Dealing with 3 T-Squares and a Grand Trine


Active member
Hi everyone!

I hope it's okay if I post this here... I'm not looking for someone to read my chart, but to help me figure out my T-Squares (Grand Crosses, if you consider Chiron aspecting) and my Grand Trine.

I've tried reading on the Grand Trine, but it's been a bit difficult to understand mine, since it's localized in Earth-Air-Air signs... Would that make it an Air Grand Trine or does Virgo influence it somehow? If it does, how?

Also, what should I know about Uranus, Saturn and Neptune squaring my Sun-Mars opposition? Any advice on how to deal with any of them?

Thanks in advance!


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A simple aspect (trine, square, etc) can be across is just as powerful and effective as the normal aspect that shares element or mode....

But a grand trine should, ideally, have all three planets in the same element. It is this emphasis of element that makes the formation powerful. Naturally, the formation is still effective when one of the planets is cross-sign. In your case, it is the planet in Earth that is discordant, stands out...and therefore receives emphasis. It forms the trine aspect, but is "out of sync" with the other two planets (not necessarily in a negative way) by element. The "smooth flow" usually attributed to the trine aspect is disrupted because of this.

Try reading each planet involved in this formation separately (paying particular attention to sign-element, because that is where they differ), looking to see what it signifies in and of itself. Then bring the separate meanings together, using common sense to see how they work together or create some sort of friction or conflict.

Because the formation is posited near the cusps of signs, you should look to see if one or more of the planets occupies either the last or the first degree of the sign it is in, which may have a particularly powerful (often disruptive, unstable or turbulent) effect.

Air is abstract-relational, while Earth is substantial-specific. Earth is patient-plodding, while Air needs stimulation through change or variety, is quick. There are other ideas/traits that go with the elements, and they should point out how this cross-sign formation will work.

In the chart of Bobby Fischer, the international chess champion who had an IQ of 185 (measured during his high school days) we find Uranus in Gemini SQUARE Mercury in Aquarius. They are in the same element but not in the same quality. Squares normally occur in the same quality, but not in the same element. Therefore, it is the element and not the quality that is emphasized in this square ( Air is mental/abstract/relational (what is measured by IQ tests). In your case, the Earth planet is disjunct by element, but may be in the same quality as one of the two planets in Air. This will help in interpretation....Again, rely on common sense to describe what is going on.

The Earth planet may assist the Air trine by bringing a good measure of common sense and down-to-earth practicality to the mix, or to the contrary, may impede the operation of the trine by producing a too-concrete perspective, rigidity or a narrow and restrictive viewpoint. It depends on the planets involved and the conditioning of their lords, other aspects tied into the trine formation, etc.
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Well-known member
Here's my personal opinion about "handling your planets."

In most cases, with most people, you don't and can't "handle" your planets.
Most people have neither the consciousness (we aren't aware of our own "defects", mostly because we hide them from ourselves under a mountain of delusion) nor the will power to "overcome" them.

Dr. Farr suggested in a post a few months ago that we list the positive and the negative expressions of our planets, then direct ourselves toward the positive expressions. This works, but takes time...often a great deal of time.

The first requisite for growth (positive rather than negative expressions of planetary energies) is consciousness. Without that there is nothing. We will continue as we were without change, except by fortuitous accident.

Here's a story showing how one young man made the right decision at the right time, and put his Mars to work on a positive plane. It illustrates the process.

I used to work at a children's home in Mexico. One afternoon the older boys put me into a basketball game. I've never much liked basketball, have no skills, but have a competitive personality -- which resulted in one of the 18-year olds (physically a full-grown man, suitable for cannon fodder) running rather abruptly into my shoulder as he dribbled down the sideline. I don't know how he ran into my was minding its own business, attached to the rest of me. But he got very angry, something about foul play.....

Twice I saw his body move toward me, an attack imminent. Twice he pulled himself back. Then he took the ball and drove to the basket, unstoppable, scoring.

