Gemini ascendants


Active member

I am a Gemini ascendant and Capricorn moon sign and I lost my job during the recent Saturn transit that took place in January 2020.

A friend is also Gemini ascendant and he also lost job around the same time. We both are still jobless.

I would like to see if there are other Gemini ascendants who have lost their jobs recently and if so, how many of you have got a job already? Please reply to this post and let me know.

Thank you.


New member
Dear friend,

Only looking at the ascendents will not give any accurate prediction, but anyway, if we only consider the current transit then Jupiter is in the sign of Saturn so in your Lagna chart and D10 chart we have to check how your placement of Jupiter and Saturn is there where it is aspecting etc, If you can share you birth details then we can find the cause of the issues properly. Because the placement of Mercury and Most importantly placement of the 10th house lord which is Jupiter also needed to be considered. However, if you only want to know about the ascendent traits then you can follow this up

Thank you