Relocation, Chiron line benefit or malefic??


Hey there!

Does anyone know how the Chironline is playing out in a relocationhoroscope?
Chiron is the “wounded healer”. It represents our deepest wound, and our efforts to heal the wound.
So i am wondering if its a good location to face this wound and heal?

More Benefic than malefic?
Thank you!


Well-known member
Hey there!

Does anyone know how the Chironline is playing out in a relocationhoroscope?
Chiron is the “wounded healer”. It represents our deepest wound, and our efforts to heal the wound.
So i am wondering if its a good location to face this wound and heal?

More Benefic than malefic?
Thank you!

I currently live on my Chiron line IC. My experience here has been a double edged sword. Natally my moon and saturn is opposite Chiron. Also, Neptune and Mercury trine Chiron. So I think I understand Chiron pretty well it's in virgo in my 6th house. The house of work and service to others. Here I've experienced the worst working conditions then anywhere I've lived and I've lived as far west as Hawaii and as far east as Virginia and everywhere in between. I feel as if my employers depend on me way too much and they often leave me alone to do the job by myself even though it could take more people. I've noticed here if I give an inch others will take a mile. My ego here received a much needed puffing. I came from a place previous to here which was on my moon which is opposite natally to chiron. And I felt that nobody really noticed me or cared and I just did what I did and I was very lonely. Here I'm not lonely but I feel alone amongst my peers. I feel like I'm everyone's father figure here. And it feels good to have people look up to you but I want to live in a place that i feel equal to others. Also while living here I am taking care of my father law who has been increasingly stingy and greedy with the land he owns, towards me specifically. He emphasizes that when he passes I will get nothing it will go to his kids. Even though I'm the only one who works the land. His kids stay inside all day and want nothing to do with his land. I care for our goats and chickens and all the crops. Plums blueberries blackberries raspberries apples pumpkins squash etc. I don't mind doing this since working with the natural world is my passion. And he sees this yet he denies me access to the one thing that would enable me to live out my dream. His land. He also has addictions to alcohol and tobacco and other substances which I know can add to his stinginess towards me. I plan to move to a Venus sextile line closer to my mom and her family in Arizona. They have always been generous towards me and my opportunities for agriculture are wider in Arizona due to the climate. I've learned A LOT on my Chiron line. Just as much as the moon line taught me. And I feel more confident moving forward then ever. But under no circumstances would I choose to stay here. My father lives on his Chiron line and has his entire life, except during his time abroad in the navy. However knowing the pain that is in his life in the Chiron place only further influences me to leave.
To re cap here is a brief list of pros and cons

Others look up to you and admire you
A place of learning
A quiet place (if that's what your looking for)
A place to discover a passion
Opportunity to serve others
You will give much and receive little
The world will ask a lot of you
It's boring and quiet, isolating
Anxiety, Despair. Common emotions here
Constant yearning for something better
The lessons you learn are hard lessons.

There's no easy way on the Chiron line I would recommend this place only to those who wish to learn their lesson, do their due diligence,balance their karma and as Steve Miller said "GO ON TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN!"
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