psychological changes


Well-known member
Within the last 6 months it feels like i am going through psychological changes and dont really feel like my normal self. Im understanding more about myself and how the world projects me and kind of get anxiety over it sometimes. I feel like its me mentally growing. Im a 23 year old male who had a late start in life aand feels like this is the time of mentally growing as a man. Can anyone give me info based on my chart in the attachment . Any information would be appreciated!


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Well-known member
Indeed you are growing mentally and this is a good thing: you are becoming 'awakened' to the call for increased awareness and attentiveness, a 'global' theme that is now underway. Look to the triangular red lines, known as a t-square: that represents a lot of tied-up energies that generate confusion, tension and anxiety, which in turn contribute to the circumstances you find yourself in. As we think, so we are. Current transits are now activating that specific challenge for you, and thus your psyche is in search of answers and understandings. There is a heavy emphasis on the lower half of this chart, indicating that the individual is more concerned with self-awareness and searching urge to discover who the 'real self' is. This also indicates being more reflective and introverted, than excessively extroverted. You have a lack of the fire energy [creativity, impetus, inspiration] overall and this can create internal imbalances causing external difficulties. Your earth energies keep you grounded in the physical world, while the water energies relate to 'emotional reactivity' so you are definitely reactive to emotional scenarios. It is important that you keep yourself 'emotionally balanced' and it is incumbent upon you to learn the nature of your emotions, and the reason why emotions are so important to personal development. A synergistic understanding of the chart as a whole requires significant in-depth analysis. On the surface here is what is shown by the chart:
The persona that you tend to project outwards combines the energies of your Sun in Libra [air] and the Rising sign in Gemini [air]. Together this tends to make you rather social in nature, but from a mental level of perception. Meaningful relationships require a certain degree of mental compatibility. You tend to work best with those who of equal intelligence, in search of balance and harmony. Afflictions to your Sun show that you may suffer problems with your sense of identity; who am I? This outer persona however is of a different nature than your Moon in Cancer [water]. The Sun-Moon affiliation shows that your were born under a Last Quarter Phase of the moon. This suggests that you may often be questioning yourself under stress or conflict; you also tend to stick to a structured belief system and may be somewhat resistant to new ideas and perspectives. This can be reflective of your early conditioning from the parents. Moon in Cancer basically represents your true nature, which is highly sensitive and tends to have a need for security and belonging; clan connections are apt to be significant in your life. The imbalance between the Libra Sun and Cancer Moon represents the contrast between this internal yearning for emotional connection with others and the divine impetus to create equality, harmony and balance and to exemplify co-operation in social settings. At 23 years old you are just starting on your real journey and there is much for you to experience in life. I would provide a hint that your 'destiny' ultimately involves utilizing your mind to the best of it's capabilities, and journeys that involve travel, education and spiritual understandings. You are definitely evolving, but Saturn demands that you take it slowly, step by step: seek and the door shall be opened to you. I can help you to further analyze your current situations based on the natal chart and transits, if you so desire. :joyful:
