

Well-known member
Hi everyone,

This is a sidetrack off the arthritis discussion in the gallstone thread.

I have chondromalacia, which is a tracking problem of the patella (knee cap) due to the softening of the articular cartilage between the patella and the femur. According to MedicinePlus Medical Encyclopedia:

Chondromalacia patella that occurs in adolescents and young adults is thought to be related to overuse, trauma, and/or abnormal forces on the knee.

I developed chondromalacia when I ran away and joined the circ...I mean the U.S. Army. And for the record, my stress fractures and chondromalacia got me bounced out on a trainee's discharge (besides the fact I lacked coordination to march properly). The circ...I mean the U.S. Army did cause great trauma on my knees through abnormai forces (marching and PT will do it every time).

The knees are the joints specifically ruled by Capricorn/Saturn, although Capricorn/Saturn in general rules all bone tissues and joints. So this means that there is a double influence of Capricorn/Saturn on the knees.

When I was first recruited, my test scores were such that I could have gone into Army Intelligence, an oxymoron if there ever was one. The tests said I had a natural ability to learn languages, which would be of great assistance to the circ...I mean the Army. I got out of that by admitting I had smoked pot occassionally. My MOS then was switched to journalism, which is what I wanted in the first place. I wanted to be the Hawkeye Pierce of Stars and Stripes.

Now from that last paragraph, you can see there was a clash of authority here. The Army was trying to break down my self-authority so it could be the only authority. And it wasn't going to happen any time soon. So physically I developed chondromalacia so I did not have to accept the discipline of the Army as my self-discipline. I was not going to really follow Army protocol, only tolerate it. I had no real respect for the Army (although I went in in 1982, I still was an anti-war person at heart).

Unfortunately, creating something 25 years ago that does not go away does have its ramifications on present life. <<SIGH>>

Now for the good news…it seems the transiting Saturn trine to its natal position had strengthened the knees for the moment. I think it is because I am stepping into my own authority without being inflexible about understanding where my issues with authority lie. I am facing what my role in society should be rather than what I want it to be. I am working hard in being open to and recognizing opportunities that are right for the person I am developing into rather than being stuck in the past.

And I am sure that when I backtrack, my knees will let me know by going off track. The more in synchronicity I am with who I am and what my role in the world is to be, the less my knees will flair up.
