Am i really that unlucky in love?

Hello Scorpio Juno!
Just keep in mind that astrologers deal in potential. We don't really know if you will meet someone with whom you'll have a long-lasting love relationship. All we are reading is your POTENTIAL to have one. The rest is up to you and the choices you make.

You mention your North Node in the 5th house. The 5th house is more than the house of children. It isn't the house of marriage - the 7th and 8th are those houses. So, that 5th house can mean a number of things, and it is often not so easy for people to bring about the North Node qualities to balance the South Node qualities. People have to work at bringing the NORTH NODE into success.

Your South Node in Taurus, 11th house, suggests that you do in fact, like things simple - that you expect things to go smoothly and easily, according to a belief system of some kind. You have a sense of internal goodness. Life should not be hard. But the North Node in Scorpio is more complicated and uncomfortable. Scorpio deals with uncomfortable emotions - unconscious stuff. It likes to investigate what is hidden from consciousness. This is less comfortable for you. There in the 5th house and Pluto, you are here to investigate yourself - who you think you are. The 5th house is your identity - who you think you are. It's where we play with different roles we could adopt. So, the thrust of your life is learning about who you are in relationships. You have a lot of planets in that 8th house - which is Scorpio's natural house where one investigates one's own consciousness - the more you know yourself, the better you know others, and the more authentic you can be in relationship.

Your Leo rising also suggests playing with roles you might adopt - and Chiron in Virgo in the 2nd house is also saying that you are here to examine your self-concept. Sun rules your whole chart and it is in Pisces, 8th conjunct Saturn. So, you will feel like working hard at 8th house stuff. Who are you, really? Let's investigate!

With your Moon in Libra in the 4th house, your self-concept was easily forged by your family. Libra learns about itself through relationships. It is very vulnerable to the feedback it gets from others. So, you may need to separate yourself out from family a little bit as you examine who you are. This kind of examination often doesn't begin until after the first Saturn Return when we are 28-29 years old. For you, it will begin around May 2023. But again, this is potentially when you might examine yourself more deeply.

Jupiter rules your Pisces Sun and it is stationary in the 4th house of family and home. It took suggests that it is time to investigate the unconscious family material.

I do think that relationships are very important to you and you may have more than one love interest. But, I also think that this lifetime is truly about exploring yourself - becoming more authentically YOU - and being in a relationship is just part of that.

Anyway, I'm picking out other factors not yet mentioned by others for your consideration . . . that's my two cents . . .

Thank you for your time I will keep in mind what you said!


Well-known member
You see how sweet and likeable you are, you're taking the time to thank everyone for their input. Not many do that, you know.
You really do underrate yourself.


Well-known member
Because im very empathic and they were hurt. Their exes told them and they wanted to hurt me with the same way. I told them i dont feel like this, but because i dont have any luck in love yet i think it for a secound that they may tell the truth

Sorry I don't understand. Can you explain it differently?