectionate but this part of your nture was stunted in childhood.

you have the moon square to Jupiter ,square to sedan and opposed to orcus. Sedna opposed to Jupiter and square the moon is a very truthful shows a good mind and a desire to be upfront and truthful in all your doings. but orcus is an unconscious symbol, and here it might indicate that although you have impulse for truth, that you keep much to yourself. you not deceitful but you might not let others really know your true feelings.

just a few reflection



One of the curiosities of astrology is that poets often have larger than average stellia. One would certainly not assume that all large stellia are poets, however. What can we assume about large stellia? They signify a complicated person. Most poets are complicated people.

Anne Coulter is very complicated. Her stellia is reliably descriptive, but it also reveals that she is complicated. I know something about her, and I can attest that this woman is complicated, and so are all the people I know with stellia. My brother has a large stellium, and he is very complicated.

Let's not get distracted by houses yet. Let's look at the combination of factors involved. Few astrologers that I have met have mastered planetary pairs. Even fewer have mastered planetary triads or "pictures" as they are called. I doubt any astrologer has mastered 6-planet combinations. We must bear down, bow our necks, and dig in the dirt.

Within the stellium is Mars/Moon/Sun. There is Sun/Venus/Saturn. There is Venus/Saturn/Mercury. Oh, there is Moon/Sun/Venus. Oh, there is Mercury/Venus/Mars. Oh, and there is more. Let it seep in.

If that weren't enough complexity, the planets that aspect the stellium TEND to aspect all members of the stellium as well, so they are big clue.

Pluto squares Venus and Jupiter squares Sun, so Jupiter/Pluto are probably a pair as well with more specificity to offer. Sun/Moon suggests intimate relationships. Venus/Mars suggests intimate relationships. Pluto/Venus suggests intimate relationships. And a stellium sprawling across Seventh and Eighth Houses suggests intimate relationships.

Sun/Moon and Venus/Mars and Sun/Venus tend to be quite sensuous. This is about a person who emphasizes passion excessively to the exclusion of many other things. Sun/Moon tells us that your life is marked by excessive ups and downs. Of course most lives have ups and downs, but Sun/Moon very much emphasizes this fact. The person is sensual and erotic. With Mercury/Saturn/Venus, art and creativity is also involved. You are a bit of an exhibitionist and you are pushy (Venus/Mars). You love the nightlife (Sun/Venus). You are impulsive, volatile, and opinionated (Moon/Mars). You are controversial, ambitious, and aggressive (Sun/Mars). You are serious, and some might find you cold (Sun/Venus/Saturn).

Do you get the idea?


Well-known member
Hi guys! Thank you for responding, I'll reply to everyone but I am out and about working so there may be gaps in between ( :


I love the information you've given me- thank you for being so thorough in your explanations.

When you learn astrology, you learn the essence of each factor early on. You learn Moon is nature and background. You learn Mercury is logic and communication. You learn Venus is attraction and appeal. And so forth. It is a big step to then graduate to pairs. What does Mercury/Venus mean? What does Sun/Jupiter mean? Many students never master even the planetary pair stage. It is quite difficult, but it is very rewarding.

I'm so glad that you've touched on this. It is a somewhat elusive concept that I have always had an awareness of but I certainly haven't mastered. I have acquired most of my current knowledge in a somewhat osmotic fashion (if you will), absorbing what I may when I read rather than directly, consciously studying. I tend to be that way with learning.

You may notice that there are other combinations of multiple aspects that seem to link more than 2 factors. You may have a planet that squares one planet and trines another. This qualifies as a three-planet picture. It doesn't have an official configuration name, but your intuition is telling you that there is something meaningful in the extended combination.

THIS! I've always wondered if I was right to feel this way or if I was grasping at straws due to inexperience 0=

Reply to be continued when I return ( :


Account Closed
My chart is attached, feel free to pass along any insights that come to mind even if unrelated to the title of the thread. Any one who would like to read the chart in entirety is welcome. Your perspective and time is much appreciated!

Here is my curiosity though: I have ready varying definitions on stelliums, some requiring that planets fall in same houses, some in same signs, and others that the chain of conjunctions itself defines a stellium. Some sources say 3 planets, some 4 or more. First, what is your take on what defines a stellium? Secondly, what is your interpretation of mine?

