Horary Test: When will my car be delivered?


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The querent signed up on a waiting list in order to buy a car (this was a new model and the factory couldn't keep up with the amount of orders). He already paid the money and the only thing he could do was to wait until the car was delivered, which could happen anytime from days to several months. So he asked this question: When will my car be delivered?

Question data: June 26, 2005, 2:34:55 pm EED, (very close to) Tirgu Mures, Romania (exact coordinates: 24e36, 46n34)



Well-known member
Man is signifiead with Ve at 27Can51 and Moon at 5 Pi10..
His car, are signified by ruler of 2nd house, Mars at 9Ar51(Ar=new start= new model).
There are no applaying aspects. So we chack out almutens, or main dispositors.
Main dispositor of Mars is Su at 4Can57. As we see, Moon just separate from Su and goes to trine Sa, almuten of 1 house (translation of light).

Because Moon has to travel 22:17 to perfect trine with Sa and because Moon is in mutable sign I think it is week time unit so he has to wait 22 weeks and 2 days.

Most optimistic variant is 22 days and 7h (angles are in cardinal signs).
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Well-known member
The car is at 9.51 Aries. The second cusp is at 11.06 Scorpio. Mars would have to be at 11.06 Aries to trine the second cusp to show the car being delivered into his possession, the difference being 1.15 degrees.

So I would say 1 week and 15 days (or 3 weeks and a day), or 1 month and 15 days?


Well-known member
Hi Fensi,

I think Radu's intention was to provide a clue by which we might be able to determine from the horary when the car was delivered. He has given us the time, so we need to look and see if we can find what is representing the delivery according to this time frame.

I cannot find it. :confused:


Staff member
Actually, I wasn't sure anymore which was my initial reasoning.

Venus makes no applying aspects until changing signs (no aspects = no events), therefore we can say that Venus is void-of-course. But changing signs indicates some event happening to the querent.

Venus enters Leo within 2 deg.9 min. which translated into months means 2 months and 4.5 days = August 30.
What event in relation with the question could happen to someone waiting for his car to be delivered ? The car's delivery is the only thing that comes to mind.

Why months as the measuring unit? Venus is in a cardinal sign, angular house. Frawley explains that when the querent can't do anything to speed up a process, angular houses are slow. So we have a slow-fast combination. As other elements in the chart indicate a late delivery (culminating Saturn, 2nd house cusp at the middle - core - of a fixed sign), we take as the measuring unit - months, not weeks.

Why would Leo be a proper sign for the car delivery?

Where is the car at the moment the question was asked? Mars is in Aries, 6th house.
Aries is ruled by Mars, Mars is in its own domicile > the car is at its home (factory).
6th house indicates that the car was still being assembled or not yet at that time.

Who decides what happens with the car? The planet which disposes Mars. And this is the Sun, owning Mars' exaltation and triplicity degree, more points than Mars itself - it should represent the producer.

So this is why Leo is important - when Venus enters Leo, producer's significator's sign - the Sun disposes of both Venus and Mars and in itrs generosity decides that the man should get his car.

This is the best explanation I could come with when trying to derive timing from the chart. I didn't find the right timing in the chart either.

Horary is difficult. But so smart and beautiful.


Well-known member
That part about Ve entering new sign I saw, but I did not see that connection between Leo and car. Thanks for explanation.


Well-known member
Wow, a wonderful horary excercise. i just would like to know why in this question, Radu did not use the Moon at all in his analysis? thanks.:confused:


Well-known member
By the vedic astrology,as per your given time,26th June 2005,Time 14:55:00,lagan is Libra,and the lord of 4th (Vehicals) in 10th,seeing free from all burden,Venus with Saturn,Venus is the lord of Vehical purcheger.Satrun is also the manufrecturere of Vehical.See the transit of stars,Venus free from the Saturn and Mars made conectivity with Saturn,there was a troubles,for the manufrecturere,not reciving finence from the bank or other finencers,on 31st August,2005,Mars free from 6th house,and Venus made conectivity with Jupiter in 12th,Car recived by purcheger.


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