which house for radio station execs?


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Hi guys

I did an electional chart last year about picking a time to register for a radio contest, and they called me, and I won $800.00!
They're doing it again this year, but of course I can't remember the chart I used. Strong 1st and 2nd houses of course, and 10th for fame, and 3rd most likely for radio...but what house do i use for the radio people that pick me to call?? 3rd.....or 9th perhaps....or even 10th...as they are the 'king' here and choosing a subject to bestow their reward upon?



Well-known member
Hi Barbh,

Since we are talking media and communications, I would certainly look at the 3rd. The 10th is not really valid (imo) as these people are not your employers, or in power (such as political power) or authority figures. Also, the 9th would be more the case, if considering advertising/pulishing and the like. Since this clearly is a contest with a certain amount of speculation involved and also tangents a fun/pleasure thing, how about considering the 5th house as well.

Good luck,


Well-known member
You should take into considering the 5th House because it rules competitions and gambling. You should also consider heavily the 11th House because it rules over the finances of high ranking individuals (just as your second house rules over your finances, the 11th House rules over their finances being 2nd from their 1st).


Well-known member
Hi Barbh, well you have a lot to pick from and here is more.I would take the 7th anytime for "the others" and not label them radio people or network people or whatever.
Astroteacher is right with that 5th house for competitions. It shows messengers and ambassadors a.o. These radio people are the one's that have to convey the message to the people who won, so the 5th is also valid I would say.
I would have thought this would be more appropriate for horary question. Think its bit like asking when will you win the lottery, cos that is unrealistic also...