I understand that at a basic level, a stellium shows focus in a particular area of the chart.
If I go with 4 planets conjunct in same house, we have Sun, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury in the 8th.
If 4 planets by sign, I have Moon, Mars, Sun, and Venus in Aquarius.
If by chain of conjunctions I have Mars conj Moon conj Sun conj Venus conj Saturn conj Mercury

Thanks in advance for your insight. I'm happy to look at charts in return, feel free to post yours on this thread if you're interested in that. :)

Hi lushbomb

Do you think I have a stellium?


Well-known member
I define a stellium as "4 or more planets, at least 2 of which are not Sun, Mercury or Venus, in the same sign or same house, or both".

A stellium by sign is much the stronger and more significant because a stellium by sign emphasizes Quality and Element.

The planets do not have to be in actual conjunction.

A stellium is a giant conjunction, only more so. It is classified as a Formation (the name "stellium" indicates that it is a recognized Formation, not just a collection of planets, as in a triple conjunction.) It has power over and above the simpler conjunctions.

Bill Clinton's chart features 2 stelliums by sign.

By the definition above, you have a stellium in Aquarius but not the 8th house. I do not consider a "chain of conjunctions" as a stellium. That is something brought in by the "modern" astrologers who love to invent things they don't understand.

The stricture on Sun, Mercury and Venus is because they travel together and often occupy the same sign. This is an adjustment for that fact.
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Account Closed
I define a stellium as "4 or more planets, at least 2 of which are not Sun, Mercury or Venus, in the same sign or same house, or both".

A stellium by sign is much the stronger and more significant because a stellium by sign emphasizes Quality and Element.

The planets do not have to be in actual conjunction.

A stellium is a giant conjunction, only more so. It is classified as a Formation (the name "stellium" indicates that it is a recognized Formation, not just a collection of planets, as in a triple conjunction.) It has power over and above the simpler conjunctions.

Bill Clinton's chart features 2 stelliums by sign.

By the definition above, you have a stellium in Aquarius but not the 8th house. I do not consider a "chain of conjunctions" as a stellium. That is something brought in by the "modern" astrologers who love to invent things they don't understand.

The stricture on Sun, Mercury and Venus is because they travel together and often occupy the same sign. This is an adjustment for that fact.

Greybeard I’m a bit confused 😐..... if bill Clinton has two stelliums then dies the sun and merc count as I’ve looked on Astro theme to see what you mean and in 11th house he has 4 planets inc mercury and the sun. So is it still a stellium or is astro theme incorrect and your looking elsewhere as I’ve heard Astro theme can be wrong


Well-known member
I don't know about astrotheme
What's in Leo? Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn. That makes 4 planets, at least 2 of which are not Sun, Mercury or Venus. So, a stellium in Leo, with Sun in domicile.

If I want reliable charts and data, I go to astrodienst.
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Account Closed
I don't know about astrotheme
What's in Leo? Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn. That makes 4 planets, at least 2 of which are not Sun, Mercury or Venus. So, a stellium in Leo, with Sun in domicile.

If I want reliable charts and data, I go to astrodienst.

Great that’s clear! I will look on that site from now on thanks


Well-known member
You want to give a brief possible meaning to this stellium?

This is a stellium (great power in the life, by definition) with ruler Sun in his own domain.

Saturn-Pluto combinations have to do with "the use of power". It is Leo, sign of the natural king. And the King (Sun) is on his throne.

Sun in his own sign and house...A powerful and independent ruler.

11th house is "political parties", "legislative bodies"...politics.


Well-known member
Hi everybody! My greatest apologies for this enormously delayed response. I made myself promise not to make any more posts until I was able to respond to everyone here :)

Just plain old busy-ness contributed a lot, but there were some interesting events that cropped up in my life which may be interesting to those who like to study transits/events and the like.

I posted this thread April 02 2019. On April 15th I woke up acutely ill and required an emergency appendectomy. The procedure was successful and I was home before 1am that day/night. Regarding this illness, I had been hospitalized for it around October 2018 (if I recall correctly) I was discharged without the illness being diagnosed. I was given some antibiotics and the illness more or less laid dormant until the 15th. (I had pain and a mild flareup of the illness after making a flight to Ireland in December 2018 and then again in December 2019 but aside from that really nothing)

On April 26th my first nephew (by blood) was born! :)

September 16th I experienced a very early miscarriage :( It was a chemical pregnancy, but still sad nonetheless. I am grateful and happy I got to carry my baby at all, even if for such a short time.
It's quite possible that I've experienced the passage of another chemical pregnancy on Dec 4th.

