Please Reply- Composite Juno in tight conjunction with Uranus & Neptune


Well-known member
What kind of a marriage does this aspect bring? Will it only be a living together relationship without a marriage?
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hi FrankieJG

I am afraid you are living in a dream world about a marriage as would be indicated with juno conjunct Neptune.
what this realistic promises is broken promises. you are seeing what you want to see but not what is before you.

the emotional connection here is cold, distant and manipulative.
Pluto is square to the Saturn/sun conjunction. this shows here is no emotional intimacy which is necessary for a marriage.



Well-known member
Hi I attached the whole chart :smile:

This is why it is important to look at the whole chart. This Composite has the Sun in the 12th. That by itself is a big concern. This relationship will dredge up the deepest and most difficult areas of suffering for each of you and it will be very hard for you two to get any good out of that. The location of the Sun shows the purpose of the relationship and where the relationship can go to renew itself. The 12th house is the worst possible location for the Sun in a composite chart. If you want deep psychotherapy and are prepared to suffer greatly on the way to healing, it could work.

However, we find the Sun conjunct Saturn and they are both really close to the ascending degree. This means you may not be able to leave the relationship easily due to emotional or physical reasons or both. Also, both Sun and Saturn are both square to Pluto in the 9th. The ideological differences between you two will create a power struggle that systematically dredges up and exposes both partners deepest fears, inhibitions and self-doubts. The end result will not be pleasant, if not outright destructive.

I have been through my own and charted several 12th house Sun relationships. The chances of a happy outcome are exceedingly rare. I was given this advice many years ago and ignored it. I am sorry to be so negative but the value in astrology is foreknowledge and this one is clear. Please think very carefully about what is going on in the relationship now and pay attention and be honest with yourself and you will see, it is probably best to let it go or just be friends as hard as that may be.