Eye Laser Surgery on Friday!


Well-known member
Was gonna stick it in the Medical section but figured it would serve better on more general level.

On friday I'm getting Eye laser surgery. The past 5 years working in IT my eye site has gone downhill and the optic laser people say I've 95 percent chance of enhancing my site 20/20 vision.

Just wondering what aspects or transits would manifest this? It's on Friday 23rd Dublin, Ireland Time.

Please see natal chart attached!

WA :w00t:


dr. farr

Well-known member
Leo has an affinity to the eyesiight, notice Mercury (optic nerves) and Sun (also affinitive, with the Moon, to the eyes) transiting Leo; 1st natal house is affinitive to health matters, notice benefic Jupiter transiting your natal rising sign of Cancer; Uranus has an affinity to "rays" of various types (such as lasers) and notice that Uranus is transiting your House of Treatments (ie your 10th whole sign house)
...transits (at least from a brief look) seem favorable-best wishes!


Well-known member
Thanks very much Dr Far! Insightful and educational! They say I'll get 45 years out of this. I believe Neptune in the 6th talks about suffering from vision. Interestingly I've only had glasses the past two years. Do you think this could be a reoccurring thing? (from a closer view)

Thank Dr.

WA :w00t: