moira & atropos in a chart

Thank you for your kindness, compliments and your condolence. You are sweet.

I agree, ModCleopatra, that the richness of the myths must be fully explored to gain a deeper understanding of the asteroid's function and meaning. But the Fates are just one of those mythological anomalies that's only briefly mentioned or discussed - their functions are never explored in depth. But their roles are definitely clear-cut. Clotho spins the thread, Lakhesis measures the thread and Atropos cuts the thread of each individual life. So, I believe that astrological Atropos is just as simple as our understanding of the mythological Atropos as well.

I do not have any references in use of this, but I am an avid reader of mythology - been so since I was 12 or 13 - and of astrology (since 18 as mentioned b4). However, I've had a natural attraction to the stars and the moon ever since I was a child. My grandfather would bring over his telescope and show us all the planets and stars that were visible at various times of year. He also got us a regular subscription to Omni magazine so we could keep up with the movements of the stars and planets. When I was barely able to speak or read, my aunts took me to breakfast at IHOP one morning after church and I threw a fit over this Starscroll that I wanted. They finally let me have it and I pulled my sign out immediately - Gemini. My aunts looked at each other in amazement. They read the thing laughing on the way home, I don't remember what they said. But both of them still talk about it to this day. One of these aunts is also the one that told me when I was little that "The Moon is always watching you with her changing look." I very much rely on my well-sought-out astrology books, intelligence, knowledge, experience and intuition when it comes to the asteroids.

About Claire19 -

1. She's entitled to her opinions.

2. However entitled though - we must understand one essential thing. That everything is connected. Nothing is separate or left without a string. From the stuff that keeps the earth together to human relationships to ideas on abundance to the very particles that make up the universe. To think otherwise is foolish and only keeps everyone at odds and at war. If we saw each other more as family than foes, we wouldn't need to be so judgmental or cruel to strangers who we speak to through computers.
hebetude - meant the details of your father's death as in date, time and location. You don't have to tell me anything else if you want me to try and guess. I'd like to try it actually.


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Active member
It has been such a long time since I checked back, but if you are still following this here is the data:

Date of Death: April 16, 2009
Time of Death: 10am (Toronto, Canada)

hebetude - meant the details of your father's death as in date, time and location. You don't have to tell me anything else if you want me to try and guess. I'd like to try it actually.
Okay - first let me ask some questions. I've been pondering the chart for the last couple of days and it's a head scratcher. Plus, I haven't looked at enough charts to be certain yet.

1. Were there people, particularly a man and a woman involved with his death?

2. Was there an accident? Particularly a car accident?

3. Was he working in Toronto or was he there for leisure?


Active member
Hi Persephone, #1 - yes. #2 illness, possibility of negligence while in hospital. Also we now suspect he was keeping a serious illness from us. #3 he lived in Toronto.
Hey there! Sorry it's been so long, but I think I've made some progress on this.

Did they overdose him with pharmaceuticals? Was his autopsy a mystery or inconclusive in any way? Did they say it was suicide?


Active member
Hi Persephone, there was no autopsy. We think dad was concealing the reoccurence of cancer which led to internal bleeding...he passed out at home and that's when we found out he had been hiding internal bleeding. But even then he wouldn't tell us what was going on, we didn't know why he was bleeding internally. Then in the hospital he had a stroke - the nurse called my mom to say dad was unresponsive, and mom said why are you telling me, call a doctor! Dad had had a massive brain stem stroke. If he took the stroke medicine he'd have died of blood loss, but without it he would die of the stroke. Imagine having to pick how your dad was going to die. He was "locked in" meaning aware, able to hear, but unable to use his body at all. Horrible. Finally they gave him a sedative and removed him from life support.
I see similarities in what you've come up with, the pharmaceuticals being the stroke medicine which would have saved/killed him.
I am so sorry to hear of his loss - terrible for you guys to deal with and a horrible way for him to go.

My estimation here is he had stomach or colon cancer then.

The reason why he didn't say anything, I'm just assuming here - I could be wrong and you are in full rights to say so - but I think he didn't want to admit it fully to himself. It would be a loss of his sense of beauty, independence and perfection. It's almost as if he was in denial and he didn't want any of you to fuss over him, to remember him the way he was. But what actually happened was worse than him just admitting and getting the proper treatment.

Am I close?


Active member
As painful as it is to think about but what you say is consistent with how he lived his life. Consumed by ideas and ideals, extraordinarily dismissive of consumeristic things - he focussed instead on reading and loved to talk ideas and looked for all opportunities to do so, with anyone and everyone. Soyes, his illness would be offensive to his sense of beauty, independence and perfection as you say. His failing health embarassed him I think. I think he was so afraid of the hsopital, had such a bad experience the first time around (the morphine gave him something called ICU psychosis) and he really thought his visions were real.

I hope there is something after life and he is happy now. Sometimes I have an idea that he is able to influence or otherwise be around us occasionally - there are hints of things. I wish I'd been nicer to him, he was a good man but we had our conflicts growing up he was sometimes critical and angry when I was young, and I turned into this as an adult, right back at him. It seems the negative easily overruns the positive. but I always recognized the good quality time with us - but eventually the frustrations of a corporate job combined with a wife that was (well, not educated) vs. his high intellect got to hiim and I think made him dismissive of the reasons we work so hard. In a way he was ahead of his time in many things, a man who had great potential to suceed in the world, but didn't reach it. His value system just didn't include materialistic things, he was a true aries...of the mind. Not one to play corrporate politics so he often got slayed by them. I think he hated the chains, I know I do.

And its interesting to see, once he abandoned the values of the corporate world and focussed on ideas, writing and so on, that many people came to love him and value him, a wide variety of people around the neighbourhood told me about my dad, how devastated they were and what he meant to them.

I hope these insights help with your studies, and thanks so much for taking the time to look at this.
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Active member
Actually to specifically answer your question, what happened with my dad was basically euthanasia. Here in Toronto, yes folks, medically sanctioned. He was "locked in" after a massive brain stem stroke, had brain activity. When his youngest son bent over into his face to tell his dad he loved him, you could see my dad's face struggling and a tear squeezed out. It was an expression of great emotion/probably the fear he was experiencing and the sense of loss of leaving his children and wife. It was devastating to see, and made it very clear that he was not "brain dead".

These "states" can go on for years, and the doctor suggested that his brain was so damaged it could not tell his body to breathe, and suggested we unhook him from the life support system. First though they gave him medication overnight to sedate him significantly and in the morning unhooked his life support. Is that not euthanasia? I think so, very strange in a catholic hospital.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to study your father's chart. It has made things much more clear. I know it must be difficult for you to relive the details of his passing.

I've been racking my brain for months trying to find other people who have this similar placement and what it possibly means.

All I've been able to find so far, aside from myself, was Chandra Levy - the abducted/missing government intern associated with Gary Condit.


Well-known member
The weird thing about atropos to me is that we share the same name my name is aisa too and I have her conjunct my sun tightly and also parallel it