Wheres my SSN card?


Well-known member
It will be found there are several testimonies for that!

Ruler is in AQ so it can be in or near a built-in device or equipment, a shelf or a closet that is not part of the house, near electrical appliances, radios, televisions, computers, in a TV room with stereo equipment, near a telephone area, close to a meter panel or fuse box, close to a light in a room that has been remodeled or modernized, an additional room with modern furniture, part of the house that was in the original structure, in rooms upstairs, the attic, near a drafty window, planning or drafting room or a room with barely comfortable furniture.
If it is outside it can be at hospital, pharmacy, zoo, prison, mental institutions, social security offices, ashrams, monasteries, hidden places, dry cleaners, places of prayer and meditation, sick room, doctors office, clinic, in the garage or junk room.

Direction: Southeast
Near colour: red, black, muddy greens, brown

POF is in Vi so it can be in a clothes and food closet, pantry, bookcase, desk, study, exercise room, filing cabinet, servant's quarters, room where pets are kept, room used as an office in the home, rented room in the home, sick person's room, storeroom study room. It can be near some medicine or near some cleaning stuff.
Partner or someone else maybe the one who will find it or who will be involved in finding it, or have seen it or put it somewhere. Look at bedroom, living room, formal dining room, backyard or porch. Usually in plain sight. The partner's room, office or place of business.

Direction: West
Near colour: grey, brown, navy-blue, spotted, violet, yellow, beige
my guss would be..

it must be hanging somewhere in the middle may be in a jacket? or a handbag/bag near the window which is close to some water source or (Near muddy or stagnant water, gutters, sinks, the kitchen & bathroom, ruins, compost heaps, dark or secret places.)

colors to look for (black,light blue, grey or silver)
direction (north by west)
timing: somehting with a 4 (it can be 4 hrs or days or weeks)