There have been a myriad of events surrounding my business that I'd like to share for study, but due to the current climate in my field I think it's best of I don't.

In continuation of my previous response.


It is a blessing that you have a way to be more specific when you interpret a chart. If you can interpret 3-way combinations or 4-way combinations, you can accomplish some amazing interpretations. Of course, you begin by breaking down the larger picture into component pairs. That is how beginners begin. If you have a stellium with Sun/Jupiter/Venus, a beginner can come to interpret fairly well by combining the meaning of Sun/Jupiter with Jupiter/Venus and Sun/Venus, but in time you will recognize the special and specific message that lies with Sun/Jupiter/Venus.

This very much encompasses my difficulty with understanding my stellium when I started learning natal astrology. I find the concept of 'planetary pictures' as you've explained them to be very concise and helpful. I hadn't really thought of it that way, yet this makes perfect sense. Being that 'blending' is the nature of a conjunction aspect (according to some) it makes sense that multiple conjunctions would lead to a more infused energy of all the bodies involved.

One of the curiosities of astrology is that poets often have larger than average stellia. One would certainly not assume that all large stellia are poets, however. What can we assume about large stellia? They signify a complicated person. Most poets are complicated people.

That's interesting. I did write quite a lot of poetry as a child and a young adult. I believe I stopped some time in high school. I have written volumes on and off over the years as well.

Pluto squares Venus and Jupiter squares Sun, so Jupiter/Pluto are probably a pair as well with more specificity to offer. Sun/Moon suggests intimate relationships. Venus/Mars suggests intimate relationships. Pluto/Venus suggests intimate relationships. And a stellium sprawling across Seventh and Eighth Houses suggests intimate relationships.

Sun/Moon and Venus/Mars and Sun/Venus tend to be quite sensuous. This is about a person who emphasizes passion excessively to the exclusion of many other things. Sun/Moon tells us that your life is marked by excessive ups and downs. Of course most lives have ups and downs, but Sun/Moon very much emphasizes this fact. The person is sensual and erotic. With Mercury/Saturn/Venus, art and creativity is also involved. You are a bit of an exhibitionist and you are pushy (Venus/Mars). You love the nightlife (Sun/Venus). You are impulsive, volatile, and opinionated (Moon/Mars). You are controversial, ambitious, and aggressive (Sun/Mars). You are serious, and some might find you cold (Sun/Venus/Saturn).

Interesting, so purely by dint of being in aspect with members of the stellium, Jupiter and Pluto would be considered a pair of sorts?

I would have to call you correct on all those points, even the ones I haven't always seen so clearly with my own eyes. Those are frequent descriptors from my (poor) loved ones. Lol, I wish I could be softer and sweeter for them, but any attempts to force myself to behave in a docile or quiet way feel... Forced and wrong? As if I'm silencing myself. It will lead to an inevitable explosion of the power keg, you know? Of course, my loved ones love and appreciate me for who I am, but I'm sure they'd love to be able to turn down the intensity at times. :) Me too. I am indeed an artist, and touching on what you'd said of the 8th house before, most of my artwork revolves around the mystical, fantastical, occult, or sensual. My style of artwork is very realistic, even when I 'cartoon'.

Very spot on all in all! :)

I will reply to the rest of you shortly, I must do some work right now!

Libra Art

Active member
Hi everybody! My greatest apologies for this enormously delayed response. I made myself promise not to make any more posts until I was able to respond to everyone here :)

Just plain old busy-ness contributed a lot, but there were some interesting events that cropped up in my life which may be interesting to those who like to study transits/events and the like.

I posted this thread April 02 2019. On April 15th I woke up acutely ill and required an emergency appendectomy. The procedure was successful and I was home before 1am that day/night. Regarding this illness, I had been hospitalized for it around October 2018 (if I recall correctly) I was discharged without the illness being diagnosed. I was given some antibiotics and the illness more or less laid dormant until the 15th. (I had pain and a mild flareup of the illness after making a flight to Ireland in December 2018 and then again in December 2019 but aside from that really nothing)

On April 26th my first nephew (by blood) was born! :)

September 16th I experienced a very early miscarriage :( It was a chemical pregnancy, but still sad nonetheless. I am grateful and happy I got to carry my baby at all, even if for such a short time.
It's quite possible that I've experienced the passage of another chemical pregnancy on Dec 4th.

