Sun conjunct saturn in composite


Hi... I wouldn't all-out panic over this one composite aspect.

Saturn gets a bad rap, which is often justified but sometimes "bad" Saturn aspects can be good. Saturn provides durability, structure, and purpose to a relationship. Without any kind of Saturn influence, it is highly unlikely two people will stay together.

Sun conjunct Saturn can be GREAT when one or both people have a history of being undisciplined. It brings structure, order, and... grounding to the dynamic, that neither of you might have had on your own.

Also look at other aspects. Especially around Moon, Mercury, and Venus. If they are well aspected in the Composite, then a "serious" Saturn/Sun actually plays well into the whole. I am a big believer that the right relationship looks like nothing we expect, but is exactly what we need. So be open to that despite the bad rap that Sun conjunct Saturn in composite gets.

On the other hand, if you have Mercury square Moon, Venus square Saturn, and say Mars in 1st house opposite Saturn in 7th house...then yeah watch out. :)

Question, how long have you and your boyfriend been together? 6 months or 6 years makes a big difference as to influence of the composite chart.