He converted his anger into competitive drive, high-energy positive accomplishment. That conversion or transformation of anger into accomplishment sublimated the anger: it did not have to be repressed or expressed negatively. The conversion resulted in a sense of accomplishment, of deserved pride, and was one positive step toward positive growth and maturity that will result in the next step being easier (repeated) and leading to growth at an even higher level.

No stars were necessary. He figured it out on his own and did the right thing. The kid will be a winner, not on the basketball court but in life. He observed his instinctive impulse, realized it was not productive, and re-directed that aggressve energy toward an expression appropriate to the situation.

That's how it's done.

Studying the symbols of astrology can be helpful. It can show us which are positive and which are negative expressions of the same energy. It can heighten our awareness and lead to a faster and smoother growth, even if we never learn to read a horoscope.

But it is not THE ANSWER. The answer lies within ourselves and demands that we develop and expand, constantly throughout our lives, day in and day out, Consciousness. We have to become aware of ourselves and our behavior. We have to be truthful with ourselves.

We must examine our perspective (point of view, attitude) on life. Most of us, most of the time, look at life from some certain, usually fixed, point of view, based on our expectations, what we were taught as kids (usually by absorption), cultural short "what should be." And in doing this, we fail to recognize that other points of view are possible. And it never occurs to us that by simply changing our point of view, our life changes without effort.

It is often very difficult to change our behavior through imposition of the will. But it's as easy as falling off a log to change our point of view. The hard part lies in recognizing that another point of view is possible...and the first few times it may be hard to move to a new vantage point. But if you try it a couple of times, and observe the results, it becomes very easy to do.

It's the same thing Dr. Farr recommended, just explained a little differently.

The book Think on These Things by Jeddu Krishnamurti may be helpful to you.
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Well-known member
Looking at your chart...

The chart pattern (taking all ten planets and observing how they are distributed around the Earth) is "Dispersed"...sometimes called a Splash... Your energies are directed in every direction, lack a consistent focus and turn frequently from one thing to another, indicate a broad range of interests and connections. The main weakness of this psychological pattern is a dissipation of energies due to the lack of focus; its strength an ability to bring together diverse resources (things, ideas, people) to a common purpose with the self at center in what usually amounts to a coordinating capacity. (Here's a hint with regard to suitable vocation.)

However, this chart has a strong pointing to the Ascendant, with three planets embracing it and at the focal point of the T-squares, another indication of their focus in the life. So the dispersed pattern attains some focus (the self and its personal interests, shown at the Ascendant). [I don't use Chiron. I consider it to be about as significant as an Idaho potato (I live in Idaho), a view which doesn't enhance my popularity on this forum.]

Additionally, the Sun is high in the sky and stands above all else. This elevated position gives him power. Also, he is the out-of-element participant in the trine formation. And he beholds the Saturn-Uranus pair by a square within-degree and applying -- probably the strongest configuration in the chart. Saturn is lord of the horoscope (ruler of the Ascendant), an office of some dignity; his importance in the life is amplified.

To "read" this configuration, I suggest first looking at "Saturn in Sagittarius, Saturn in 12th, Saturn conjunct Asc.) Then do the same with Uranus. Consider each separately, to build a foundation for your understanding. But then study Saturn conjunct Uranus. This conjunction should be treated as "one planet" because their union is within degree. This conjunction is a very powerful element in the chart. Try to understand how they will operate or function -- what their likely expression in the life will be as they act in union.

Now study Sun...sign, house, conjunct MC...keeping in mind that whatever traits and events he indicates hold a higher power in the life than normally because of his elevation, his important square and participation in the grand trine.

And now comes the hard part in evaluation of this configuration, because you will not find "Sun square the conjunction of Saturn and Uranus" in any book. Take what you have learned so far and use common sense. Read about the square aspect, see how it works, what it tends to do.

That is enough homework to keep you busy for a while...if you can focus on just this configuration and not have your attention dancing all over the place. This square is key to the chart. Concentrate on understanding it before moving on or adding additional factors into the mix. You're a beginner and don't want to bite off more than you can chew. But you might also look into the meaning and modes of action of the Common Signs, because the square is between signs of that Quality.