There have been a myriad of events surrounding my business that I'd like to share for study, but due to the current climate in my field I think it's best of I don't.

In continuation of my previous response.


This very much encompasses my difficulty with understanding my stellium when I started learning natal astrology. I find the concept of 'planetary pictures' as you've explained them to be very concise and helpful. I hadn't really thought of it that way, yet this makes perfect sense. Being that 'blending' is the nature of a conjunction aspect (according to some) it makes sense that multiple conjunctions would lead to a more infused energy of all the bodies involved.

That's interesting. I did write quite a lot of poetry as a child and a young adult. I believe I stopped some time in high school. I have written volumes on and off over the years as well.

Interesting, so purely by dint of being in aspect with members of the stellium, Jupiter and Pluto would be considered a pair of sorts?

I would have to call you correct on all those points, even the ones I haven't always seen so clearly with my own eyes. Those are frequent descriptors from my (poor) loved ones. Lol, I wish I could be softer and sweeter for them, but any attempts to force myself to behave in a docile or quiet way feel... Forced and wrong? As if I'm silencing myself. It will lead to an inevitable explosion of the power keg, you know? Of course, my loved ones love and appreciate me for who I am, but I'm sure they'd love to be able to turn down the intensity at times. :) Me too. I am indeed an artist, and touching on what you'd said of the 8th house before, most of my artwork revolves around the mystical, fantastical, occult, or sensual. My style of artwork is very realistic, even when I 'cartoon'.

Very spot on all in all! :)

I will reply to the rest of you shortly, I must do some work right now!

LushBomb, I have 6 planets in Libra, in my 5th. I been trying to find someone that can explain mines as well. Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Uranus, and Pluto. I'm a Gemini Asc.


Well-known member
Here is the definition of a stellium I work with:

When 4 or more planets, at least 2 of which are not Sun, Mercury or Venus, occupy one sign, or one house, or both, there is a stellium.

A stellium by sign is stronger than one by house because Quality and Element receive emphasis.

A stellium is a SuperConjunction. To understand a stellium carefully study the meaning and operation of the conjunction.

You have a stellium by sign (Aquarius) but not by house. Both Lights are in Aquarius, highly significant of itself. A Moon who soon immolates herself in the fires of the Sun.

What is most notable is the fact that 8 of the 10 planets are found within the space of an octile (semi-square), all clustered around the western angle; and all 10 planets are in the west. Highly unusual, highly concentrated.

The chart pattern is the Bundle, itself indicative of a strongly internalized, subjective "world of your own." It implies a narrow focus and high concentration of energies.

Jupiter is the cutting planet and his energies permeate the whole chart. This planet leads you into experience and is predominant. His nature is Paternal. A careful study of Jupiter and his significance (in this, your personal chart) is suggested.

Notice that Jupiter and Pluto stand apart from the crowd. Why? What do they do? I refer you to the thread "Using planetary patterns. The bowl...." There is discussion there of a man I don't know who was a "prophet of mushrooms". And his bowl chart features a very widely separated Uranus. The discussion there may give you some clues for interpretation. These two planets, using the 10-planet rulerships, are in mutual reception. This spices up their stand-offishness; they assist each other. Notice also thst in the same 10-planet rulership system, Saturn and Neptune are also in mutual reception and rule all the other planets in the cluster. Jupiter and Pluto also stand apart by hemisphere.

Everything pointed to in this post can be, and should be, interpreted in terms of your character and destiny.

Hi Greybeard, thanks for replying.

That's interesting, I can see how the general proximity to the Sun by orbit could make it a rather common for these guys to end up in conjunction with one another. Mercury is never more than one sign away from the Sun and Venus never more than two.

By that logic, do you consider a stellium significant due to the rarity by which it occurs? It would definitely be less common to see a combination of the other planets all in conjunction with one another.

ie; So if Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus were all conjunct within a sign you would not consider this a stellium? Would you be considering more the overall chart placement/other factors since this would be a relatively common formation (as far as superconjunctions go)?
Would you say that a less common formation is perhaps maybe more significant to the description of a particular individual (more personal), whereas a more common formation (like Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus) would better describe larger sections since this formation would crop up at various intervals throughout each year?

