Random Natal Astrological Ideas With Occasional Pictorial Representation, For Clarity


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Chronocrators: Lords of Time Periods
The term “...chronocrator...”
refers to any celestial body or point in the zodiac
that is an indicator of time
a period of time.
The word is known from the periodic conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn every 20 years
which is known as the Great Chronocrator :smile:

The technique of Zodiacal Releasing is described by Vettius Valens
as one of the most precise and powerful
and is attributed to a Hellenistic astrologer named Abraham.
The time lords or Chronocrators
are the Western equivalent of the Hindu Dasa system
in which the planets serve in turn
as regents of a given period of time
usually including a series of sub-regents
serving under the principal one for shorter periods of time.

Some of these methods are general, investigating life as a whole,
whereas others are more specific and deal with particular topics.

Releasing or Aphesis
“...Releasing...” is a term that applies to general methods of Time Lords
where a significant point is set free from its position in the chart

and moves through it in one way or another.
In methods like the primary directions
the released signifier moves through successive degrees of the natal chart in a continuous arc
whereas in the Zodiacal Releasing technique
the signifier moves from one sign to the next in discrete jumps.

The nature of the significator determines the type of information that is revealed
by a given time-lord system.

Zodiacal Releasing typically uses the “...Arabic parts...”
or Lots as signifiers whose signs become points of departure.

Valens typically uses either of the two main Lots of Hellenistic astrology
that of Fortune and that of Spirit
but in principle there is no reason
why the sign containing any other Lot
could not serve as a starting point for releasing.



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Reception by Domicile & Reception by Exaltation
are called "...Perfect Reception..." :smile:
and hold the most weight.

Receptions by triplicity, term or face are weaker.
technically speaking
reception may be by face alone
or term alone
but it would be a very weak reception

compared to the stronger ones
It's still a reception, just an IMPERFECT RECEPTION.
An imperfect reception isn't that noticeable.
It's there but it's relatively minor.
When the planet has at least two minor dignities that it's received in
THEN pay attention to it as a reception.

Some ancient traditional authors
gave them more weight when the planet is received in two minor dignities.
a planet couldn't be received at all with just term, triplicity, or face
- it had to have at least two minor dignities
in order to even qualify as a reception.
Understanding what each of the dignities do
how they are different from each other
THEN it's clearer
that reception by anything other than Domicile and Exaltation

common analogy is that no-one but the owner
or steward of the house
has the authority to invite anyone into that house
and allow anyone to use its resources.

So being a triplicity lord
being a bound lord
is not the same as being the Domicile lord.
A planet in its term has its nature reinforced
a planet in triplicity is supported.
The planet may not be the domicile lord
but it does have something to offer, even in that state.

study earliest available texts from the earliest to Lilly
and you'll see a subtle shift
in the way the minor dignities are interpreted.
Realisation of this subtlety adds to one's predictions. Instead of saying

'...Saturn in his own bounds is a little dignified...'
one can say
'....Saturn in his own bounds means that he will produce his own significations
while setting his own limits on these outcomes' :smile:

The analogies given by later astrologers
tend the emphasise the differing strengths of the dignities
but not the different functions.
Originally, Domicile lord seen as the steward of the house
Exaltation lord the owner who visits only occasionally
it is a big deal when they are in residence
Bound lord is a servant attached to a particular room
like a chef or cook

The overall condition of the house
that is the building itself, by analogy
is found by its position from the ascendant and its aspects.
How well it is run, its relationship to its domicile lord
and that lord's condition.
Its occupants exact roles and manifestation is found via their bound lord.

Each planet works in the house it is in
WITH the Domicile lord hinting at
what end and purpose
and then
the Bound lord shows how it attempts to achieve that purpose.

Perfect Reception is by Sign, Exaltation
Triplicity AND Term
Triplicity AND Decan.
Reception is about "...allowing..."
A Planet that receives another Planet
is allowing that Planet to act.
When you come into my home (Sign/Exaltation)
you can eat all my food, drink all my beer
swim in my pool, shower.



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In reality the life is a bit more complex
so generalisation although tempting, is unreliable


That said
if a sign/house has a baleful aspect from Mars for example
then we can conclude that

the significations of that sign/house position from the Ascendant


any Lots inhabiting
will be harmed in a Martial way.

If this sign receives no aspect from a malefic
then it is bonified

and will generally manifest quite well for the person.

If the lord can aspect its sign
the lord's own general condition while doing so or not doing so
requires study
for example

Jupiter in Leo

trining Sagittarius
is a good thing
coming from Gemini less so
but, in some contexts, better than no aspect at all :smile:
