When will I get a job?


Well-known member

I can understand if its a repeated question, please accept my apology.

I really want to know - when will I get a job?

I am internally tired of giving interviews, getting rejected, ghosting by recruiters, day and night studying. I can't sleep out of stress.

I am unable to find any hope.

I have not earned anything since July 2020, solely living on savings.

When would I be able to get a job and start earning again?

I am craving to work and have paychecks.

Please help me.

With chart, it looks like I am Saturn in 12th house and 10th house is Aries in rx in 2nd house, 6th house is Moon in Gemini in 5th. Moon is also my co-sig. No aspect between Saturn and Mars. But Moon sextile Mars. Does it show any hope ?

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