Regarding my own formation, yes I was born right around the transition of Waning Crescent to New Moon. The visibility of the moon would have been between 0-2% (sources vary). Being that she, Mars, and Venus would all be considered combust I would say that those planets could represent a bit of a 'blind spot' for me.(..?) I'm still not sure what to make of combustion in a natal chart. By some definitions these planets supposedly lack the strength to function at all in my chart and I can say with certainty that this is incorrect.

It's interesting that you point out my Jupiter and Pluto; they vex me. According to planetary strength scores, I am Pluto dominant. I believe the tightest aspect in my chart is ASC applying trine to Pluto. Needless to say with the tightly clustered bundle formation and Pluto's easy trine to my ASC, I think I come off a bit intense. People don't necessarily tell me this so it took me a long time to realize I come off this way. Close family members were the first to clue me in that other people can find my energy intimidating. With my Cancer ascendant you can see how I've learned to try to project myself in a softer way. With Aries MH I have learned that I do not necessarily appear as nice to others as I am trying to act.
With Jupiter in Scorpio aspecting the stellium there's even a bit more plutonian flavor thrown into the mix it seems.
It's funny, having 4 personal planets in Aquarius, you'd think I'd be the most coolly detached, emotionally sterile creature on this planet. Instead my emotions are confusing, wild, hard to control, intense, powerful, hard to interpret. Mercury in Pisces seems to be the escape hatch from whence all ration and logic fled my brain. Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio turn the heat up under what would've been the calm (if unconventional) water of an Aquarius Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus.
Maybe that's just my own personal interpretation, I dunno. I do tend to notice that people don't seem to acknowledge I experience any emotions at all until the emotions are so large or explosive that they can't be missed. Maybe that has more to do with my emotional expression than any Plutonian or Jupiterian influences. It reeks of Cancer ASC if you ask me. Or perhaps it's that combust Moon conjunct Mars making my quieter, Moon-based emotions invisible and only those more Martian feelings become apparent to others? I could go back and forth endlessly trying to pinpoint the matter.

The receptions are something I hadn't looked at before. I think Pluto is still in Scorpio (27 degrees), so there wouldn't be mutual reception but using 10 planet scheme, Pluto disposits Jupiter. Traditional scheme, Mars disposits Jupiter and also receives the applying square from him.
I don't know if that would be considered better or worse than a square without reception... It seems like in this case Mars is inviting Jupiter to excess in all the areas Mars holds dominion over. And Jupiter doesn't really need an invitation for that in the first place so hmm. Jupiter doesn't behold Mars so kinda seems like Jupiter is just doing his own thing and quite happy that Mars isn't interfering at all. With Jupiter square Mars I get "extreme excess of action/aggression/sex". Jupiter is placed in the 4th house but Mars would rule the 5th house cusp, so the areas indicated would be home/family/father/children/love affairs/gambling.
As I write this I see how apt it really is. I really wish I were a little more Mars/Pluto/Scorpio-lite than I am. I feel I can be a bit of a chore to be around at times. B)

Saturn and Neptune are indeed in each other's signs, but without an aspect do you consider it mutual reception still? Well, obviously you must since you pointed it out to me- silly question there. I only ask because that's one of those things like stelliums where I've seen differences of opinions.
What would their reception mean in this chart? Neptune is a planet that eludes me somewhat...I guess that is the nature of Neptune though, lol.

I want to keep writing but I have to work, darn! Thank you again for your response, you've given me a lot to think about : )
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Premium Member
hope helps further, do ack n share salient feedbacks
how true-untrue etc :

sun-venus-mer-sat 8th, chronic diseases to care,
urological-legs-feet-heart-stomach-skin-kidney-depression, etc
may have indifferent attitude towards health;

mer debilated pisces and confused emotionally,
protected by jup trine aspect over mer-sat pisces,
could have negotiation and manipulative skills;
jup aspect own pisces 9th supportive of luck-edu etc;

sat own 8th, success amidst adversity;
may be good for insurance benefits;
sat as lord 7th over 8th, sick spouse;
venus combust sun need for zinc supplements perhaps;
observe fast sat evenings;

mer elevated aspect own virgo 2nd,
and sun aspect own leo 2nd,
supportive of finances;

moon-mars acq 7th, volatile emotions and finances,
sun-venus-moon-mars acq, reformist, innovative,
aptitude for rheumatology, neurology, plastic surgery, etc
indifferent towards personal relationships;
moon-mars lords 1/5/10 good for prosperity,
through marriage perhaps;

