Venus Opposite Neptune in Composite


Well-known member
I have Venus opposite Neptune with this guy in composite. We also have Venus trine Neptune double whammy in synasty. However with the composite chart I am the Venus person and he's the Neptune. I've read that Venus is usually the one who gets hurt with this aspect. Is this always the case? Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?


Well-known member
Of course there is :joyful: Please, always remember that an opposition is an opportunity to learn and it is important to keep in one's mind to be calm and stay optimistic without jumping to conclusions about him not courting your Venus the way she thinks it should be done. It's best to look at the whole chart, but, I wouldn't worry at all, it is a sweet synastry. Venus with Neptune is magical :sideways: It is the most magical fairy dust singing fat blushing Cupid aspect! :wink: