What are you learning from COVID?


Well-known member
A discovery to explain why some people have severe COVID cases, along with factors like age, health conditions, immunity compromise and biological sex. About 8% of Europeans, 4% of East Asians, less than 1% of Africans and esp. South Asia-30% of India and 60% of Bangladesh, have a gene inherited from Neanderthals to passed onto Cro-Magnons 60,000 years ago that increases a chance of severe infection. I recalled watching an Indian astrologer video when he predicts India will be the heaviest hit country from the COVID pandemic and he may know something scientific other than just astrological in his prediction. There is a higher likelihood of severe infection and fatality in biological males (men) than females (women) based on statistical data on the COVID pandemic in countries like China where 2.8% of male ICU patients vs 1.7% of female struck with COVID died. Biological and sociological factors can explain this disparity.

Blood type (ABO system and RH+/-/0 factor) determines the risk of severity and pattern of asymptomatic exposure that varies from person to person. Type O has the best chances while type A has a 40% increase of severe infections. Type O is the world's most common blood type, the "universal donor" when it comes to blood donations. And RH Negative fares better than Positive, note certain parts of Spain and France (homeland of the Basque people who predate Indo-European languages spoken in the European continent), and East Coast Native Americans have relatively high or highest RH Negative frequencies than most of the world, since the majority of humans are RH Pos. Along with East Asians like the Chinese, Polynesians and peoples of Turkistan, the Basques and Indigenous peoples of the Americas also have the highest local frequencies of Type O. But every race and ethnicity is not immune and can equally contract COVID.


Well-known member
One-fifth of the world's new cases as of yesterday we're in 3 states: FL at over 10k, CA around 6k and TX in 8k = 24k cases, the rest of the US had 25k more cases totals at 60k. 5 states: AZ, CA, FL, GA and TX have the most active cases except 5 countries: the US itself, Brazil, India, Russia and our neighbor Mexico.


Well-known member
My risk assessment: I live in the world's highest number of COVID cases nation, 2nd national highest case number state and the 3rd most impacted CA county, while neighboring Imperial county is the 4th hottest spot in COVID (after Dade county, FL; Harris county, TX and Maricopa county, AZ) in the US bordering the world's 5th highest case number country Mexico. The federal government has did little or nothing to assisted states, counties and tribal governments (i.e. the Navajo, Lakota and Choctaw among many others) to contain the spread of the COVID pandemic, we need a mandatory mask law nationally not limited to a few thousand cities and counties, and half the 50 states and Dist. of Columbia.

david starling

Well-known member
My risk assessment: I live in the world's highest number of COVID cases nation, 2nd national highest case number state and the 3rd most impacted CA county, while neighboring Imperial county is the 4th hottest spot in COVID (after Dade county, FL; Harris county, TX and Maricopa county, AZ) in the US bordering the world's 5th highest case number country Mexico. The federal government has did little or nothing to assisted states, counties and tribal governments (i.e. the Navajo, Lakota and Choctaw among many others) to contain the spread of the COVID pandemic, we need a mandatory mask law nationally not limited to a few thousand cities and counties, and half the 50 states and Dist. of Columbia.

Are you a type O?

Hey, I just just realized "type O" sounds like "typo"!


Well-known member
What I'm learning from Covid?

I've never exercised more in my life, so I just learned more about what I can do. I can rise to the challenge of keeping my body fit as I get older! :biggrin:

Edit - I've just removed the rest because, I missed the caveat in the opening post that it's about positive learnings lol.
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Well-known member

Professor Carl Heneghan is Director of the
Centre for Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University
and has been paying close attention to the Covid-19 statistics.
In a post yesterday evening

he revealed an extraordinary detail:

the Public Health England daily death totals
announced to the media
include anyone who has ever tested positive for Covid-19
— even if they recovered completely.

Prof Carl Heneghan: can we trust Covid-19 death numbers? :smile:

Key issues:
• There was “massive confusion” about different Covid data between England’s health bodies.
“Public Health England figures are about double the ONS figures
because PHE
are reporting anybody who has had a positive Covid death in the past

This will get increasingly confusing
as we go into the next Winter
because there could be a new outbreak and new deaths
while also still reporting on historical deaths… This is a problem for epidemiologists and media… ”

• Even a “28 period cut-off is still not ideal for accurate death numbers
because there is “immediate cause and underlying cause

Immediate cause means you’ve had Covid within 21 days
but outside of that, it becomes the underlying cause
— something that contributed to your death
but wasn’t a direct cause.
A 21 day cut-off would be helpful
because it gives a clearer understanding of that distinction”

• “We follow excess deaths
which is the most accurate information
about what’s going on at that moment,
but it can’t tell you what those deaths are caused by
(i.e. people not coming forward with heart attacks etc)

• “In the media you’ll always hear about catastrophe
and the consequences of that.

One of the things we notice
is that when you don’t hear anything
that usually means there’s good news happening.
So when Sweden looks worse you hear about it
but when it’s not so bad, like now
you never see it in the media.”



Well-known member
Are you a type O?

Hey, I just just realized "type O" sounds like "typo"!

I want to find out what my blood type is, I knew my Dad's an A neg. and Mom's a B pos., I have relatives on each side with type O and my brother said he's AB neg. but I don't know he had his blood type checked in the past.

Here's a link to the discovery of Neanderthal genes can contribute to severe COVID illness in a sizable percentage of patients worldwide:


Another theory is the Chinese are often exposed to batborne SARS-related Coronaviruses from raising bats to eat might explain the billion-people country's lower symptomatic case and death toll numbers. Again, scientific investigations and analysis is needed to come up with results of whether the theory is fact or debunked.


Well-known member
What I'm learning from Covid?

I've never exercised more in my life, so I just learned more about what I can do. I can rise to the challenge of keeping my body fit as I get older! :biggrin:

Edit - I've just removed the rest because, I missed the caveat in the opening post that it's about positive learnings lol.

Oh no worries, you can post negative stuff on this thread also. In fact, more than half the posts on this thread are about negative stuff, so it is already very derailed :D

In fact, I have learnt/noticed that there has been a lot of negativity around on this forum of late anyway.
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Well-known member

A Kentucky couple is under house arrest
after one of them tested positive for coronavirus
and refused to sign self-quarantine papers.

"....I had gotten a message from them
a text message that stated, because of your refusal to sign
this is going to be escalated
and law enforcement will be involved...." she said.
Later that week, the county sheriff greeted Linscott's husband, Isaiah

at their front door.

"....I open up the door, and there's like eight different people

five different cars, and I'm like 'what the heck's going on?'
This guy's in a suit with a mask.
It's the Health Department guy
and they have three papers for us.
For me, her and my daughter...." he said.

The couple was ordered to wear ankle monitors.

If they travel more than 200 feet, law enforcement will be notified :smile:



Well-known member
5 nations in the world along with Qatar now have over 1% of their population infected with COVID-19, all in the Middle East's Persian Gulf region: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Their cases are mainly found in migrant worker housing projects living in close proximity in small quarters, one way to spread COVID-19 so easily and widely among the tenants.


Well-known member

Shocking clips
from inside The W.H.O. Global Vaccine Safety Summit
on 2 & 3 Deceber 2019.

Rarely does the general public get to hear what vaccine scientists

and public health officials really think about vaccines :smile:

Instead, the simplistic
and propagandistic
mantra aired ad infinitum for public consumption
is that vaccines are “safe and effective”
full stop.

As the transcripts from the secret Simpsonwood meeting revealed
two decades ago, however, when the experts are among themselves
they tell a different story
and, as a new behind-closed-doors video powerfully reveals
they are still far from convinced of their own safety message.

Caught Red Handed!!! W. H. O. admits Vaccines Are Not Safe :smile:


david starling

Well-known member
Trump is FINALLY, TOTALLY onboard with wearing face-masks! In late May, he was mocking them, calling them "politically correct". He didn't want to be seen wearing a mask in public until now.

He found out recently that he was losing support for not wearing a mask. He's actually saying now that "Patriots wear facemasks"!!!


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