previous 1.5yr ketu separative SNode transit acq,
detachment from relationship,
pain-injury-surgery abdominals-legs-sciatica etc etc

sat-ketu coming 1.5yr transit cap 8th, detachment from job,
pain-injury-surgery knees-intestinal-hips etc to care;

natal ketu taurus 11th,
detachment from income-gains-friendships-relationship;
pain-injury-surgery arms-shoulders-ears-dental etc
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers fri evenings at the alter at home;

all planets between ketu-rahu practically,
ketu transits over planets tending to detachments, pain-injury-surgery;
rahu transits tending to clouding things, toxic health issues;
rahu debilted dark pit scorpio, not to indulge in the occult;

jup-rahu scorpio research-occult-forensic aptitudes and acting skills;
rise-fall in life wisdom vitiated;
prayers for ancestors, observe fast No-Moon evenings
taking milk-fruits or as per custom;
wear brown hessonite over pendant touching heart;

lord mars over 7th quadrant, debilation of rahu cancelled,
gradual improvement in luck-education-position etc;
rahu 5th foreign relationships, delay in children;

jup year ahead transit own sag 5th trine aries 10th trine leo, good for
luck-edu-romance-children-position-career-health-fin-advisory roles,
jup effective mid-course march-june 020;
prayers to saint of faith, offer yellow flowers tues evenings;

do ack, and share pointwise salient feedbacks,
which could be interesting to learn about; and ideas to pick, if any.

wishing you well, kshantaram
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Well-known member
I may not be the best person to ask because I'm a little confused myself! : ) I see that greybeard provided a very succinct answer already.
I'm inclined to agree.
After having this discussion, I'm beginning to understand that stelliums are not (just) about successive conjunctions conjunctions because the blending of energies isn't necessarily what's being indicated/observed when we call a formation a stellium.
It's the blending of like energies, specifically, energies geared towards similar purposes in similar areas in life that have similar ways of achieving/going about those purposes.
The distinction is minute. For example: Four planets conjunct with two in one sign/house and two in another is showing a blending of those four planetary energies and an inherent linkage of two areas(houses) of life, yes, but with two distinct approaches/behavior patterns that would each probably dominate in their respective spheres(house) of life.

I don't know if this is correct (and I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong or missing some nuance), but this is what I've understood so far. : )


First off, thank you for taking a look at my chart : )

your eris is conjunct your midheaven. this gives you a out going and exuberant emotional nature.
you enjoy life and are ambitious and have plans to arrive at your dreams. psyche is square to eris which shows a very romantic nature. but these two symbols are somewhat opposites in that eris is more into immediate satisfaction while psyche is concerned with love and intimacy. so these can complement each other but they are at odds when I comes to love and intimacy... eris is concerned with physical satisfaction and not so much caring about love and intimacy in a "spiritual sense.'
This did trouble me somewhat growing up- my physical appetite always seemed to get in the way of my desire to develop emotional relationships with others. I wanted to have emotional relationships with others, but my physical impulse was too strong and difficult to deny and often superceded emotional developments.
As I grew older, I found myself completely disinterested in men who could only have one without the other. I felt that (in my limited sphere of personal experience) some of the men I encountered subconsciously felt that it was my job to 'make' them respect me (namely, being sexually withholding for some time--but not too long!) and I found that tiresome.
If one has trouble respecting other human beings for wanting the same things (or participating in the same behaviors) which that individual wants (and participates in) themselves, then I see that as their bone to pick, not mine.
And if you simply don't find that attractive as far as a potential emotional attachment would be concerned, hey that's fine too. Different perspectives. I do care what others think, but I will not compromise the integrity of my personality simply because we disagree.

Now, I'm not sure if Eris has to do with pure impulsivity or is always more sexually nuanced, but I would add that this was what I was constantly in trouble for as a child. I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 8, with impulsivity (next to the hyperactivity) being one of the main complaints (also emotional volatility). I was on every kind of medication you could think of (over 40 different prescriptions in a few years) but medication did little to curb any of my behaviors no matter how high of a dose I was brought up on or how many medications I was on at once. If anything I think it made things worse- I felt alienated and at odds with everyone in my environment. Life felt like a battleground and I had no one on my side, so if anything I was more ferocious.
Luckily I'm past that in life. As an adult I've been that my parents were simply at a loss for what to do. They tried their best and can't be faulted for that : )

you also have your venus/mars midpoint conjunct to your sun which is another very social and attractive aspect. it shows many suitors and lovers if you want them. it too shows a focus in your life toward intimate relationships. it is more well rounded that your eris impulse which is focused on the physical . this aspect shows concern for love and developing intimacy.
I wasn't aware until I was quite a bit older that I was constantly surrounded by 'suitors' growing up. I didn't see myself as attractive or feminine so I didn't think anyone else could. Hindsight is 20-20, silly girl.

your ceres is conjunct to liith and opposed to juno which shows that love and committed relationships are at the center of you being. here your eris impulse is somewhat out of place, because you will attract guys that just want to get naked and aren't interested in a relationship... but you are..
Yes, that's a bit of what I was rambling about above. It seemed the men I attracted wanted mostly to hook up, or for me to 'trick' them into a relationship by setting up a game for them. Why can't we get naked and then see if we want a relationship? Why all the pretense, why can't we just say "Hey, I like you!"? I know it just doesn't work that way for some people (and that's okay) so I'd just say "next!" after a little while. I felt that if you can "pass" on a person (that sounds a little cold), then they just aren't the one for you. : )
That technique worked well for me. When I met my husband he hit me like a ton of bricks--just knocked me right off my feet. He is the center of my life and he's just...perfect. That's the only word. I love everything about him. We are soulmates.
I will say I feel that lillith-ceres opposite juno in our relationship- I've kinda noticed it recently. I feel the pull between lillith and juno at times: it's like the lillith part of me is screaming at the juno part to 'never back down, never give in, do not be dominated!' and juno is like 'girl, this is not how you do relationships. we have to compromise! we should keep the peace! we should always support our husband no matter what, even when he is wrong!' I have realized that both of these messages are correct and need to be balanced. Juno needs to remind Lillith that husband isn't trying to dominate and compromise is necessary in relationships for there to be equality (which is what my Aquarius Venus wants!) and Lillith needs to remind Juno to respect her needs/wants and not always give in because comprimise goes both ways.
I wonder how the ceres opposite juno will play out once we have children. Right now we only have dogs and I can tell he sometimes feels like I'm giving them 'too much attention' (he gets a little jealous!) when I care for them/cuddle them/play with them/brush them/bathe them. But I'm not sure if that's just because they are dogs and not babies : P His complaints are joking and our dogs are spoiled rotten, right to down to the bone.
I feel that position is telling me the same thing as lillith-juno: strike the balance between mother and wife. It's a little tricky with the wifey part of me in dark, sexy Scorpio and the mommy part of me in wholesome, loving Taurus.

your eros/psyche midpoint is conjunct your sun/Venus midpoint which is yet another very attractive loving,emotional/physical attribute. this really heightens you need for a very romantic and idealistic relationship. this is a very enchanting aspect and makes you even more alluring and desirable.
I love your use of asteroids and midpoint conjunctions, it adds a very interesting element to the chart, one I haven't looked at before. I'm very flattered by your perspective of these elements, although I'm not sure if I'm quite as attractive as you so beautifully describe. I know I am to a certain extent people are attracted to me (in the sense of a magnet, not overwhelming physical or emotional attraction). Especially when I am alone in public, strangers of any age will approach me and have conversations just about anywhere and about anything! I don't mind if a person wants to talk to me or what the subject is about, I'm pretty easygoing. I will point out, these are not risky types of situations, more like (here's a literal example) a very old man sits down on the opposite side of a bench in a food court and ends up telling me his life story, how he went to college, had a change of path, has a masters degree in nutrition, and has some tips for better absorption! Or a girl in the makeup aisle of a drug store swearing she knows me from somewhere, then proceeding to tell me about her family troubles, namely with her sister and mother. A couple approached my husband and me while waiting in for a seat at a busy restaurant because they liked me sweatshirt, we ended up talking until our tables were called. The host at the restaurant thought we were friends on a double date and sat us at the same table! We all ended up exchanging numbers, but neither of us reached out or ever met up again because it really was so random we didn't even know how to handle it!
Mind you, I live in the city in Southern California. People (who don't know eachother) don't talk to each other in public, it's out of the ordinary. It's like breaking the 4th wall or something, you know? It's weird! I'll add for context, the city is so big that it's relatively rare to bump into someone you know just by accident, even if you know plenty of people.

complicating this ,is that you have the node conjunct to Pluto and ixion, square to venus/Saturn.

frankly this is a difficult pattern . even though you have aspects of love and gaiety, this pattern is somewhat dark which suggest that you tend to get with guys who are a bit edgy ... selfish types that aren't as sensitive to your feeling as you deserve.this can show a insecurity that allows you to get involved with guys who 'takecharge".
Saturn square to pluto actually gives deep self esteem problems. Usually it shows in childhood ,you had a unresponsive or cold father who did not give you the affection you need. you are very affectionate but this part of your nture was stunted in childhood.
YUP. That is so accurate. The one thing I will add is that I always felt like I HAD to be with someone who was very 'take charge' because I had always been told while growing up that I'm 'too aggressive' and that's going to 'scare men away'. I'm pretty assertive but I was kinda taught to associate that as a more masculine trait that was going to push potential suitors away, and not as something that makes me attractive to a person who is compatible with me.
For as much time as I spent in psychologists offices as a kid, no one really asked me how I felt about things or how people or things affected me. When I was asked, it felt like a trick. I was always told I needed to take accountability for my actions (regardless of whether others do or not), and my emotions were never justified by the people I shared them with. I believe this is true- everyone needs to take accountability for their actions, but it was drilled into me much more than the average child. I was always "too" something, I was always wrong, I was always in trouble. At a certain point I accepted the notion that I was naturally the one at fault in most situations- I felt accountable for other peoples' unhappiness. I still have trouble with this- if someone is upset I can sometimes jump to the conclusion that they're upset with me (without even realizing it) and become defensive. Especially in situations that I was part of though had no control over. I subconsciously assume I will be held accountable and jump to defend myself. My weaponized defensiveness is a powerful thing, unfortunately.
My father (though he loves us) was indeed very selfish. He is loving, well-meaning, but self-serving in the most genuine way. By that I mean, some people are self-serving because they enjoy getting ahead of others; they like the fact that they're stepping over someone to get their way. My father just flatly wanted to do what he wanted to do, always. He didn't really seem to understand how that harmed his family, he just thought he was right. If anything he seemed to feel we were just giving him a hard time. He's a Sagittarius (not to say all Sag Sun's are like my father!). I think he was just a bit too socially gregarious and free-wheeling to enjoy the brass tacks of raising of family. And I was no cakewalk (my other siblings are much more mild). He was proud of us, don't get me wrong! He wanted to have us to show off to his friends--but after that Mom and us could go back home while he revels in a night of scotch-drinking with the boys. Bachelor-syndrome, I call it. : )

you have the moon square to Jupiter ,square to sedan and opposed to orcus. Sedna opposed to Jupiter and square the moon is a very truthful shows a good mind and a desire to be upfront and truthful in all your doings. but orcus is an unconscious symbol, and here it might indicate that although you have impulse for truth, that you keep much to yourself. you not deceitful but you might not let others really know your true feelings.
Very, very accurate. I pride myself on my honesty. Always did, even as a small child I never lied to get out of trouble. "Did you hit your brother?" "Yes." I feel that no person should commit any action they are not willing to accept the consequences for, therefore there is no reason to lie about our actions. I feel that manipulation and deceit are low-level feats of intelligence employed to move others towards a motive that they haven't accepted themselves, and that is wrong. I think you should be able to clearly elucidate the reasons why others should do what you ask and it is there choice to do so or not. ; ) I can be very persuasive when I want to be. All people deserve the right to act of their own volition. All people are entitled to the consequences of their own actions. Naturally, this causes some problems for me as society is not as black-and-white about these things as I am.

When it comes to sharing my feelings, I do tend to keep things to myself. I've noticed that more in reflection than actively noticing myself being withholding in the moment, just as you say. Perhaps because I went through such emotional exposure and probing in my youth- with doctors and teachers weaponizing the things I shared with them (or they extracted) against me -I learned to keep some things to myself. I'll add, that may not have been the intention of the adults in my life, but that is how I perceived things as a child.

I really hope the responses are helpful to you and not just long-winded ramblings about myself and my past. I wish I could be a bit more concise, I just have way too much to say and it all feels like it needs to be said!

Thank you very much for your reading. It was very accurate, you were able to summarize some of the most complicated aspects of my life into a few coherent points! That is much more than I can do : )
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